Building a Professionally Designed Website with NextJS, TypeScript, and Payload CMS - Episode 2

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hello everyone welcome back to episode two of how to build a professionally designed website with nexjs payload cms and typescript if you haven't seen episode one i would probably suggest going back and getting yourself up to speed with what we covered in that episode it came in about an hour and 50 minutes and we covered a lot of ground in that episode we went over the just general project plan we went over the real world work that we're going to be building in this series and we did a design review so we went through the comps and figma we identified different layout building blocks and identified how to best reuse things on the front end side and we completely scaffolded out the payload cms back end so that now we get to work on the front end and focus and that's how i like to work i like to do things in chunks like that the last episode was pretty successful got a lot done um if you're more interested in the front end you don't necessarily need to go back and watch that first episode but i think it would benefit you if you are looking to see from kind of start to finish how a professional design firm would go about building a website so that said with this second episode we're going to be actually moving over the front end we're going to be scaffolding out the next js website and we're going to be bringing in all of our dependencies for react on the react side got some low level utilities for like css grid for i think we're going to have some parallax utilities maybe a slider something things like that but otherwise most of this is going to be written from scratch so ideally you're going to come away from this episode learning a lot about how we at treble set up css frameworks how we organize our components how we split up an interface into multiple different reusable components and it's going to be pretty cool i love the front end i love this stuff pretty nerdy that's cool i hope you do too and let me know what you think about how this video goes but let's jump in all right so i think the first thing we're going to do is take a look at react jss and that's the css kind of i don't really know what to call it it's a framework not really it's not a library it's an authoring tool look at that okay so that is what trouble has been using most recently for our css we've done a lot of different approaches for um how to author css with react projects we've gone from just straightforward css and sas and just using something like style loader and webpack to just plop them all in the head of the document we have done css modules we've tried out styled components we've i looked at tailwind i'm not into that and the one that we are landing on mostly is jss at least for now now things aren't perfect in my opinion this is a very very touchy subject because css in general people don't really like to write it right and i'm not gonna lie i don't really it's a necessary evil and if you do it right then you can take a lot of that pain away but it's not as fulfilling as writing some script or some component that is super dynamic and really responsibly renders and blah blah there are just more fun parts of web development than css in my opinion and i don't think we found a specific authoring tool quote that fits all needs perfectly so that said jss is the closest we've found we like it it's already installed i went through and i wired up everything necessary to install it you can look at the next js examples there is a react jss example you just have to do a couple things you have to have a custom app you have to have an effect that removes the styles on mount and then you have to have a custom document that sets up some registry stuff for your jss because it's server side rendered so all those styles need to be calculated on the server as well as in the browser and that's where this document comes in so you have a style tag with an id and you are going to i believe inject it somewhere something yeah registry to string right there so you're going to have all those styles right from the server now we have a completely bare bones project right now there are there's no css i already went through and i removed the css modules from the next js payload boilerplate so if i do yarn dev and i hop over to the front end you're gonna see that it is totally unstyled right now it's times new roman good old faithful there and um we're gonna just scaffold out some baseline css requirements the first thing that i generally do is i'm going to create a just a css folder at the top oh i figured out how to make a new folder you click out here and then you click here so that was a trick from the last video really threw me for a loop but so with this project because it's all flat because it's got an xjs right next to payload we're gonna have our collections we're gonna have our components css all in a nice top level directory that's pretty nice organization i think so the first thing we're going to need is some type of app style some type of global styles so i'm going to write app.ts and jss all of your files are actually just javascript you write css right inside of javascript so um you're going to import a i believe it's a helper function from react.jss so it's import create use styles from react.jss okay and then you can export const app styles equals create use styles and then pass it in object and then in here that's pretty much how this is going to work and and here is where we're going to define all of our global styles so there is one plug-in that i've also installed it's called let's see jss global it allows you to do a fancy jss technique like this at global and then you can style global elements right inside of jss because jss otherwise is very component based it all operates off of react hooks but what if you need to just just style your html style your baseline html h1 so this global plugin allows you to do that so for example i'm going to put let's say font family let's say system it's got to be a string and that's good for now well helvetica new helvetica okay cool so i in the mock-up the actual real world work we're using a super nice typeface called lausanne lausanne a french word french town i don't know how to say it but it's a super nice typeface and i am not going to check this in to the repo because then you would have it for free and you have to pay for this typeface so it's super nice we already purchased a license for it but i'm just gonna use default browser system ui for all of the typography pretty much in this entire app or in this entire website it's all lasan i think it's a really really nice typeface it's it's a little bit unique but it's not crazy still very readable nice at smaller styles nice uppercase really well-rounded typeface so that's what we're using but for now we're just going system ui can't check that ttf into a repo because then that's piracy i think so let's say margin zero wait we need to turn that on the body as well so we can say html body margin 0 pesky reset right some of this is going to be like just resetting css that comes with the browser like i think most of you should already know that by now but so for example if i go over here the body has that that eight pixels around the outside of it and we need to get rid of that because that's not gonna be good for anybody so this global css will do that now we need to import this css and we need to actually use it yet because right now as you can see the body still had that set of styles so we need to do is we need to go into our custom app.js we're going to import that file we're going to say import let's say classes what do we call it app styles i'm probably going to rename this i don't like that name because now we have to say const classes equals app styles and that's a hook so that should be called use app styles or use styles really and that will be consistent throughout the rest of this app so i'm just going to convert that to default export call it use styles it's going to yell at me for a minute i don't care go over here and export default oops cool because all jss it's going to export a hook every time and then you can use it in your component just like that and then apply it here oh it's telling me typescript is already yelling at me for stuff i need to add an actual app definition and we're going to say height 100 just because i gave it this div i don't want that div to screw with any height so that's cool so now um let's check and see we've boom we got our jss working and it canceled out the base margin on the body and so we're kind of starting to roll a little bit we're not done not yet um we have a couple more things that we need to do i'm going to show you some cool stuff i'll probably next up let's do the baseline grid so for trouble everything we do is going to be using some type of baseline pixel value if it's you know 25 pixels or whatever um 1910 let's see we are 19 10. yeah this place they have a really nice write-up on typography and i'm going to show it to you you can read it on your own time but let's see something yeah here they talk about the baseline grid in a really nice way i think they actually have a couple articles but at trouble we use a multiple for our baseline grid for everything so all of our type styles are going to be aligned to some multiple of a baseline value and i'll let you take a look at this article on your own time 1910 they're not around anymore they um they did the battlefield 3 work i believe maybe battlefield 4. they do some cool stuff or did um i don't know what they're up to now but i always looked up to them anyway so back to our mock-up we have a baseline grid already set up in this file um figma control g that's on a mac i don't know what it is on windows you guys are on your own um on mac ctrl g shows the grid and we can go check it out and see what it's set to let's open this up looks like we've got some nice um sizing going on some consistency you can see how that baseline grid really helps out because you've got two of the baselines you've got two and then the logo itself is three and then the header has that bottom padding of two as well looks like the grid is 20 pixels and we have a 12 column 40 pixel gutter or a 40 pixel column so that's look at that it's beautiful all this stuff lines up perfectly to that grid even the horizontal distribution of the columns lines up to that multiple now some people as to what you can set your baseline to that is a hot topic and people will beat me up if i say the wrong answer so i'm just gonna say what i think it doesn't matter i've seen people use five pixels which is just asinine to me because that's way too small and it doesn't even matter at that point people might think that it matters but really does it i don't think so anyway um things are larger than five pixels nowadays mostly so i mean knock yourself out follow your heart but um sometimes we do like a 12 pixel sometimes we do 15 pixels sometimes we do 20. depends on the sizing of things and how how it works out with the aesthetic of the website and it's not a perfect science honestly it's not but you can see here grids 20 pixels we go over to our desktop font size is 30 so that's a splitting it already but that is definitely okay because line height for body font size is definitely an important thing to get right for rhythm the the base size of the body is 18 go to h1 that is going to have 100 pixel line height h2 is going to have 100 pixel line height blah blah blah so we're going to get back to that um let's go over to our code and let's set up the baseline functionality or the baseline grid okay so baseline grid we're going to create a new file let's create it in this the right folder we're going to call base.ts and we're going to use rems throughout this whole project so we're going to set the font size on the on the html and then every single other thing is going to use rems to size and that way for smaller screen sizes all we have to do is set a smaller font size on the html in one place and every single element that uses rem will automatically scale down accordingly as the screen size shrinks that's a pretty cool trick we do it in pretty much every single project that we have but the first step to doing so successfully is declaring a couple variables so export const body font size equals let's say what was it 18 and then export const baseline pixels equals 30 right around 20. okay so then over here we're going to import those import body font size and baseline pixels from base and we're going to apply that to the html so font size is body font size that should be html font size what am i doing here getting crazy line height is baseline pixels cool so now what would be cool is if we so this is 18 that's pretty big for mobile but if we if we shrink it down to like 15 or whatever our mockup calls for on mobile then everything will automatically get smaller so when you say one rem you're actually saying 18 pixels there's a problem with that though because that's not exactly what we want to do we want to say 20 pixels right because that's going to be much more common of an um of a measurement if it would be great if we could say like base 2 base 3 base 2 and then set everything as a multiple of our baseline grid so we have a function for that that we usually write and i'm going to write it right now count space equals multiplier we're going to set it equal to one it's going to return a string and we're gonna go i'm reading off of my other monitor i do not have this memorized baseline pixels divided by html font size times multiplier and then pass it ram at the end so what this is going to do this function right here you can say in your css you can say base 2 or you can just say base that's going to give you 18 divided by 20. and so rather than having to remember 0.9 because you could write 0.9 and that's going to give you 20 right but rather than having to remember those crazy um oh 20 divided by 18 actually so you're going to have to remember 1.111 and then if you wanted to do base 2 you would have to remember 2.222 and blah blah blah so it's cleaner to do it this way that way you can use this function you're going to get the exact rem equivalent to your 20 pixels and everybody's going to be happy so i'm going to use this a lot you're going to start to see that it'll become second nature but that's just an interesting topic that we do a little bit differently once you set it up you don't have to have to do anything else from there so the next thing we're going to do we're going to define our breakpoints and we're going to use these in js and in css so you'll see that as well but we're going to give ourselves a couple sizes so extra small let's say 480 let's say small is 600 let's say medium is 8.50 large 1120 xl 1680 i don't know what these are going to be we'll figure it out we're going to base them on the grid itself so some of these for trouble some of these never change like extra extra large and extra large these are pretty pretty good sizes so that like you can kind of control the screen sizes 1680 is a popular one 1920 is obviously popular so anything bigger than that is an extra extra large screen but anything smaller yeah you get it so we're going to get back to these might change these values a little bit but it's just good to have them scaffold it out another thing we're going to do is going to define our colors and we can look at figma for that so we have antique that is going to be here we have white obviously ideally we aren't going to be using white too much but if we need it there it is i think everything should pretty much be antique then we have gray and that is going to be what 1 8 okay then we have red and then i think we have blue i'm just going to write these real quick right oh we call it light blue okay i'm just gonna call it blue that'll be less cognitive dissonance for people as they write code for this in the future okay and orange forgot yellow i don't even know if we're using yellow anymore in the design okay so here's colors you can see this folder starting to take shape with some reusables there nice stuff good stuff we need a type definition yet so type dot ts and what we generally do here is we're going to define out every single like reusable type style so that let's say you semantically you want to use an um an h2 in your markup but it really it should probably look like an h1 that's fine visually you can do that the markup needs to be proper for screen readers and for search search engines and for anything else but you can't have more than one h1 on the page but what happens if you want to have a giant one not best practice but you're gonna have that at some point so what we're gonna do is export const h1 and let's say the h1 is going to say font size oh let's bring in the base import base from base and then we're going to use it so base what was it 100 i believe let's go check yeah 100 so that's base five boom done line height base five and there we go now we've got a nice h1 setup and font the font weight is actually not bold for any heading so i'm going to set myself up with a const heading equals font weight and all of this is css and js again so you're going to see we're we're writing javascript but really we're making use of well we're writing css but we're making use of javascript so whatever else might go up here say we want to determine a font like letter spacing or typeface whatever we could put it up there and then share it so export counts h2 equals i'll just fast forward and get all this stuff done no need in watching okay just like that it's magic we have all of our h ones we have everything defined and you can see that this base function is really coming in handy now because like for example this let's do the mental math on that that's 2 times 20 plus 0.25 times 20 so it's 45 right and that's a much easier number to remember versus if you had to remember 0.11111 times whatever right so all of these are lined up perfectly to our grid i also gave myself a body here which is font size just off the html font size but then the line height is 30 pixels so another thing i did just now without having to put you through is went through and updated our app.ts and just styled a bunch more globals so this is like the the css reset for trouble this is how we do it it's not a lot of css it's not a daunting thing to write your own reset really you're just cleaning up a couple styles and you're calling it a day but so i've got this global tag this is jss global the plugin and we are using um all the tags that we defined in the type file and we're just pulling them in here and we're just setting some uh some more cleanliness here so if i hop over the browser you can see that everything is being taken into account nicely and we are making magic so the next thing in the css folder we're going to do is we're going to add a queries.ts and with jss media queries are a fairly cool thing they're um a little unconventional but i'm going to show you how they work right now so with our media queries we're going to need to rely on our break points so i'm gonna import breakpoints from and i think that's like this okay and then let's export equals what is it at media max width and then we have breakpoints dot xs and we got to give ourselves pixels and good so here we're going to have one for every single size maybe that's enough who can say we need small we need medium right we need large [Music] extra large and extra extra large don't need this one okay so what are these going to do for us i will show you over here we're going to actually employ that tactic that we used that we set up so remember we're declaring the font size as html font size if we go over to the browser and we look at how this guy is sized well you don't want to have to write that do you so all we did was we wrote base 5 and then boom we get this crazy disgusting rem value but it lines up perfectly to um a multiple of 20. so if i use this what font tool and i show you perfect 100 pixels right on the dot so that's why we use that base but the cool part is if so this rem this rem is relying on the html font size but what if we go over here and we say let's say queries oh you know what i'm gonna do us a favor and export default and then we're gonna say access like that then over here i'm going to import them and then i can use them so let's say dot m let's say for medium screen sizes we want to shrink the font size to html font size times 0.8 or 0.75 for a cleaner number i don't know what this is going to look like but let's check it out bam perfect all the sizes all shrink down automatically and we don't have to do anything about it because the rems are taking care of everything so that's going to be a recurring theme we do everything like that it's pretty cool okay so now the last thing we need for our css foundation is z indexes and i just went and added the file it's not anything too dramatic but what we do is we maintain a central place to configure all of the top level z index needs of the entire site or app or whatever and in this case the site is pretty simple it only has a fixed header it has the page content so you see as i scroll through here the header stays above all the content but when i open up the mega menu the mega menu sits behind the header and i think that is all that we need right now so i've just quickly thrown this together page 10 modal 20 header 30 keeps it all in one nice spot and we're good to go that could change as we build the app out but having them in one nice spot is a good pattern to follow so next up with our css declared i think that's pretty much all we need as you can see it's really not that hard to roll your own i mean obviously we're gonna come into some circumstances coming up that we're gonna need to get pretty advanced with css but as far as like a foundation or a framework don't need it it's not that much css to write yourself so with that said i think we should move into the base app configuration and we're going to install some dependencies and we're going to see what we need to from like a third-party package perspective from um maybe just pulling in some of those reusable ui libraries that we've talked about um faceless ui i believe i mentioned it before but in case you are joining us for the first time in the second episode we maintain our own set of pretty cool react components for common use cases and right now it's called faceless ui that's going to change i think but the first one we're going to do is we're going to install the css grid this is a small package it really it's just it helps you set up a consistently applicable css grid throughout your um interface and if we hop back over to the ux you'll see we've got a 12 column system here that has a max width and then it will break down on mobile to be a four column so we're gonna use this package i'm gonna install that we're also going to use the faceless ui modal package this one is super nice it um modals might seem like a simple thing at face value but in reality there's a lot of things that happen behind the scenes that you really don't want to roll it yourself for example modals need to be accessible there is a high degree of um specific intent that you need to keep in mind when you are building modal windows because as a modal pops up you need to trap the user's focus so that if a screen reader is reading the page it's not just reading all that content on the page generally modals are all the way tucked at the bottom of the page too but it comes into view it focuses the user and then the screen reader can properly read that information instead so this modal packages we use it quite often we've used it for just about every website we've built in recent history so custer this mega menu here that is being used the the faceless ui package is being used there it's i think it's being used on the trbl site actually as well yeah if we scroll down we get this menu button here that's the modal package it gives you those transition times too so it gives you a lot of nice stuff we're gonna install that one let's just start with those two right now you don't have to use these if you don't want to but they're helpful for our workflow building websites over and over in an agency setting you kind of come to use your own components and it will optimize your your process so let's fire it back up yarn dev hop over here and we're going to import those components and we're going to set them up because both the css grid and the modal package have a pro a provider infrastructure so if i show you let's do the modal first i can show you this is an example of how it's used let me zoom in a couple times here you have to render the modal provider at the top of the app and then your modals themselves are just rendered with a separate component now we're not going to follow this all the way through all we need to know right now is that we need to add the modal provider top level component so let's import it and let's import grid provider as well cool and then we're going to wrap the whole app cool i thought that would format nope okay so the modal provider takes a couple props let's see it follows bem conventions for css prefixes so you can give it a prefix if you want control the trans transition time you can set the z index now that is going to be handy because we have jss our variables are actually just javascript so this is the reason we like jss we can just pull that z index in from our style sheet and pass it directly to this provider and it's going to use our z index and that's pretty cool so let's see import and then modal boom just like that so not only is that going to be helpful in css but it's also going to be helpful in javascript now the last faceless ui package that we're going to install for right now is faceless ui window info and what that does is it gives you helpful information about what's going on inside of your um like with the size of the window what the breakpoint is that you're at currently with react normally like with media queries and css you know that's great for breakpoints but you're going to need that information in javascript as well so if your components need to render separate things at separate screen sizes you can do that and window info the package helps you get there so and it also responsively responsibly measures screen size and so i have already installed it i'm just going to import it here boom and it needs breakpoints to work properly and the cool thing is we can just import our breakpoints from our css copy that go down here paste and boom so with this i believe we have all the building blocks to actually start working on our no we need to define the grid provider we need to tell it what kind of columns to use so the grid provider itself you're going to configure well yeah i wouldn't worry about it for now too much but i'll configure it and the things that it needs is row gap and this is going to be a separate sizes because small screens you can set a row gap you can set medium sizes you can set large so let's just say for now what did we have i think it was 2 2 base so i could pull in my base function and i could just say base 2. and i think it's going to be like that for all so medium is base two let's just keep cruising then we have large base two well why am i why am i doing that okay and then another prop it takes is column gap so css grid i'm not really going to go too far into the weeds right now about how it works but it's super cool um we're not going to support ie 11 so might as well take full advantage of the new css grid so oh this is a yup okay and then finally we have cows and the columns are how many columns wide we're going to be using for different screen sizes just like everything else small let's say it's actually eight medium is eight let's say large is 12 and extra large is also 12. cool okay now that we have everything we need i think we're gonna go back to the mock-up and we're gonna try to make some structural decisions about what types of like containing elements containing components we're gonna need to build to support this ui so as i'm looking at this right now obviously the grid is constrained in a margin left auto margin right auto type of thing but some elements are pulling outside of the grid what is this one two three four five six baseline units to the left and the right so this right here all of these color blocks are pulling outside of that grid um some things are full width some things are organic so really i can see two things right off the bat the first one is we need to have a grid container like a max width for the grid and maybe we want to what do we want to call that grid max width max width grid i'd say grid max width makes sense and then we also need um something for the constraint for this as well now i have no idea what we're going to call that um but let's write the first one let's write the grid max width and let's put together something on the homepage at least to get us cruising because right now it's still looking beautiful oh also let's set that background color right now just get that out of the way so we're gonna go app css we got html we're gonna say background color colors enter dot antique boom type script thank you there we go big difference i know i'm dramatic cool but now our first component what do we want to call it so this boilerplate doesn't really enforce the folder structure but we're going to start that so generally i like to have like a layout folder and the layout folder is going to contain everything that is meant for like more than one page so for example studies and pages are both going to have the header they're both going to have the footer they're both going to have max width for grids they're both going to have whatever that component is that allows it to break out of the grid a little bit so let's let's start with the layout folder and let's create grid max width or maybe just grid container yeah i think that's a decent name for it so let's create a new file index.tsx so far i've been creating a lot of ts files but definitely need tsx if you're going to have jsx in your typescript file so import react from react cons grid container oh look at that i love it just kidding i hate it react.fc for functional component i'm going to set myself up because well does this need props probably not it's probably just a presentational component so i can probably just return a div but it will need a class name right so import i'm just going to stub this out real quick use styles from css and normally what i do is i'm going to create a css.ts file here and i am going to export that hook from jss so the convention will be css.ts and so if you look at this file it's going to be the same thing as the app.ts we're going to have import create use styles and then we're going to export default create use styles and that will be our convention for every component throughout this whole app and you're going to get into a rhythm of this after a while so it'll kind of flow but right now we have grid containers so we need to have some type of base class so i'm going to say grid container and then we are going to say it's an object and then we need a max width and what is that max width in our mock-up let's see 920 it's intentionally skinny for this design which is pretty cool now we do not have that as a break point but it might be nice to double up on that and maybe reuse this breakpoint no i think we're going to create a new file and we're going to say where should that go it's a variable we know we're going to need that in our css and our javascript the max with that 920 there but where does it go i kind of want to have it maybe we'll just put it in app for now and as we move forward throughout this there might be no that doesn't make any sense i'm going to just call it max widths instead or structure let's say for now export const we're going to say grid container width equals 920. and then just for the fun of it because we know we're going to be bumping outward that six base to go to the left and the right one two three four five six yeah we're gonna export that from this file as well so export const grid overflow equals base six done cool so now back over into our actual layout grid container i'm going to import that import let's say what did i call it it was like one second ago i have memory problems grid container width up a couple folders cool and we need margin left auto and margin right auto okay now over in our ts file we can import usu styles and then we can say const classes equals use styles okay ah we do have children as a prop so react will give us that in their functional component type anything that you pass in here will be joined it will be an intersection type with the base props of a functional component so children is automatically there so here we go i believe this thing that's all we needed for it we're probably going to change this um we're probably going to update the max width at certain screen sizes but we can get back to that we probably i guess we should name that maybe no i guess because it's a max width it will shrink down on its own so for mobile when the screen is less wide than 920 we can probably just have it flow 100 we can adjust that if we need to but for now got this component why don't we try to use it and why don't we try to use our grid in general just stubbing it out and seeing how it works in the pages slug so this is one thing that i haven't really talked about yet the next js structure i'm not going to go too far into it because it's covered in the boilerplate itself but you can see this dot dot slug that means that there can be any number of slug parameters like if you had if you wanted to nest pages in your url structure you might want to say like slash about slash team or slash about slash history you know whatever you might want to do this naming convention for next.js pages allows you to match any pattern now the problem is this template is exactly the same as the homepage template at index.js so you can see index.js simply imports these dependencies from the slug template and reuses the exact same things so they're just centralized here you'll see they're exported but um so why don't we just hijack this for a minute why don't we just say row can we get it nope no grid i was hoping for intellisense from that package but not today so what are we going to do here we're going to import grid from faceless ui css grid and we're going to render one and they're going to render cell still nothing great and then we're gonna say in here let's give ourselves two cells we're gonna say span equals six or is it calls i can't remember off the top of my head let's say here is some content cool okay boom so our columns are working if we inspect that this is using css grid and it is automatically giving all the inline styles that we need to support our specific configuration pretty cool but it's flowing to the max width of the page so that's not good i'm going to zoom out a little bit i was zoomed in like a psychopath because i have a larger monitor but let's go add that component that we made let's say grid container pop that here now this should center the grid for us bam perfect and how wide is it let's double check our work 920 beautiful looks like our gutters are properly sized as well to base two and in this case that's going to be 40 pixels so we are moving right along now i was doing some thinking about the i i mentioned having another component for the overflow but i don't know that it's going to be that simple because i think scrolling through this every single component is going to need to be different in terms of what actually overflows and what does not for example i mean we can probably still have some base components but some of them only overflow on one side so this component here the the red background overflows all the way to the side of the screen on the left but it does not do that on the right so that's gonna be a tough css problem to fix and i'm probably gonna fix that with like a before or like an after like a pseudo element and i'm just going to position absolute and let it flow off the page in one direction x distance so that it always looks that way kind of fooling it and then have an overflow hidden container so this probably makes no sense i understand that we'll get back to it but the moral is let's figure out a couple specific pieces here that we want to maybe what can we mock up that we just now maybe we'll get back to that because i think this is going to be the first layout building component that we do so when we get back to this one that's where i think we're going to be able to stretch our creativity a little bit in terms of how to accomplish that but this is good i like the i like the grid i like how it's already working properly um let's see we don't need to keep that there that's a proof of concept it's all we need well why don't we try to shrink it down see what happens okay so you'll notice that both of these so the grid has adapted it's only eight columns now because we're on a mobile screen size and you'll see that these have automatically stacked because they have more width than is available to them in the grid so we don't even have to write any more code it's just automatically responsive bam perfect for the last couple things in this episode i think what we should do is we should stub out the header and the footer and just get those things in the right spots and then we'll call this episode a day and then we'll start to style these components in the next episode we'll just jump right into building out the header and we'll start building out some of these layout components so if i'm looking at this structure here we have we know we have the the page template but we're also going to have a studies template and those two things are both going to need the header to be rendered and the footer so we can either render those individually in each template or we can make some type of shared layout component um that takes care of rendering the header and the footer for us but there's a trick so we're probably going to do some page transitions just something subtle and when the page transitions you don't want the header to fade in and out with the page you want the header to stay between the page transitions but the footer we don't really care about that the footer can disappear because it's going to be in a different vertical spot every time depending on how long the page is so generally what we do is we're going to we're going to render the header itself in the in our base app outside of any layout or like template component that we're going to make shortly we're just going to render that right here but the footer is going to go into that template component so there's two components we're going to make the first one i'm going to make header well there's three i'm going to make footer and we're going to make template and these are logically grouped anything that has to do with the layout itself anything shared between pages and let's just index dot index.tsx index.tsx and okay so first thing header okay let's just wire up our styles as well okay and then we'll say what do we need the header has padding right outside padding it doesn't adhere to any max width or anything it's just going to flow so i believe what we're going to do is just have that header component the container and then right now we're just going to render a couple pieces of fun stuff so well let's make up divs logo and menu and the class name classes the header okay cool this code is all pretty much exactly the same for the footer so i'm just gonna i mean it's just a react component right so i'll just paste that there there cool rename make some css.ts rename the template i don't think the template's going to have any styles i don't know what they would be so we're going to remove that for now we can probably also render a fragment so that we don't have to put extra markup on the page if we do need styles here we can go back and add them but i don't think we're going to so what we do need to do is children and footer really oh okay now the template is going to be responsible for rendering the footer and whatever else we decide the header is all set as is we don't have this file yet do we no we have to we're gonna say header now this needs padding base two all the way around right yep perfect bonus points top right bottom left trbl padding top right bottom left love it surprise all right so yep that's enough css no we need display flex and we need justify content space between and that will make it so that the first element is going to be all the way to the left the second element is all the way to the right cool now let's render our header in our app and i'm going to usually i keep the css together so i might hit enter here what does that really matter nothing okay cool and let's render it right here okay there's our logo there's our menu here's our template our footer doesn't have any content in it yet why don't oh no we didn't use our template what does our footer have oh i'm stupid let's say footer cool and then template we need to actually render that so i'm going to close the thousand files i have cool oh this is going to break things let's just stub that out too real quick what do we want to do let's just do some minimal css for the footer just so we know that it's there nope just going to write the word footer that looks complicated looks good to me perfect so let's go into our slug let's render our instead of main we can render template how's that and that's it for now that's the only page now we have custom 404 we'll come back to that yeah so that should be it go over here check the browser footer so now we're really cooking see how the fonts get smaller automatically because of our font size change and how we're using rems they go smaller here that's probably too small we'll adjust that but still pretty cool okay so that episode was pretty straightforward nice and easy laid the css foundation for what we're going to be doing in the future and also started a couple react components made some decisions about our layout where we're going to put the header the footer etc nothing groundbreaking yet but the pieces are in place to rapidly advance into actually having something that looks like the mock-up so all these pieces are here we haven't really used them together but that's going to be coming together quite quickly in the next episode which will be coming out soon but thank you for hanging in there for this episode and as always now this is my second youtube video so maybe i'm getting a little bit more smooth at it but um please bring on the feedback because i want this to be entertaining but not really more like educational i guess you could say to an extent but i also want to know what you think about the approaches that we take in these videos so um we can learn something from each other and i'm looking forward to keeping it going and i hope you are too we'll talk to you soon
Channel: Payload CMS
Views: 2,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, tutorial, nextjs, typescript, payload cms, design, website design, layout building, ux design, user experience, guide, learn, code, coding, programming, nodejs, node, javascript
Id: N8PCZxJlz5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 31sec (3391 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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