Buildbox Free - How To Make 2D Platformer Game [PART 1]

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in this video I keep in mind free Bulle box users aka one world limitation we learn how to make 2d platformer game on screen you will see topics we are going through BB doc file is in description but I recommend watching this video also because I had to change some code and nodes so let's get started box games start by pressing create new button then create empty asset library is different in 3d and 2d world because we are making game in 2d world we need to delete 2d world first and create 3d world because if you have one world limitation you can't access 3d world library later on so delete 2d world and create 3d world open it and go to assets library open assets tab import all assets which might be useful coin asset for sure because you can rotate this in your 2d world and if you skip this step you can open new project with 3d world import all 3d models you need and export them as BB asset files and then drag and drop them into your 2d world so here I import some assets which might come handy later on you when done close library and go to mind map you can delete 3d world now and create 2d world and connect it with start node open 2d world and you can see all imported 3d assets if you open coins node map by double-clicking on it you can see it's 3d model back to 2d world and I open assets library and importing sprites which I might use these are PNG files as you can see library is totally different from 3d world's asset library making desert themed so I import sand pyramids and other desert stuff when done close library go to project settings by clicking settings wheel top right corner changing orientation to landscape and rotating start and end - 90 degrees you also setting its white position to zero on both click on camera icon to see how it would look like in preview window and turn camera view back off to avoid messing up the view let's add some ground scale it down you and moving in point more right side you renaming asset is ground and put it into platform collision group the Naval physics type is static turn on collision edit mode next to camera icon scale collision shape so it matches with ground image you turn collision mode off open assets library and import some random shape this will be our character drag it to character tab you change its name and collision group to character the Naval physics type is dynamic click on add brain box button bottom right corner and select platformer it imports character with animations drag asset to your scene open its node map by double-clicking on asset delete that rectangle animation back to 2d world and if selecting character on scene you can adjust its speed and jump force click on play button to open preview window so you can test your game problem is that you cannot limit how many times character can jump before landing on platform but don't worry I modified it so you can set jump limit clothes preview window and delete character drag and drop my BB asset to the scene links are in description and drag character to the scene open its node map by double-clicking the asset select platformer node and on right panel you can set jump limit collision shape is okay let's make new scene copy-and-paste ground from start scene you click on camera and change position follow two character and set actors collision group to character you the justing camera view zooming camera out and platform higher you here is what happens when platform positions are different you fixing it now you character goes behind ground this can be fixed in structure tree you drag character just below level selector you and with camera view on you can edit view while preview window is open you select camera and set follow force on y-axis to zero so the camera doesn't move up and down when jumping you if you want to use your own character animations open actors node map replace these animations with your own and use left sighted animations just drag and drop your PNG sequences into animation node you after that go back to 2d world and adjust collision shapes you and you can adjust its speed and jump force here you to make jumping more natural click on world and change gravity -40 seems okay after that jumping force should be higher you let's add coins now and make them to rotate increasing its scale open coins node map by double-clicking it click on if collide node and set affected asset to character that point note is old so delete it and add new one select settings you like and connect with if collide node you and add rotation node set y-value and connect with start node you let's add game UI and add score label you to show scorer coins change labels function to score you let's test it you the increase y-value in rotation node if you want coins to spin faster you let's add enemy now set collision group is enemy the Naval physics type is static drag it to the scene and scale if necessary you the Nabal collision mode you to change Collision shape select mesh from drop-down list click on pen icon for that enemy cone-shape is suitable you click on it and hit save you for better view make ground invisible you and coins collision shapes are too big also you open actors node map drag if collide node affected asset is enemy and connect with start node drag defeat node connect with if collide node also we need event observer node connect with game over input you to get game over working we need to add game over event observer in game UI you and make game over you I connect it with game over output you to make restart button drag navigation button set its function to restart you quick test you seems like collision shape is wrong open 2d world and turn collision mode on yes collisions shape needs adjusting you now it should work you we need some dying animation for that open actors node map I don't have dying animation so I use jumping animation for it for the next minute you will see how I try to get this working solution is to make new asset with jumping animation and adding move node with negative Y value no physics on that asset the idea is when actor dies it falls off the ground like in Super Mario so we connect spawn node with defeat node it spawns jumping animation asset and between defeat and game over event we add delay node tricky part is that we cannot remove asset after defeat because delay node won't send signal to game over event if we do that but I found a workaround for it if we can hide animation nodes then it looks just as we wanted and luckily we can do that hide animation nodes I looked into Buhl docks manual and found function for that so we need just add this function inside defeat node instead of removing this asset we only remove animation nodes I will show you how in a few seconds you open defeat nodes script editor by double clicking on it replace last line with these three lines and let's test it out this is end of part one thank you for watching subscribe for more videos
Channel: Hanomax Games
Views: 64,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buildbox 3 platformer, buildbox tutorial, how to make platformer, buildbox guide, buildbox, buildbox 3D, buildbox 3 2D game, build, box, 2019, engine, simple, easy, tutorial, app, android, phone, mobile, game, games, how, to, how to, buildbox free
Id: ZMuZ49u9skQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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