Build Your Deck 5X Faster and Easier | DIY for Beginners

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hey guys it's Jeff from home renovision today we are building a maintenance free deck that's right we've been doing decks on our channel for years usually I'd use cedar or pressure treated but today we're using trxs I know it's a little expensive but in the world of home economics nowadays every dollar you spend on materials gets you three or four dollar return on your value of your investment okay that's the way it works housing prices have gone through the roof so everybody in North America every dollar you put into your house you're going to get three to four depending on where you live today's video is sponsored by camo huh that's right sponsored video from Jeff what the heck bottom line is I've been using camo for 30 years I've been doing camo on my videos ever since we got started they got a new product out and it's awesome this is a shed base a deck base a post space anything you want to do on the floating on your ground you can make out of using this as your structure now so gone or the days we're going to be using cement blocks ever again first let's talk about our design we're going to go an 8 by 12 and the reason for that is they sell 12ft trucks at my local Home Depot and I like to keep things simple I like to work with what's in stock especially nowadays supply chain is always getting weird and crazy we got we're going to just make a quick triangle here and use this board for our marks okay I measured four I'm going to measure off three I want to get something that's just a complete extension right off the corner okay and then what I'm going to do Matt come on over here and get me a hand with this all right I'm going to hold this here you're going to put that 5ot Mark on that black line yeah and we're going to Pivot sir that's my spot how are we looking so my five foot Mark is about uh I'm going to hold this as a pivot and you pull that board until it it hits the spot right right there okay perfect thank you x marks the spot that'll work now ah for me the best way to do with a block like this is take a little bit of spray paint and I'm painting my outside corner okay oops there we go once I move the board that's where I want my post to be okay we're going to use joist hangers on this end and over here we're going to have a rim joist and I'm going to have a 4X for post adding a structure coming out of the middle of this block okay so this corner right here is that corner right there so way I line that up nice and simple I got this line on that line this line on this line boom okay there's my Mark we're going to dig out that square sweet okay beautiful now before we get started with the digging let's mark off the uh the other side 12T away and we'll mark off one more one more in the middle to give us a little more structural strength because we're using 2x8s you use 2x 10 you can go 12 ft we're using 2x8s because of the slope of our ground 2x10 is just going to get too thick over here all right so now what I do is I'll come back here 3et from that point is that it yeah okay okay go and 5 ft again okay and like it perfect cool so this time we'll mark this outside corner oh help if I did it right on the money okay all right and then we're going to set it on this corner here here we go boom we're going to cut it a little bit big on purpose so we got room to maneuver once we get going right okay sweet now we can just put that board in the middle that looks good make sure it's uh flush up with the with the rim over there probably about flush there yeah okay and then here here we go and we'll go like that on that line okay happy digging it's nice to have some young muscle [Music] around all right so instead of trying to make this video quick and simple and rushing through all the details we're going to treat this like as if you're watching it and you've never done a deck before and we're going to take it through every single step here okay um really what we're trying to do when we're doing a floating deck is create something that's square and not a parallelogram okay so we're going to use screws as we get started just to tack it all together get all the points and locations pinpointed perfectly get everything squared off okay we can have the ability to move those uh bases for the post it's not a big issue right now so first step of course is to attach this post this sorry first step is attach the outside this called The Rim joist okay going to go all the way back to the building I've got my mark on my shed here now in a lot of cases when you're doing this you're going to have a uh I can attach it to the shed because it's also on the same camo block okay so it's a floating structure I can attach a floating structure to a floating structure what we're going to do is because we've done the math backwards we know that if we bring our joist to this height okay I have a 1in gap to the door here and that's exactly the thickness of our finished material so we'll go up to the the siding and underneath this step right here and carry the load of people walking in and out so the way that we're going to be able to do this is lifting it right up to the siding okay and I'm just going to throw in one screw for now just to hold it in place now we're going to check to see what we got here for level mat this is our first issue do we have any flexibility or do we have to dig deeper I'm still too higher at this point so let's remove the block and see if we can set it in there and get level we can so we can put it right in the block but if I'm on top of these ridges then I'm not going to have a level deck I'm way out so before we can get started let's dig another couple of inches of this grass right here so that we can slide this over a little bit okay we're going to have to go right flush into the foot and you wanted to go on the ribs here no inside actually right in there boom how's she looking perfect is that sitting on on that yeah it's on the pedestal okay beautiful got to love a good ground level deck eh we're going to go 2 inches so you go to the hardware store and you order 12ft Lumber and it comes almost an inch too long very important you measure these things because I'm going to guarantee the composite material that we're putting on top is going to be exactly 12 ft it will not be 12T 1 in we're going to line this up here cut that extra [Music] off and I've got to cut off the extra material right here it's 2 in up an inch and a half over one 3 in over okay this corner is just really frustrating I need a little a little bit more material out of my way believe that or not just on the bottom here okay let's see if we can get that in there now flush yes throw a level on that now for me let's make sure just make sure that I'm pretty sure we have to lift it in into place now we got to lift my left side good so we're fine wow okay that was a lot just to say this the goal is to tack together the perimeter so you can confirm that you're level and square and whatever that takes is what that takes these screws are temporary uh let's put the other post end over there and let's get another 2x8 at the other end okay there's my outside corner now we did a measuring error earlier so we ended up in the wrong location with that first outside corner but okay there's my 12 now I don't need to find this outside corner but there is definitely something wrong here I'm looking at Square first I got a parallelogram going on right now we came off a post and now we're working in the middle of the block so now our deck block is in the wrong location the block goes that way now the block has to go back to where it was sweet okay here you want to hold the square over there and I'll tap it to a square no I mean it has to move over I about four and a half four inches you know the easiest thing to move is the back the shed no where it hits the brim joist let's just do that okay let's leave this where this is this is lined up perfectly I don't want to have to redo all of that stacking and packing we're going to square off right here when you got that kind of flexibility You' take it oh that's yeah yeah to me that's perfect boom okay all right so at least that is square to the building we got to do this side too that looks so much better yeah and then we got to measure well we'll measure this off because my material is going to be not merciful okay this this works now okay now one thing we don't need here we don't need this post in be inside that corner perfectly it has to carry the load from here so that works so let's put the level on this side and I'll throw in some another screw all right okay okay hit the front let's confirm should be inside the number lines yep we're good okay all right I thought this was going to kick my butt but here we go all right so now we've got three points of contact for the rim Joys two of them are going to be through the the face of these posts now we got to cut the post down okay and that's right the bottom needs to be sared off oh yeah your right-handed blah blah blah so that almost works you know what happens there though because you're starting already where the cut is the blade is more likely to bend with the wood than to cut it so take an extra saw blade off so you can actually cut that make sure the backside isn't sticking up cuz it'll be a little nuisance know what I what I mean is like actually take an extra e oh now the blade is cutting through the top as well and and it won't be pushed out of the way okay there you go pressure treated lumber it's rated for ground contact the 4x4 postar anyway and they come sealed and stained but everywhere we cut it's no longer treated and becomes the weak spot on the deck so we use this lovely mixture here make sure you stir the bottom every time you open your can mix those solids in all right and then just really good healthy dose of it really soak it in there okay there we go this side is cut on both sides so we do both sides it's not about being pretty this is about getting that really sealed and soaked up in there okay beautiful right and we'll just keep that handy right here now we'll go back to level over here right there just with a quick screw again now we've got this in place we think we're Square now we're going to measure up our 345 again okay 345 Y and make sure that we're not full of it here perfect yeah nice all right and then we should do the same thing over here again perfect okay so the other way to do this and I'm not doing it this way on purpose is because I'm actually under the siding it's hard to get a perfect measurement as you can hold it to the outside corner there right and measure to this outside corner 1742 then you do the same thing on the other corner and these numbers should be the same 73 and A2 so we did it right is that 173 and A2 I thought this was 174 and2 174 yeah it's kind of it's also difficult to do because of the siding so I can't actually get it directly on the corner yeah I get it okay and then well let's do it this way then you go over there have the same problem once you fixed that it became 174 and a quarter believe that or not e 174 boom all right we're out a quarter so that that way is longer I mean we going to just give this a nudge a nudge like an eighth of an inch there you go that was a nudge now we're Square all right Next Step put in all of our floor Choice okay so uh traditionally with houses flooring decking construction if you're using uh 1in Lumber as your finished material like a cedar deckboard or a pressure treated deckboard you go 16in on Center but with composite because in the heat it gets a little soft you got to go 12 in on Center all right so for everybody out there who's thinking about going from a taking their wood deck removing the surface and putting on composite listen to me here your wood deck is 16 inch on Center composite requires 12 there's no warranty for you if you put it on 16 and then In the Heat of the day you walk in your deck and then you get it sinks and then when it cools down it stays sunken it doesn't shrink back all right so just heed my warning you don't want to be that guy who pulls off his pressure treated lumber just to go and add composite decking and make an absolute mess of it cuz that's all that work is all destroyed 12 12 12 and 12 is 48 50 I'm going 10 inch on Center now oh my God what am I doing let me try that again 12 24 36 48 I'm good here okay and then 12 is 60 so that is good and then 72 is 12 oh my my God okay yes I'm fine see the problem with my tape is I've got red squares and black squares oh yeah that would mess you up so now I just stay on the black squares I'm fine that's actually 12in on Center okay that is messing me up and you're all done over there because you're sharp as attack taught me well man I'm an old man who doesn't know how to read his own tape measure that's just brilliant nothing like a big fat piece of Humble Pie first thing in the morning all right now what I'm looking for here is the crown generally speaking joice have a rotation okay and if that's the 2x8 it's an exaggeration but you're going to be looking at a curve so the crown up cuz the likelihood of the downward pressure people walking on it will flatten that out over time if you you start like that and you step on it you go like that and that's really really bad or if you alternate from up and down then your boards are like this across your whole [Music] deck what we're going to do is I'm going to start my [Music] screw get an angle set on it all right I'm going to hold hold it in place you're going to make it flesh and nail your end yeah go four nails now just so that we're clear four Nails means he doesn't need to use a joist hanger at his end okay really yeah that's structural the reason I'm coming up to my siding is in one of the earlier videos when we did the siding what did we did is we actually snapped the chalk line from one corner of the shed to the other underneath that step and we built our entire siding job on that chalk line so it is level we're going to get four or five on and then we'll double check with the level just to make sure but it should be good yeah we got a gap I can stick my finger in here so this is what happens all right so what we have is our Rim joist here it's got a nice curve to it it's a curved piece of wood so even though it's screwed all four corners and even in the middle here it's still pulling out okay so the way you fix that is with one of these headlock screws these are structural screws right but they got a nice flat surface so we can go flush into the wood remember we can't have things sticking out on the outside because when we're done we're going to put a piece of uh composite fascia on that as well to complete the look of the deck so you can drive that in right in the middle all the heads of those Nails will stick out and you can just drive them back in again and really it's just all about closing the Gap perfect okay yeah so generally speaking in a lot of cases when you're doing a deck you're going to need three or four of those anyway so buy a pack of six every second joice you want to tie it all back together again okay let make sure you nail this one too there only got one there one screw in it so far that's a nasty warp B couple Nails on the end yeah okay four Nails on the end all right so this time I'll screw my end in first and then you can push the board into the wood when you nail it yeah all right we are in there tight yeah too tight probably eh probably should have waited just push push at me don't worry about what's going on at your end at all just keep it pushed towards me all right now line up on your 12 and that that nail should pull it tight there you go that's a little more efficient is it [Music] okay [Music] now one of the benefits of the kind of fasting system we're using the 12in on center doesn't have to be perfect don't drive yourself nuts with the lines okay give or take an eighth quarter inch it's not going to hurt anybody the most important part of this is having it as flush as possible that's pretty darn sweet okay woo there we go on the bubble baby so the next step of course is we need to think about our structural transfer because you can build a box like and put one screw on the back side that's fine for now don't step on your framing until after you put your Joy hangers in but we want to do this we're going to put one of these structural ones into every one of these joist and into the blocks preferably two cuz it's Overkill now one of those screws will carry 3,000 lb 369,000 not sure how many elephants you're going to have on your deck but better safe than sorry see look at they come up the other side those are super long wow all right all right okay and on the last joist we'll do two screws as well okay okay because we cut it [Music] short all right so we got two different kinds of uh support brackets over here one is a joist hanger okay we'll go through the science of this basically goes underneath okay and then you've got nailing surface on both sides and so the all the load from that joist comes along and sits right in here in the bottom of this bracket and then that is transferred through the steel to all these Fasteners so whenever you're working with a Fastener system like this you want one screw in every one of these holes that includes the ones on the angles okay now you can use screw scw or Nails I like screws because comes with a bit and it has a hex head Fastener system these are structurally rated they do have a code stamped on the head okay if there's no stamp on your structal Fastener it's not a structural Fastener even the nails have a code stamped on them okay so you put that in there and on the this angle it goes on this angle okay goes on a 45 so it catches the edge of the joist and the rim and ties them together so they don't pull apart okay this is very important when that Fastener is all the way in there you can see It'll be sticking about a half an inch into the rim joist okay very good so as long as your inspector sees stamped screws or Nails you will be fine CU residential construction always passes with the smallest Dimension screw now okay this is the weakest structural Fastener you're going to have in your Market now I shouldn't make this point this deck uh is not permit okay where we live it's floating there's no permit necessary which means there's no inspection there's no rules if you have rules make sure you follow them always contact your building office before you build something and find out if you have to get a permit cuz it changes City to City all over the country okay now this is an inside corner bracket cuz the deck comes along like this and the last thing I want is to have Fasteners sticking out of the side okay I'm going to be finishing off with a nice uh nice fascia board okay so we want that flush on this wood flush on this wood so instead of using this type I'm using a corner bracket here and I happen to know that two screws on each side of a hanging joist carries it carries the joist just fine so I'll put three on each side of this corner bracket and I know that I'm just fine because the strength in that bracket is actually the joint right here in the middle this joint is what transfers all the load so the three screws are actually Overkill in that scenario hurah now I got six holding that board comparatively speaking I'm only going to have four carrying this board all right here we go best way to do this of course is just hold it up up drill on a 3 to 5° upward angle make sure that that steel underneath the joist is pulled right tight now we're going to roll it around the corner and again I'm going to be screwing an upward angle and that lifts everything tight into this against that Fastener that we had in there before and there we go now there's no rule about how sloppy or how neat you make this okay if there's Steel in contact with the wood it'll carry the load and I'm going to show you the proper installation and then I'm going to cheat for the rest of the deck because I'm not concerned about this pulling apart here we are that's what a finished Choice hanger looks like okay Go Again Come Around The Other Side lift the strap up angle as long as you're consistent like that your joy hangers are going to work amazing okay here we go for me that's good enough in this situation like this ground level deck I put two on each side good contact here I screw it at an uprate angle it's not going anywhere I am good to go now for added measure I can always take a 3-in decking screw from here on an angle going down like that holding this piece tight to the rim just to make sure that it doesn't pull away now if you're building building a deck and it's a second story deck and there's people underneath make sure you follow every little detail in the design drawings even the smallest failure and their inspector is going to fail your inspection and if he thinks you're trying to cut Corners he won't even tell you why he'll just say not past figure it out or hire a pro and that's how inspectors are spank you they'll say it's not good enough and just leave won't tell you why call me when it's fixed they'll say so if you have an inspector follow the details all right [Music] Maddie [Music] okay guys remember I told you as was a sponsored video today it's because it's sponsored by camo and they do more than deck blocks they do the Fasteners they do screws they have stainless steel hardware for the fascia boards that have really tiny heads so you can hardly see them they've got hidden deck Fasteners I love the hidden deck Fasteners I've used the camo screws in previous videos on almost every one of my no on every deck project I don't think I've built the deck in the last 20 years I didn't use camel screws here we go every box comes in a new drill bit okay and it comes with this little cute little accessory that goes on the gun and here's why here's the clip okay and little t-shape on it that goes in the groove of the wood that we were talking about and that's solid piece of metal that goes into the okay that that's not plastic the clip here is plastic it's temporary this is solid metal okay so that goes into the grooves so what we do we put a deck board on yay and then we slide this over and we put that into the groove all right and you build the whole deck and you can go five six rows putting a clip in every one of these Joys and we'll demonstrate that just a few minutes but for now because we're blocking you can see the height that that clip has to sit at now in the uh off chance that where I put my block okay my board finishes I got to put a clip here I can't use the system now I'm now I'm kind of stuck so what I want to do is make sure that when I put my blocking in I put my blocking just a little bit lower than is necessary it's about one inch okay Matt so if we drop all of our blocking one inch lower we'll never have an interruption with our clip system okay then we're laughing all right so now you understand where we're heading we know why we're doing this that's important it's no fun watching a build if they keep on doing things and don't tell you why they're doing it got to have the the in knowledge now I'm cutting at 10 and2 that should be snug these boards are not straight they've got some curves and curls and then we'll go alternating so that we can hit nails from each side okay and only one inch off from the top okay you won't get three Nails in if you don't otherwise yeah get two Nails in each side yeah okay no one nail each side that ain't enough from the inside no one outside one inside two on outside east side because of the gun you having a restriction two so just completely beside it yeah on an angle on an angle so now what you got is you got the ability to get two Fasteners and you got water shed okay beautiful how'll solve that problem cuz it's the nail that does the load transfer having that block in there just stabilizes the wood for moving [Music] around all right so here's one issue we're going to deal with we have to do deal with it on both ends all right this these joist they've got a bow going on so because I'm doing a 12T Deck with 12T material and then doing a facial board butting up to it kind of frame it in what we're going to do is this we're going to drop a chalk line outside corner to outside corner see how how much of a bow I'm out okay now the worst part of the bow is right here right there you go you can chocked it up so what we're going to do is we're going to set this block right on that chalk line okay we're going to screw this down Square it off you guessed it we're going to go flush now we got a triangle nothing is going to move now we measure the Gap and now we nail it okay this is exactly 10 and a/4 so now we're going to cut the exact block that we need install that block and we can remove this temporary brace knowing that everything is going to be perfectly Square it's just because of the angle of those Nails there we go that closed up I'm just going to throw a screw in here and make sure that doesn't happen again and we check our perfect nice okay let's do the other side Perfect all right here we go okay now we're Square wow that was work but uh glad we got it done all right guys here we go next step on the job today we're going to use the be tape on top of the joist yeah if you're a fan the channel you've seen me do this before where I hardly use it like it's not necessary but because we're making something that's maintenance-free and I'm putting down a composite deck I'm kind of thinking this is the perfect place to go spend the extra money right if you frame it properly and you've got good drainage and you use the tape especially in an area where you got a lot of trees this is going to protect the top of the surface of the joist from collecting those Organics and then going to rot all right so if it's going to be a maintenance-free shed it's not in the top of your mind to go and do inspections a couple times a year pull out the pressure washer clean out all the lines you're you're looking for something that doesn't require that kind of attention so in that situation I recommend using the tape now this stuff is not as convenient to use as you'd like it to be cuz it comes off the roll and then you got to peel the backside off blah blah blah okay real frustration it's only adhesive on one side I wish they would find a way to design this differently so it would operate like a regular kind of tape right and the tape the adhesive is on the same size as the roll so you can just pull it out and slap it down this stuff all works backwards okay now I'm not going to go right to the end on this because the nature of this build I don't know where my end is yet I want to finish with a full board with an overhang so we're going to save that last piece of joist tape until we OB actually build the deck out that's going to be the key because I have the ability here to add a 2x6 and then a 2x4 to build out another 3 in on my deck and then I can use the tape all right so we'll wait for that until we get there in the meantime we're going to fuss around this stuff oh lovely it did it again ah Joy tape is lovely wonderful stuff when it works and there we go somebody's got to go back to the drawing board and make a joist tape that actually applies easy um this is the stuff they're selling at my local Home Depot if you have a product that goes on easier than this let me know in the comments because I would love to be able to save a lot of people a lot of frustration like here it is at tour again this is going to take me oh bloody day to do at this rate that seems to be a better [Music] process [Music] all [Music] oh well my life it's never all that easy is it uh we were supposed to have this product delivered to the site it was an oversight I waited the last minute to order it and it's late in the summer so guess what nobody had inventory that was anywhere near this area so I went for a drive the other day to the one store that had the product left in stock and now they're 12ft boards which is what we wanted that was great so we bought 23 for the project and my truck has got a short bed so I used my little window there and I slid all 23 pieces stacked up through the window like and and uh the last turn before I got out here you know 40 minute drive later load shifted in the truck blew my window out so better laugh than cry um let's move on we're here to install Our Deck today uh these product this product actually comes at 12' 2 in which is great I like it because it allows me to miter and do the waterfall off the end okay and that's the goal that's what we're looking for so we're going to just miter our boards to go down the side and create a skirt because they didn't have any skirt boards that match this profile supply chain issues all the time now when you're in Canada uh summer is 10 weeks so including some Springtime they'll stock up they'll load up but when the products are gone they're not restocking the shelves cuz they're not going to sell that material again probably for eight months so this is what happens yeah I waited too long just word of warning if you're in Canada get while the getting's good or get organized because it takes a few weeks to bring in a delivery okay um I am going back down to Florida soon to finish off my house and so I didn't have the luxury of time to order so what we're going to do cuz I don't have a skirt board for fascia I'm cutting boards like this to do a waterfall up the side we're going to build out the end to where it makes some sense wherever these boards land 2x6 laminate 2x4 if we have to come all the way out here if we have to I'll rip the bottom of this off and bring a board up to it everything will look honky Dory I think but what we're going to show you now is now you got the design in your head we're going to show you the versatility of this product and how to install it so my first board has got a couple of considerations one each end is mitered to receive the waterfall okay and it's going to be roughly about there this sill remember we designed this from the beginning to have our sing come down an inch from this point and that is the jam height and the sish has the same height now when you walk on it it gets compressed so the idea lift this up and then slide it underneath now we're tight up against the door but there gaps all the way along the side so what we want to do is just kind of even those gaps out a little bit that looks pretty good what do you think um half inch here yeah okay and then in order to get started I know this is a hidden Fastener system but we do need to use some surface screws okay we're going to use a trim screw and pre-drill and drive them in to set our first board in place and then we'll be able to show you how the rest of the system works all right so you're right there what I'm going to look at is yeah that Tru sport actually came out of the out of the store pretty right on the money wow that did nothing for us it did nothing for us all right [Laughter] doesn't always work so these are a camo trim screw this is a very unique head it's very short okay it's a low profile scenario so what you'll see is we'll pre-drill the hole and then drive that screw right away without moving it and you want to have that screw head flush to the surface when you're done okay is that considered yeah so what you'll see is the way that finishes it's a bump right so you want to drive it down a little bit more and then you can use your Hammer to get that that res res there you go now you can give it a love tap good okay that makes it almost invisible all right okay so let's just do that all the way along and before we go any further I'm going to turn the speed up on this bad boy cuz that is bloody [Music] ridiculous so what we have here is a great little system for creating compression on the job site okay I'm going to show you this we have something that's rigid okay and you can adjust this for a single or a double thickness of a joist all right and then we have this here that turns off center see that's off center so as the wheel turns it opens or closes the thickness to sit on that joist okay soes that makes sense you see that moving there and then we have this wheel which is offc Center which is designed to work together like this you put it on hold it still all right and then you got a deckboard here and you can push it and compress it into place just by going Levering it because the wheel is off center here's our Fastener system we showed these earlier in the day boom we just set it in place okay that one's attached now we get the groove in there okay we set our clip on the rim joist or sorry clip on the joist that's it this is how we attach it all so one person is going to be sticking the boards on one person will be sticking all these clips on and then once we have I don't know six or eight rows we'll use the compression tool tool jam it all together cuz this one's already screwed in place and then we have a standup screw down tool we just we'll drop all this in in just a couple minutes we put all the screws together okay that's why you can go with a no surface screw deck for the body of the of the deck and you don't have to take all day long to install it now the way we're doing this for our assembly is this I'm using this as my template okay I'm going to hold it here going whoa come over here until I'm absolutely in love with it there we go next you don't have to force it all in we're just going to assemble the whole deck like this right now okay so Matt if you can lay them all out with the leaving at least about an inch in between every piece I'll get all the clips [Music] there's a lot of Labor you need on decks this is not skilled labor this is a engineered system that eliminates a lot of the mistakes that laborers make when they're screwing down deck surfaces like messing up the pattern of the screws youall know what I'm talking about the homeowner comes in they're stand there and they look at those screw lines they want to drop a chalk line make sure all the heads are right on the spot right well this system eliminates all those problems you're relying on the engineering and not on the employer employees to do their job I mean all you got to do is have somebody who's willing to put one of these little things on every joice yeah all right guys so I'm set up for single joist okay says right here on the front single joist all right and I'm adjusting this rotation to make it as wide as possible to set it on the joist close as I can and then I'm going to compress that by holding that handle there and watch this wheel because this is offset this will create pressure okay there we go now that's compressed right so that's really handy now if you give me my little cheat block there I'm going to do this one first so that we can set our end okay sticking over too far here we are that's perfect location there nice there we go so same thing just under the surface y right yeah screw it and then hammer it you got it we get to take advantage of the heat today it'll be somewhat malleable and you can just flatten all that out there you go there we go so what that means now this whole row is ready to be screwed in here we go that obviously goes in your your drive so you can't use your uh impact driver for this you got to have a regular Chuck drive for this okay I'm just guessing oh yeah okay so you pull this back the collar back to release it and to set it okay and then this is the drive system and this is really solid okay this Solid Steel so what happens is you can be standing here kind of Hit the area and it'll funnel it right into the bit okay put this on lock over the pin lock it in place boom let's put this one on the impact driver so that way you don't have to change your bit all right we'll leave this one on here make that nice and big here what we're going to do is we're going to set this the resistance on this drill if you go to one any kind of resistance at all like you get an inch and it it'll die out on you okay so we'll start off at like five and see if we get the right depth on that screw first let me get over here okay and press all that in okay set set it on there you're going to have the screw right away whoa too much compression wasn't it perfect yeah did you see how much it pulled that board down dial that back to three okay try this one now yeah and did it did it die out on you no I stopped uh I stopped drilling when I felt torque go to two Okay let's try to take the uh the need to feel it out of the [Music] equation that stops stopped by itself and I saw the compression yeah there's no movement okay that's perfect okay so if you have the same drill as I do number two on your torque setting and what speed setting are we on one we're on number one speed number two torque now you can change your speed setting go higher speed now now you got your torque setting set it should work just go to two it's plenty and and do this screw here and we'll do that test as well done perfect every time okay that's how you use that kind of drill it's set the right torque the right speed and then once you've got it so that you have an automatic stop on the drill it'll it'll do that torque even at 10% battery power so the entire time you're working you're always going to perfect set if you set the torque wrong or you're trying to feel when to let go you're going to be inconsistent with the Fastener that is perfect all right well cheers to our camera guy Joe just stepped in and said hey guys uh when you attack this Fastener you attach this board and we haven't lined that up yet we got a couple F right no you got the wrong bit so what we're going to do going to back all this out we're good now okay rubber mallet would work really nice there but okay first four good let's just go and uh put all these back in under compression here [Music] man [Music] wow right that is uh isn't that wow that's too easy okay so all I got to do now is make sure all the ends are good all right okay you're good for the rest of the [Music] clips [Music] here we go guys we've done such a good job installing nice and tight the gaps are all very consistent here's my next Gap and I don't come to the edge of the deck now in a perfect world I'd have a facial board that was only this thin and I have the facial board come up and leave that same Gap and I'd be fine but the facial boards are out of stock God bless you all so what we're going to do is get a little creative I have to finish this project because I'm selling this property so I'm going to be going vertical on the the side right and then vertical on this side but how do I match those two isn't that a kicker well I can get my deck to have an overhang right that's a good idea but I don't want to see this ugly Brown part so what I got to do is I take the table saw and I'll set the depth where that Groove is and I'll run it through the table saw and I'll cut it back to here all right that'll give me nice flat piece that I can have overhang and then tuck this right into it that means somar right now I got about a 2in hole that's just really not good for me I got 3 and2 Ines of material that I got to find well truth of it is I could even go that much on my overhang and I'm going to be fine with that so in order to get that much overhang and find a board that fits here 2 and 1/2 I need 3 in so easiest way for me to add 3 in onto this deck 2x6 2x4 that's it and then I can use my stainless steel screws on that 2x4 here and here and let the rest just hang free okay it's called facade for a reason it's just decoration all right has no function so that's what we're going to do we'll add that length to this h screw it all down and then we'll add the last two boards oh fantastic then when we're all done building that I'm going to come back with my saw my hand saw on a 45 and I'm going to rip all of these angles down so that I have my miter joint to receive this we don't want to create a cupping effect so we got to be perfectly flush if we have any issues with getting attaining that we can use the clamps just one screw at each hand all right okay can you put one right here too mhm I'm just going to step on it and and warp that down okay nice and then uh we'll grab a more marker let's just throw that 2x8 off right off the edge I'll mark the back side okay we'll cut shy of that line by about a/4 inch there we go nice one over here somewhere now makes sense for not having started the uh tape over here right I had a sneaky feeling this was going to happen all right same thing flush at the top okay one over here and then we're going to use the uh the grape fake screws afterwards okay this needs to be structural cuz people can put all of the weight on these last two boards right so because our joists are here we don't have any structural screws in the middle of the joist we're going to transfer all that load right here yeah baby here we go this will drive [Music] here off the side and I can set the depth where it's really nice okay so what I'm going to do is line that up again can I get a black marker so that's the depth that I want I'm going to mark my bit so I know how deep to go okay when you hold the handle it separates the board okay and then just drive till the black mark hits the top of that collar there perfect every time we punch it tight let screws way at the other end here all right and then I drive with pressure on the board in and then drive that one home okay boom now we'll drive that all the way across you need just leg pressure hit all of that Groove every foot or so and then the face of this I'm going to just cut like this and then we'll double check that we got a nice height and then we'll drive the screw with those stainless ones you got so the goal here is get this side Pinn down pre-drill holes on all the wood that I cut and then we'll just bring it right up to it and drive it in okay um now there's a lot of wood that I got to cut here like a boatload okay so um what I'm going to do is I'm going to take all these these cut pieces that I have I'm going to set them on the corner where they match up all right so you can do that I'll start working on all those and then the good news is we don't have to finish with our boards all of our fa doesn't have to come right to the ground okay we get to stop we get to be shy we get to be whatever we want because we're going to finish with white rock around the whole perimeter cool okay so that it it we don't have to worry about these things one of the things you want to do guys if you when you're getting over your grass you don't want your deck boards in contact with your ground okay that multiplies all the problems you're going to have with frost so have a good inch off your Organics okay and then find some kind of stone to go around now I would just go horizontal here you know maybe but that end of the deck is a lot higher off the ground than it is over here so we're going to go vertical it's going to be pain but it'll look pretty all right now woo um making adjustments to my saw here so I can cut the outside 45 I'm measuring off of the my deck to set the depth to one inch that is the thickness of this material on a 45° angle 1 in out is also one inch over okay now once I have that depth set I'm going to lock it then I'll battery up now I realize large majority of this is uh not an inch overhang we're at like 78 3/4 a lot of this kind of jazz so I'm intentionally instead of following this line which is my 45 I'm going to bump it up a little bit I'm going to go further out an extra quarter and cut just about this line here it ain't perfect it ain't perfect I get it this is the back side of the deck that's the visual side this is just so that we can get the miter on and not have too much ugly showing but I'm going to have some ugly here whether I like it or not it's just a matter of picking how much ugly I'm willing to put up with all right that's pretty close what I was looking at okay well let's go see what that's going to look like here okay so when it finished it's going to be like that now is that something you can live with on the back side of your deck if not I would love to hear how you would solve this problem CU really the only way to solve this is make my dimension of my deck quarter of an inch narrower and there ain't no idea in my brain that I can make my deck a quarter inch narrow without rebuilding the whole thing so if it's only the neighbors that are looking I'm thinking this is probably going to be good enough for me and about 99% of the DIY was out there but I'm curious about your opinion oh if I just had fascia I would cut it flush and stick it on and we'd be fine I'm going to establish this line here oh yeah okay again that's my outside corner here right you've got to be kidding me I strip a stainless steel screw no I didn't think so like that's a hell of a bit the are all too long for here aren't they they worked to tell me that it's Square okay woo so I built the corner so that I can go this way because I've got all my cuts but I don't think they're gonna finish perfectly so what I want to do is I want to get a few feet from each end going towards the middle and then when I get down to my last four or five blocks I want to find out if I'm going to have an inch left or a half an inch left or what's the gapping that way if I'm too big I can take two or three pieces and run a half an inch off each of them through the table saw and then that Gap disappears and nobody really notices the change in the dimension of the material oh no I'm not drilling through the deck guys I'm drilling through the G in between the boards you're all quick going can't believe he just drilled through his neck oh my God there we are all right here we go pencil Carpenter pencils guys are/ inch this way quarter inch this way great for space and it works [Music] wow all right ah love a quarter-inch gap on my my face you guys because we do want to get air underneath here I put all this tight together won't get any air circulation underneath it w't create too much of a sauna effect in the hot days it's not what you want rule number one when you're building you keep it [Music] dry [Music] oh
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 503,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, how to build a ground level deck, how to build a floating deck, carpentry, how to build a shed, backyard deck, deck build, diy, how to build a ground level deck for beginners, how to build a ground level deck frame, how to build a ground level deck attached to house, how to build a ground level deck without digging, trex, composite deck, camo block, floating deck, ground level deck, camo, camo drive, camo lever, camo edge
Id: VJlihkDi4PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 37sec (4417 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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