BUILD BIGGER ARMS AT HOME FEAT. THUNDRBRO & CLB / Interview with Jamie Greene presented by GOWOD

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what's up everybody welcome to the show today Mars's taking sweet time so while we wait check out this clip of Bethany shared burn busting a watermelon between the thighs that was a mere feat that took this over two hours when we tried that oh what's happening on the show today we're gonna hit up thunder bro Dave Lipson and clb camille leblanc-bazinet they're gonna put us to a big ol pump back paw and then we're gonna call our you know third fittest on earth Jamie Greene through Skype Oh pancakes check out these new finisher plan till then roll the food [Applause] [Music] [Music] out of the intro what are you doing dude I'm just getting ready to do a workout with uplifting I ain't got a Skype and I got three minutes guys so today we're teaming up with the Thunder bro himself Dave Lipson and the clb camille leblanc-bazinet or is after him caller camille croissant baguette so they're gonna put us through a workout pumps ash I got to do upper body I tore my meniscus last week roll the footage [Music] I need to spit out yes for my meniscus yeah so getting that surgery tomorrow and doc says I should be on the mend within a week red and this old [ __ ] right here so prescription is add six inches of my chest trying to just get stacks of bread back here you know what I mean I think David lips ins of the sensei when it comes that type [ __ ] that guy looks like he just eats boiled chicken and dry oats the mean we're doing this the first time live we're taking a zoom class with Dave Lipton this guy dude you look good another glasses with that Burton you look so what is it what is it master these are the Jade master oh yeah of course typically we do this on Fridays but a Thursday cuz you have a surgery tomorrow so like Friday is international arm Bay as far as I'm concerned because balloon ass need pick on in this region yeah yeah yeah an elephant I'm going to see dr. Cooley dr. Canyon Tiger Woods's nice oh I feel like I'm gonna be you know a scratch golfer soon you're that chief ok we are here what's up people take you guys through a super uber up up stash with some fans some push sheets of pulling some biceps and triceps annihilation and I got candy here who is super pregnant but also like pushing some blender your arms so we're gonna 150 banded triceps extensions at 150 hammer curls just to get you guys warm and then we're gonna get into some dumbbell presses five four six four seven foot eight we're not okay today buddy here too buddy get that pop star Oh get that pop because techtalks if you look at the growth faster oh yeah I do it see this I got a little gardener look gardener snake little snake in the grass Oh free show I got cart get and make it stupid make it stupid alright so next listen it just could be really simple you guys have like a bench and a couple sets of dumbbells what we're gonna do is five minutes of bench pressing so you're gonna go for five minutes you're not gonna stop you want to do like a nice light weight so like I recommend like 25 35 maybe 45 pound dumbbells and try to get like 30 at a time and you're just gonna go smooth for five minutes oh you do with the gun dang I already feel sort of pumped fully torqued you gotta want it Jason good perps your color song let's get a door [Music] Oh what do you know about testicular fortitude yeah he's about to learn today go keep growing some of the big virginity to looking like at Costco special you got a lotta you're a piston this is a good number for five minutes you know full range of motion yeah do you want it here's the serious question do you want to do full range of motion I mean what's it matter you just wanna make it burn as much as possible right okay so sometimes like if I'm resting at the top that's not always a good thing yeah I mean it really depends like something like that where you just reppin out reps it's just about pushing blood in your muscle so really it's just be smooth there's no you know like nerd police that's gonna tell you no rep it's just about pumping up your arms yeah I count by twos when you're just really looking for full pump enos not locking all the way it's a good thing you heard Langley you heard of here first people so so now we're gonna do some polls so we're gonna the same thing and you guys to just alternate you do five sets of 20 chest supported rows Cam's gonna deal with their dumbbell she's gonna do a bent over row but if you take your bench because you guys have a good incline yes this will be by by 20 on the chest supported row or if you don't have a bench you just be on the brittle so Mars nice you bring your hands towards your pocket so your drive your elbow back yes floor and you'll get more in your bag yes just like that that's way better good good puck I'm gonna get you a big piece of corn after this it's really hard especially for do your pockets nice I love it he wears his sunglasses at night and you look bigger every time I look at you oh thanks man a lot of fish like all this stuff you can do when you're in the cast with your knee or whatever you could do this whole workout this is like something I'll do is the second session I call a depletion workout which is like light weight high rap a little extra hypertrophy work hypertrophy hey purchasing amino acids see video Celtic CBD oil THC pills the last thing we're gonna be is going to be a superset for the bicep tricep so grab a weight like maybe 20 25 30 pound weight you're gonna curl both weights up you're gonna hold one in contraction and then you're gonna go ten on the right arm then you're gonna hold the contraction ten on the left arm and then ten double so that's one set and tricep exercise you guys kick you with a bench it's gonna be like a variation of skull crushers and stuff so you take the same way for the bicep curl and your triceps except you no pressure plus it Close Grip rats so it's three for one for the same price yeah seen clips thanks for that man it's your butt nice wah tricep the exercise [Music] so I'll show you here your homie contraction 1 both of them at the same time two-for-one special for them what's up dougie we think of this yeah I like it I like it to me yeah get that pump chase that excellent there we go this is a scale up their vacation grass killing it up again there we go chase that pump can you tell ya lowly strict oh my god is that bill Shakespeare back there gettin it getting that pump on oh yeah [ __ ] you right now dog come on ok yeah get that far everybody's watching keep that pump down let's down bring it out do another rep do another rabbit why not [Music] every go okay Papa says complete yeah I'm feeling fill it depleted right now it's like a total body transformation that I'm seeing right now yeah damn you guys are stage ready how many eggs do you eat happy like exited day I mean dude it's like when you when you're when you're going hard it's like 350 grams of protein a day you know it's okay that's a lot less well I mean yes if you do that next it would be like [ __ ] it would be well 7 grams in an egg so who's a hundred it would be seven hundred that's half so the 50 eggs so dude that was fun awesome yeah surgery Marcin will pray for y'all hope everything goes smooth and yeah man training and hit me up if you want any upper body workouts I mean four out of five days of muscle anarchy upper body dude thanks thank you guys for collaborating in the support I really appreciate you do you see my leg yeah is that weird it's not didn't a the outro I'm like okay I'm gonna go get surgery now HIV 35 people continuity or government need on but I didn't have it done we're doing this after the fact but want to talk about my HRV went into surgery and I've been out for 12 hours 24 24 I've got an HRV of 35 and a recovery of 19% so how long do you think last night says 7 hours and 19 but are those work I had like night terrors and whatnot you know night chairs well you know I saw some [ __ ] the other thing I wanted to talk about with me the performance assessments on the roof and so if you click here Julian's gonna walk through this I'm gonna scream but you hit this little hamburger and then you can see there's strand coach sleep coach weekly PA monthly pay an annual PA every now and then just click the weekly PA and check in on how I'm doing it gives you like a just a assessment of how you're sleeping when you're training what your recoveries been like your sleep consistency it's been great since not gonna be on the road all the time yeah my heart rate variability the lowest that's gotten is down to 73 the highest is up to like 127 on average on 115 that's pretty good are you doing weekly or monthly let's do monthly what's happened a monthly I just did weekly monthly but are you can confuse the people no we'll jump into both okay are you guys confused long what are you reading on the monthly uh let's talked about restorative sleep yes that's good recovery how many red dots you got I can count so this is January through up to April there's definitely a lot in February I have a lot of red dots a lot of yellows in March early March I got some Reds lots of yellows and a couple lot more greens on average January was lots of yellows February was just a ton of rest so what's that tell you sleep is important who do you need back to let's go check out Jamie Greene dr. Jamie Gries [Music] podium finished third place you would obviously finish pretty high in the years prior to this year but finishing where you did like were you setting out like hey I'm going for the podium this is my goal this year yeah five each year at the game this year I think I was a lot more than mentally and I really liked the structure that we didn't know coming you can't like overthink stuff like this and I think that was that first event you were one of four women to finish that event but it was just like one of those events where you've just gotta sort of know yeah and you and Hayley Adams had like a dash for the finish right at the end of that right the last you snack to like I'm fine me all of a sudden I'm like feeling alright so we're gonna switch to a hamstring stretch it was just kind of hang out here do you want do what you can there there's another event I kind of wanted to bring up the sled sprint like you were the first one returning and it looked like you were gonna win that event [Music] so heavy so heavy no I thinking with like just don't stop doing something and yeah she comes like flying past that strong back my legs have nothing and then she went possible blood please take me with you so that was actually a really fun event and again after that I was like given my own you also have a companion with you as an individual in some of these games have you noticed I've got bows the black box we've got a safe talent I think the one time I saw you guys interact was after the ruck he was kind enough to give you his shorts you crush the Sprint but talk to me about like each round of the Sprint's around one you remember where you were at that point in the weekend I knew that this trip to the standard really close that was basically just hang on and I know uncomfortable muscle up by the end of that weekend it was like literally can I like hold on to the room and receive the muscle ups and then just as big as we can sort of and then it was I think in the stretches and fast you can't and I'm not as good with the barbell from the other girls so it was like just hang on and go so when you finished ahead of Katrin on that did you know that you podium yeah it was like look I think I got speaking on that so I knew straight away that I had and then yeah I've never really had that feeling before so yeah but pretty cool feeling and like it was actually the first year that my family hadn't come to the games I knew they were walking home so it was pretty good okay let's jump into other like random questions did you have a celebrity crush growing up or do you currently have a celebrity crush Johnny Johnny dad have you ever accidentally peed while okay what's your favorite type of workout if you had to choose one by Kirk skier you're a rower Gate ski what's something that somebody just doesn't know about you what 14 years Wow that long is that you're that like your background is rugby yeah well what excuse Huelva yeah I was playing rugby maybe I stopped like a year ago because of genetics but I played from when I was like you've been alright was about what's your favorite movie Ice Cube in Johnny dad yeah dad staying true that crash pancake or waffle okay ice cream or cake if you were a Power Ranger which color would you be do you prefer ninjas or Cowboys yeah he I don't know where he's looking he's just he's hurts himself yeah yeah that this is Riggs downward facing dog go he's doing a sitting facing dog yeah sitting facing dog do you ski do you water-ski yeah let's go waterskiing last year at the guy at the CrossFit Games on Friday morning I got up at 6:00 in the morning and ski before the before the athlete's brief [Laughter] yeah yeah so like Monday after the cross again is over skiing all right sounds good Oh last question what do you want to be remembered for good I like it I like bread butter spread joy okay thank you so much Jim again for coming on our show you sit let's talk about pancakes waking cakes as you've probably seen on this show you know we've had our fair share of cakes we're gonna go through our top three and maybe some that aren't so they alright so coming into number three number three Boston Jane I'm dying City and the frosting yeah yes a deal that's fell across better a nice family-owned establishment but they had all the luxuries on top of that back oh then fixing and actually although it's coming in at number three it's the highest rated that we've actually done on the show but in retrospect so coming in at number two is what Mars tell them about it out in Aruba you know it's already not the one not one no Danish pancakes yeah no Danish try something else you know me like making cars or something number two coming in was craft which is right next to a CrossFit gym down there 30 lunges away and I remember had bacon on it and I remember this was the fastest ratings that we had ever had a bite nine yeah leonine it was I'm dating my 9 plus we even uh it was shaped nicely cousin I let's talk about some others that weren't honorable mention not even honorable dishonorable dishonorable meant you terrible pancakes anything in your eyes that's right except without place in London they did a phenomenal job oh yeah was that we went to Cedar City they made us some custom pancakes and then they went and put apricots on it this is not it doesn't it clashes with my tongue Norma's pancake at the grant against dangerous man alright so number one you can't even get in a restaurant yeah man you got to know people that know people who happen to feed people sometimes they feed mr. Matt Fraser and that is okay so she made these decadent cakes when we were here back in like the coup de Gras of cake she made protein pancakes but they were cinnamon cinnamon swirl salad you feel a chief was there he put the frosting in his mouth as you recall Rick well you know smoothly and she was there you're ever running like dry on a cake just lube it up with some butter nothing like some good lube right all right that's a bit right that's a deal right that's a deal right what's up what's in the box minders send us some stuff and they said things in the plastic bags not for us well they're for the lady news oh it's always a good start oh those are so stylish yes yes does anybody blends family's done it again the brown baby get one of them look at that new frame no that's a new frame that's what we're talking about the new thing new trend that's coming out I think this month did they look like they hit my ear yeah I feel like these are Tom Cruise's you know do you want to see his reaction I'll leave one of these a day like this is four days worth of banana chips this is any last meal weeks people and store out what's funny is like I had these as a young boy growing up and then I didn't have him again until they stuck me and her started dating and hanging out and then I was like traced back to my childhood almost like that ratatouille moment is almost actually a harmless commercial actually I'm curious how many bananas that is like am i eating way too much to partition these two so you can't eat them all well put him in a bag so they say Chrissy oh that's the end of our show today hit us in the comments with your favorite recipes or places to waking cake so we can check them out when we get back raaah was having a next song I'll get this thing cut open gonna get it fixed get a new situation you're gonna need all the help you can get needed dad funds all right we out but check out these pancakes that people submitted us over the weekend maybe I'll let me you go smile with me if you feel like 550 and the faster you can get high with me that's a deal right now me if you ride with me you can slide with me if you feel like 550 and the fly stick you can get high with me I said deal all right [Music] all right that's a bear right all right that's a bit right that's a deal right that's a deal right I
Channel: Buttery Bros
Views: 110,739
Rating: 4.9737015 out of 5
Keywords: Buttery Bros, FItness, CrossFit, Thundrbro, Marston Sawyers, Dave Lipson, Heber Cannon, Camille Leblanc Bazinet, Jamie Greene, Buttery, CrossFit Games, Wake n Cake, Vlog, Filmmaking
Id: 63VyseKjk8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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