Build Your Own Backyard Concrete Block Grill: easy

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we're going to build a cinder block grill today and uh this would be a grill that you could use for many years i've chosen to attach to build this attach this to the end of my patio area and let me give you some material a material list to tell you what we're going to put together this morning and hopefully you can do this at your house as well it's very easy to assemble all the components can be bought at a local hardware store especially like lowe's or home depot first of all you'll need 22 8 by 8 by 16 cinder block uh for the main part of your grill you'll also need four quarter blocks these are half blocks these are eight by eight by eight you'll need seven cap blocks for the very top these are two inch by two inch by 16 feet or 16 inches then you'll need two pieces of expanded metal for the cooking surfaces one is 36 inches wide by 46 long and the other is 12 inches by 46 that'll become an expanded metal shelf and we'll show you that just in a little bit as we go along you'll also need one piece of angle iron 2 inch by 2 inch 46 inches long and you'll see in a moment why that would be very important when we're done with our grill this morning the cooking surface will be 32 inches by 32 inches it's not big enough to do a whole hog but it uh it's plenty big enough for a lot of chickens uh steak all kind of other items you want to cook this grill would be good for wood or charcoal and i'll get a wood fire going underneath this in the conclusion of this presentation the whole entire unit that we'll build this morning the whole cinder block grill it'll be 40 inches deep 48 inches wide and 34 inches tall later i'm gonna do another presentation and make a hood for it a cover so we can change this grill into a smoker complete with a thermostat and a small chimney where i can do a whole whole turkey during the holidays if i wish anyway thank you for joining us and the first thing we need to do is to level out this ground here and make a nice smooth level place for the blocks if we don't do that the whole thing will be tipped and tilted and it won't go up correctly so stay tuned and we'll start this just a moment so we leveled off our spot for our cinder block grill the inside dimension will be 32 by 32 inches that's a large cooking surface remember that dimension as you assemble your grill and take measurements from time to time let's put the bottom blocks on the bottom blocks will be made out of 8 by 8 by 16 cinder blocks and there'll be a total of seven of these on the bottom level on the next level you'll start using your your half blocks to offset each of the other blocks and give the whole project a lot more strength there we go that's looking pretty nice now on the second level you start off with a half block again that way each block is offset it'll be a lot stronger if you hit it with a mower if you knock into it it's more stable so let's put that on and then we'll go with full blocks after that oh it's looking good she's looking fine we need another half block right here there we go just like that and then we'll put two more blocks here and then the second level is almost completed and there she goes this takes close-up shots of this so you can see it a little closer than the camera okay here's a side view of the cinder block grill we have two levels put together you can see the bottom level is all eight by eight by 16 cinder blocks we started out on the second level with a half block here then a couple full blocks a few more full blocks and then on the corner there as well you have a half block next thing we want to put on is the cooking surface the expanded metal and you can see that over there against the wheelbarrow before we assemble the third blocks third level of blocks on the cinder block grill we're going to put the cooking surface here and then you'll see how low you can build your fire you'll have a full 16 inches above to light that fire but i'm also going to put a piece of angle iron right here that way nothing can slide off that cooking surface let's do that and then we're going to start the third level of blocks as well there you go look at that isn't that nice oh it's already looking like a grill looking like a nice grill in fact look at that a lot of good cooking surface easy to build very inexpensive less than a hundred dollars or so and you can buy most everything you need at home depot or lowe's although this is not a home depot or lowe's uh commercial let's begin with a third level you need a full block the weight of this is going to put keep the cooking surface stable just like this we'll do the other side now there we go look at that don't tell me you can't cook some good chicken on this grill in fact chicken hot dogs you can throw on some kabasi do some pork later i want to build a cover for this and do a whole turkey on here that would be great now after you put two of these on the third level on the back you'll need another half lock so here we go here's a half block here you'll also need another half lock on this side to match it there we go oh that's looking nice and then two full blocks will be back here maybe yeah there you go in fact what we're going to do we're going to take this half block put it there and then put this block here that way they're all really offset really nice time to level it up there we go look at that that's a good cooking surface now what we want to do next is put a small shelf on the top level here remember you have that other piece of metal you're gonna put that right about here and overlap a little bit so the way the blocks can keep this on here and then that's good for coffee pot or extra meat you want to put up there then we're going to go on the very top with our last blocks just like this oh look at that that's beautiful and then like this and then finally like this that's not quite done but i'm gonna turn the camera off and get set up for one more thing okay here's a walk around of the grill with the third block on it third set of blocks and also the cooking surface and the the small shelf it looks pretty good at this point but you know what i like to do one more thing to help really set that off you see all the holes in the top i've got some flat block two inches by two inches or two by eight by 16 capstones i call them we're going to put those in there and see what she looks like with this beautiful cinder block grill very inexpensive a big cooking surface you get a good expanded metal this thing lasts for years and years and you're getting a few tiki lamps to go around your patio light them babies up uh put a couple tables out here and have yourself a good old-fashioned southern cookout now the last thing i want to do is put the top blocks on top and they're going to act as shelves and you can put plates and utensils on here and this is really going to be the completion of this grill and then i'm going to get a fire going and we'll see what she looks like there you go look at that oh isn't that nice you'll need two on this side you'll need three at the top there's your two down here you'll need again you'll need three up here see then that really set it off and let's see you can put a lot of plates on there maybe salads or whatever else you want to put on there when you have a cookout there she goes this a beautiful grill i think it cost me less than 100 to do the whole thing you can make it you can make it longer wider taller make it long enough for whole hogs again later when i can i'm going to make me a cover for it so i can take some tin and make a whole shield with a thermometer and a small chimney and so i can build a fire underneath this and do some smoking so that's going to be really a sweet process anyway i hope you uh build a grill here's our completed grill ready to go we're gonna fire up in a minute let's take a walk around and see what the whole thing looks like though again you have uh three levels of blocks in the front and then capstones on the back just to set it off like a stove look you have another set of blocks another level the blocks are all intertwined to make them a little bit more stable if something hits it like a edge of a mower maybe a wheel of a mower here's the back part of it again all interlocked and then here's the the other side right here too oh i guess that shade makes it hard to see there we go there's the back of it with the cap stuff now this will get the job done throw on chickens hamburgers hot dog steak again 32 inches square of surface 32 by 32 and there's that grill that we just made in front of the camera take care please share this short presentation with a friend of yours and hope you build yourself a good old-fashioned grill and cook out the way it ought to be done take care bye
Channel: Dr. Stewart Productions
Views: 1,776,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinder blocks, outdoor grill, wood fire, charcoal fire, bbq, barbacue, barbcure, cook out, barbecue, how to, cinder block grill, concrete block grill, concrete
Id: xsx7tXs3wW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2016
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