The Motorcycle Part that Takes Two Years to Build

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hello this is called a 9.3 MP maybe your motorcycle has one already but if not you'd better place an order now because this part takes 2 years to finish let's see why [Music] oh yeah that was way more exciting all right we have to stop this dud so this is what Engineers call a hydraulic electronic control unit for saving face in that Mew transition Mew being the coefficient of friction which is 0.95 for asphalt but only 0.2 oneish for snow breaking across a me transition is possible enough if you can see it but even a pro can't ease off the lever for a patch of oil that they can't see and even Pro test ERS will bin a blind view transition nine times out of 10 that's why a basic ABS module is required on new motorcycles in Europe but a basic ABS module wouldn't take 2 years to calibrate you just need a wheel speed sensor to detect slip then two valves the first to hold pressure when you're close to locked up the second to bleed pressure back to the reservoir when you've already flocked up that's all such a simp simple system can still momentarily release your brakes every 5 1000 of a second making it uncrashable even when I deathgrip the lever onto snow tiles but as impressive as that is all those moments of bled brakes add up to a stopping distance that is not I can still outbreak ABS just by balancing the slide between my two [Music] balls so we have an extra thing a heavy thing a complex thing that's annoyingly intrusive on gravel and racetracks and even in the most critical use case scenario can be outperformed by 200 lb of Canadian beef but that is the government minimum and that is why Bosch spends 2 years adding a human touch meet Nat he's a Bosch calibrator now meet n's baby he'll spend the next 2 years pre-production tuning its Rider assistance to feel natural natural starts with a pressure sensor in this master cylinder because the traditional lockup sensor can tell you what the rider failed to do but not what they were trying to do say I Spike the lever master cylinder pressure shoots to 200 bar per second indicating a panic break so here I'd calibrate the caliber pressure to maintain a bike pitch angle of 6° a level of stable Precision humans can't touch least of all in a panic now say I load the master cylinder progressively this suggests I'm aware of my tire load I'm consciously trying to Jack the rear up so we can bypass pre control and get right into race mode ABS where the customer wants say 9° of Pitch 2 3 in of rear float which I do that's cool but we have one year 364 days and 23 hours of tuning to go which is why Bosch's 9.3 MP contains four valves actuated by a circuit board bled to an accessory chamber and metered by a pump the pump is important before we could only keep or shed braking pressure now we can actively generate it meter out the precise flow for my riding stock [Music] [Music] obviously sketchy [Music] right so the initial bite feels a lot safer like obviously way more comfortable um just near the end I feel like it's kind of Rolling On and On a little bit like there's a little bit of breaking performance that might be left on the table there just would that be like turning up the slip just a tiny bit like making it a little bit more permissible yeah so low speed slip we can bring that up a little bit give you a little bit more instability and deceleration in that area cool just at the lower lower speed like last 5 Meers per second or something perfect [Music] yeah it's perfect I mean it's obviously pretty pretty permissive like I probably wouldn't put my mother on it but for me that's kind of kind of right where I want it to be see what we've done is look at my rbe Rider's best effort it's a short stop but every time that wheel speed drops to zero is a lock up I might crash if I'm not punching two children but because we have a pump look at the ABS slip ratio and 6% 7% 8% 6% 10% that wheel is sliding the whole way down but only barely slower than the motorcycle a human wouldn't even notice this is a very stable stop but then look at my master cylinder pressure relative to the caliper and starts to diverge just near the end that's me asking for more stopping power than the ABS is giving me because I'm starting to feel comfortable with more lock up at this lower speed so let's hold slip ratio around 8% but then ramp the permissibility linearly to 15 with m/s below the last five calibration is always this trade-off between safe stability and riskier performance and what you see here is my personal exchange rate for how I like to break and the way we shot it was a bullet time slowmo taken with our sponsor the insta 360 X4 see much like ABS bullet time is traditionally expensive for compan to set up if I wanted a 120 frame per second orbit I would need 120 cameras arrayed around the action shooting simultaneously to grab one frame from each to get my 1 second of bullet time that's feasible enough if you're top gear but hard as I try I'm not so we built this helmet helicopter thingy and because the X4 shoots 8K in 360° we can get the same effect by cheaply spinning just one camera and in bullet time mode it can devote the entire sensor to the inward 180 so even at 5.7k I'm still getting 120 frames per second click the link below if you also want to play around with million doll shots for 700 bucks an ABS is similarly high cost for manufacturers but high high value for the individual consumer see the good ABS systems are not this unfeeling monolith that comes down from The Nanny state they're machines made to hold the ghost of their creator who in turn is the ghost of the manufacturer's ideal customer for that particular model now if you were to slam my lever right now you'd feel my hand I mean you'd feel the pump making pulses poelzing out the picture of the best breaking version of my hand now try it if you have a Bosch system in a safe space you could feel the fingerprint Ridges of the calibrator who spent 3,000 hours tuning it right here [Applause] [Music] so what I'm trying to do is drift turn the bike lean at 5° blip the throttle and use that slide to yaw and that's why we talk to an inertial measurement unit so we can drop traction control on an inverse curve allowing High slip targets around 5 10° but very rapidly very low slip targets Beyond 2030 because when I've gone that far I'm just going overboard the only problem then is we're getting jump off poles the tire momentarily goes airborne and because our circuit board lets it slip up at zero lean it touches down much faster than the reference so then what I do is take the first few Loops 20 40 60 milliseconds and make them conditional on throttle PR rate so if I'm just cruising off pool we get our torque cut and if I'm actively blipping we can let it spool up you can see how n has total around 3,000 variables 3,000 ible knobs to tune 2 years later the results is a system that never intervenes when I ride like my natural self but still steps in to save my life when I do something deviant or the road does something deviant your take-home is to really get into abs and traction control the next time you test a bike because you'll feel the personality of a rider in there maybe it matches yours maybe it doesn't the worst thing we can do is just turn it all off or just choose blind because that's 2 years of work and I'm not allowed to say how much it costs a manufacturer but none of us could afford to have this done otherwise thanks very much to insta 360 for sponsoring this video um look down there for the link to that X4
Channel: FortNine
Views: 49,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ucnAz1yQ8tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2024
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