Introduction to TypeScript in React (Components and Props) | React.js Tutorial #3

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Hello YouTube, today I'm going to show you why  I love to use typescript in my react projects. In order to do that I will divide this  video into three different sections. The first one, I will show you a  JavaScript example in order for   us to see the "pain points" we may have when  consuming components built in JavaScript. On the second part of the video, I will  show you the exact same component (Person)   converted into typescript and how much  easier it is to consume that component. Then on the third part I will  show you a step-by-step guide   on how to move that "Person" component  from JavaScript into TypeScript. So, without any further ado let's  jump into our first example. Over here we have a new react project  using JavaScript. I already went ahead   and created this "Person.js" component  and this "Person.js" has three properties. A "name", "birthDate" and a "birthLocation".  And then we are using them over here. In order to show you some of the problems   I will start by importing this person  component in my "App.js" component. Now, we can just see that we already have the  import over there which is quite nice and is   independent of the fact that we use JavaScript  or TypeScript, but now the differences start! When we do "control+space" over here in normal  JavaScript we can see that we have the "name",   the "birthLocation" and at the  top we also have the "birthDate",   but you can already see that the  types for it it will be "any". So, in reality it can be a "string",   a "number", it can even be an "object"  with first name and last name. So, we are forced now to go inside the source code  of our person to understand where we use the name. You can see that the only place  we use the name is over here,   so it's safely to assume that it will be a string. I will do "name=bruno". Now  the next property we want   will be the "birthDate", and the  "birthDate", we have the exact same problem. We don't know if this will be a "string"  or if this will be a "Date" object. We are forced again to go inside  the source code. We will see that   we have a "birthDate.toISOString()" -  that's a method from the "Date" object,   so we already know we have to pass a "Date". Let's come over here do  "control+space" again, click <enter>,   "birthDate={new Date('2020-01-01')". Now the last one is probably the hardest of  them all which will be the "birthLocation".   The "birthLocation" once  again is an "any" property. So, we need to go inside the person,   click on the "birthLocation" and see  where we are using the "birthLocation". We need inside that object a "latitude"   a "longitude" and a "height" - this  is the z index of the coordinates. Let's come over here do "control+space" again,  click <enter>, birthLocation equals to an   object with longitude: "20"" for example latitude:  "30N" and then the height we can say 300 meters. Let's just say that we want to see the result  of this and we can see that everything is   being populated over there... but what  if we make a mistake in the longitude   and we just do "longtude", for example, you can  see that now we are not showing it anywhere. We don't have any error in our console  because, we are not using TypeScript. Even worse than that is if I want to go to  this "name" property and say it's no longer   called "name" it's just "n" - in this case I  will have to change it manually everywhere. I will need to go to this  "name" put an "n" and now   if you see this it will not be working  because we don't have a "name". So, I need to come here manually put "n=Bruno"   and you can see already that only  with using Person component one time   it's already a some changes that we need  to do because we don't have typescript. I will now move into a typescript  project where you will see that   these changes will be much easier to accomplish. Over here we have the same exact project  as before, but this time using TypeScript.   You can see already by the file  extensions which is App.tsx. TSX means typescript with JSX inside. Now, if we focus into the code   again on line 8 we see that for person  we are still not passing any props. That's why we have that red line below it if we  over you will see a really helpful error message,   it says: "the type empty object is  missing the following properties from type   PersonProps: name, birthdate and  birthLocation" - which are the   mandatory fields or the mandatory  properties for this component. We can do the same thing we did  before "control+space" - we go to   "name" and we can already see that  the name has a type of "string". I don't need to go inside the person  component at all to start to use it.   I can now do "birthDate" and it  says that's of type "Date" - once   again I just need to "birthDate={new  Date('2020-01-01')}", for example, right? Now, the last property is the most  impressive of them all. The "birthLocation". Inside of "birthLocation" we have  the "latitude", the "longitude"   and we have the "height". We can see that the  height has a question mark (?), which means that   that property is completely optional. You don't  need to pass it. I will show you in a second. Let's create the object first and  now we can do "control+space",   we have help to type "latitude" for us. We  can just say that in the latitude we have   22 degrees west for example in the  longitude we have 33 degrees north. I don't understand anything  about coordinates right?? =D So now the last one is the "height" and you can   even see that on the "height"  we have a really nice comment. If I do it again it says "how many  meters above ground the person was born",   and it's optional. So, I don't  have any error over here!! I can say height 555 meters and  if I pass a property that doesn't   exist for example "bruno:1" we will have an error. I can hover over here and it will say:  "type latitude longitude height and bruno   is not assignable to the type latitude  longitude and height. Object literal may   only specify known properties and bruno does  not exist in the type that we are expecting". The error messages are quite good. On top of  that as you already saw I can make a mistake   and I have an error. So, I can hover over here and  if you scroll just a bit you can see a super nice   message: "did you mean to write longitude?"...  and actually that's what we really wanted to say. I can now open this over here and you will  see that everything is working as before in   our JavaScript version. The only difference  is that this time we didn't need to open   our person component one single time. Just imagine that if you have   300 components in your application and  10 developers how much time it saves you. Now I will just do a small refactor on  person for you to see that if I rename   person over there and I can even  copy this two or three times,   you will see that this rename on "name" will  do the rename everywhere in my application. Let me open person and let's say that from  now on I don't want it to be called name,   I want it to be called just "n", for example. I can right click, then click on  "rename symbol" and say just "n". I do enter if I go back to my app component  you can see that it updated everywhere   where we are using person so it updated. In the first instance the second  instance and the third instance. On top of that if I have somewhere where  I am using, for example, material-ui   or any other external dependency if they change -  when I update I will have an error because now if   I have name it will tell me that name is not known  from this specific component which is amazing. So now we will flip once again and I will  show you how you can create these and   what this code in reality means because  that's the only difference between our   typescript code and our JavaScript code. Let's start a new project and just  copy it from our javascript project and   I will show you step by step how to achieve that. In order to start our step-by-step guide I will  create a react typescript project over here. Now, I will go to our old person.js file  copy this one create another person.tsx file   and just paste that one over there  I will do the same with the app.js   so I will come over here and as you  can see on the right side of the screen   the application is already working so for  now let's forget about the browser close it. I will expand this application and we  can start to focus on our person.tsx   which has some warnings over here and all of  the warnings are the same I will just read one   of them and explain what's happening we have  binding element name implicit as a "any" type   this is happening because of our tsconfig.json  we are passing a strict property over here   I will leave a link in the description of this  video to all the properties that you can pass   to typescript compiler so you understand all  of those properties it's a huge gigantic list   okay but by default having strict to true is a  good starting point so now we go back to person   and how do we define that contract between  whoever creates this component and whoever   is going to use this component you can think of it  like the same contract you have with your employer   your employer tells you in the contract that  you have to work let's say eight hours a day   and it also says that your employer at the end  of the month has to pay you x amount of dollars   this will be roughly the same thing and for that  we will use an interface interfaces for us will   act as a contract so how to define interfaces in  typescript we will say interface we will use the   same name of the component plus props so person  props that will be the name of our interface   now it will be our contract so what we want  name to be well we want name to be a string   let's just define name as a string so the way  that we define types in typescript is by using   this column we are saying that name will be of  type string then we finish it with a semicolon   we can do the same for the birth date let me just  copy birthday it's easier to do it this way and   we say that the type of the birth date will be  a date that's the way it does now bird location   is one that you can do in two different ways so  first i will do an inline object over here and i   will say the first one is the longitude which is  a string then we will have the latitude which is   another string and we have the height which will  be a number we already saw that we wanted the   height to be optional so if you want something to  be optional you can put the question mark this is   the same thing as if you do or undefined okay this  pipe over here means this type or that type in   JavaScript and typescript in this case if we have  undefined it means that that field is optional so   let's say that name for some reason could be  a string or could be an object with first name of string and last name of string so now people  can pass a string or they can pass an object with   first name and last name if you want you can have  that this pipe is literally or okay i will just   remove this for now because we don't want that for  now we just want the name to be a string and now   in order for saying that all these properties are  of the type or some props you are probably already   thinking that we will do the column and then  the type and you are absolutely right so now   typescript already knows that the name is a string  the birthdate is a date and the birth location is   this object over there if you think that you will  use this location in more than one place so if   you want to use it in more places you can do the  following you can remove this inline declaration   from there and say interface location for  example and oops I have too many curly braces now   and if I format you can see that we have the same  location and over here we just need to say okay   the birth location is of type location nothing  else changed we can see that it's a location   and so when you look into location you have  that even if you use it that way you have all   the benefits as before I can delete this one if  I do "control+space" it still auto completes for   me as latitude so it's just a way of you defining  it it doesn't have any difference for the people   that is consuming you the only difference is if  someone wants to now import this interface from   uh outside of this file they now can just use the  bit of location it's up to you if you need that   or not okay now another thing that you may want  to do is let's say that this height when you are   over here it's not clear enough what's happening  so when we come here if we do height you can see   that we have no comments over there and you saw  that when I showed you the the typescript version   I was saying something over there that it was the  height the person was born or something like that   well you can come over here and do a "jsdoc"  comment and say something over here say something   over here okay we can do the same for the name  for example other thing over here okay when we   save and we go back over there we can do control  space and now the height as say something over   here so people that are consuming your components  or using your components they can read whatever   comment you put over there so it's one less reason  for them to be forced to understand your source   code which is really great great especially if you  are creating a library that will be consumed by   thousands of people that's really really good even  if not i have usually the practice on every single   property that is not immediately obvious  to put a comment explaining how to use it   for example imagine that the birth date instead  of being a date was a string usually you can put a   comment here saying please use the format YY-MM-DD  for example and so people that are using it they   already know which format you are expecting okay  and these type of comments are also really really   useful as you saw we have our application working  as we expect we can also as I showed you before   now come over here and say that name shouldn't be  any longer name and it's now hello I, save that,   I come over here and it already changed all the  instances that we are using so typescript knows   exactly where this person component is being used  it can track that is being used there so it just   just changes without we worry too much  now you may be wondering: okay bruno but   what happens to those interfaces are we sending  that code back to the browser of our client? Because if we are now we are sending a lot more  code well let me relax you a bit let's come   over here to typescript link language and  in the typescript language we have something   called the typescript playground so if you are  not sure what's happening you can always place   our component over here you can see that the  resulting has no types at all no interfaces   nothing you can understand that typescript  is only available to us at development time   as soon as we compile typescript all the  types go away so this is the exact same result   as you see here no typing whatsoever as if you  have done all the code in normal JavaScript   so we get all the benefits out of it without  sending anything bigger to our clients   and you don't have to type too much which is  great with just a few lines a few interfaces you   can already enhance quite a lot the development  experience of your colleagues so I really hope   that this video showed you a bit why some people  love typescript why I especially love typescript   and in the next videos we will start to look  into all the react hooks like they use effect   use state etc and all of those we will look using  typescript as well for the rest of the series   we will use typescript for everything so I hope  if you like this video please drop a like on it   subscribe to the channel if you are not  already and I see you in a few days bye-bye!
Channel: Bruno Antunes
Views: 13,499
Rating: 4.9695816 out of 5
Keywords: reactjs, react js, react.js, react with typescript, react typescript, react js typescript, typescript react js, typescript react, reactjs typescript, typescript reactjs, typescript react.js, how to use typescript with react, how to use react with typescript, react.js tutorial, react js tutorial, react tutorial typescript, react typescript tutorial, typescript and react tutorial, how to typescript react, ReactJS Tutorial for Beginners, typescript react tutorial
Id: 0cXccUew19k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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