Building a Mining Outpost - Minecraft Relaxing Longplay With Commentary

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hey everyone and welcome to a cozy fall Long play today we're going to continue working on our cozy fall base and build a mining Outpost we have lots of building and resource Gathering to do today so let's get started so I think the plan for today is to build up a mining Outpost now we do have some really nice caves relatively close to our base however I find the task of constantly running back and forth and also scouring the caves gather some materials can be a little bit tedious and also as you can see we're still on our iron armor so it would be nice to get some proper tools and armor so we don't have to worry about mobs as much and also have it close to our base now in terms of where we would put this thing I was kind of thinking relatively close to our house and our barn I have kind of a habit of putting things really far away from one another and then having to connect them throughout which is fine if you're doing a long-term World however this is probably going to be a little bit of a shorter term world so it would be nice if everything was a little bit closer together now let's clear out this spot and see what it looks like plus the good part is if we gather up these materials we can use them for our build as well because we definitely need a little bit more wood I think kind of like the general Vibe is to stick with like the spruce Oak and dark oak um palette that we have going on however I would like to incorporate some deep slate within this build cuz that's kind of like the area that we're going to be mining in today diamonds are most often found in deep slate so it would be nice to kind of complement that pallet with the Deep slate instead of uh some other Stones oops all right I am oh wait no I still have one I still have one see we really need to get some better tools today but also what comes with better tools is enchanting as well so we're going to have to look towards uh maybe making making an enchanting setup down the road as well this is a very knotted dark oak tree oh my gosh I didn't know what I was getting myself into the nodded trees man I'm telling you oh these two are like kind of connected together I see I see what's going going on okay well we got quite a bit still to grab I'm going to have to pill her up for this aren't I yep perfect all right well I guess since we tore down part of this tree we should probably just fully get rid of it plus we're going to need quite a bit of space today so hey it works how we doing I have a feeling that I left a couple branches in here yep there's one right there let's get you are you going to Decay yet I think that there's still some hidden ones around here where are you maybe not was I just being impatient oh there we go goodness that that took a hot [Applause] minute all right let's take a little looky at this area so basically kind of what I'm looking for is something nestled within the forest still um I I feel like a spot just like this I like honestly I'm not too picky especially with a mining a little mining Outpost in like black Smith area you can realistically just put them anywhere I think this spot might be good enough we might have to terraform a little bit of this just to give ourselves a little bit more space to work with but I think that's good but before we do that of course you know we got to sleep let's go to bed before any of these mobs spawn I am down to my very last fish I'm going to have to um I'm going to have to kill some of those cows soon because yeah I don't want to I don't want to eat fish anymore I did work towards breeding them a little bit so we should have a good um stock of cows over there but I I want to get get the I want to get the population up a little bit more maybe just because like constantly running out of a food supply is just it's so so brutal all right let's clear just a couple more of these trees and then we'll kind of sort out our food after you know what I'm going to keep these as well the oak leaves always a classic can never have too many all right I think this space is pretty cute actually I really like that I can kind of picture it with a house here I was kind of thinking doing like a house and Tower combo um I'm going to have to lay out to show you all what I mean but basically like a house with a little open entrance over here that goes down into the mines and then a tower beside it so usually what I do is I usually make the bubble elevators um which does require going into The Nether I don't know if we're going to do that here I don't know if we need need to uh cuz this is pretty much just like chill building focused so we'll see we'll see what happens when we get a little bit further in our progress we might change our mind however because of that I think I don't think I'm going to bother with a bubble elevator for this build which sounds a little bit a little bit wacky because it's so efficient but I I kind of figured that I'd like to have it more aesthetic than anything and I think the staircase for this build will look a little bit more aesthetic sometimes you have to sacrifice you know sometimes you just got to sacrifice not quality well I guess quality for for your Aesthetics it's got to be done okay so food we need to sort out our food first before we do anything because yeah I don't I really don't want to have to worry about that for the rest of for the rest of today so let's gather up some of this wheat and we can go say hi to our cow friends I think 11 should be fine I'm really happy I did uh build this barn out the other day though cuz it it it's definitely going to help us in the long run for sure and just like that I think the mining Outpost is going to help a lot too it'll help us get ahead and also mining outposts are just such fun things to build too I always look forward to building them even if you only end up strip mining for a little bit it's I'd say it's worth it oh we hit Level 20 let's go let's go all right can I get in the pen did I did I drift proof this no I didn't look at that look at my parkour skills look at us go okay I'm sorry cows I'm very sorry I literally just fed you all and now I need to feed myself myself even though it's a circle of life I still feel bad you know still feeling a little bit bad about it oh my breaking all of my like aesthetic barley that I planted not my barley okay I think I'm going to keep I'll bring the leather with us cuz that's more of a decorational item so I'm going to run all this stuff back to our base really quickly and we'll cook up this food and then I think we can probably just begin building this thing I don't think that there's that much that I'm going to need I'd like to do the layout first and then just start digging straight down and then we'll kind of figure out the build afterwards cuz the placement of the staircase like and that and the build are kind of dependent upon each other so we'll we'll kind of work towards figuring that out ooh Iron City over here oh my gosh bricks left a lot of good stuff in here jeez all right let's cook that up you know what let's let's burn some of this iron too we're going to need it okay we have the egg chest which I'm going to oh wait no we have mob GL up here perfect and then I don't really have a food chest egg egg can just be generally food you know that's going to be our food chest but we're going to leave it named as egg because why not you know it's all in good fun all right let's put our extra bricks and terracotta away which will come in handy today cuz you know if you have like a little blacksmith area you're going to need a chimney you know going to need all that stuff so I think what I want to do do I have any deep slate let's take a quick look I have about a stack which isn't ideal but I mean hey today what we're doing is we are going to be digging straight down which means we're going to get a lot more I think this should be enough for me to kind of lay out the build and then we'll have to grab more to fully build it up I think that and I might as well grab a couple of the wood types that we're going to need and then we can lay out a spot for uh the area that we're going to build to make it a little bit easy for us think I've got a bunch of chests yes I do perfect okay I think that's pretty much everything so let's get this Foundation laid out and then we could start digging our staircase down so we decided right around here it should be pretty much perfect yeah I think this is a good spot I think what I'm going to do though is I'm going to terraform a little bit of this just give ourselves a little bit more room I cannot wait to get a diamond shovel this one is so bad it's brutal the the stone ones I I think I complained about this in the last long play but oh my stone shovels are just probably one of the worst tools one of the worst all right I think this is going to work out perfectly for this spot the build's not going to be too too big uh especially because I'd like to have furnaces in the house and also some storage I think from here on out we'll probably be storing all of our stones and other materials like mining materials in this house so it won't require too too much space I think that should be good if we need to terraform a little bit more I will but I think that should be enough space the one thing I'm going to do is get rid of this tree especially cuz it's going to block out a little bit of light too and we don't really want that get rid of that one and why not these guys as well last but not least you can go too oh just going to I'm just going to punch this with my fists there we go okay so I'm going to lay down a chest right here couple chests this will be our junk chest again might as well throw down our bed and then let's throw down all the materials that we're going to be using for this did I drop some Oak here no I ended up picking that up perfect all right so let's start with the base of this so kind of what I'm thinking is having a house right here like our little mining Outpost house with an archway in between and then a tower so let's lay out the house first we'll go one two three 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine you know what I thought this was going to be enough space it covers like all of the space I'm going to need we're going to have to terraform some of this too oh that's okay that's okay I thought I had it covered but I guess I don't that's the one thing about this game is I'm very I'm actually just the type of person in general to not have like good I guess it's like spatial awareness I'm the type of person where if I have to pack up dinner and I have to pick out a tupperware to put my dinner in I always pick something that's either like way too big or way too small I I'm one of those people where I just like have no awareness and can't understand like space pretty much it's raining but luckily we're just going to sleep through it not even going to bother there we go okay so we're have to give ourselves so much more room that is so funny I really thought I had it there I was like this is enough space no oh boy okay we're going to need uh shovel I don't even want to waste this deep slate on making tools I'm going to just straight up make a new one with some Cobble over here or maybe iron maybe we'll we'll be nice and give ourselves an iron shovel even though we're just going to burn through it immediately in like 5 Seconds let's let's be nice to ourselves there we go I should probably grab some Cobble just in case there we go and then let's go continue to terraform cuz that was not nearly enough space I don't know why that really that really got me I think it's just cuz I was so confident thinking I was like oh yeah this is a great amount of space this is perfect might as well chop down all these guys too [Music] like at this point I almost wonder if it would be better just to level it out because we have so much grass here that tearing it apart I'm yeah I feel like leveling it out is probably the better bet okay I changed my mind I changed my mind that's okay this is a quick fix this this is this is what happens sometimes it's all good it's all good just got to repair what we uh took away quickly that's fine though I'm going to level it out instead I think this makes more sense too to be honest [Applause] dirt is always one of those things where you think you have too much of it in your inventory you can never have enough this is a lesson that I've learned like one of the most important lessons probably in Minecraft is never let your dirt despawn CU you will always always need it for a terraforming project of some sort guaranteed so we'll terraform some of this to give ourselves more space I think that makes sense [Music] and we can get rid of some of the spots over here too and then once we fill that in I genuinely do think that'll be the appropriate amount of space that we need especially if we're getting rid of some of this area this should be fine wa look at this iron shovel go it's ripping I kind of forgot how much faster it is than Stone it's quite a difference actually oh my it's going to shave off a little little bit up here as well we're going to have to replace a lot of this Stone but that's okay I think this should be [Applause] good can we do it with this stack I think so I believe I [Applause] believe yes let's go okay we've got from here all the way over to here now I think that is enough space I'm pretty sure we'll just fix this up and use the remainder of our dirt too boom there we go perfect I think that should be okay all right now I think that should be a perfect amount of space for our build so so let's go let's start right here and we're going to go one 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 perfect then we're going to go two three four five across and the tower is going to be right here and it's going to be a 3X3 Tower okay I think that's perfect so we've got two blocks recessed behind this one I I think that's a good amount of space so I'm going to put away this deep Sate for now and I think what I'm going to do is start building up the actual house and I'm going to use these birch logs to make some more barrels I think this should be enough Spruce I'm only using it for the pillars anyway so it should be enough so we're going to go barrel and then we're going to go up by three Spruce beams and we'll mix in some Oak too ow let's do this one too so then let's strip the spruce and I need some food after that then we're going to build up the walls with some Oak and Oak planks again just like we did with the barn in our house all of these are going to have kind of like a consistent like theme and pallet running throughout with minor changes so for example this one we probably going to switch up the roof a bit I'm thinking probably dark oak and deep slate would be a good combination especially cuz it's a mining Outpost and I always like trying to use some of the materials that kind of fit in theme with the build so for a mining Outpost I think deep slate fits the build perfectly cuz of course that is what you find at the very bottom of the caves we might actually need a little bit more Oak this is probably like the most Oak I've used in a while it's the oak beams that are really really really doing it to me I can't help it though it just looks so good well would you look at that I think we have just enough perfect all right now we just got to go down here out and strip all of this and then we're pretty much good uh let me just pop out a spot for a door right here yeah and let's head to bed really quickly so mobs don't spawn and ruin my life and I think the only thing I want to do to change this buildup a little bit is I want to add just a tiny bit of shape to it this is like pretty much a really simple build it's just a rectangle so I think just adding in even like a little piece maybe here that goes out probably by two should be fine so it's 1 2 3 four we don't want four cuz that'll be uneven for the roof that we'll have to make I'm thinking actually let's take away this boom boom three should be fine then we can get some barrels right here and I'm thinking do we want this to sit maybe one block lower or the same height we can try one block lower but if it looks a little bit awkward I can always uh just add a little piece to it and make it the same height as this roof but I think that should be good then we'll just fill this in quickly and this will probably just be a spot for a window so I'm going to leave it like this for now I just wanted to add a little bit more to this shape I mean it is a rectangle I wanted it to be nice and simple especially because we're going to have like a nice little Tower here and stuff and it'll just be a cute little mining Outpost but I do like to add in little bits of shape when I can so I think that should be fine can probably get rid of all of this stuff now H wrong wrong bin wrong bin trying my best to stay organized trying my best out here so I don't know if I can fill in the roof I we only have a little bit of deep slate left but I'll at least do the roof trim for now and that is going to be with dark oak I think so H do I have any dirt you know what I might need a little bit more dirt to scaffold up oh I had some in my inventory why can I never see the things that I need am I the only one who does that lot I feel like I am all right let's get a little roof on this guy something like that and then for this one I'm thinking just the Classic roof shape let's keep it simple then we can add like little Dormers to the roof a chimney all of that stuff okay that's perfect I'm probably going to have to make make a couple more stairs but that's okay I'll just go all the way across like this until we run out and then we'll go back down really quickly replenish our stock and then we're good so let's make a couple more stairs actually let's turn all of these into planks and then make some slabs as well we're going to need those for the rooftop and I'm a little bit undecided so I I just mentioned like 10 seconds ago that I wanted to put in some Dormers and stuff but I was also considering depending on what this all looks like at the end with the tow I was thinking about either adding maybe like a really tiny second floor or some sort of Tower built into this as well but we'll we'll see how it looks once the tower's in place we don't want to build anything onto this house that is going to kind of like throw off the balance of the Tower so I say we build that first and then make the decision afterwards okay so all of that's done great now I would start on the tower however we do need some deep slate which means I'm thinking what we should do now is kind of Dig Down uh into the M shaft so we can gather some of the materials we actually need to build this thing uh let me torch this a little bit first as well now this is going to be a pretty big big dig project pretty big so what I'm thinking is I want like a little Archway that's going to go over like attach this house to the tower so I'm thinking maybe do like a 3X3 staircase right here and then we can probably just go down from here I think that should be fine now the thing is I'm like H feel like I should probably get some Cobblestone stairs make this easier Place some as we're going down overall that'll just make our lives so much easier rather than having to jump every single step on our way back up so let's grab our stone cutter really quickly and Stones we could use some andesite too actually that would actually look pretty nice I'll just gather all of that and we'll gather the rest of this and I guess just make like a ton of stairs the more stairs the better so I think something like that is good or do we want just one maybe just one I know it will look like a little bit it'll be a little bit tight but I think that should be fine something like that I'll fill this back in for now so we don't have to worry about it yeah I think I want one going down plus that'll give us more space if I want to put in a chimney or something here and just some extra like decorations around so I guess now all we really have to do is just start digging down honestly placing the stairs can be very very tedious but hey it's worth it in the end honestly it really is and I can't forget to torch us along the way otherwise we might run into a few issues just a few the good news is even just digging down is going to give us a lot of materials to work with so this is great this is going to really work out to our [Applause] benefit oh my oh my oh no this is a giant cave Enderman um Okay so we've got a big old cave here big old cave I'm kind of thinking I just like twist this around a bit honestly I kind of forgot how long this takes it's taking forever but hey it's going to be so worth it oh no a creeper there is a creeper okay okay I need to be careful please please do not blow up my M Outpost I beg oh God no not here please not like this not like this no oh new recipe found that's great that is great at what cost at what cost was this recipe discovered oh okay I'm I'm just I'm going to go to bed oh oh no baby zombie okay I'm I'm going to bed in my house this is not good not good at all oh my I just came up to get some stuff and now I'm just being attacked there we go safe and sound he's still out there not for long though sounds like he's going to getting like crisped up where' they go oh there's so many creepers around this is the last thing I need honestly I really do need to light up this base to be fair this is kind of my own fault cuz one I didn't sleep and two there is absolutely no lighting around here which makes it for just so many mobs to appear I'm not so worried about the zombies it's just the amount of creepers there's quite a few right here honestly and I just cannot have them destroying my hard work honestly get out of here okay okay we're good we're good there was one over there where'd he go he's sneaking around I mean I guess that is their name right they despawn possibly is that did they despawn after a while I don't know either way I don't I don't trust them they are not to be trusted I think what I'm going to do is oh yeah I came up here because I needed a new pickaxe we're just going to craft a bunch why not even a couple more honestly and I'm going to bring this with me and also probably my stone cutter I'd rather just spend all the time I can down there and not risk anything blowing up up here we'll come back up when it's safe you know ow got to fix these cuz I'm hitting my head every time I go go down can't have that cannot have that there we go some spots are better than others it's so funny I thought I literally dug out so much I've only gone down to here what I was like oh yeah I've I'm like nearly nearly there so close no I'm not oh I have so much more to go so much there we go I mean on the bright side I did find like a lot of iron and coal here so that's good and I think I won't bother totally filling that in let's just do a quick little patch there we go good as new yes deep slay level all right we're getting there we're getting there and I'm just going to spend some time patching all of this up because I don't want any mobs somehow getting onto our staircase I definitely want this to be as safe and easy as it can be so we've officially hit our deep slate which means we don't really have that much further to go until we hit Bedrock level honestly there's something about caving and strip mining that I actually really enjoy I find it just really relaxing to kind of just hang out listen to a podcast or some music while playing and just see what you can find while you're down here if anybody else is a fellow cave dweller let me know in the comments because yeah I don't know there's something about it that I really do enjoy no way no way I was just digging down and we found our very first diamonds Let's Go That's so exciting all right all right how many are in this cluster is it just one now we got two you can hear all of the zombies around me there are so many I think there's a cave close by around oh yep there is oh no I need to block that off there we go zombie is man you're all attention needy come on come on let me have my moment here okay how many we got how many we got I feel like it's probably only three that's good though that's good oh I should not be breaking that with a stone pick okay I think this is a cue for me to get upstairs stairs very quickly we'll make our little staircase as we go up we're getting pretty close to the the bottom of the world though so I think I think we're almost there some of this might end up kind of being cut up because there's just a lot of moments of me silently digging down I'm kind of getting into the rhythm of it but that's okay I think as long as uh I show a little bit of this process pretty much good otherwise this might end up being like a 6 billion hour long play with commentary so I think it's okay to skip some of this uh this mining I probably should have brought my bed down is it yeah it's night time okay I did not learn my lesson from last time but that's okay I can get away with sleeping quickly okay let's go to bed let's run to our house cuz who knows what's lurking about and I need to get a iron pick for these diamonds all righty boom so it looks like we have about three from that cluster of diamonds which means we can make ourselves a diamond pick that's pretty handy oh the chicken scared me I'm a little bit on edge because of the amount of times I'm walking up and it's night time up here it's a bit much okay let's get some of this stuff in here we've gotten like a fair bit of stuff already that's pretty good and then I need to make a couple more stairs but all that stuff is down here all right this is turning out pretty good I haven't really hit my head got all of my stairs ready to go boom oh this sorry I feel like there's anticipation with the diamonds and I'm out here trying to fix up this staircase a bit getting distracted hey I I like I like it to be as as nice as it can be though I just don't want to hit my head here I need to fix this up I made like a little wall here just needs to be patched a bit think that's okay all right look at let's go nearly at the bottom no zombies can get us and let's grab our very first few Diamonds oh wait no I was like where's my notification I forgot I already did find a diamond earlier I think I did in the caves yeah I mean we still got three though that's exciting I'm going to put those away really quickly just in case I I forgot we did manage to pick up a diamond I don't remember where it was though I think it was somewhere in the caves was it the last episode I don't think it was the the very first time we were in this world I think it was when we were caving for the barn let's see it'll probably be in our inventory oh we have three well I completely forgot that I found three diamonds how did I forget that oh my so we have six right now that's actually not bad at all wow I'm I'm pretty happy with that one how did I how did I come across three already I just don't even remember don't even remember I do need to quickly feed the cows so I can get some food really quickly cuz I I am getting pretty hungry again so let me gather up some of this wheat I'm going to have to make a proper Wheat Field closer to the barn I probably should have made like a small patch uh in the last episode but this will do for now this will do for now no my roses this one's more of an aesthetic uh patch of flowers and wheat so it's not ideal to to pick from because everything's very meticulously placed in that field we just need straight up a patch of wheat somewhere maybe we can do that quickly just one right around here I guess all the sand is kind of getting in the way of that dream though isn't it kind of is I mean I could just replace it right place it with my one piece of dirt that's fine as long as um as long as all of this is touching the water cuz I don't think like if there's sand in front of dirt I don't think that will like allow the water to get to the dirt right I think it kind of blocks it if that makes sense I've never actually tried that before so I don't really know the answer to that all right let's feed our cows really quickly I might have some extra wheat in here too but that's okay wa there's a bunch of you now isn't there there we go no I don't have any in there good to know I I think I can probably get some of these cows now though [Music] sorry sorry oops no my pretty sunflower to be fair it's probably not a good place to put this even though it's a nice decoration stuff like that does get in the way sometimes oh no yeah those those things just have to go at this point okay so oh my gosh I got 16 from that okay let's go let's go let's place these here for now and I guess what I'll do is I'll make a quick little furnace too let me go get some coal really quickly wow I'm yeah I'm getting very hungry here very hungry let's bring all of this stuff down with us so we don't have to worry I'm zooming put a furnace here and start cooking this up even just waiting for two is more than enough for me right now and then we can come back up after I just have to replenish this now otherwise we're in trouble thank you very much there we go okay I think we're good to go continue on until we reach the bottom and if we come across any other diamonds along the way that's a bonus too oh another not the gravel not the gravel all right I've finally reached Bedrock so this is where we can start strip mining first though I think I'm going to build the staircase going back up because I haven't really laid out any steps in a while so we'll do that first and then we'll come back down and then probably start laying out this mine or at least a little bit of it because I still need some deep slate for the build so I figured what we could do is just honestly just get that get some of the deep slate worry about the diamonds after I think I'd like to focus on the build uh first before we do a lot of strip mining be it would be nice if we if we got the build done because then we can bring back back all of our like ores and all of the stuff that we found down here stash them away all of that stuff there we go perfect so now we have a fully functioning staircase it's all good the running seems so funny I don't know why we'll grab this crafting table uh you know what we'll leave a little station down here I like that we'll just put that there though just so we don't have a floating furnace cuz that always always kind of drives me up the wall and of course with my luck it is night time that's okay though I think I've torched this area a little bit so mobs aren't really spawning directly near it but still we need to keep an eye out for creepers we definitely do I'm just doing a little look around because I don't trust these guys not one bit I think we're good though so first let's put away some of the stuff that we don't need don't think we really need these stairs anymore tough we won't need I did get some gold which was kind of nice and the Deep slate we'll keep here and place down our stone cutter again because we're going to be needing that you know what I actually think I might have enough deep slate for this so we don't really need to go back into the caves I'm going to turn some of this into deep slate bricks and we're going to basically alternate between deep slate brick and Cobble deep slate just like we did down here so I think what I'm going to do first is actually start with the roof which means we're going to need how many deep sleeve you know I'm just going to make all of these into stairs we may have to go back down to get some more deep slate for the towers but that's okay and then I'm going to grab some of these dark oak stairs we're going to need another crafting table and basically what I want to do is I want to have a trim of dark oak in between the Deep slate so that'll be perfect now do I have any dirt that I can scaffold with did I use it all again how is that possible I swear every every time we play in this world I have the mystery of the missing dirt how do I have missing dirt if I dug some out here who knows who knows you know what there's always somebody in the comments who knows though somebody in the comments is going to be like dripped it was in that chest all along you missed it I always appreciate that cuz every time every time I'm done with the episode I'm like where was the dirt I don't know you all always come through for me all right let's get some deep slate here then I think I'm going to go with the trim and then we'll go maybe three across for the Deep slate another piece for the trim and then two again so it's all nice and even and we'll just do that all the way across kind of just placing random little bits of like Cobble deep slate and brick deep slate but I think I'm going to there we go I always try to for the roof texture I try to have like each type of block kind of like touching so it looks as though it is kind of like the textures going up and around you'll see what I mean afterwards I'm having a little bit of trouble explaining what I mean but it's just to make sure that the texture kind of like makes sense within the build especially with if you have something like Cobble deep slate I I kind of view that as wear and tear on the build so it's kind of patchy if that makes makes sense okay we'll see we'll see what I mean um when we get down from the build and we can view it for sure words are sometimes a little bit hard explaining things sometimes my brain is very good at that and then other times I'm like I don't know how to explain what I'm doing it's so funny how it works that way there we go there we go and then all we need is a trim across the top I forgot my planks though that's okay we can go down oh let's fill this in really quickly too this will just just be good old deep slate so for the texturing of the roof I'll show you all what I mean now so you can see when you kind of like patch it together it looks like rough spots with the Cobble deep slate within like the nice roof so it looks like it's been here a little bit longer um it looks like it's kind of worn in the build is anyway and I I really love adding in texture like that it's just two different types of blocks that we work between and it honestly makes such a difference with the roof all right let's finish this roof off with a trim we'll go all the way across and hm maybe I'll just alternate between the two ooh it look it would look kind of good if we had it matching right here though so maybe like this I would like to maybe do a nicer roof design on this one um for example maybe have some like iron bars in between something like that we'll kind of worry about that later when we get to detailing though we'll just leave it like that for now oh almost forgot the roof trim right here as well perfect so that's all done and that's looking good really like that except of course we have to fill that in let's get that done now because otherwise I always always forget I leave it to the last minute and then I'm like I'm done the build and there is a giant hole in the side of the wall we cannot have that we simply cannot so let's patch that up really quickly I'm going to need some more regular Oak we pretty much went all the way through it maybe I can grab a little bit more for the other side let's do that this looks like a good oak tree we honestly just need a tiny bit so I think that's fine that should do us okay let's go up here and then planks and we're good done okay the structure is officially complete that's looking good minus the details of course but we'll get to that after cuz I think now I'd like to focus on building up this Tower so what we're going to have to do is I think I want to get a little bit of dirt cuz I'm going to have to scaffold up pretty high there's going to be a lot of falling involved otherwise I need to make another shovel but I didn't see any Cobble so we're just going to do that let's tear into maybe over here just going to make a quick little staircase on the side here just so I can kind of easily get up and down I will think myself later for this one even if it's just a little bit you know it doesn't have to go super high and then we can p P her up from like this point that works okay great so I'm going to start with the Deep slate base and basically what I'm going to do is let's get rid of some of this stuff first we won't worry too much about that let's grab our deep slate which oh yeah I think I'm going to need more of okay okay I did turn a lot of it into Cobble deep slate that's all right though we can go that's what this strip mine is for it's for all of our different types of materials so let's just run down here really quickly and grab a little bit more also apologies if my voice is a little bit more horar today the the weather has completely changed it is definitely definitely going into you can tell it there's going to be some snow in the next couple weeks cuz the weather is so dry now and also it's pretty early early uh pretty early morning over here I like to film really early in the mornings like pretty much around I think sometimes around like 8:00 I'm starting maybe sometimes 7:30 depending on the day so my voice can sometimes sometimes be a little bit horse in the mornings especially now that the weather is turned it has um it has been very very dry over here but it has been great just being able to like you know stay inside watch some movies I I love this weather I thrive I feel like I talk about this a lot but hey it's a fall Long play so a lot of weather is a is a hot topic for these things I think but it's it's been really nice I've been like rewatching some old series re-watching the new girl uh been getting back into drinking tea at night I love sleepy time tea I used to not really be a big tea person I just never like I feel like everybody needs to find that tea you know what I mean that tea that does it for them and sleepy time tea was the tea for me I've I've found there's something about it I think it has like a little bit of peppermint or is it spearmint I'm not sure but it has like some type of mint in it it's not too overwhelming in like flavor or smell it it's perfect so I always like have a cup before bed especially in the winter time and I swear it it does does help me sleep better probably just gets me in that mindset if anything it's probably just a mindset but hey if it helps it helps you know okay perfect one stack should be enough I don't think we're going to need to much more I also think this might be the spot oh wait it's not yes it is this is the spot where the cave opens up into I was kind of thinking about making like a little doorway that we could use to go into those caves cuz we're still going to need iron and stuff which isn't very um common at Deep slate level so I think it would be kind of cool if we had like a passage into those mines that we could explore just so we could gather up some more resources that we're going to need okay so we got all of our stuff here now good to go I think now we just need to build up the base of this Tower and I think I'm going to go up by 7 probably one two three four five 6 seven I think that's right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even perfect I always double triple check because honestly dimensions in Minecraft oh my gosh are so important that creeper is going up the stairs oh my gosh oh wow he is on a mission he is on a mission buddy what you doing don't don't blow up my build please please I beg I'm just walting up the stairs is kind of funny oh I'm going to need more food did I have more down here I don't remember if I took it or not might have to uh go breed Some More Cows we're still in that stage with food where it's like a little bit awkward it's like you don't have enough cows yet so you're still kind of struggling I I say we quickly go feed our cows really quickly just as like a reminder to me to you know keep keep uh keep an eye on food so it's there when we need it otherwise it can become an issue jeez this wheat like I planted that so long ago feels like forever ago okay I just have one wheat that is that is not useful at all in any capacity so I'm going to have to did I store some here no I didn't I did not oh got stuck don't make me use my my decorational wheat don't make me do it no we got to we've got to the decorations are now now have an actual purpose would you look at that [Music] all right I think that should be good literally just one wheat left hey I'll store it away though it's valuable there we go all right so the cows have been fed we don't have to worry about them look at this stuff's coming together you know we've already got three builds in this world well soon to be build it's all coming together I'm very excited I think it's going to look really cool here I think we chose the perfect spot as well I really do all right so now that I have the height marked all I have to do is really just build up and I'm going to do the same thing that I did for um texturing just try my best to kind of follow the same rules that I did for the roof with this Tower ah oh didn't think I was going to make it yeah see there's a little strip here this looks a little awkward we can fix that up though that is an easy fix so we'll just pop this one out I think I don't mind the tower looking a little bit more wrecked a little bit more old kind of feels like something that was like here before this blacksmith blacksmith sorry was ever here and it's just like an this is an addition onto this piece you know okay think we can put all of this stuff away until we reach the rooftop so now what I'm going to need is some barrels and some Spruce possibly some dark oak slabs I think for the rooftop you know what I'm going to keep this on me just in case and maybe I should make some like Spruce trap doors Spruce slabs all that stuff starting to run low on the spruce but I think we should be okay that should be all right actually let's make there we go perfect so I think we've got all the materials we need for this now what I'm going to do is so this is seven I wonder if maybe I should go like two more let's try let's try nine just to make it really like a lot taller than this so the the like um first portion of this Tower will reach the top of this build I feel like that kind of makes sense sometimes I'm a little bit afraid to go too tall with my builds and then they end up looking like just a little bit too short so I think this time I'm going to try the opposite thing I mean worst case scenario if we don't like it we can always tear it down you know okay I need to I want to put like a stair in between here but upside there we go that worked I'm going to make this Tower kind of like open I guess it'll look kind of similar to a bell tower so we'll go up four high including the barrel I would probably like some Oak in between this as well oh ouch we kind of go up like this just so I have a little bit more of a platform to work on and I should probably chop down like one more oak tree I think one or two broken tools broken tools it's all of the Stone I would use some more iron but honestly I think I need it for decoration so I'm just I'm kind of still dealing with the stone for now is that too t tall I don't know I feel like that might be too tall we're not really going to know until we place like the trims and stuff that's a the thing so I'll roll with it for now and then if it's if it's too much I'll take it down a notch I mean if anything also there will be like we could do a little design at the bottom here that could kind of snake up the top of the build so it doesn't look too tall something like that would kind of help I think we'll see we'll see I'm not entirely sold on the height yet but I want to give it a fair shot with everything in place and then if not I'll just remove it just so I don't fall down cuz that's that's that's a long way to fall and you know what it would more than likely happen to me too I am I'm very clumsy in this game as some of you may know there we go all right let's get a trim on the front part of this build like towards here just so I can see what it's going to look like I'm thinking maybe some Spruce and trap doors like this stacked on one another I really like this trim it's kind of like a classic going to have to like really snake my way up here there we go boom H I think it should be fine I don't know trying to like look at it from other angles I think that should be fine I think I'm just not used to making like super tall towers if I'm honest like they don't really reach that tall for the most part with my other builds I I think the height is fine I think it's good we'll roll with it the only thing I'm contemplating is maybe going like one more high for this part so it balances but I think it should be fine all right let's see let's put the let's put the tower on so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a little trim here going to keep it really simple with like dark oak and then I'll just go like this we can break these guys after just keep it really simple for the trim and then we'll do like a really tall style of tower here I wonder if I feel like the Bell would actually look really cool in here I we have a village close by there's got to be a bell too maybe we can take it from them oh these poor villagers they have the worst neighbor in existence me so mean to them for no reason take all their stuff St just being an absolute Menace so it's not super tall up here I think that's fine let's see I don't trust this piece of dirt is this just floating oh it's not look at that it wasn't let's see what I need to do is I need to like pillar up a little bit over here to see if it's too tall you know what no that's perfect that's great not too tall at all actually see sometimes it's there's a lot of second guessing involved and then sometimes you just really have to do the whole thing in order to really see what it's going to look like it's that it's that really classic saying of just trust the process trust the process you know cool I really like that that looks good so what I can do now is I should probably just decorate the tower out a little bit I'm wondering if I should go get that Bell or you know what a lantern would look really nice on a chain as well I think that could look pretty cool maybe we'll do that instead so what I'm going to do is I'm going to decorate the to power part first which requires a couple of deep slate uh walls and then I'd like to make a fence post on top at the very tippy top maybe an iron bar too would look really cool right at the very very top we're giving this thing some height let's grab our iron I think I've got some uh lanterns stashed away as well in our little decorational section [Music] chain is the other way around my bad like this let's make a couple and then some iron bars would look nice as well I think we're good yeah this is looking so cool I'm happy I ended up with that height otherwise it would have been too low compared to this smaller house honestly arguably I think I could have actually made it even a little bit higher but I think it's good for the 3X3 if this was if this was like a 5x5 Tower it would have definitely had to be very high I think okay we're going to start with the very tippy top so let's get that and an iron bar all the way at the top like that then the stairs let's just put a bunch in the corners here I'm a little bit worried I didn't make enough I think I did though yeah we're good we're good just like that honestly this this Tower style I this is literally in my brain called The Block down Tower style because this is this is something he taught me literally when we pretty much like first became friends I think this is one of like the first things that he taught me how to build was a good Tower design and I've used it ever since that was like 2 years ago that's wild and it's literally something that's just been in the rotation of like my build style ever since I'm not going to completely destroy this yet we might end up needing it woo almost fell there collect all this dirt because for some reason dirt is just very precious in this world world at the moment let's get rid of this this is like way too close to here I think that's looking really good though yeah I like that a lot very very cool I like the little bit of light with the lantern I'm happy we went with that instead of the Bell the bell tower would look really cool but the light it's it's just it's just more light to the area you can't go wrong with that you know while I still have these let's just pop them there we'll detail these out a little bit more later but for now we can kind of get started on this part of the build so what I'm thinking is I wouldn't mind if it's like a little bit moodier in here I'm thinking probably deep slate not deep slate dark oak roof not roof ceiling ceiling I'm almost thinking of having like a little rafter section here that we wouldn't necessarily use but it's a little bit open and you'll only notice it if you look up or actually no that would require the entire ceiling to be like pretty much open concept I think I'm just going to fill the ceiling in oh got some rain some cold fall rain I I don't like going outside in the fall when it's raining because the water is obviously way way colder but I do love that feeling of a rainy day in the fall I'd like to do like a little H design on the floor what do we have for deep slay options do polish deep slay I don't really use polished deep slate very often what would it look like with the brick if we did like I don't know if that's the vibe actually maybe maybe I feel like that's a Vibe I think that that could be cool I'm going to go with that I don't often do like deep slate flooring I think especially in something like um a little mining Outpost I think you would need like a rough floor so I'm going to stick with that for now we're going to need more deep slate though oh my I've really gone through it haven't I and as for the stairs though we're going to keep that I guess like nice and simple we'll probably just do like cute little porch area something like that I always like having a curved stair like this we're going to need more deep slate just to fill it out entirely and I think on this side because we have this stock right here going up into the tower I was kind of thinking like a chimney could look really cool on this side with our Archway in between so actually let's do the archway now so I kind of envisioned for this thing to have some form of Archway I would I would do three wide but I don't know if that's going to work on the tower per se so maybe we'll just do one have it come in either way like that and then we're going to need some slabs to connect it there something simple like this I think could look kind of cool and then we can hang a lantern or something and then that way it's like kind of indicating the entrance to this the opening of the M shaft which is kind of cool so I kind of had in my mind can't connect to that one that's okay I had it in my mind that what if we turned some of this wall into deep slate and then this will blend in a little bit nicer and we can and then inside we can pretty much just have like an entire smelting area right there I think that would look really cool I kind of like the idea of this being like a little bit tattered too like we can hang a lantern here and then the chain that one can just have nothing cuz it's a little bit just a little bit used it's a little bit worn in you know it's a little mining Outpost I think that's super cute all right I'm going to go down gather up a little bit more deep slate so we can just keep building this thing I mean it's kind of win-win every time I dig out some deep slate that means I'm like digging out an area for our strip mine so it works out in the end doesn't it and by the end of it we're going to have some good tools everything is going to be awesome if we're doing the wall as well I'm going to say we're going to need at least a stack in a bit so if we're doing mining today I think the next thing that we would need in this world is a little enchanting area now I'm just like what what kind of style should we go for because I often tend to lean towards the kind of like magical outdoor enchanting areas that's always always what I do I almost never stray from that it's kind of my go-to but I'd like to try something different for this world if anybody has any suggestions for kind of style that we could go with I was maybe thinking of trying something enclosed so maybe some type of cute fantasy style build or even like an old like Library looking type build would be nice but if anybody has any suggestions feel free free to throw them out there cuz I I love hearing everybody's ideas and stuff it helps kind of make these worlds feel a little bit like Cooperative in a way especially we do that a lot on stream it's so fun kind of like figuring out puzzles and challenges together but yeah I was I was kind of leaning towards something like a little bit more a little bit more like old library Vibes it's kind kind of what I think I might go with ooh iron Don't Mind If I Do could use that all right let's let's got a stack in a bit let me just grab a little bit more I think that should be enough that's nearly two stacks it's 60 okay we got to get four more come on we got to make a full stack don't we 64 perfect there so now we just need to pretty much pop out this wall I would say oh we also have to finish the flooring I completely forgot that's basically why I got this that's okay so I'm thinking we get rid of all of this at least the 3X3 in here and then maybe like a couple pieces on either end right here we want it to look a little bit uneven and I think that's pretty much perfect we'll definitely have to make this look a little bit nicer but I think we can I think we can do like a good job of it um if we add in kind of like a campfire station with like a lot of smoke and stuff we'll have to kind of make it look very immersive with all the campfires and stuff is what I'm thinking instead of just like straight up furnaces and stuff so I think that's okay we just need to add a little bit more detail around here maybe so we can add a little bit with some blocks coming out just something like this for now we won't fuss too much about the shape at the moment but I think something like that will probably be good yeah that's cool and then yeah I think I like that then we just got to do the rest of the flooring so let's get the it was the polished deep s right polished and then bricks oops that is a fence I did not mean to place that cool very nice very nice so I think just to finish this off out here we can do just a couple of more pieces of deep slate along here for like a porch keep that relatively simple and then just start marking out a path right here oops I think that's good actually maybe we'll connect it here instead think I like that better should realistically go off in every direction though like towards the the barn too but we'll fix that later okay so we've got like a pretty good base right now actually this is this is looking really good um H what should we work on next I think maybe we should work on maybe we could do the exterior but I feel kind of inclined to get together like a smelting area I think that would be kind of cool I think I would like to get a blast furnace in there that requires smooth Stone okay we're going to have to make another furnace here and get some smooth Stone ready well good thing we've got Stone here that I can mine we'll pop that in all right while that's burning I think what I'm going to do is start popping in some windows here and we of course need a door so let's get some Oak stairs so we can have a nice little trim above the window and same with the door so I think Spruce door I must have some type of door over back at this house I I must you make three at a time so there's got to be something let's see what we got we have the fur door which I'm not super Keen about oh we got Oak H don't really need Oak I would say oh actually before we go I'm going to take these Spruce signs these are always really good decorational ah always typing e e oh if if you just saw that can I go to bed yet no I can't okay so let's make a door boom oh I didn't mean to make 12 oh oh no I did not mean to make 12 oh dear honestly I'm not even going to use these throughout this entire series those those are probably just going to end up can can I burn those for fuel oh my that's a lot I'm never going to use that many oh all right I'm just going to put some signs on the sides here just for some decoration now for this I'm like do I want iron bars something like that maybe it is a black Smith I feel like something a little bit more sturdy if that makes sense would look nice I'm going to go with the iron bars all right let me just uh grab my 12 doors really quickly and place literally one excellent that's that's just great that's awesome oh that's so funny I'm never going to use that many oh well okay we need a little bit more wood in here I want to make two blast furnaces I think so that is iron iron smooth stone and a furnace easy peasy so we've got one I'll just place it in here for now I don't know where I'm going to put it cuz I think I'd like to get definitely like a little chimney type thing in here probably with all of this let's just Build It Up kind of a little bit random like that I think something like that should be good we could probably put the blast furnaces kind of on either side of it if that makes sense maybe we could have something like that and then our blast furnace up here we could do like a little wall of them or something wall of blast furnace and then maybe some like regular ones too I think that would be kind of cute so let's make one more and what do I need for this what am I missing I've got my furnace I think I'm missing the iron would you look at that we're out of iron I might have to hold off on that for now actually that's yeah we don't have enough uh so what do I need now got this down oh yeah what I was kind of thinking was I like this Archway I really do but I was kind of like what if it's a little bit more enclosed you know okay hear me out actually no no no we don't have to remove this we don't even have to remove this what if it's more of like an enclosed situation here maybe one more block back so we've got like beams something like that there is a skeleton somewhere we'll go up one more and then we can do like a dark oak trim we'll have to do this on the other side if we like it so it's like a complete little it's more of a roof pretty much is what I'm trying to make I feel as though something like that could be kind of cool so it's more of like a a roof style Archway instead we're going to have to bring some of these in and the Deep slate could stay here I think like a trim right here would be nice this is a little bit higher but I kind of like that I think that look actually pretty cool yeah I think so okay that looks a little bit more like it looks a little bit more I keep using the word sturdy but that's pretty much what I'm going for I want it to look like a little bit more substantial is another word I guess coming up with so many random words to describe it I need some more Oaks is it Oak stairs no no I know Spruce stairs I think I had some back here yes perfect oh would you look at that so we can have like just a little thing for the trim down here just cuz it it looks a little bit flat it's lacking a bit of definition so something like that helps out for sure and then on the other side we can do the same thing so it went whoa I fell so we basically just need it right here easy pey easy we're running low on the sprues this one's going to have to be like full oak or something we're going to have to make a Spruce Run uh give me an oak tree that is not knotted there we go perfect so for this one then we do the same thing on this side with the slabs [Music] boom just going to break my fall like that oh that one was like connected a little bit funny so it broke the full thing you know I don't mind it like this though with the two slabs here instead I was trying to get rid of that but I kind of like it actually I will bring it [Applause] back wait now this one's in line with this one huh what did I do here what did I do something went wrong is it cuz I did this one on the bottom half of the beam so I went up by four same thing top part of the beam I did something wrong every once in a while roofs still kind of get me you know two one two there we go I don't know what I did I misplaced something but I think that's okay now so then we can just place our Spruce pieces right here especially like with a part like this we're going to have to put leaves here or something cuz it's very flat but that's okay I think that's looking pretty good now let's just connect it all we need deep slate and some more deep slate just need to make a couple slabs and then we should be good good oh yeah I forgot I don't have shovel anymore got to break this with my hands all right how's this looking do I prefer that I think I do yeah I think I prefer that we're going to have to just add in like honestly I think even leaves will help out cuz there are there's a little bit of flatness in some of the spots but I honestly think that instead of like making this come out a little bit further we can literally just kind of add a little bit of shape with using some leaves you know I don't like using like kind of using leaves as a default for everything but I think it's good to sprinkle them in every once in a while it really can just help give builds a little bit more shape and texture when it's needed all righty let's see what we got here yeah I think I like that a lot better the leaves definitely also make your help look a little bit more rustic too yeah and then I was kind of picturing having like fencing at the back here it'll look pretty cool let's go to sleep really quickly put all this stuff away for now I don't did I get enough no I I think we need seven iron for our Blast Furnace those things are really expensive though to be fair they're really expensive yeah this is looking really cool going to have to make another shovel first though I think I broke it while I was doing the pathing and we do need to connect a path here I love this I love this this is a really cool little pathway into the mines I really like [Applause] that so I think the best way to do this is I kind of wanted like a wall but I'm not sure how that's going to work because definitely going to hit my head if I enclose this a bit we could kind of do like a wrap around if that makes sense like something similar to this I don't know if this like wonky shape is going to work to our benefit or if it's going to look bad you know what maybe even just enclosing it like this is kind of neat I think I like that doesn't have to be anything super fancy I was going to do maybe a wall that connected to here but I don't really think it needs it to be honest I think something like this nice and simple is just the way to go yeah that's kind of cool actually let's bring this back how do I have it like this I kind of like that yeah and then we can put some Stone around here I think that'll definitely make it look better do I have any Mossy Cobble that's the question I think Mossy Cobble would look very very good around there not sure I do though I'm trying to think of spots that we've run into Mossy Cobble I don't know if we have or if I've just kind of ignored it you know a andesite maybe some tough and gravel would also look really good so we can just use that for now you just you didn't see that my little empty chest to the side that I never organized you know what I must say I've been I've been pretty good with organization in this world so far I'm I'm quite proud of myself I'm quite proud of myself all right let's just grab like a little bit little bit of Stone from here this is the little entrance to the mine that we have yeah I think I'm going to keep that open for sure it'll definitely be really handy to have I'm wondering if I should just like build a staircase down I don't think I can it's a pretty like steep drop off going to have to find some way to get down there though just going to repair this a little bit it's very steep looking oh my gosh creeper City oh my scary going back [Music] up hey do we have we've got some tough I think we've got gravel too andesite don't really have much of that right now got lots of gravel so that helps we'll just work with what we got we do like a patch of tough over here in a corner then we can surround that by gravel something like that get us some Cobble and then we can put some coarse dirt around it as well I think that would look good so we'll keep that nice and simple not sure I brought any coar dirt with me here though I think I've got some back at the base uh dirt dirt there it is and oh a little bit we've got some gravel that we can mix with dirt this is I mean my dirt's in the dirt chest I should have I should have known this whole time I've been like scooping up dirt on the sides near my build I'm like I don't have any I have a chest full of it oh dear it's it's been a day it's been a day let's just make a bunch of coarse dirt so then we can start lining this path even too kind of I'm kind of feeling uh that we start with the exterior today decorate that up do interior [Applause] last so I'm just going to align these paths with just a little bit of coarse dirt as always same with probably around the tower too it doesn't hurt to have as well I'm going to leave that up cuz I think I'd like to add maybe a couple more things like some leaves around the side before we're done with that this is looking good though I really like it so I'm kind of thinking maybe at the back here we could do definitely some leaves and maybe like a rock pile or something behind as well I think that would look nice just to add a little bit of height because if you look at it through here it looks great it's just like the line of sight here could be broken up a little bit so I'm thinking maybe just like even a simple little pile of rocks I'll have to get some stairs and stuff in here afterwards and like some slabs and then I like to pair these with leaves and I think having maybe some leaves along here would be nice too how does that look from here yeah nice and simple like nothing too overwhelming maybe even arguably in the corner here as well we can get some leaves kind of poking through there I think that's good don't need anything too overwhelming just small little details to kind of help frame the build is what I like to do so we did have like the idea of a chimney right here which means I do need to finish it I did I did not finish it so we probably should do that as well cuz that's like a huge component for this build let's store away all of our dirt and stuff for now and deep slate I'm thinking deep slate to continue all the way up I don't we could have done Granite but I think with the pallet I think I think just keeping it simple with deep slate is fine now the one thing I'm going to need is probably some more Spruce trap doors so I might have to chop down a tree really quickly and I also need some campfires I don't know if I have any coal at the moment I have seen some around but oh look at all the iron I forgot we had that much and steak look at all these treats that we're getting oh my gosh incredible past me was was awesome for leaving that there and forgetting about it because future me is Happy Well present me I guess I guess I'm in the present right now yeah we're going to need um we're definitely going to need some more Spruce just waiting to go to bed waiting waiting there we go all right where did I leave my boat where did I leave my boat I have no idea where I put that boat it's gone now it was probably at my base probably over there somewhere the question is do I have a proper axe I have like half of one right now I should have I should have considered that before I went over here probably should have considered that that's okay I can make a crafting table here and let's make ourselves another axe all right let's chop down one of these trees that should give us more than enough spruce going to try to get some saplings I don't remember if I have any back at the base I might I should I should probably have like a little chest here for Spruce saplings just cuz it's really important that we replenish this Supply this went up way higher than I thought it was going to be oh my gosh this this is a really tall spruce tree I thought I thought I could have stopped her right there that's wild ah well there's a lot of Le leaves at the top there so hopefully at least a couple saplings will drop hope so you know we could probably do with a little bit more Oak and stuff as well so we might as well take the time to grab just a little bit plus this will clear out like a little space for us to plant a couple more trees if we need might as well make it worth our time Birch we can always used to make barrels and stuff and let's chop down some of these dark oak trees as well we're running low on that too oh this one's just super tall it's not knotted let's get the last few right here and come on drop more saplings ooh I see some floating up there there's one we' got three if I just get one more just so we can replant a full-size tree there we go four perfect so we'll plant it right here and I've got a couple more actually perfect let's get a little chest here as well just so I can place the spruce saplings in here if we have like an odd number or anything I think that should be okay for now oh you can see the very tippy top of the tower right there I love that let's go feel like this is going to look super good when it's done yes look at that okay I'm so happy I added some extra height to this build it actually looks perfect now a this is so cool I'm I'm really happy with the placement too actually just because I like like I said before I really wanted to make it a goal not to have everything too spread out because this is a short-term series I think it would be nice to have everything close together otherwise it's going to leave a ton of gaps and that's not really what we want because we're not going to have enough time to to fill them in so I think I think going with uh some stuff close by was definitely the right call all right so we got our Spruce which means I need to make a bunch of trap doors and let's toss this in the junk bin make a bunch of trap doors here and I also needed a little bit more coal I think I saw some right around here that's copper oh there yes I also would like to grab the copper I'd like to make like giant copper blocks for the outside of the build I think that would look really nice I would do that with iron too but of course we kind of need the iron we can't really use it for decorational purposes in this moment it would just be that's just a little bit too extra especially when we need it really bad yes this looks so cool very happy with this house so far all right so we got the stuff for the chimneys we're all good to go can I make some raw copper blocks excellent I totally can I'm thinking like even placed around like here and we want it in a spot where it's like kind of connected to the wall cuz you have to have a trapo around it maybe even here would be kind of cool oops oh no I keep misplacing it my bad my bad there we go cool so let's get our chimney in place just got mildly distracted just just a little bit it's okay though we've got four campfires we've got our deep slate which is perfect and 47 deep slate do I not have any more oh my gosh I'm really really burning through the Deep slate today huh honestly I'm like I could probably turn a little bit of this into deep sleep bricks I think we'll be fine so my thought is to before let me just get some dirt my thought is to kind of have like three chimneys going up I think I'd like this build to have a lot of like fiery movement if that makes sense and I think doing three for a blacksmith makes sense you're smelting a bunch of stuff you know so we can have one coming up like this we could also have one coming out from here maybe one like this and you know what maybe this one instead or actually no we'll keep this one sorry do I have one bunched here this one would be pretty tall let's have maybe like a smaller one possibly here would be kind of cool something like that they look very scattered and like disorganized I kind of like that though ouch I think what we're going to have to do though is probably get rid of these they look very out of place now that's okay though I think I kind of like it like this where we have we could even connect this with like deep slate stairs something like that or actually no that would that wouldn't really make sense sense we're going to have to peel into this area too I don't mind having chips though I think like chips taken out looks kind of neat a look at that vibe that is nice very nice I'm just going to drop down from here I'll staircase up really quickly after definitely want to sleep first we put a lot of work into this build it would be a big shame if a creeper came along and just absolutely destroyed it got some Cobble deep slate stairs here so let's give these a shot I to do something like this that just kind of trying to like put this all back together in a way that it kind of makes sense you know so let's do that and then maybe like a staircase going that way I think that's pretty neat okay how's that looking for shape oh yeah I think that's good I think that's quite good the only thing I would do is maybe add oops I didn't mean to take that out of my inventory you know what I'm going to grab some leaves really quickly too just to get a couple up there we didn't add leaves to the roof yet and that's I you got to have a couple leaves on the roof you know just a few I think maybe like just to bring a little bit of shape back into this we could do stair like that we could do little leaves in this corner and then from here we go onto this roof and do some leaves around here as well I don't know exactly if I want to do a dormer roof I was kind of thinking about that like having just a small one right around here that would Connect into the dark oak uh let's see if I can do that I think all we really have to do is turn the Deep slate like this and then just have a slab instead from what I remember something like that and then we can just have a little like a little fence in there or something or an upside down stair I don't really remember I don't think it really matters but I think an upside down stair might might look a little bit nicer let's try that first oops I keep doing the wrong way wait it's kind of like more like this wait no that's not right either is it no I haven't done a I haven't made a proper like Dormer roof in like quite a while so I feel a little bit a little bit lost on how to make them again let me just do this no it's definitely not that definitely not I think it's the slab I think I'm just overthinking it and kind of kind of panic making something but that's okay I think that's fine yeah you can make them a little bit bigger too I think I'm also used to making like the bigger ones but that one's kind of cute it's nice and simple you don't really need much else also it tends to look a little different I think if you have like the attaching piece on top as the same as this one but I kind of like the placement of that one and of course what we can do here is frame out maybe just a couple leaves boom and boom probably not anything too fancy like that I don't know if I want that right over the doorway maybe like this coming down and then we'll have to get a dark oak sign as well all right let's make one of those really quickly just to kind of patch up the roof a little bit yeah that that's looking pretty cute I like that all right really what we just need left is probably I would say I would like to get a trim on the door I'm probably going to keep this relatively simple I'm thinking we just do some dark oak fencing and maybe Gates just like a really simple trim across I think let's just go with that actually I think that's perfect I'm always into like breaking out one piece and then kind of getting some leaves in there I always think that's a nice touch so on the side of this one we used up all of our copper we got some copper there we can probably get some more later but what I'm thinking is just keep it relatively simple with some barrels for now I'd like to maybe make like a mine cart or something that would be really cute but I don't know if we have the materials to make that they can be a rail on a mine cart can be expensive I have to double check after I make these barrels rail I don't even think I have the recipe for that did those require H do those require like is it Redstone or something I don't remember I thought a basic rail was just iron and sticks to be honest what if for some of these barrels just to like make them look a little bit different we had like bands wrap around them like this just to add a little bit more difference to some of them so then we don't have just like a pile of random barrels and stuff and we can do I would like to have some more copper as well I think we can probably get some there's got to be some in these caves you know there's got to be oh right here perfect one should do it just right here and then we will get a couple of chests too very nice and of course just for a little bit of extra height and texture got to have one of those campfires there you know I think that's cute it's nice and simple this what I would maybe do because it's just kind of overhanging a little bit much it's like blocking it I would maybe I don't know if my shoes are in here have a leaf pile here instead cut that one short I think that's good yeah definitely need a trim on this door feel like we should just keep in theme with everything else we've got just do like the Deep slate brick wall oh that kind of Peaks over that edge though though you know what I'm kind of thinking about it I'm like do we need a trim on this one I don't know maybe instead we could just do like a flower pot here with some stuff keep it really simple if anything you know what I would do probably just this guy and then we could have a light just a simple little light on top Yeah I think that's cute want this one to kind of have like flower bed Vibes the Oak in the front I want I want this to look old but I also want it to look kind of like well taken care of at the same time so I think that's the way to do it just something like that nice and simple then we can have probably another Barrel or two around here this one here let's make it face the other way cuz these ones face up so you kind of have to make it look a little bit different than the building itself sleep really quickly and then we need one more chest to go on top of that one I think to really finish it off something like that I think that's cute keep it nice and simple we don't want like too much going on with this build I don't think uh let's light up the back too for a moment I was like I don't need to but honestly having the light there will definitely be helpful we'll get a light here on this side as well I don't think we really need to get up there anymore so I can break down that column you know what yeah I like this without the the trim over top I think that's perfect this is looking really cute I actually think we're almost done with the outdoor like the exterior of the build minus like a couple of spots where I'm like you know what i' always go for some leaves but other than that I don't think we really need that much I don't know what happened to my shears I don't know if I use them don't know if I put them in the inventory I can never see shears in my own inventory so I'm going to just make more got to a couple more leaves ready to go might as well chop this down cuz I kind of destroyed it in the process didn't I apologies oak tree haven't really used the Autumn Leaves too much to be honest I really like them as background I'm not sure about decorational especially because they don't really have the texture pack um it's not compatible with the one that I have so they're very Square I'm sure I'll be able to fit them into another build at some point but I'm kind of just liking them as uh as they are with this you know I think really all this needs is like maybe like this oops broke that one again miss placed it twice another day another broken shovel classic classic yeah that doesn't look too great I'm just going to leave it like this I think I think that's good for leaves on the tower so yeah I don't want too much honestly arguably I might get rid of this one too cuz it's so Leaf heavy at the bottom there I think that maybe this is good I really like this build it is so cute it's very cozy looking all right I need another shovel really bad we are in dire need and I have nothing to make it with classic we're almost done with the exterior I think the only thing I think I want to add is maybe just a couple details to that little pathway going into the mines but other than that I think we're good that and obviously some like plants and stuff around it I think this just needs a little little something I think like even just as simple as I don't know storage barrels kind of over the sides [Music] here uh probably some more leaves of course can't go wrong with that and then maybe some like I don't know if fencing would look good along along here I think that's a little bit much cuz it attaches to the walls too honestly I was kind of thinking of maybe just getting some plants in here and then that's pretty much it even something as simple as like grass we got to get some coarse dirt in here though really doesn't need much cuz it's such a small space but it just needs a little bit just a little bit of texture otherwise it looks a little bit too flat so we'll replace some of this I think oops there we go one more piece should do it I think that's good we don't want to over complicate it but that definitely looks a lot better cool so the only other thing I really need is I forgot I need some lanterns so we can make a couple of those and and then a little bit of like a couple plants and stuff on the outside I'm thinking some more barley then we're pretty much done with the exterior then we just have the interior and we're pretty much done this is this has come together maybe even one here trying to think of a spot that would be good right here honestly even on top of the fence post would be nice yeah now that's cozy this is kind of driving me bonkers because of the the Deep slate there I might change that back over to dark oak it looked a little bit too like flush there we go that's looking better cool well I would I would say that's done for sure so now that we've got all of the exterior lights and stuff done I think we need to now just add in our barley and stuff and then we got to worry about the inside of the build which shouldn't take too long I'd like to mainly make it like a storage heavy build I would say definitely lots and lots of storage try not to pull too much barley away from here cuz that's stuff that I intentionally placed so I don't want to I don't want to take away too much of that grab some ferns while we're at it any more any more barley I've only got five so far I think there was a field that had a little bit more somewhere else I think it was kind of close to the pumpkins it's pretty far though it's kind of like hoping we would stay closer to the base today and not do too much traveling yeah I think that should be okay for now well this Barley's just just in the way of the path so I guess we have no choice but to get rid of it no choice whatsoever okay I think this is perfect we're not going to need too too much anyway but just a small amount here and there you know we can break this guy put that there a couple pieces around here there is a zombie somewhere and it does not sound too happy to be honest okay we got that and some toad stools why not I love the toad stools they're so cute I think I have more back at the base one thing I would like to go get more of is clovers as well oh the clovers are so cute we're definitely going to have to go back to that pumpkin patch cuz that's where I found them I think okay we got some more barley we have we have some clovers yes we have rose bushes too that could look nice and boat stools 10 perfect got everything we we need these clovers are such a game changer I I honestly wish these were vanilla these are these in the toad stools I'm like yes they are perfect they're okay I didn't have enough I I sprinkled just a couple I guess but they're just one of those things that adds just the slightest amount of detail to your build you don't need too many and like they're low to the ground I feel like we need more foliage and stuff that's low to the ground if that makes sense these are very bright but you know what I really love I've always loved rose bushes in this game so feel like I've got to plant them yeah that's looking very cute I'm thinking of doing some lamp post lamp post and stuff I'm kind of thinking deep slate though stick with like the more Moody vibe that we've got going on here so we've got one there which means we could do one here here possibly here I think that's good it is a little bit H it's a little bit much actually I don't know there's something about it where I'm like I don't really want it necessarily in front of the build maybe along the path I think this is actually properly well lit that we could probably get away with not necessarily having them I would say maybe towards like the path here but even then I don't know I kind of like the Simplicity of what we've got there's like a lot of clutter already within this area and I think like the posts stand out just a bit too much I think that's fine for now all right I would say that like the outside of this is done I really like it I think it's looking super cute I just want to pillar up really quickly just to get a look at it from a higher Viewpoint find that always helps oh almost fell yeah that looks very cute I really like that nice and simple I was going to add more to the roof like the trim but I actually don't even think it needs it I think it's great the way it is honestly okay so that's all done which means we can move on to the interior now and basically what we're going to have to do is we've got a furnace we do okay we can make a blast furnace now we can can make one more I think two is probably good I wouldn't go too overboard with it and I think if anything I'll do like a little deep slate chimney type thing there and in here I would definitely like to have like a little little Forge area if that makes sense so that means we'll have like a little campfire going to turn all of these into sticks I'm not really going to use many of the fur planks so maybe something like that and then we can have our iron bars covering it I think that would look really cool then what we could do is probably make like a couple chests or something to go around it we got one we should probably bring the crafting table inside I would assume that with a build like this you would definitely want a crafting table in there right on this platform here then stone cutter would look actually really great in here as well I like that I think that's nice and simple and then I think here could be our little stone cutter area let's grab that guy pop that down there crafting table can probably go in a separate area I'm thinking we could have like shelving unit or something here pop that in the corner actually let's make like the unit kind of like more built into the wall or a a corner piece would look good sorry I was going to do like a something with the the trapo going all the way around but then you'll leave a gap here I think like a really big corner piece shelving unit could look really neat I really like doing those so I would start it maybe right here it would be like a yeah three wide we're going to need some more Spruce story of my life tell me I used it all no I didn't I didn't use it all we're going to have to label all this stuff too I'm thinking I actually genuinely want to use this for all of like the stones and stuff that we're going to be collecting so I'm thinking of having something like I'm thinking chests chests up in here or this could be like another workspace unit we could possibly if we have enough can we get away with it how do you make an anvil is it just cutting it close using all of my iron on this but honestly I think an anvil would actually be extremely useful in a situation like this so I'm I'm willing absolutely willing to do that we have tons of spruce still that's good I think up here I'll make like a little shelf do something cute like that that still opens and we could place like some firewood up here just for our little Forge that we've got and then we can also I want to add some shape to up here like a little thing like that I guess and I think if anything I will add oh no did I use all my lights I used all my lights I used all my iron we're I guess we have no choice but to go caving then no choice that's okay though that is okay so I think for this section then I want to keep it relatively simple I think we could fit in like a double chest up here if anything maybe what I'll do is I'll move the Anvil going to try to be good with this storage do this and then we will put the Anvil on the side here so then I can do double chest double chest again but I'm out of wood the name of the game for this for this space is going to definitely be storage I think the most precious wood I have right now is probably the spruce so I'm going to I'm going to get rid of all of this stuff I'm going to use this for chests and barrels and stuff barrels what if we did like a little two single chest up top I think that looks really cute There's Something About Storage that fits inside of a contained space like a little wardrobe thing there's there's nothing quite like it I swear it is it's like the best I'm always like yes that is very satisfying now the problem is here this might cut off a little bit of our like space I'd want this to be more open I feel like this if anything in this corner we could put in like I don't know some type of some have a table but if anything maybe in this corner we could do a couple more chests or something what if we did it all the way up to the wall like a unit I think that makes the most sense the problem is then this kind of gets blocked off right you have to be careful when doing stuff like that that so maybe instead the compromise would be something cute like this or maybe the drawers on the bottom because they're floating a little bit awkwardly on top these like look a little bit clunkier so if we kind of just reverse this or even there's so many combinations you can do I think this one's kind of cute though then we could keep this one like a little bit like aier looking by doing Oak instead yeah I think that works I don't think they get too in the way of each other either I think that's like pretty much perfect so here I would do at most I don't even know if I'm going to bother doing a table honestly I feel like this is fine with what we've got if anything now I would would just I would just label it all I guess which I'm going to want Spruce for I think oh no time time got away from me please no creepers please no creepers oh I think we're fine still going to hide in here though really all we need are some torches in here after so we are going to have to go on a little hunt for Spruce Spruce and diamonds basically because we can because we have so much storage here now we can basically have like a diamond Barrel diamonds I would say diamonds and an iron diamonds iron what else would go here deep slate of course I would say maybe Stone as well various Stones though or no stone stone itself these could be various stones and I would say like Stone variants at the bottom that's cutting it close to the uh the door though eh I feel like these need to go on the other side yeah otherwise like right when you walk in you're going to hit a sign deep slate deep slate very variant stone stone variants all right I feel like the last ones that we should do so we have a I'm I think I'm being a little bit too unrealistic here an entire barrel full of diamonds diamonds and gems so then we can put like emeralds and stuff in there too and then the last two I would do is like just various ores and then probably like coal and flint and all that stuff coal and charcoal all right so that is all organized and ready to go so we're pretty much good uh let's see actually the last thing I was going to say the last thing I want to add here is a shelf but it'll just get in the way of that maybe we can do a little one right here do I have any oak on me I don't just do like a little decorational Shelf or maybe something like this and then on top we can basically have I don't think we need any more barrels maybe just like a little bit more campfire wood possibly would be kind of cute and then another light up there once we get some more iron so I think this is this is pretty simple but I think this does the job this is exactly what we need I really just want a good place for storage my big thing for this series is learning how to be organized with drift because I have that problem in my other worlds but we've slowly been working towards solving those and it's made such a big difference so I'm trying my best to just like have everything organized ready to go from the start I think that's kind of the the key with all of this stuff usually with all of these giant mess barrels and chests that we have when we build I always empty them out afterwards so I don't really tend to worry too much about like this mess per se because this happens this just happens when you build pretty much um but for now what we can do is kind of grab like all of our various stones and stuff and actually get them into our bins so they're not just like hanging around out here anymore so at least we can slowly make some changes along the way so like we got our Stones here let's do our oh no oh no for some reason I thought that would open oh no okay um I might have to do I might have to do the unit that I thought of before all right you get back here these are going to break break and then we need these up top however okay that still opens because it is a slab I guess yeah I guess that's that's why that's okay this unit's still going to look pretty cool so deep slate variance now goes here and stone goes up here perfect so now we can just kind of pile everything into here a deep slate thing is there's definitely so many different types of deep slate I usually use the bricks and the cobal but we'll still put like all of this stuff in here too the Deep slate variants actually maybe that's what we can do we can do like half and half of deep slate brick and Cobble deep slate possibly and then like the variants we could have one that's like full block variants and then like all of your stairs and stuff like that I think that's a good way to kind of organize it uh so stairs for the stone goes in here we got that then we've got various Stones which I usually put like diorite gravel and a site tough don't really have many of these uh things yet to put in but I think that's a good start we do have some back at the base as well but I won't worry too much about that just yet I can move it back and forth we can just have places in double spots which I don't think I really want to do I think I'd like to keep it all contained here that will alleviate some storage mess over there it'll open up some chests that we can use for like General things so I think that's pretty good so we got our raw iron we got our coal we have a thousand tools that are just not great right now and I think that's pretty much it I think what we can do now because we have quite a bit of time left um I think that it would be nice to go down into the mines and probably just start probably just start getting some of this uh diamond and like various irons and stuff that I need maybe I'll focus on the diamond today I don't know if we're to have too much time left unfortunately to get like a bunch of iron and stuff however I mean we've got a cave set up now we're good to go if you all kind of like the really chill caving Adventures I can always do episodes of that like just caving maybe small builds along the way the problem is when we're doing a bunch of building and a bunch of caving at the same time those are two very long tasks and I don't want to I don't want these to be too long so some of the stuff ends up getting cut out I think strip mining though is something that we don't really need to have a full video of I can make Cuts along the way when I'm strip mining but caving Adventures that's like a fun time for us to just like hang out chat and stuff I think it would be uh I think it would be nice to be able to get some of those in so if you if you're interested in caving Adventure episodes let me know and maybe I can I can do some of those along the way too so I think what I'm going to do is I'm just going to repair this very quickly I hate having like little open spots in the cave it always freaks me out so I'm going to just build a little space for us to have a couple of things like chests and furnace all of that stuff crafting table just so we don't have to constantly move everything back upstairs I find that's super super handy when working in the mines otherwise you're just running back and forth forth too much actually let's do crafting table furnace and then couple of chests maybe a couple more all right then we can have like a chest for deep slight down here and then hopefully that'll just make us want to like move it upstairs after but it's nice to have like a nice little drop off spot so basically what I'm going to do now is pretty much just strip mine my method is usually just like carve out little pockets like this like two by twos and then just kind of go for it until I find all the diamonds that I need it kind of kind of stinks that we don't have our enchanting table yet because I would love to have Fortune on some of these diamonds however maybe if we even get like some tools or something like that uh we can we can just stop there and then hopefully in the next episode I think enchanting table is probably the best bet and we can get ourselves some Fortune so we don't end up wasting all of the diamonds that we find all right so let's just get these last few right here and we're going to need some iron for this one I think we're going to need a couple of iron axes ready to go kind of kind of stinks that we're still working primarily with stone but there's not much we can do about that so let's get all of these here and I've got six more I can make two more iron picks I think I'm going to do that especially because we're going to be mining for diamonds and stuff I'll probably keep using Stone unfortunately for the most part but at least when I have the diamonds I have uh the iron picks so the only thing left to do is pretty much just start going that's it going to be here a while but hey I I like doing this stuff so it's all good yes first diamonds finally I'm on my third quadrant right now probably been mining for about over 20 minutes so I didn't really have much luck until now look at that hopefully it's more than one two okay okay two 3 4 anything else anything else let's just dig all of this out just like that might be it for us you know what four I'll take I will definitely take five okay okay that's not bad not bad at all so we have six upstairs right now so 6 7 8 9 10 11 I wanted to get an axe a shovel and a pickaxe and probably a sword I don't really need to worry to much about a diamond hoe I don't think we really need it to be honest so I think we're going to go with this for now would that get us what we need does it get us what we need we got five so that is three 6 7 8 I think that's enough right pretty sure I think we might be done I think we might be done now I'm not too worried about I'm not really worried about my armor to be honest just yet um especially because I really don't I I'm not too worried because we're in we're just playing regular old survival we're not playing hardcore or anything and let me just grab this for the XP honestly that's kind of what I'm more concerned about now cuz I do want to enchant in the next um episode but I don't know I I feel like we might have enough diamonds might have enough diamonds for this oops get our tough there bring up some of this deep slate actually why not we're probably going to build with it and let's go back up and see if we have everything we need for our tools oh and we need a shovel so I think that's right counting with drift not not too great of counting but hey I'm figuring it out taking this at like lightning speed look at this is it night time no it's not let's go awesome okay let's put away some of the stuff that we found in here I just realized I didn't have I don't have a spot for Redstone maybe this can be my Redstone spot going to have to make a sign for that though probably not really going to use Redstone much around here just because don't really need it we can put our lapis here and let's get our deep slate in here boom all right and now let's we've got our diamonds let's go see what we can make with them honestly honestly I'm still I'm still contemplating just getting getting everything over with everything over with like I said it kind of isn't ideal that we don't have Fortune yet but I don't know I don't know it would be nice to have everything done done with diamonds so let's get our pick first of course boom diamond pick diamond axxe shovel sword after I get some more sticks oops we have we have enough diamonds for everything look at that look at that oh that is beautiful that is beautiful very very sweet wow I'm really happy with this look at that well the worst part is though I'm not going to use them yet even though even though I've got really nice tools we're not even going to use them yet how sad how sad they're going to you know what we're going to put them away here for now I'm going to I'm going to suffer through the remainder of all these guys first but hey it's all done so I do think maybe we should kind of wait for um possibly wait for our enchanting table to get the rest of them just because I think it would be beneficial if we could try to get Fortune so in the meantime I think I'm going to just burn through these guys use them all up and kind of just fix out the remainder of this path possibly cuz we're we're pretty much done with the mines I would say that was a job well done definitely a job well done the only thing that we really need though is a little bit of iron just to get some more lights in here because it's looking a little bit dark in here for now so maybe maybe we task ourselves to go do that fix up these paths a little bit and then then we'll call it a day I would say that this has been super successful though this has been really great actually okay let's get some Spruce slabs and just just fix up these paths a little bit just a little bit and get some here and I'm just going to pretty much fix up all of these spots oh oops same with here get ourselves a nice little path going down over to the [Music] barn I would like a connection right here as well having little paths that just kind of wind around it's one of my favorite things for sure even though I'm kind of the type of person to run around a path rather than actually properly use it I don't know why I do that it's just like so it's just my instinct I guess but that's okay it's nice to have well done paths got to give ourselves a little bit more space here something like that we got to fix up the path that's like going over to our actual area too I actually kind of like this like how steep it is it just needs to be properly done now but we can do that that's easy that's an easy fix so I am going to have to make another shovel that's for sure do I have any more leaves definitely I would also like to get some Spruce so we can make a little bit of like a retaining wall and maybe some fencing as well then what was the last thing I needed probably one more shovel I would say make it too I mean I could use that diamond shovel I could but I feel I feel like that's that's a treat for the next episode I don't know why I'm just like I'm just like I have it there but I cannot use it yet I think I'm just kind of in my brain waiting on some enchantments some possible enchantments we can do with it you know and maybe in this fall we can get some leaves just roughen it up a little bit is this a path what is this I don't think this is supposed to be a path I think I just kind of messed that up so we'll replace that with dirt just to fix it up there we go that's looking really cute and then oh my gosh every time I think those are creepers oh the sunflowers in this game they're they're really getting me really getting me lately so I think this path is fine to walk up looking good same with these ones I don't think they really need too much work I think the one that really needs some work now is the one leading down to our house it definitely needs like steep steps and probably a bit of a retaining wall so we could do something like this then we can kind of have like posts or pillars kind of going down like this I think that'll look nice oh it is about night time yeah I think that's looking cute have the post come all the way down like this and then we have a path here but that doesn't feel right to me especially with the way that's winding here I think what we need to do is bring it over a little bit like this something like that instead I need to go to bed really quickly oh I'm stuck stuck in my own decorations why I think the posts look really cool something like that I'm wondering if maybe I was kind of thinking I want some of them stripped maybe some not I kind of like the mix you know yeah I think that's neat then I think if we're going to do some design like this what we have to do is kind of go the full way in terms of um this all needs to basically be spruce this can probably just change into staircase yeah that's looking good I think maybe what I'd like to do also is something like that might not have enough wood for this maybe if we do like a mix of planks and then the logs here I think that could look kind of cool they'd all have to be stripped though that's the thing going to have to strip all of these then if that's the case and then what I like to do on top of these just to make them look a little bit more complete is get Spruce uh slabs on on top it just kind of like really levels them off otherwise it looks like it's kind of missing something we are going to have to make a couple more though oh that's not right this one just probably shouldn't be here to be honest except it does kind of curve so maybe we do have to have it there I think that's fine yeah then we can have a bit of the wall coming up over here instead we'll just make it look like very rough and kind of uneven kind of like that look there we go I think that's looking pretty cool I like that there so we've got a little staircase now proper staircase going up and down look at that it's nice and safe it's up to code it's got some like handrails you know what I mean all of that I don't know if I have any more iron for a lantern though so I think it's going to have to be unlit for now oh wait no we do have lanterns yay okay wait let me just drop some in here really quickly oh I'm so happy this is great news I'm just going to toss them anywhere I think that's good yeah very nice and then we can just toss some of these bad boys around here too have one here maybe replace some of these that guy and then why not just one here oh that's super cute yeah I like that we also could have some like leaves poking from behind as well just like this just give a little bit more texture behind it yeah I think that's looking really nice I actually love these two like trees here they really they create like a little Archway and I like how it kind of like hides the staircase and slowly reveals it as you walk closer to it I think that is super cute I love that nice awesome well I guess the only thing left to do really is just add a little bit of coarse dirt around this Pathway to make it look a little bit nicer and we're like pretty much [Applause] done oh coal I actually really need that don't mind if I do what a surprise also the levels we could definitely use as well amazing it's a little bit of hidden coal for you we'll patch it back up cuz we don't really want any mobs to spawn around here that would not be good not be good for us at all yes I have more corse dirt for a second I was like oh no I've used it all I think this is looking pretty good I must say pretty good just going to bring back a little bit of this land right here terraformed too much away I think that should be perfect nice well I think this is looking absolutely lovely this looks so cool I I really like this build I think it has a lot of character to it and honestly there's something about builds where they have like different like little little hidden almost hidden spaces like this little M shaft going down with the archway above I'm really happy we changed the archway by the way I feel like that was a good decision and also changing the height of the tower that was great as well I think that worked for our benefit yeah no I think this looks super cool it's very cozy I'd like to take a quick little look at it a little bit higher up this is going to be like a little awkward spot but I always like to do this I know it just looks really cute I really like it I'm very very happy with it I want to see it from the other side too yeah yeah I hear you buddy can I get like above these trees no this looks very awkward from up here that's okay though it's so cute though I might have to end up getting rid of those trees eventually but I kind of like that it's hidden in the forest the trees kind of separate the Farmland with this little like mining Outpost you know so it is kind of important to have have it there but I mean it's really nice that we have something close to both our house and now our barn so anywhere you walk around these three are kind of connected to one another and it just it's just giving the area so much more life now like really cool I love that I even love the pathway leading up to it this looks just super cool I love it yeah I'm very happy with it let's go all right well I think since we're done the build and also since we've got all of our diamond tools I I think that might be it for today's episode thank you so much everybody for watching I hope you all enjoyed this one I think we're going to be working on some enchanting in the next one so we'll definitely have to get some more uh Diamond gear for sure and we're going to try to enchant some important tools just to make our lives a little bit easier thank you so much everybody for watching I hope you all enjoyed this one and I will see you all in the next one bye
Channel: InfiniteDrift
Views: 50,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft longplay, minecraft relaxing, minecraft cozy gameplay, minecraft relaxing gameplay, minecraft peaceful gameplay, minecraft chill, minecraft chill gameplay, relaxing minecraft, minecraft longplay aesthetic, minecraft cozy, minecraft cozy longplay, chill minecraft, minecraft longplay commentary, minecraft longplay with commentary, minecraft modded, minecraft fall, minecraft autumn, minecraft survival longplay, minecraft blacksmith, minecraft longplay talking
Id: 4Y7CcHPNn-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 48sec (11688 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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