Build Stronger With Angle Bracing

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hi I'm here at Kimball and I'd like to talk to you in this video about bracing and the importance of bracing in a structure whether it's your house or a barn whatever it is when you build it you need bracing you need bracing to strengthen the building against racking stresses from wind primarily and there was a time when stud framed houses were braced with a let in brace like you see here the studs were notched the brace went from the top plate at a 45 degree angle down to the bottom plate and it was nailed right in to each stud and that gave the building incredible strength racking strength the triangle is a I think one of your strongest structures there is a triangle Buckminster Fuller he vented the geodesic dome a very strong structure it's all triangles I think it's a good idea it's virtually never done anymore to let in a 1 by or a to buy and put this bracing in the wall doesn't cost that much takes a few minutes if you're doing your own construction project then that's the thing to do now the reason that let in braces are no longer used is because the plywood which I'm starting to lay put on this wall here is considered adequate for bracing as long as you've nail it properly and a lot of people really don't nail it properly they're kind of nail it up and don't really nail it on at least not like they should the reason I'm bringing this to your attention is that a couple months ago I was on facebook I was looking at one of my rural neighbors Facebook page and they had built a barn a pole barn and it was a very nice pole barn and I was admiring their barn and I noticed however that this barn was lacking in bracing there were no angle braces and the corners there are order no knee braces visible and the Y braces on the at each pole were really short basically I don't think they were serving much of a purpose at all it's a bracing purpose I could not see up into the trusses to see if they had the truss the truss is properly braced but I suspect they did not based on what I saw down below now these people who I know are not stupid people but evidently they are not aware of the incredible strength and importance of bracing especially in a pole bar you could leave these out of your house but plywood on and you'd be okay but if you put in some braces like this you're gonna be even better I mean it's a good feeling to know that you braced your house like they used to brace houses I did send my friends my neighbors a private message on facebook and pointed out that you know that's a beautiful barn boy Wow you are missing some very important structural elements there and that barn might stand perfectly fine for decades but it's in an area that is it's in an open area it's gonna get wind and I'm afraid it's gonna fold up in a big wind and the only real strength in the barn is the metal siding that is screwed into the horizontal purlins on the side of the on the side of the barn you know that does give it some strength but that is not structural strength that you can count on in a storm so there's a little discussion on bracing and the importance of bracing the triangles triangles are where it's at when it comes to strength in a building enough said
Channel: Herrick Kimball
Views: 30,528
Rating: 4.6013746 out of 5
Keywords: angle bracing, bracing walls, cut-in angle bracing, let-in angle brace
Id: By_y_64KEI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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