Building a keg still pony thumper downcomer

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finish this video the only difference between uh using a pony and a sixlet is how long this sits down to the bottom so before you solder it right here measure it you know slide it down to the bottom it could touch bottom of your keg now if you're going to be running a bunch of chunky fruit real thick stuff might want to drill a couple holes right here but that's the only difference in this design is the length of this tube you're gonna run a six lit it's gonna be a little longer you could run a tape measure or you could just push it on the top of your keg push the pipe down and then solder it right here all you need this is a down comber down comer however you want to say it let's uh turn any any keg in the thumper um i wouldn't use a regular keg as a thumper if i was using a regular keg as a a pot uh because you usually want your thumper to be smaller than your pot now the only thing you really have to do at this point is measure from here up and over from your column and then from here up and over to your condenser that's it what i did so this is all the other pipes pretty much look like this one would go to my condenser or from my column this goes down to here like that and then this sits facing the other way and then basically i call this a z-pipe it goes out up over my condenser hook hooks up right here these are the easy things to figure out you just have to measure where you're going to set this i built a a little table for my thumper you can put it on another turkey fryer whatever you got set it on some bricks but that all that's easy the hardest part is making the down comer so once you got that done all you need is a tape measure some more half inch some unions and a couple elbows maybe three in my case three elbows uh i hope that helped if you don't want to build this i sell them on my website you could turn any keg into a thumper or a doubler whatever you want to call it that's it have a nice day now this is my favorite uh i'll show you some close-ups what it is i'll show you it running this is my favorite way to if i'm gonna uh run anything fruit uh any type of fruit brandies um anything like that i'm gonna want this is one of my favorite ways to run off a cake still there it comes out great it's not too strong you don't leave too many flavors behind um check it out got a two inch ferrule got a piece of two inch pipe cut it's just roughly i mean it this could be it's three inches three inches of two inch pipe we're going to solder those two together once that's soldered together we're going to solder this cap on here this is reducer two inch to one inch so so far we have this right we're going from two inches down to one inch okay so we need to put the pipe through here but there's a little nipple there's a couple of them on the inside here that will stop that pipe right here we'll stop it from going through so you have to file that down and i use a dremel tool to get that get rid of that and now we got our pipe right we're going to set on the pony keg so we got to solder this to this but we need to know our depth now you could set this on the pony keg and that's the seven and a half gallon keg not the five want to touch bottom we want to be just off bottom so you could set it down push this to the bottom of the keg pull it up just a little bit then solder it but we already know we got a mark on here so we're going to put our now i'm going to solder this right here i'll come back to you with the next step and there you go all right so so far we got this now at the top of this we want to go and reduce it even more we want to get it down to half inch you could you could go straight from one to half if you got a reducer i i got a one two three quarters that i'm gonna put on there then i'm gonna put a piece of three quarters inch pipe a little piece and then i'm gonna reduce that down to half inch so i'm gonna solder these three pieces one to three quarter reducer a piece of three-quarter inch pipe and then a three-quarter to half we'll come back to you when that's done so this depends on what's on your can you know what what you're working with you could use either the male or female coupling so keep that in mind you need to know what how you're going to go to each piece i'm going to use this piece here this is going to be the pipe just in case that it's going to be the pipe we're going to drill a hole soldered in there and i'm going to go ahead and put the coupling end on it so that or the the union i'm gonna put the union on it right now but this is where this is gonna go it's gonna come out of the side of there and go to the condenser all right so drill a hole in the side of here we'll take a half inch pipe and solder a half inch half inch uh union to it and we're gonna put it in here and we're going to solder it there all right we have everything we need now except for we need to put another little piece of half inch here then we need to put another union on the end of that and then that piece will be finished and all we'll need to do is run our pipes that go from our still to our thumper and then from our thumper to our condenser i'll show you that next here it is so it is 12 and a half inches to the bottom of a ponytail that is a seven and a half gallon pony cake that is not a five gallon six lit or whatever they call them so let's go back through this we got a two inch ferrule a just roughly three inch piece of two inch pipe we have a reducer going from two inch to one inch and then we have to grind down the pin that's the stopper pin in here and then we shove a one inch pipe that is sup cow one inch pipe that's about i'd say about 21 inches long and then we go from the top of the one inch down to three quarter so that's a reducer from one to three quarter here is a three quarter inch pipe it's probably about two three inches long we we have a reducer going from three quarters to half we i put a probably about a four or five inch piece of half inch then i got a half inch union and uh then down here we got a hole we drilled in the side of this reducer half inch piece of pipe and a half inch union now i'll show you the next step to making this um check it out that's what she looks like running clean and run through her running vinegar because the keg is the main and then a pony keg for a thumper now we could design this in any which way but that be special order but for this exact setup i'll have a posting this inch and a quarter live bag with half inch running through it has a stand to help support it check it out if you're interested this will be one more thing on our site we're gonna make every which way you can make a a keg still we're gonna have every option in every size we'll do this again in a two footer and then do it again in a one footer and we could build any type of cake still that you want um just getting the pictures and getting them you know the prototypes finished is all we're doing right now that's why it's taking a little bit of time but it'll be ready real soon now with this uh this cake still here i built this table to hold my thumper cake so that's a seven and a half gallon pony um that's that's a jet burner that that my keg's on and this is a three foot column and when you get this it does not include the two kegs does not include the table and it does not include the jet burner so you're getting everything here you're getting the condenser or you're getting the column you're getting the column which that's a three footer i'll have some other sizes on there that are a little cheaper this thing's it's very large so it's a big ass keg keg still you get the over pipe the down pipe and this this unit here i'm going to sell those separately also if if i sell those also separately so you could build your own to anything um just from here down and over and then it goes down inside the keg i will sell those pieces separately i mean it's gonna cut i will sell that by itself also uh you'll see it on the website um i also sell this whole get up excluding the kegs the table and the jet burner this is a big dog fly bag condenser it has a stand to help support it has fittings so you could just plug water hose into it and uh so i'm gonna have a couple different listings on this i'm gonna add more later but right now i'm gonna have this hole get up just like that and this this is a inch and a quarter this is a pretty big lie bag compared to the other ones that we sell and it's it's completely vertical it's pretty badass this is my favorite way to run anything having fruit in it i like to put a bunch of fruit and a little bit of vodka or you know whatever you got some moonshine in this right here and then uh it comes out excellent you put your mash over here you can even put a little mash in here too you know with some like whatever type of fruit you want to run this is my favorite way to run anything like that uh and the liquor comes out really good if you want nothing but super high high proof jet fuel then uh you want to buy a jar set up uh i'll make another video about the jar set up but uh and and i got a couple more parts of a video that i already shot of it running earlier today and a cleaning run uh i'll probably be repeating myself so sorry if it's a little boring but check it out and also i'll get you a close-up so you might need to build you a table or get you a stand but i will also be selling just this piece down and down to here i'll take this off and show you just that part a lot of people are selling these online you'll see them and then you'll it'll be up to you if you buy just that then you'll have to make an up pipe and an over pipe to connect it to your column and then you'll have to make one going over and up and over i call that a z-pipe i don't know what what anybody else would call that looks like a big giant sd so here's this pipe all by itself this part just ran a copper run on it clean it out yeah i'll have that listed by itself that way you could basically and i'll also have uh i could make this for a seven and a half gallon pony uh keg i can make this to where to fit the slim six lit keg it's five gallons so you just have to let me know um it's not much difference but i'll have to know so i know how much to make the down pipe how long to make it besides that um that thing's badass so so if you order one just let me know what kind of keg you got because i have every type of keg that that's ever been made and i could make it fit um if later on you did order that and you had specific dimensions and you needed some uh some down pipes i could make those two uh we could work it out just just let me know i'm gonna list my phone number on the website uh you can call me if you got any questions if you don't like me and you're a stalker please don't bother me i'll just ignore your ass but yeah man three foot that's the chopper right there i'm also gonna make it to where like if you get this three footer this is set up to where you could run some jars you could put jars in between there and uh with no problems now i'm gonna sell the jars by themselves also the jar setups and it'll be up to you to find a way to support let's sew if you've ever i mean it's one it's one fitting you zip it there with a you know a uh hose clamp you solder it it's got a nipple in there you measure your pipe you build you a base i got a video coming out but i also i sell these bases but you'll have to know exactly your measurements or i'll give you so i'll sell the bases and i'll get you just give you an extra long pipe and then you can take a pipe cutter and just cut it to whatever length you need it um but but this setup comes with a base but i'm saying like later on a lot of the we sell it's gonna need to be supported because you're gonna have hanging over here and you need to support your condenser and some of them you know whether it's a shorty when it's like a two footer or one footer you can put a regular live egg to this and just have it not vertical like mine just trying to explain a lot of this on this video because i know a lot of people are new to working with metal and things like that and they're going to have issues but if you're interested check out the website if not um your mama and uh i got way too drunk online the other night it's my bad man i uh i was puking by the end of the night i get too goddamn drunk but check him out yo mama
Channel: PhilBilly Moonshine
Views: 12,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keg still, keg, still, copper still, distilling, moonshine
Id: 04PlMYdyjV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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