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Oh [Music] my youtube channel and welcome back to my shop I'm building an e-bike first off I got this hyper 26 inch aluminum full suspension mountain bike for 20 bucks I found it on Facebook marketplace obviously it's got some issues I got the ebike kit which is 48 volts a thousand watt rear wheel drive hub motor and it's the whole kit comes with the LCD display and everything I got this for 195 free shipping and then I got this battery here that is 48 volts and 20 amp power that's the important part 20 amp power that's a lot of juice and that's hopefully gonna get me very far on the ebike so far under than $85 so if we can build a goody bike for 385 bucks that that'll be good for me because that's way cheaper than anything you can buy premade and the goal with this project is to keep the cost small so that anyone can enjoy a biking now let's open this stuff up [Music] so yeah let's talk about why this bike was $20 it's got some issues now as you guys can see the front wheel is not mounted that's because when I bought it there was no front bolt to hold the wheel in place $6.99 and it came with front and back but I don't think I'm gonna be able to use the back one we'll figure that out later also it is completely flat even worse damage I'll show ya I'll show ya don't worry so the front front derailleur completely mangled I don't know what the heck happened to this bike but there's supposed to be a pin holding these two things together and if you know a normal derailleur it looks like this one's just completely bent but I do think I can fix the other thing yeah I don't think don't think the rear derailleur supposed to look like that either and it's also this parts also broken so I did buyer placement for that and this was about 13 bucks on eBay bolts up like that we got to get this frickin thing off the chain because right now this bike is not off the chain but it was 20 bucks what can I say it's worth it I think first of all let's see if this front wheel even pumps up that doesn't sound good holy sweet mother that tube is freakin destroyed hey bar you think you can patch my tube this rim strip is kind of just yeah it's all messed up so I can either just use electrical tape or I can buy a new one probably going to end up using electrical tape if you can see the inside of the valve stem you've got a problem buddy we had to go to Walmart get a new freakin tube let's go [Music] good old Walmart guys all right ready to go [Music] a little bit of that Corona double pump you know I mean come on we got to be safe out here and of course monster mule never tried this one let's crack it huh smells like hand sanitizer that's actually really good taste just like a Moscow Mule but instead of alcohol caffeine hey guys I'm back with the new tube and a Monster Energy keep me going let's go ahead and put a new tube in this wheel the front wheel gets a tire back on get on the bike so that we actually have a bike with two wheels sounds good huh so what I'm actually gonna do with this rim strip that is just all nice stuff I'm going to put it in place and then I'm gonna wrap some tape around it just to hold it in place but I don't like to tape the actual rim because I've removed tape from rims before and it is really tough all right I'm just going to do like two wraps with the electrical tape now to put a new tube and a tire first you got to pump it up just a tiny bit so that it holds its form next we put the tube inside of the tire next we lineup valve stem with the hole on the wheel and now all you got to do is just monkey it in place Wow that was super easy that might have been the easiest to change I've ever done and now let's pump it up I'm going to give it 40 psi call that good bounce test passed there we go that's good and tight dude what happened to this bike I would love to know there it is guys and there it is good bye good bye okay there's the old bracket hanging it up like that okay derailleur goes like this I managed to get the front derailleur bent back into place and now all that's left to do is connect these two pieces together and I'm just gonna use a steel rivet to do that there we go so before I can just simply slap the wheel on the bike I actually have to put the tire in tube on it there's the mangled up tire and the tube and then don't forget the rim strap this is definitely the heaviest component of the whole bike this motorway is quite a bit but it should put out a ton of power so I think it'll hold its weight exact same method that we did on the front one let's go [Music] it's got a pumper out alright there's 45 psi calling that good let's get the cat back on there and now we can slot this bad boy on the bike forgot about the gear spindle here that's gotta go on just pull this off those washers then the spindle and it just threads right on like that this washer stays in the side of the frame this one goes outside so the frame will be right here and then the nut goes on like that it actually spits pretty much perfectly yep there we go perfect fit and I'm even gonna be able to use the old room breaks now I can get these washers and the nuts so there we go now I just have to get the chain hooked up through the derailleur and on the hub at the wheel good [Music] okay guys now we should at least have an actual bike which is more than we started with before if I was starting with a working bike I probably would be done already but it's fixing it took some time seems like everything actually works and the suspension actually feels pretty decent I don't know what do we do next next up I'm going to install the special brake levers the ones that came with the kit well I broke that trying to get it off but that's okay alright in the bin they go throw it in the bin there we go and then I got to cut these old grips off there we go there now we've got some bare-bones handlebars and the right one so let's get this back on yeah I think I'm gonna have to put the shifter on the inside so that the brake lever is actually in the right place we'll see how low I can get this thing I think that's about as low as it'll go that's not bad yeah that looks all right a little bit weird but guess it'll work I'm going to do the same thing on this side shifter first then brake lever then grip where we now let's just tighten it all up there we go now we can hook up the brake cables so now we've got brakes again so that's done next I'm going to mount the LCD display which also comes with this little button toggle switch well I just got a Center it a little bit better find out how I would like it angled so actually a good angle right there so ready to tighten it back up there we go let's melt it now we've just got this little thing to melt all right that looks good right there so I thought that this bag was actually made to hold this controller but it doesn't even fit in there and there's not a hole on it for wires so I honestly don't know what does bags for anyways let's mount this thing up to the bike so the battery is gonna sit right here and I think a perfect spot to put this would be right here and use the shock bolt as the mounting bolt for this little box so let's do that oh that couldn't have been any better and let's just put the battery in there to make sure it fits that's perfect fit as well so it's gonna look like that and all my wires are gonna come out in the exact same place it's gonna be awesome just to be safe I'm gonna throw out a zip tie around the front mounting bracket just because I don't want to drill a hole through the frame of this bike that is super super secure that is not going anywhere the next thing to do is hook up the pedal assist sensor which actually goes right back here behind the pedal so first I have to pull off the crank it's kind of seized on there so I found out that the pedal assist sensor goes on the other side so I'm just gonna screw this nut back on because we don't need to pull this crank off at all [Music] got myself pretty good there oh there we go guys I got it so now we got to figure out how this all goes together wow that actually fits perfectly right there so it looks like I have to loosen up this nut just like that there we go and then this goes like that that's the best fit then we put that nut back on yes so this piece has arrows on it you have to make sure you put it the right way the way that the pedal cranks are going to be going which is this way because it's gonna be going counterclockwise and I guess we just push that on just like a pressure fit for this piece I'm gonna so it's set in the manual you can put a couple washers in in front of this so that once I get the pedal crank back on there it'll actually squeeze and hold this piece on better that one's perfect that one's also perfect yeah that should do it and that should do it let's get the pedal crank back on and then let's get that nut back on alright the cranks back on got it as tight as I humanly could put that little cap back on Wow this bike is actually pretty light the only thing that's not on the bike yet is the battery it's still charging up I guess I can mount that up for now I don't have any kind of box to put it in like a lot of ebikes have a box to put your battery in that actually has a lock on it that would be nice but right now I don't have anything I'm just gonna mount the battery kind of temporarily and at some point I do plan on making little box maybe just welding something up from some steel and then have a little door that hinges down with a key to lock it that'd be pretty cool so until I actually make that I'm just gonna mount the battery temporarily for now just like that I'll just throw some zip ties on it and call it good just for now remember just for now the only thing left to do is all the wiring which is my favorite part I'm just gonna start connecting stuff all these are color-coded so this one's black green and red let's find a black green and red black green and red right there so I'm gonna hook those up okay nice this one's coming from the pedal-assist sensor we got red black and white and here we've got red black and white so we'll hook those up and then from the right brake switch we've got a just a black and a red I'll hook up that up to this black in red we've got the wires from the LCD display that's got a nice big connector on it we'll hook that up to the only connector that is that size that one we got the other brake cable that from this side red and black they're both the same so you can't mix those up here we've got the wires from the motor which are this big connector and then we've got three extra ones a green blue and a yellow so let's hook up this big one from the can speed controller to the motor dam and then we've got this green one here which has to be has to go to this green one right here that's pretty simple push those together nice and then these push pin connectors come with these little little sleeves you can slide over to make it a little bit more waterproof then we've got a yellow one and there we go that's all of the motor wires connected so next we've got two blue ones what would those be for aha so the blue the wires these two blue wires it's kind of like a safety switch if you can see in the manual it says enf which are the blue wires speed limit connect enf will limit the speed and fixed condition if do not connect t enough is actually the speed of the bike a little bit Chinglish there but I think what that means is that if you connect those it limits the speed and if you don't then it doesn't limit the speed whoo and the heck would ever connect those that's my question ah this black and red connector here is for a headlight that leaves these two connectors for the battery now the connectors that I actually get from the battery look like this which is a not really familiar with that type of connector and it's definitely not the same as this it's found on this connector here which well that side fits nice perfect fit all we have to do now is connect these wires to the wires from the battery Hey nice nice nice everything's connected I have no idea how to turn it on now is it everything connected no okay there we go there we go boys were online so it's showing a full battery and it just moved well so I want to take it on a test ride but I have to do something about all this before I can do that there's so much extra wire okay wow that's fast okay guys I'm gonna take this thing on a test ride but the only thing is the test ride is gonna be a different video thank you guys for watching man this was really fun I really felt like a kid putting this thing together it brought so much happiness and I haven't even ridden it yet that's what I'm gonna do now thanks for watching guys if you like this video please just comment down below what you think if I did anything you think was dumb then let me know so I can fix it and if you want to see the next video where I take this thing on its first test ride please subscribe and hit the notification bell so you get notified when I upload that video it shouldn't be too long after this one's uploaded but well I've got a test ride to go on thanks for watching guys peace out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: GoldGuy
Views: 211,045
Rating: 4.7417307 out of 5
Keywords: electric bike, e bike, bicycle, motorcycle, biking, moutan bike, mtb, road bike, fast, 48v, 1000w, build, building, make, diy, custom
Id: vrP8QvPBh-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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