Building a BOSS for my 2D RPG!

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hey everyone thanks for joining me for another devlog for dauphin it is saturday today and i'm thinking that this episode could just be a little bit of a weekend devlog where i spend today and tomorrow knocking out to my next relatively small milestone which is introducing the first boss into dauphin for the player to fight now before i jump into development this afternoon i want to offer you a preemptive thank you right now we're sitting at just over 95 000 subscribers and continuing to grow towards a hundred thousand which is just crazy that was i wouldn't even call it a goal of mine it was more like a pipe dream that i would ever get this far so i just want to say thank you guys so much for the support it means a lot and it's just really been amazing to hear about how you've been inspired by my work and how you're excited for dauphin just all of it it's amazing so thank you guys so much and with that let's go ahead and get to work first i'll get you caught up on the very small list of changes i've made since the last devlog as you can see here i've made some small tweaks to the player i changed the color of a shirt for some reason and i also added whites to his eyes i think a lot of the complaints about the previous player design was that he looked angry all the time and i think that rounding out his eyes kind of alleviates that he still has a stern expression on his face but overall i think it looks quite a bit better love to hear what you guys think i've also made a small tweak here to player movement you guys probably recall that the player always used to face the direction of the cursor but that made it look pretty weird when you were moving in any given direction and the cursor was like off in the corner of the screen somewhere so now the player always faces whichever direction he's moving in and he will change direction to attack based on the cursor's position i think this looks a little bit better for now i need to play with it some more to decide if i like it but for now i think it's a positive change and finally as you guys saw at the beginning of the video i pretty much started from scratch and totally overhauled my title scene this was really just a way for me to practice some pixel art but i have to say even though this is a work in progress still it turned out pretty cool you know we've got the title that slides down from the top and a very small wave animation here at the bottom pretty neat all right here we are on the trello board and you can see how i've tasked out this milestone for creating dauphin's first boss this afternoon i'm going to jump right into the artwork and animations and if i still have time after that i'll start working on the state code that will allow the boss to execute multiple different types of attacks but for now time to put on some music go heads down and create some pixel art [Music] all right guys just spent the past hour heads down working on this pixel art and oh my gosh did this thing turn out horrifying i did not mean for it to be so scary especially when you compare it to my previous two enemies that i've created for dolphin which are quite cute in my opinion this thing just looks like it came straight from the depths of hell anyway i'm definitely going to move forward with it for the purpose of creating this boss you guys let me know what you think about this art style it's definitely a little more uh i don't even know what the word for it is mature than what i've done so far for this game but i think it turned out pretty cool and i'm really happy that i was able to create this in just 60 minutes so let me know what you think down in the comments for now i think i'm just going to take a little bit of a break still have to do the animations for this guy but i don't want to burn out here on too much pixel art so i'm just going to relax for a bit play some video games and i'll be back to animate this guy in a little bit good morning folks it is a beautiful sunday morning here just going on seven o'clock got a fresh cup of coffee and i'm gearing up to get back to work on this crab boss but before i do i want to show you some quick updates that i made last night first up you can see that i've gone ahead and imported my crab artwork into the project i made a new scene for the horror crab which is what i'm calling it for now and i inherited from my base enemy scene just like i do with all the other enemies this gives me a lot of nice stuff out of the box like the corruption particles you see here all the hit detection with the player and also stuff like the hit shader to show when the boss is hit great to have all this stuff out of the box and i think it's looking really good so far another nice milestone from yesterday was a first draft of all this crabs animation so we'll go ahead and walk through those the first of these that we'll be using is the walk animation which will obviously play when the crab is moving this one was pretty simple i really just moved the legs up and down same with the claws and the eyes kind of off sync to create this creepy little walking animation next up is what i'm calling the turtle animation now the point of this animation is to convey that the crab is kind of pulling in his defenses he's covering up his mouth parts here which will ultimately be the vulnerable place that the player needs to attack after he's kind of turtled up here there's going to be a third animation where he shakes his body up and down see if we can get this to play so this is meant to be an indicator that the crab is kind of charging up and about to launch a projectile attack at the player and this will make more sense once i get this all coated up these animations are looking pretty good for now i'll probably iterate on them more later but it gives me a place to start working on the crabs various states so with the first draft of the artwork finished and loaded into the project all that's left is to code up this crab's behaviors and this is definitely going to be the toughest part of this milestone time to go heads down drink some coffee write some code sounds like a pretty good sunday morning to me [Music] hey everyone quick update for you it's just going on 8 a.m as you can see i've made some okay progress so far with the boss here he kind of wanders around the scene using the same wonder state as the other enemies do and he's got his nice little animations hooked up the problem is that as you can see here he keeps kind of getting stuck on objects in the world and that's just because my wonder state isn't really doing anything to try and bounce him off of world collisions i've got what i need to do that i can get information about the collisions and the collision normal i just have to make the change to code that up that said i think i'm ready for a little bit of a break as i mentioned before it's just gorgeous outside today so i want to spend some time out there before it gets too hot i'm going to go take a walk for now and i'll get back to work once i return [Music] good morning everyone and welcome back to friday morning i know it's been like a week since my last update and we totally failed the idea of the weekend devlog but i'm happy to report that my work on this boss has not been a failure and has actually turned out pretty cool as i started work last sunday on implementing the boss's combat mechanics identified so many areas for improvement within what was formerly my abstract enemy class that the boss and all dolphins bad guys extend this class has now been heavily reworked and is more aptly named organism i'll talk a little bit more about that but first i want to show you this boss so here we are on the beach with the crab boss who is already trying to attack the player as you can see i guess first we'll just go ahead and look at the boss's interaction with the player as you can see we are looking at a lot of the same animations that i showed you before the legs move up and down when the crab is moving he turtles up after a couple seconds of walking shakes his head and after just about a second of shaking his head he fires a projectile at the player this is meant to really just be kind of his attack state when he starts to turtle up here so the player knows okay he's not moving anymore i need to get ready for some kind of attack and i think it communicates that fairly well of course this is just a really rudimentary boss mechanic here but it's certainly more advanced than my crabs and bats that i've already made so i'm pretty happy with how this is looking so far in terms of attacking and defeating this enemy it's going to be a little more complicated than it is with the other enemies in dauphin that you really just have to hit with any form of attack for this guy we have to aim for his weak spot which are these green mouth parts in the middle of his body we can't just aim for that spot from anywhere in most cases his shell will block attacks especially from the top so we're going to have to be below him and we're going to have to wait for an opportunity where his arms open up and show those mouth parts you can see that when his arms are closed he's going to block that right when he finished attacking and open those back up you saw i was able to do damage so this is a very basic mechanic just requires a little bit of timing on the player's part and also positioning to stay below the crab which i think is pretty cool if you're wondering how i made that defensive mechanic for the crab it was actually pretty simple you can see on the horror crab scene here that he's got this little red shape at the top of his shell this is actually an instance of a new scene that i created called armor which is an area 2d and it's associated collision polygon 2d now this collider lives on its own armor layer so that incoming attacks can check to see if they've collided with armor and if they have they can basically just not apply any damage to the organism now if we go ahead and switch from my walk to my turtle animation you can see that what i'm doing here is actually animating the points that define this polygon so that when he's in his turtle mode it'll actually cover up his mouth parts entirely so that no attacks will be able to pass through the armor and do damage and this works really well finally you may be wondering what happens if we actually manage to defeat this boss i've got him on low hp here so we'll go take one last hit and you can see what happens when he's defeated he's got a pretty cool animation there where his body shakes and spews out particles from his legs and kind of his shell area now of course it all ends in a big explosion of loot here and actually the spawning of three healthy crabs what this is meant to convey is that rather than just being one giant corrupted creature he may have actually been made up of smaller corrupted crabs who we have now saved by defeating him again kind of continuing our mission just to make things happier and healthier with the first draft of the boss's combat mechanics wrapped up and looking pretty cool in my opinion it's time to move on to the last task of this milestone which is creating some kind of corruption bar to let you know how close you are to defeating the boss but before i kick off development of that i want to briefly talk about the main change that i made within my organism class as i mentioned before this organism class used to be named enemy and i realized that that was just not a good description of the entities that i wanted to represent with this code i don't want to put an emphasis on these creatures being aggressive and corrupted instead i think their uncorrupted state is just as important so to support this idea i kind of reworked the way that corruption works instead of just starting at a high level of corruption and permanently going down to zero they now respond dynamically to changes in corruption meaning that enemies can be uncorrupted as they were before but they can also be re-corrupted i went ahead and tried to prove this idea out a little bit by creating a new interaction between organisms you can see we've got some corrupted crabs and some uncorrupted crabs here on the beach and i'm going to bring one of these corrupted guys over to one of these uncorrupted guys you'll see that when the corrupted one touched the uncorrupted one he actually transferred some of that corruption over and the once peaceful crab is now aggressive again towards the player this was a small change in code but ultimately the notion of spreading corruption brings this world much more to life in my opinion and also creates more urgency for the player in terms of destroying all the corruption in a given area i think this is a really cool mechanic all right i've been talking too long this morning it's 8 o'clock and i need to get ready for work now but i'd love to hear what you guys think about these updates i'm super stoked about this progress and i'd just love to hear your comments down below about the boss and the new corruption mechanic anyway hopefully the next time you see me i will be back with a corruption bar so that we can finish off the boss and wrap up the devlog hey everyone welcome back to saturday morning for the final update of the episode yesterday after work i sat down and managed to quickly create what i think turned out to be a pretty decent prototype for a corruption bar for the boss let's take a look i want to start with my favorite part of this corruption bar which is how it's presented to the player if i approach the boss here and i get within a certain range you'll see the bar fade in at the top of the screen of course presents the relative amount of corruption that the boss has and the name of the boss i like that it's fixed to the top of the screen here because it's kind of a call to action for the player that they're about to enter a more serious combat encounter than with any of the other normal enemies that are found in the game the bar behaves in combat just about how you'd expect as we damage the boss the bar will shrink from both ends to let you know that you're decreasing the corruption level of the organism so we'll go take a swing here and you'll see that his corruption level has decreased if we get him all the way to the bottom of course the purple will entirely disappear and ultimately the bar will disappear because we've defeated the boss with the corruption bar work all wrapped up i think i'm ready to call my boss milestone complete this was an important step that helped me refine the architecture of my organism class and allow for even more types of creatures and interactions between those creatures in dauphin as always hope you guys enjoyed the devlog and left some feedback for me down in the comments i want to end with a big thank you again for all the support as the channel continues to grow towards that six figure milestone which we might even hit before the next video hope you all stay safe and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: DevDuck
Views: 105,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indie game dev, game dev, gamedev, 2d gamedev, devlog, godot, godot engine, 2d rpg devlog, devduck, dauphin
Id: i_o86IWh1AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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