Build vegetation with Arnold Standins and Mash in Maya 2018

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel I'm Jean Paul Jean Carlo technical specially for South you were here out the desk and today I'm going to show you how you can achieve a result that the one I'd like to want you watching the screen right now it's basically we're going to be using paint effects we're going to be also using Arnold stand-ins and mash you know to populate that terrain so it's gonna start I'm gonna go to Tamiya and so I have to the scene already rebuild so I'm gonna go in this plane step-by-step of how to get to there so as you can see I have my terrain I have my water and have a bunch of things so first thing I did not to get there was I went to my content browser if you go to content browser under the paint effects tab you go all the way back down to grasses you see you have a bunch there so I created basically just grass clumps I created another concept green I created this cactus grass at the wild grass so basically I painted the ball in in here so like like so so basically you just do your grass you paint your grass and once you've done that you also want to make sure that once you do this that you basically sent to the people also freeze the transforms and once you've done that you go to modify to the and then to the paint effects to polygon command so basically just heat that in there as you see that nothing moved back so if that happens just basically just do the center pivot again and freeze the transmog transforms again once you have this you need to apply you need to apply your AI standard surface material so or shader and once you do that you could you could either basically goes to your to the your actual shader and go from type and convert it to a a standard surface which is basically apply anyone but doesn't really matter how the way you do it once you apply your shading with all your colors so in this case the connected round and I had added a little bit it's a surface scattering to us a little bit just like so just one is 0.15 then out of the scattering color which I wanted to be a little bit yellowish once I did that I went into the yarn or mania here and I export exported exported all them as stand-ins so for a second is going to delete this one that I created I'm going to show you the ones that I had created before so I'm gonna tumble around so you can see all of them there so it's pretty much these these four guys and once I did exported then as stand-ins I bring them back in so the way to do that I just all you need to do is code against the yarn or menu go to create and bring them all one by one so once I did that I had my I have all my standings here in the scene once you create if you don't if you haven't done this before if you haven't used standings I just wanna go through the menu pretty quickly so you get in a standing node and you have options like drama or the viewport but default set bug bounding box but you can change that from bounding box to things like poly wire or wireframe or PowerPoint point cloud but for this for this they might want to keep that as a bounding box so now in order to populate the plane all I need to do to select all of them you have to go into your effects menu go to mash and create a mash Network so you just click on the options and by default is set to mesh so you have to choose each dancer instead because you don't want these are not measures per se so they need to be instances so once you do that you hit apply and close so I already done this so I already have everything set up just for just to save a little bit of time so I'm just gonna go to the mash by default it creates a mash distribute note and these distribute know is set to linear and basically all you need to do is change that distribution type from linear to mesh and then grab your your your ground plane or your terrain and just basically middle Mouse drag and just throw it into the input mesh there that that's pretty much what I've done so once you do that you also have to tell mash okay because mash won't know exactly how many of these you have there in that selection so it'll default to the very first one of the very last one that you have selected so you need to do just basically add an ID note and wants to do is by default set to linear as you can see it shows there a little bit and it sets the count to five because it knows there were five objects there so you can either iterate and use whatever you want it could be cycle could be fixed it could be random so for this particular case use random and then I also added a random now so I created a random node here which gave me this note and I changed the descale Y to four let's do that five and that was pretty much it so I have saved a camera so I have a bookmark so I'm gonna go back to that and I go back to my distribute note and I'm gonna set these to 20,000 which is what I had in the beginning so 20,000 I hit enter and you can see how nice that gets populated with all of my objects so if I hit render now and I think I had over here no that's the content browser so hit render that's that's the result I'm gonna get so spree straight for it literally takes takes about 10 minutes to set this up and obviously you can add a lot more to this so I hope you enjoy this and Eddie it comes as it's useful for the future so please welcome back and remember to visit our technical specialist Stephen Russell website AMA Maya or Maya in five I Morgan Evans so hope you enjoy this again I'll see you next week you
Channel: Autodesk World
Views: 38,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mash, arnold, standins, maya 2018, maya, Paint Effects
Id: fD3lmmwL6nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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