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[Music] well welcome back to barley hops on George I am your humble host and servant so if you're interested have a question or comment please do comment below that really helps but you can get in touch with me here's my email and here's my phone number I've been called crazy for doing that but the conversations that we have are very enlightening and we both learn from them so thank you now today's video is going to be on we've got another whole project that we're going to do I've been working with epoxy and I've slid that in the back I've got bottle caps on this 36 inches and I'm dropping stuff on a 36 inch table and if you've ever worked with epoxy you know how pernickety that can be so once I got that laid out and I've got the epoxy poured and the bottle caps attached to it I've got about 12 hours at a minimum 24 for almost a full cure for an eighth of an inch so I've got a lot of time on my hands and I figured we get to making something so we're gonna make a fermenter out of this big jug but before I get there I've got to mention that I did a video the other day on green on all grain batch and I made a boo-boo and believe it or not I've even answered some comments and emails and I made the same mistake again so please please forgive me because I repeated my error in math even in an email so here's what happens or here's what happened I mistakenly did it could have been a fat finger rule maybe who knows like at 7.8 pounds of coin five pounds of corn in five gallons of all of water we know that 33 gravity points per pound within five gallons is going to be total of 33 gravity points that's what we have here so we had a total of 33 gravity points but then we had 2.8 pounds left over that we had to calculate it and I mistakenly calculated that as one point eight which sugar two point eight so I threw my math way off so really what that winds up to or that ends up at as 2.80 pounds which is oh gosh that's closer to five kilograms no no no it's closer to a little bit over a kilogram that would have been 92 gravity points per gallon so and I did the math here yep if you divide that by 5 you get 18 point four so this should have been 18 point for it not points per gallon but gravity points in the overall 5 gallon so it would have been a 33 plus 18 and so that means that this figure was actually wrong as well it's a little bit higher than that so I'll let you do that rest of that math but I just want to come on line and say look I apologize I've made a big mistake hopefully this corrects it and you'll forgive me it is a it is an error of the mind never of the heart okay all right look I got to thinking I was actually thinking and said you know I've got this requirement that just keeps increasing and increasing every time we do these video but what I really didn't have it I just don't have something large enough to what to do a really large ferment now a lot of you do now what I'm gonna describe here you've probably already done this for those of you who haven't you get to watch it step by step just like when we build big blue but we're going to take this it's a 50 gallon this mark here 189 liters 50 gallons and I try to put more than that in there but that's what it's mark this it's a big 2.2 millimeter like like an eighth of an inch thick plastic container now I got this for nothing I don't know you may have to buy one but I got this for nothing a couple years ago that's been sitting around you know the backyard you know we've been kicking it around and use it for storage it's got two accesses to the top I'll show you close up in that in a minute but what's interesting is that what it's stored with citric acid big deal I mean the only thing citric acid would do is to lower your pH so I got it fairly well clean that book we need to be able to get to the inside of this thing so we're gonna do something really unique and we're going to build one so I had my mind I had this vision of something that I could maneuver move around that was large that I could draw off of that I could ferment in that I could maintain but it also had easy access so that I could control it add to it get inside clean it out and all those things so most of it I mean came to me right away as far as you know access and all of that and imports but the one thing that kept troubling me was how do I make this thing mobile I mean I was gonna build a stack and you said I said how do you lift that thing you know all these challenges kick so I thought about putting on wheels Wow so that became the next challenge well I had one of these uh just a hand truck and you may recognize these hand trucks you know they got three different positions a 45 or straight up and down 90 or you can do the flat with the end up and this thing just happens to fit perfectly lengthwise on here so guess what I've already got my carrier and I'll be able to maneuver and move that thing around wherever I need it to okay a couple of other things I need to do though is I'm gonna build will walk through this I'm gonna build at least two collars one on this end and one on the other end now the two by sixes I'll cut the oval out of it to set on the bottom is like a Halfmoon or cut out of it set on the bottom to set these up right I see because what I need to be able to do is I need to be able to tilt this at certain times and you'll understand when we get to working with this why I'm do I'll tell you now you tilt it so that all of your sediment ends up on the back corner as opposed to the bottom now kind of you kind of ingenious that way I can draw off this end and never have to worry about pulling out any sediment here were my options though now some people would say off filling from the top just use it standing up just like this and put up a valve in the bottom well I still got to get in there to put that valve in so I could have done that I decided in this particular case really because of room because of the ease of maneuver and moving around that I was gonna make it this way so I'll need to have an opening here that's large enough that I can at least get my hand in there my arm and I'm gonna do that I bought a $19 piano hinge at my local hardware store so we're gonna put a piano hinge right there I've got myself a I cost me that's cost me 10 bucks but it's a piece of 22 gauge steel and I'll have to cut this to fit cuz I don't need a small I don't need this huge opening so I'll cut this we're gonna attach that right there we're gonna put an oval Bend into it so it it just closes it's gonna be like a suitcase it'll open it'll open and close um then I got the silicon rubber seal window seal this is another about 8 bucks put them up to like 30 40 almost 40 bucks so I'll use that around the inside of this so that when I close it I got them around here somewhere I got those you know those small nuts you screw you screw them in and they pull down I got two of those so we'll be able to close that and seal it that's all we need to do is they'll seal it so that's what's coming up we're gonna cut that hole out we're gonna add this and I'm gonna use rivets use some small rivets so that they're not they're not too large but they're they can secure enough they need to be long enough to go through the piano hinge and the 1/8 or two point two millimeter plastic so we're gonna get on it here in just a minute but hey I did a video conference collaboration with Jesse from still it yesterday and we are smoking so Jesse's got something really special coming up for you here in the near future so you just need to stay tuned is Jesse works on his masterpiece he and I are getting together more often now for collaborations and thanks to all of you who recommended that we get in touch and we do that and we plan to do more of that and we also plan to do some more videos together in the future so stay tuned and we'll be back and I'm gonna start cutting so there well this is how far we've gotten I've got these cut and I want to do a real quick review on the equipment or the pieces of stuff that I'm using on these are available at your local hardware store or just depending where I've got a 12 inch piano hinge that I wanted to use of course it for my seal around the outside of that lid I've got a yo-yo silicone rubber window seal now of course a lot of other things won't work ok this is just what I'm gonna use so let your conscience be your guide and I've got this piece of metal now if most of you understand it from our military backgrounds is no good plan survives first contact remember that well we've made an adjustment because I was thinking through this and I said it mentalists it is good but it is difficult to work well I might want to just take a plastic bucket and you know cut a good square out of the side of that it'll also it'll already be oval shaped so it'll fit right on the side of that and if necessary I can use my heat gun and you know kind of warp it a little whatever I need something to use plastic instead so I'm gonna skip using the the metal and I'm gonna go with plastic keep the whole thing plastic so we're going to get into that and I'm going to use rivets and additionally I've got these these valves these are large valves and these are available on Amazon they're available at your local brew shop and they've got a one inch there's a one inch hole is what this thing will fit into and this one here is a High Flow this one here is a regular flow but the both of them are equally good here's what's interesting though see is because the caps that go onto the top of my barrel and I've got two of them on opposing sides interestingly enough the gosh this is this worked out perfect for but this particular barrel it has a threaded detent here so this actually screws right into that all I've got to do now is cut out the bottom so that I've got access inside the barrel so guess what that's going to become my breather for when I'm draining it'll also become the access for fermentation so I'll put a rubber tube on here and into a bucket that well allow the gases to escape now isn't that good that's I mean that just kick that's just it it fell right into my lap and I'm just gonna take advantage of it and the other cap is exactly the same way so whoops I'll have to that's a good catch I'll have two columns on here I'll have one in the top for venting and I have one on the bottom for draining look make sure you come back hit us on number two what we do are saw part two of this when we started getting into the actual build and we'll stick with you if you stick with us so don't forget to comment below subscribe share us with your friends and all that good stuff happy distiller
Channel: Barley and Hops Brewing
Views: 32,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neutral spirit, sugar wash, barlerandhops, hops, home, Sugar (Ingredient), sugar mash, distilling, barley, corn sugar vs cane sugar, corn sugar mash recipe, making a wash for distilling, running a still for the first time, first distillation, using yeast, mooshine, whiskey, making rum, making vodka, bourbon, baby step bourbon, making bourbon at home
Id: S-J3S8REF10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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