Build Your Own Smartwatch from Scratch - You Won't Believe How Cool it Looks!

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hey guys welcome back to another video of circuit digest so in this video we are going to show you how we can build your very own Smartwatch now obviously we didn't build this one but the idea is to build something very similar with a lot of features and we want to see how far DIY smart watches can take us so we started thinking and we did this we found some very good results over the Internet after some Googling we came to a conclusion that our Smartwatch should have a small form factor so that it can fit on our wrist and it should have a colorful TFT display with some good animations around and it should have a lot of features so in the end we ended up building this to make it more interesting we also added multiple watch faces a heart rate sensor a compass and even some games [Music] yeah I really suck playing Flappy Birds I tried so this video is all about showing you how we built this watch explaining what's inside its circuit diagram and its functions so let's roll the intro foreign [Music] before we get into the video it's important for me to mention the sponsors for this video pcbb PCB way provides high quality PCB fabrication and prototype Services they are well equipped to handle standard and advanced PCB designs and can also provide SMD stencil and PCB assembly Services they are known for their shorter lead time quick customer support and also supports the maker community so do consider giving them a try for your next PCB now coming back to our project let's take a look at the components required to build a smartwatch the main brain behind our Smartwatch is the esp32 microcontroller but apart from that we will also need an accelerometer a magnetometer a battery protector IC an ambient light sensor a heart rate sensor and few other components but don't be overwhelmed by the list of components the basic idea here is to build a smart watch with an Open Source Hardware and software so that it can be tinkered and improvised over time so what we have done is we have added every possible sensors that a smartwatch might require into the mix that being said let's take a look at the circuit diagram for this project so here we are so the first section here is the USB input and EST protection so we have a micro USB input Port over here and this TV is diode for EST protection so this micro USB port can be used for charging the battery yes we have a lipo battery inside our watch and we can also use this to program our esp32 microcontroller now how this programming is done is using this USB to uart converter IC or cp2102 to be in specific you could have seen this IC in your Arduino boards and or you know Nano boards and everywhere so basically it is used to program this esp32 chip and also for serial communication then on the top left we have two ICS two sections one is for battery charger and another is for battery protection which is done using the fsa205 AIC so what basically these two IC does is this IC monitors the voltage of the battery when the battery is getting charged and once it reaches 4.2 it will cut it off and there is an indication LED as well and these two ICS will monitor the battery for under voltage and over voltage and even for over current and if any one of that happens it will immediately disconnect the battery from our circuit to prevent any mishaps from happening over to the right we have the three 0.3 volt ldo and the 1.8 volt ldo both of which are used to regulate voltage for our whole project everything works on three points three volt except for a heart rate sensor which needs 1.8 volts so we have used two separate ldos then moving on uh here comes the most important IC in our project which is the esp32 so we have not used any simple esp32 we have used the esp32 TT go mainly for two reasons one it has a very small form factor and the other it has and a lot of inbuilt flash memory so that all the graphical work which we'll be doing with our Smartwatch will have enough space uh in the flash memory and this is what is happening here we have also connected an external SRAM to have these Graphics load faster without any Jitters and then we have a power on reset and a switch to reset the esp32 while programming then we have the actual TFT display which we have used which is 240 cross 280 pixels and 1.69 inches in size and then let's get back here later and over the bottom you can see all the sensors which we have actually used for this project you can see the accelerometer sensor the USB to uart converter okay this is something wrong here I am sorry this is actually a magnetometer is over here we have an accelerometer sensor and over here it's actually not a USB to U watt converter it is the mpu 6050 accelerometer and gyroscope IC it's named wrong over here I'm sorry for that but yeah on the bottom you can see all the sensors which we have used in this watch we have the heart rate sensor we have the ambient light sensor and on the top we have a micro SD card under vibration motor so the vibration motor is for haptic feedbacks and the micro SD card is for future use just in case you want to load up some big files you can put it on the micro SD card or read it with your esp321 displayed on the LCD so this is just a brief overview of all the components present here uh in fact this magnetic sensor sorry this uh magnetometer sensor you see here is used for uh used for making the compass on your watch and this heart rate sensor is used for detecting the heartbeat while it is on your wrist and this ambient light sensor is used for adjusting the con adjusting the brightness of your display based on the ambient light outside this pretty much explains how the entire Hardware is designed hope this has given you a clear idea on what's inside our watch if you need more information you can always head on to our website to look at the circuit diagram part marking images it's explanation and everything else once the schematics is ready all that we have to do is design our pcbs and get it fabricated when done we had these two uh beautiful black pcbs now I have already told you why we needed two pcbs but let's visualize it again so these are the two boats and when you populate it you get something like this I have already placed a similar board inside the smart watch so let's visualize how it is placed so what we have done is we have the LCD display connected to this side of the board and we have placed it in this orientation inside the watch you can actually see the connectors matching up over here and the button over here is provided with this plastic piece so once this board is placed we have the other board over here which goes in like like this and we have the battery uh sandwiched in between we have the LiPo battery sandwiched in between so what happens is we have our heart rate sensor over here which goes directly to the wrist and then we have the vibration motor which is also uh which will also be somewhere over here so on the back side you can see the heart rate sensor we have used a tiny paper to split between the emitter and receiver of this heart rate sensor and the vibration motor which you see here will come somewhere over here and in this project we have not used the SD card but if you want you can provide a slot over here and use it for SD card as well so uh that is it this is why we have our two pcbs and this is why we have used a ribbon connector to connect these two pcbs together everything is done to get a small form factor now of course this is not very pretty looking height but this is something we can get away with if we are able to find a different type of power source which is much thinner than the limbo battery which we are currently using and moving on one more thing which I have to say is uh if you see there are a lot of tiny teeny components on top of this board if you can see and it is really not easy to solder all of them by hand which is why we got a PCB stencil as well from a PCB way so this is the stencil and that was delivered by PCB wheel let me should quickly show you how the stencil looks like so that's it this is a just a simple sensor you can just directly place your PCB board underneath this and you can apply the thought solder paste and you can solder them easily so again the Gerber file and everything can be found at the link given in the description of this video okay the next stop is to get an enclosure we used the 3D model of our PCB and designed a compact enclosure which goes very well on our wrist once the design was ready we 3D printed the top cover and bottom cover and it looks something like this with this enclosure we were able to build this watch moving on the next thing we should discuss is about the firmware for this project and this is where things get a bit complicated see the firmware for this project is really long and it is not possible for me to explain it in this video but we have provided a complete explanation of how the code works on our website in fact we have split it into three tutorials and the first one will teach you how to build watch faces for the esp32 the second one will teach you how to use ambient light sensor with your watch and the third one will teach you how to use magnetometer and gyroscope you put all these three tutorials together and you will be able to build our final version of the smartwatch with that we have come to a conclusion for this video we have explained the hardware and we are given enough resources for you to build your very own Smartwatch go ahead and build it on your own if you have learned anything useful from this video do consider giving a like and also subscribe to this channel that will work means a lot and with that being said this is ashwinth here signing off have a nice day tata bye bye
Channel: Circuit Digest
Views: 42,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smartwatch, diy smartwatch, eps32, arduino, arduino smartwatch, esp32 smartwatch
Id: 1Pp5RGtFSrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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