Building A Custom Front Bumper For My 1965 Mustang!! Samcrac Stopped Bye!

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what's going on guys welcome back to the channel in today's video we are gonna be back to work on my 1965 Ford Mustang as you guys seen in the previous episode we did get the rear wide body flare built and it looks absolutely amazing check out how wide the hip is and we didn't go too aggressive with the wide body flare it's just a really nice Sleek design going all the way over just like that it's gonna need a little bit of adjusting here at the bottom we're going to do a little bit of trimming kind of bring it in and then actually uh readjust this piece right here and make it go straight down just like that so we've got the rear built out now we're going to focus on building the front flare as you can see we kind of just went ahead and welded our big old trailer flare into there just as a template and I just think that was a pretty good idea because you can't really to build this area right here this nice perfect circular uh lip right there is pretty hard and I think that's kind of just a cheat code to do it just like that so what we're going to do is actually use our template that we use for for the rear and actually go ahead and build the front fender flare check that out we still have this template and I did go to the steel store picked up three more sheets of this steel right here it's actually pretty thin this is 18 gauge I was kind of thinking about going with um 20 gauge but 20 gauge is just way too thin I'm pretty sure these fenders and the quarter pounds are made of 18 gauge so we kind of just wanted to keep it just like that I know they do sell fender flares that are at 20 gauge but they're just super flimsy and they'll probably just not look as good as the 20 gauge plus this will be a lot stronger and now we're going to go ahead and make this Fender Flare for the front side and what I want to do right here is I basically want to come down and go over all that just like that just like it is in the back so we're not going to have that weird shaping back that the factory Mustang had and the cool thing is we'll have to cut it just like that right there because when the fender flare goes on we're going to weld it right here and right here so all this area will get cut out so that original flare that the factory had will be gone and then we will have to think of a way to build this area right here because I want to weld the fender flare to this lower section and the fender which then we won't be able to remove the fender so I might actually do a very tiny seam right here maybe just like that right there maybe just the same size as that I'm not too sure and I think it will look even better if we weld this to the actual Fender and then just have one Thin Line going along like that which it will not be as thick as this Factory one over here you can see that's pretty thick down there and don't look too clean so now what we're going to do is go ahead and grab our template and get it cut out of this metal right here I did also pick up a new metal shear it's actually a Milwaukee one so we'll make the cutting process a lot easier so let's get straight to it and build this front flare [Music] thank you [Music] so we got the flare cut out and man this Milwaukee Shear is about a thousand times better than the air shear and the cool thing it is it does have the variable speed so if you go slow and you can speed it up and cut it out pretty nicely now what we need to do is go ahead and start lining it up on the front fender flare and do the necessary trimming that we need to do foreign [Music] [Music] built out and it looks freaking awesome I mean it lined up pretty good I mean the front is a little bit different from the rear I was trying to make it go along this body line right here and actually go on to the actual Fender but the thing is I can just cut the fender and then just slide the flare up and then just weld everything up like that so that was the little issue that I was having right there but hey nonetheless it looks pretty good and these rims right here I kind of just put them up here just for mock-up these are from another project these are some vossen's and I did actually have it bolted on but it actually sat in way too far and I'm actually thinking about hitting up cortex racing and getting them to make some different suspension components so we can bring the actual suspension out a little bit instead of putting like spacers or just going with wider wheels and it would just give us a lot better handling but man check that out these are actually I think 295 or these are 235 30 19 or 20s so these are some pretty big rims and they fit in there perfectly so who knows maybe we'll even go with some like 19s 20s but I think what we will do is go with 18s just because we're gonna have a lot more Tire on here so like check this out this is a tune 85 35 yeah this is a two 295 35 18 and they're basically the same size as a 19 with a 30 or they're a little bit smaller but I probably would want more rubber instead of just having more rim and man does that look good now we're going to move on to the next step of this car is the front end as you guys know I didn't really like the way the front end looked and you guys will see how high the factory front end is it stops right here and we need to be down here so we're actually gonna have to think of a way to build a custom front bumper for this car just to kind of tie everything together and you can kind of see how this Fender kind of just swoops in there and I don't really like that so we're gonna do a little bit of changing we might even do a couple of sketches just to see how we can do it and basically build a whole custom front bumper so the way we're going to design this front end is I think I'm going to use this original bumper as a template for the final design so let's go ahead and grab some tape and some paper and start designing a fully custom front bumper foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] ahead and put the bumper on with some tape and then I also threw on the headlight bezels and the full Grille just so we get a nice perspective of how the bumper is going to look and it ain't gonna be that big this is just a prototype right now what we're doing is working out exactly how we want it to go into the wide body flare on the side and how to make it look the best and now what I'm going to do is actually grab some paint and I'm going to make the markings because I want to make the lower grille I know a lot of people do on Mustangs what they do is they basically make it like this and then it comes up like that and then the center is gone which I don't really like that I want a full bumper going all the way across so what I'm gonna do is grab some spray paint and I'm gonna make a nice Grill design that I like [Music] thank you [Music] I went ahead and spray painted it and it looks pretty good now what I'm gonna do is go ahead and grab a razor blade and make the final cuts and then we'll see how this front bumper looks with all the vents and on the side I really want these side vents because we can run brake coolers straight to the front brakes because we need to cool those suckers down don't worry guys we'll put some big old brembos on there later or some well woods but that'd be in the future so let's go ahead and grab a razor wood cut all this out and see how this foam bumper is going to look foreign [Music] we went ahead and cut out the center part and I think it looks pretty aggressive I'm still not sure how big we're gonna make that front grow if I want to make it exactly the same size as the top one maybe I'll make it a little bit lower so it's basically like one and a half of these so it doesn't look weird but I think it's going to look pretty cool so now what we're going to do is go ahead and remove this bumper what I want to do with this bumper is I'm going to cut it right here down the center and then this bottom piece will actually be down here and that's basically how we'll create this entire bumper and don't worry about the weight guys because we're actually going to remove all this metal right here this is going to be gone and that back balance is gonna be gone so we're kind of gonna substitute all that and make this bumper uh one giant piece that will just slide on and bolts on instead of having it uh three different pieces which I don't really like because there's always like little gaps in between here and there and then there's gaps down there so we're going to add material to the back of this bumper and basically make it flush with the car right there and I think it'll look super nice and clean so let's go ahead and take this bumper off and get it sliced in half and start designing the bumper out of metal so we got the bumper off the car now what we're gonna do is basically just slice it right down the center just like that kind of like what we did on the rear bumper but a little bit different so let's get straight to cutting [Music] so guys we cut the bumper in half now it's time to go ahead and start constructing this bumper and what I'm actually going to use is I got these metal rods over here see they're right here on the ground so we have these little metal rods right here and basically I'm gonna start cutting them to perfect size so we can start doing some construction with this bumper and start building it out so let's get straight to work on it [Music] so check it out we got the metal rods welded on there and you can see how they are at an angle because I want the bumper to be aggressive in the front and then we also will throw on the bottom splitter so by adding the by adding these things kind of like at a staggered angle we're going to have nice aggression in the front now let's go do a little test fit on the car and see how it lines up [Music] good foreign [Music] kind of mocked up there and you can already see we have an issue here uh we did taper this uh bottom section back a lot so it's actually touching this area right here and we can't get the bumper to sit perfectly on there but just by looking at this side right here I think the aggression is perfectly there you can kind of see once it goes like that the bumper is gonna be angled all the way down and I think it's going to look awesome actually so what we're going to do is do the next step which is going to be to do a little bit of trimming on this bumper probably just gonna go ahead and trim that off right there because we don't need any of those other mounting brackets we're actually going to make a different style bracket it's basically just going to be two brackets or one bracket on this side one bracket on this side and you're just going to slide it on and bolt it onto the Factory location so that we won't have to deal with all this all this right here you see this this has like 10 bolts on it has bolts it all the way up there and it's just a hassle and it just doesn't line up at all so let's go ahead and do a little bit of trimming and see how it looks then [Music] so guys check it out we got the mock-up of the bumper on the car and guess who decided to come and help me work on the Mustang same crack this thing looks incredible way better than the one you cut in half and it's really taking shape I can kind of imagine it on the road now especially with that nice little wheels you got oh yeah the nice vosons that I actually I kind of confiscated it from him because we got another build going on I'm not going to show you guys that yet you guys might see it in the background but yeah these came from Sam's Aston Martin I think yeah and they fit pretty well I didn't know that would be the same bolt pattern if you can get them to fit on this car by all means they're yours you can but yeah see we were just doing the what do you think of the front bumper though it's kind of in the development stage still so tell me how you plan on doing this are you gonna fiberglass or like what what's going here no this is all gonna be Steel okay well I'm planning I don't know how I'm gonna do it yet but I'm thinking about adding a little bit of metal right here making the front opening because we need a opening for the intercooler down there at the bottom but I'm still it's still in development stages so there's nothing set in uh stuff set in stone yet we just welded these metal rods on steel set and aluminum for our other one yeah but no I mean it's just it's just a guessing game whatever looks the best well what's what's amazing with this and I know that you've shown the viewers as you've built it is how you really utilizing parts from all your Nissan sentras yes sir Hondas we got the center door lock S2000 steering so when you take this car to O'Reilly's and you're trying to look for a part they're just gonna be confused so when you bought just the shell of the car I remember was fire damage how much did that cost you it was around 3 000 so it's pretty cheap and so you got a three thousand dollar car obviously you've put weeks if not a month plus of Labor into it if you're talking about the whole month yeah so you'll have a lot of time into it but again a lot of what you're doing is really you so you can have a really cool project oh yeah but I like not on a budget you didn't have to spend a lot to get that one ship and again you got parts cars sitting around some parts from it let's see if it fits so what what's off a Honda in this car you said the the steering rack is off a Honda and then the door lock is off of a uh Nissan Nissan and then we got well we got some modern suspension under there that's from a 93 Mustang and then we have 83 Mustang uh steering rack so just a bunch of different parts mixed together again this stuff is I'm assuming relatively inexpensive yeah everything's really cheap see the thing is everybody's everybody was getting mad at me and saying oh go back original but to put it back to original you have to spend so much more money at the end of the day it's just a factory car there's no uniqueness about it yeah I I look I don't know a lot about vintage cars but I know when it comes to Mustangs there's generally a ton of them and again you could have it all factoring and what's it worth if it's all Factory 30 000. that's 30 000 if you put forty thousand into it yeah and what's this going to be worth it's going to be worth 28 998 look at this the value is going to be no different well this car custom is going to look different this car is going to be worth about a hundred thousand well if you were doing a restaurant you're putting a coyote engine there we're talking about one with an old school engineer oh yeah of course with a coyote in it you're talking closer to 50. this is a good running and driving car even if it's not Factory someone will pay really good money I mean just to build these wide body flares you're talking ten thousand dollars ten thousand dollars for the wide body flare plus all the metal work is it's so expensive it's about a hundred dollars an hour for metal fad so okay putting uh a dollar amount on your time is a tough thing and people in the audience are going to argue this but go ahead leave a comment down below tell us if you agree with Ben I'm telling you this is a running and driving coyote Resto mom Mustang when it's all said and done with or without these fenders on the side of this fifty thousand dollars yeah all day long I mean goon squad put like 60 000 in their Camaro mm-hmm but they have a better engine I think yeah it's automatic but it's a better engine but yeah it's coming up it's coming along real well uh just yourself a favor and make you look a little bit less like an album event and uh no it's gonna look good because I think I'm thinking I'm going to cut it down and open it up a little bit but honestly I kind of like the way it looks once it's one solid color with the mesh in there it's kind of a it's gonna be something unique and different and then the white body flare looks really good and then we're gonna have nice fitment with the Lawsons yeah it seriously looks like the the car itself is real nice real solid you got a lot of assembly once it's done yeah and it all has to be custom like custom carpet yeah custom Dash well I'll probably just get a dash pad easy earthquake not quick but it's going to be easy but just complicated the thing is the cars here the body's good A lot of times you see these bodies the total rust buckets they're junkness yeah it's not this is really a nice car I mean that's why I decided to do it it's just this time all right yes sir so guys check it out I actually did a little bit more mock-up work now that we have the lower section of the bumper on and it actually looks a lot better now because the actual paper forms down perfectly and it curves also nicely and man it looks pretty good and you can kind of see how it goes exactly perfect this angle right here is literally the same angle as right there so it kind of mixes it and matches I didn't cut no uh vents into it yet or anything like that because I'm still kind of debating on how we're going to do those but I think the bumper is going to look cool I even added this little splitter at the bottom which is going to tie into the wide body right there I'm still not sure if that'll be on the final Vision but you know it's just a little bit of a r d over here research and develop admit hey it's looking pretty good so now all I'm going to do is replace that paper with some metal and Bam we'll have our custom bumper and then on the side right here it's perfectly going to be cut like that and then it's going to get bolted into this flare right here and it's just gonna look super nice and clean right there and I think that's going to look awesome I mean I've never seen a bumper design quite like this I know like the vicious Mustang it's that million dollar Mustang has the bumper kind of similar to this but I don't think he utilized the original bumper so I mean I think it's going to look cool you don't really see much custom bumpers on Mustangs usually they have the fiberglass ones that are just like that right there and it comes up but we are kind of giving it a more squared look you know like on the side right here we're giving everything nice squared and I think it looks super sick so let's go ahead and get all this tape right here off and remake that in metal thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] we got the bumper mocked up on there and I did go ahead and just build this little splitter at the bottom it literally took me like 10 minutes to do I just used some of the scraps but I don't really like how thick it is maybe it feels a little thinner and I mean it's kind of just comes out and goes to the wide body flare right there which it looks kind of cool but it kind of looks goofy right now because there's no vents in the bumper It's kind of just flat and I still haven't made this vent right here because I'm not sure exactly where we're gonna put it I'm kind of thinking about just doing it just right there and it'll kind of break up the bumper because right now it just looks weird I mean it's just fully flat and then once we cut the center Grille I think we're gonna do it maybe like this right here not sure how big we're going to make that Center Grill but I do really want to make it look kind of symmetrical to the top maybe a little bit bigger just so it doesn't look weird but hey it's looking pretty good I didn't really do any of this side of the other bumper because we still haven't put the flare on and we're kind of just prototyping right now and man I think it looks pretty cool right now you might have to change a couple of things I'm kind of thinking about changing the way this bumper sits right here as you can see it kind of comes out right here and it does look a little bit weird so what we can do is we can actually cut the bumper in half and slice it up a little bit more and move it in a little bit and basically make it almost flush with the fender so it doesn't look so bulky right there but I don't know let me know what you guys think in the comment section I know a lot of you guys are going to be hating on this car which is totally fine I love all the hate comments they're cool even the comments that criticize the car a lot it's it's awesome you know it's fine it's my car I'm building it how I want to build it I looked for thousands of hours for a front bumper for a Mustang and I couldn't find a single one that I liked so you know what I'm building my own custom bumper because I can you know this is the only reason I'm building this car is because I want to build my vision what I want to do and obviously I could just put this car back together stock but that's not what I want to do I don't enjoy doing that kind of stuff that's just simple restoration at the end of the day this is more unique you know we're custom building everything custom building a bumper and before you guys say this thing's gonna weigh a lot I mean we added this piece but we're going to remove this balance back here is going to be gone so all that metal on that balance is basically going to be the same as this right here it's just gonna be one piece instead of four pieces which is going to be nice because it's going to be a lot tighter and secure but what I do need to do is go get some more metal because I want to make two brackets for this bumper so it just slides on and bolts on right there on the side and then also if we do keep this design right here I'm going to make it bolt onto the flare right there so it kind of ties everything together but let me know what you guys think I know that uh splitter down there is pretty big it looks kind of goofy obviously I just created that thing in like 30 seconds just sliced some pieces up but hey let me know what you guys think so guys that's gonna be a wrap for today's video we got a little bit of work done on the Mustang you know we finished the final front flare and we started custom building the front bumper this stuff takes forever especially the fact that I'm kind of Designing everything straight out of my head it's not like I have a drawing or something like that to go on and I love it I love designing stuff I love building stuff at the end of the day my Go ultimate goal in life is to actually build my own car company and do my own designing that's kind of why I'm loving doing this stuff right here but anyways if you all enjoyed this video go and hit that subscribe button or drop a like thanks for watching
Channel: vTuned garage
Views: 128,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tekpWCCaIig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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