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should we convert the garden into a football pitch yeah so this is what's happening at the moment the digging process has just started you can see that all the grass is going to be taken up for the foundations to be laid for the astro and that's how they do it pretty powerful to be able to just do that it makes it look easy but that's some serious force going through that this is how we're looking at the moment so this is what the garden looks like for a bit higher you can see that they're well into the digging process now you can really see all the dogweed patches from up here that is my garden today 48 hours later so it's day three and this is the front of the house where a lot of the dirt has been moved to now grabbing it and taking it away half the garden's done now removing some of these bricks out the way because i want the astro to come along here so you can see i put some wide this entrance bit of patio we're getting that taken out and it's going to be replaced with astroturf so that means having to take the bricks out they've already started these and they're doing these ones here so i'm excited we're getting there three days later so today the type one is going down if you're wondering what type one is this stuff is called type one this is the dirt this is just what was underneath the grass you can see that this is called type one and they spread this across the whole thing and then they put sand on next i think get in there though more type one over here they lay it down in piles though and then they're gonna just spread it across the whole surface [Music] this is the spreading process i'm pretty sure that by the end of the day the whole surface will be covered with the type one and that'll be today's task complete early the next morning so today we've got the sand this is the next phase the sand goes on the type one my brother so it's the end of the day and this is look at the dogs came out and they thought i think there's hedgehogs out here look at them looking for their chocks this is the end of the day and the guys as you can see have just laid loads of piles of sand and tomorrow they're going to come and spread this over the whole garden and lay down some concrete as well it's so interesting to see the process and how they do it the next morning so today we've got the cement truck in the trunk there you can see that we've got the tubes running through here so this is where the shed is going to go but you can't put a big shed like this in the garden without putting a base down first that's right isn't it right here [Music] it looks like not concrete at least there's something else [Music] nice so this is how they lay the concrete base for the shed these wooden things on the outside that's just to keep the concrete in and then they'll take them out and just be left with a concrete base boom let's have a look at this technique that the guys use to level out the concrete clever really just pat it down with this piece of wood clever i never knew that was how it's done the next morning so today we've got a lot of vehicles on the drive because there's a lot going on this is a new pile of sand let's go out to the garden and see where we're up to [Music] so today's job as you can see is to level out the sand this is one of the final stages before we're ready to start laying the astroturf so this is the concrete base for the sheds you can see that the wooden panels have been taken away and you're just left with pure concrete and this is all ready for the shed to be laid [Music] so this thing here is called a whack-up and what it does is it basically flattens down the type one so that the foundation is late for the sand to go on it so you can see where he's run over it's a lot flatter and that's where we haven't got kind of stones poking up and that's what this thing does [Music] love it he's got the garden hose out as well because it helps the whacker to flatten things when it's slightly wet that's the process that's how they do [Music] [Applause] so we're getting rid of these tiles because we want this sort of this to be a little astro entrance which we think would look really nice this is how they do it they literally it's savage get rid of the mortar he's got an axe there he's pulled out an axe love it and then you just crank it out look at that my granddad you say if i had a lever long enough and a full cream strong enough i could move the world six and a half hours later so the guys have just left for the day and this is how we're looking you can see that the whole garden is now covered in sand they've flattened most of it as you can see there's a few bits to do there left but it's ready and prepped for ta-da the astro turf this is the first look at the astro boom looking good the colors looking good you can see that there's one two three four big rolls of astro and that's going to get rolled out tomorrow tomorrow is a huge day tomorrow is a massive day they're going to lay most of if not all of the astro tomorrow so i can't wait to see that happen because that is the bit that we've all been waiting for the next morning here we go here we go so this is a membrane that sits underneath the astro the astro will get rolled on top of that this is what lies underneath [Music] astroturf it looks quite short at the moment you can see but that's just because it's flat once we roll that once we brush that up we're gonna start to it's gonna start to really look like grass [Music] here we go this is the glue it's green it's green why is it green i suppose that blends in if we need to we shouldn't be seeing any glue this is the glue that goes on the strip that the sheets are going to stick to this is very cool seeing this part of the process i've got to admit that's how they do it and this this is the money shot right here this is the actual sheets being stuck down i can see that there's concentration going on here what's the how can you get this wrong what's your well you let the glue come up too much and it's wrong right and you need to let the grass you need to lay it down you see like that yeah so that it's not overlapping i've got this bit it's not going underneath this bit you can see this bit here this bit leans up and that bit leans do they say angle yeah so if it goes down first it's not going to match up but if this bit goes down and it pops on it'll bottom nicely so one bit slightly over the top of the other one yeah slightly slightly and then it just disappears completely that's what that is like magic gone all right what the lads are doing here is something very clever you can see they're sloping it off so that it'll be a smooth entrance to the garden to the field whatever you want to call it i start calling it field this is how they do it they start with the sand you see very carefully creating this very subtle slope hours later so the guys have just left and this is how we're looking you can see here that they've left sandbags along all of the uh the joins and you can guess why that's just to keep the pressure on it so that it stays down and stays exactly where it should be and doesn't move through the night while the adhesive sets so that is another part of the process that i didn't even think about but when you see it actually makes complete sense and tomorrow we complete yes approximately 10 hours later so the lads are spreading the sand [Music] what's this device called a sander look at that look at that so this spread sand across the surface quick reload in it goes that is so cool the shed has just arrived this is how it arrives the lads are just going to take it off the back of the van and then take it through to the garden and assemble it [Music] [Applause] [Music] mad mad how quickly it just comes together so the shed is complete and this is how it looks [Music] [Applause] [Music] really happy with it it's a big shed this is what it looks like inside absolutely delighted with this the guys have done a fantastic job the dogs are checking it out what's this girl is it a new space have we got a shed where is it a shed massive part in the process of converting my garden done we have a shed the next day so today is a big day today the goal arrives and is going to be assembled and put up in the garden i can't wait for this i've been looking forward to this day for a long time and also the ball stop which is the net which goes behind the goal is going up and you can see we've already we've already done the groundwork for this and we've dug the holes for the poles to go in and they're arriving today as well and they're going to go up to stop the ball from constantly going over the fence here we go first sight on the woodwork you can see this is this is prem standard this is prem standard it's a nine aside goal so it's slightly smaller just to fit the garden well trust me it's gonna look unbelievable these are all the nuts and bolts that it takes to put the gold together there are a lot there we've gone for the box style which just looks they're the best looking goals by far um so that's what we're putting up today so you'll see exactly how to assemble a box goal which is the best goal so the system that the guys use to set up these goals is they do it in two parts you can see they've built the post and the crossbar and then the base of the goal and then they're going to connect them together using these these are the connectors it goes in here like this and then they'll screw that on using these so that's nice and secured and then they're going to lift that up and slide it on here and then you'll have the framework of the goal bosch that's how it's done now you know here we go so the wheels have just gone on this is what they look like and that means that we can move the goal wherever we want in the garden it doesn't need to stay in one place you can see the extensions started to be assembled he's taking shape not long now not long now we're nearly there okay here we go big moment where two worlds collide oh so these are the poles for the bullstop that goes behind oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that's it the job is pretty much done we've got the turf we've got the goal we've got the shed i'm going to add floodlights on the house and probably on the poles as well just so that if i want to train at night i can and i'm also going to get one of those astro turf cleaners that also lets you control the grain so i'll be able to make lines in the field just like wembley or one of the top stadiums and also it cleans up the dog poop because occasionally the dogs do come out here and drop a doodie so that's obviously a problem that needs to be solved but yeah super happy with it i've always wanted this since i was a kid i've always dreamed of having this obviously never could didn't have the space didn't have the money didn't have the opportunity couldn't get near it so i feel truly privileged grateful and blessed uh to have been able to work myself into a position where i think i can get a pitch in my garden it's unbelievable so now i've got no excuse not to train and not to put the work in so i'm gonna be up early in the mornings out in my own garden now putting in that work so guys i hope you've enjoyed watching this process i hope you've learned something i've learned so much along the way i didn't know how any of this was done and now i feel like i've had a little bit of an education in how to build an astro turf pitch and the sheds as well don't forget the shed i didn't know how to put up a shed until i had one done it's mad i've never even had a shed in my life and now i've got a humongous one it's crazy anyway guys i'm done video's finished hope you enjoyed it if you haven't subscribed already make sure you do and don't forget to click the notification bell because like i said before youtube is recommending my shorts but not my longer videos so if you enjoy the feature length videos make sure you click the notifications bell so that you don't miss them because trust me youtube it just won't tell you it just won't tell you it just won't tell you that i've released a long video unless you've put your notifications on so make sure you do that and guys as always i hope you've enjoyed it thank you so much for your love and support and i'll see you in the next one [Music] oh yeah and don't forget to leave a comment in the comment section below because i genuinely read every single comment so guys again hope you enjoyed it i'm out peace
Channel: Jeremy Lynch
Views: 11,730,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Lynch, garden, F2Freestylers, f2, Jez and Shauna, football, Vlog, Vlogs, Shauna, garden transformation, garage, studio update, garage update, soccer, football freestyle, football pitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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