Build and Deploy an ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE React App | Alan AI, JavaScript

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Honestly, I love this, thanks for the awesome tutorial.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Kings321 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
without exaggerating this is by far the best video i've ever posted on this youtube channel and the best project i've ever created this project is extremely unique and i give you full permission to code along with this video and showcase it on your portfolio or show it to your potential employers everyone is going to be amazed okay so where does all this hype come from let me show you we are going to build a conversational voice controlled react news application using alan ai allen ai is a revolutionary software that allows you to add voice capabilities to your applications it allows you to control absolutely everything in the app using your voice another huge benefit is that it's extremely easy to integrate it we'll do it together in this video and afterwards you'll be able to create your own voice controlled apps so what does this app do well we can ask alan himself we can click this allen button on the bottom right corner and let's try it out what does this app do this is a news project it can provide the most recent headlines in mainstream media you can ask for the latest news by saying give me the latest news you can also get news about certain topics categories and more okay that sounds amazing right now you're hearing alan from the speakers of my pc but usually it sounds even better now that we know what the app does let's go through it give me the latest news for the latest news would you like me to read the headlines yes oppose where os apple watch clone is officially launching globally this fall android police newly unsealed documents describe gillane maxwell's abuse of one of epstein's alleged victims cnn nokia raises profit guidance with 5g comeback plan on track yahoo finance lebron james first hope we made colin kaepernick proud by kneeling during anthem bleacher report would you like me to read all the news yes continuing you can stop me by pressing the allen button critics slam hong kong's move to disqualify pro-democracy candidates from september election cnbc okay we're not gonna go through all of them but as you can see alan reads all the news for you he even asks you if you want him to read it alan also scrolls on the website for you as soon as he started reading you saw that he scrolled up to this point and then once he moved to the second roll he kept scrolling you can also see that he was highlighting the card of the news that he was currently reading by this little blue line below that's amazing we have all the cards here so what can we do with this news we can read the short summary here we can click on them to open the actual article in the news which is amazing because we are getting the news from all the sources in the world but also we can navigate through voice right now we can say open article and then we can choose any article in here by the number right here open article number three opening and as you can see alan immediately opened the article number three which is amazing you can open any article in here but we can keep on searching for different topics these are just the latest news so let's say go back go back sure going back now let's search for something else searching by terms and searching by sources is so amazing you can search for any term that you want to know something about or you can get the news from any source you want let's try searching by the terms in here let's try smartphones for example what's up with smartphones the reason on smartphones would you like me to read the headlines no sure sounds good to me okay as you can see right here we get all the news on the newest smartphones and finally let's try the possibility to search by sources give me the news from the cnn here are the recent cnn would you like me to read the headlines no sure sounds good to me once again amazing application in here you can see it opened all the news from the cnn source and you can search from any source in the world one more thing that's worth mentioning is that the app is fully responsive as you can see right there you can scroll or if we go back to the home page you can see it's also fully responsive once again that's it we can dive right in into creating this app and exploring all of the voice capabilities that alan ai offers [Music] to start we are going to create a new empty folder you can call it alan ai news application something like that once you do that you're going to open your visual studio code and then drag and drop that folder in this is going to open the folder in visual studio code you can use any code editor that you prefer but visual studio code is great because it has a built in terminal so you can go under view and then open the terminal in there we'll be able to run our commands amazing okay so what do we need to do to start well this is a react application so we're going to run mpx create react app just like that this process is going to take some time but for you in this video it's going to be instantaneous okay so the first thing that we're going to do is install all the necessary dependencies mpmi and then the first thing is of course allen ai forward slash allen sdk web this is going to allow us to use all the voice capabilities then we're going to use material ui that's the ui kit we're going to use for styling then class names because we're going to have multiple components that have multiple class names and finally a neat little library called words to numbers when we use the command open article number 15 we need to parse the words 15 to actual numbers so that's what we needed we press enter and then that's going to be it while that is installing you know how you usually have a lot of files in the src folder and what i like to do is delete the whole src folder and create a new one ourselves so in here we can create a new folder called src and what are some of the files that we absolutely need in there of course the index.js we also need an app.js so app.js and we'll just have some general styling so we're going to create a file called index dot css now let's start as usual with the index.js file the most basic and the most important file in the whole react in here we do the classic things as import react from react import react dom from react dash dom then we import that index dot css file so that's going to be dot slash index.css import that app from dot slash app like this and then finally react dom dot render the first parameter is the component that we want to render in this case the whole application as a self-closing tag and then finally we target the element we want to put our whole react application to get document by id or get element by id and in there we specify the root just like that great now let's add those minor stylings in the index.css it's going to be really general so in here we're going to target the root html and the body in there we're just going to say height 100 we age this basically means that we want the height of our application to take the full height of the screen then we'll do the body tag body margin is going to be equal to zero and let's do a background color of white smoke just a basic whitish color then we have all elements and all elements are going to have a box sizing of border box you'll see a lot of developers do that it makes things so much easier with styling later on this makes sure that when you count the width and the height of the elements it also takes into consideration the padding and the margins and borders and so on the last thing is that we'll do html and we'll set the scroll behavior to be smooth once we scroll the application or once alan scrolls through the application we want to have that little smooth animation of the scroll with that we are ready to save the file and move to the app.js file in here for now we're going to have a basic react functional component so import react from react then we're going to have const app is equal to a functional component in there we're going to do a return where we have a div and then inside of that div we're going to have an h1 which is going to say allen ai news application just like that finally we have to export default that app this should be the minimal necessary configuration for us to be able to run the application so now let's run the npm start and let's hope we're going to see something in the browser okay application is running on localhost 3000 and if we go there you can see the application is there alan ai news application now we are ready to start implementing allen ai into our application adding alan to our react application is fairly simple all that we have to do is say import alan btn from and then we target the dependency that we just installed allen-ai forward slash allen sdk web we can now initialize the allen button once our application opens and how are we going to do that well of course using the use effect so i'm going to import the use effect hook from react and if you don't know what use effect is it's basically a function that happens once our code starts it's similar to component that mount in the class-based components it also has extended functionalities like the component that update in the class-based components but in this case we'll just use it as a component that mount so something that's going to happen once our app mounts so in here i'm going to say use effect use effect takes two parameters the first one is a callback function and the second one is a dependency array based on the things that we have in this array use effect is going to be called multiple or maybe just one time if we leave this array empty that means that it's going to run only one time and that time is going to be once our component mounts so what are we going to do in this function well we have to call our allen btn as a function and then we have to provide them with some important information the first information is the api key or the key that allows us to use allen so we have to say key and then we have to get that key let's say allen key for now that allen key is going to be a variable that we're going to store right there like this but now we have to make sure that we actually do retrieve it so let me show you the process you can google alan ai or you can just type alan that app in your search bar that's going to lead you to their home page and there you can see the most advanced conversational voice ai platform unlimited functionality for your app once you get here you can click get started now and that should lead you to the register page in here you can sign up using google or github or you can just enter your email it's super easy i'm just going to sign in using my google account make sure that you're also signed in once you sign in you should see a page that looks like this their software is free to use you have 500 free interactions to speak with alan that's already enough to build this application but since i partnered with allen we're going to give you 2500 more free interactions using the code js mastery so if you go to developer in there you should be able to apply a promo code there you can just type js mastery to retrieve 2500 more free interactions let's see if it works the code has been applied and now you can click go to projects you should be able to see that now you have 3 000 free interactions which is more than enough to build this application and 10 more okay so in here i created the alan studio backend version for the newsreader application let's see how the code looks like they have an amazing interface for creating all the commands that you saw previously on the front-end side of the news application this is their allen studio this is what makes the magic happen you can see in here we have all the intents all the queries that we can ask alan for example give me the news from a source and then based on that we do some logic and interact with our react application we can put anything we want in here and alan will respond to that of course i don't want you to just copy and paste this we are going to create a new project on the allen studio for our application so you can go ahead click create voice assistant and click empty project and i'm going to name it news reader app youtube you can just say news reader app once you create it you'll be able to use a lot of scripts here both in scripts but we are going to build our own immediately in here they provided you with a sample to create your own voice commands so how can we test it out well alan uses something known as intense or queries that we want to ask alan and then he can say something back for example we don't even have to connect this to our own application we can test it out immediately in the allen studio which is quite convenient so in here i can click this button hello world hello and as you can see he answered right there that's great so in here we'll be building the allen studio part of the news application great so how do we actually connect it and get the key well you go to integrations part right here at the top and then in here you get the allen sdk key you just copy it go back to our application and simply paste it there that's it really straightforward now we can make alan listen for certain commands so in here we're going to do on command and then that's going to be equal to an arrow function just like that in here we can do as many commands as we want so in here we can do either a switch statement or an if statement so let's start with an if statement and that's how we're going to recognize and act upon certain commands so if command and that command is coming in here as a parameter to our function so we're going to this structure the command parameter and if command is triple equal to let's say test command then we want this block of code to be executed right here and let's just do alert saying this code was executed okay great so now you'll see that back and forth action between react application and alan studio now we have to write the command to actually trigger the test command so let's do that if we go back in the browser and go back to our news newsreader application i'm going to make this code a bit bigger just so you can see everything really well and then in here we have to activate that voice command in here most of the work is done as you already seen with intense let's do a quick example to practice intense intent and then in here we want to put what does alan listen for so that's going to be what does this app do question we can add multiple queries so we can say what can i do here that's also another great question that people may ask and then once you're done with queries you put comma and then you say reply reply call it as a function and then this in here is what alan is going to respond okay so in here we can say this is a news project just like that and now let's see if it works so save the file and let's test it in here in the allen studio what does this app do this is a news project and amazing you can see that it works that's great okay so now we know how to do that here but how can we play that in react application we connected it and let's see what do we have right now in our react application and would you look at that just by doing that simple use effect right here initiating the allen button actually created the allen button right there at the bottom of our application so right now let's try clicking it and saying what we said right there what does this app do this is a news project and as you just saw i'm still amazed by this it just immediately got that intent and responded to us in our react application like i'm seriously amazed by this okay but how do we trigger this test command right there well for that we'll have to make an intent in here right there but instead of replying something we have to trigger a command on the response so to do that let's make another intent and let's just say start a command just like that and then in there we can also trigger a callback function on our command so this is a callback function that is going to happen after alan listens for start a command in here we get access to the p instance so that's basically playing anything you want and then in there we can call that p and we can say p dot play this is going to be the same as response so we can say p dot play hello i understood your command just like that let's save the file and let's test it from our react application start a command hello i understood your command okay that's amazing so you know now that you can run the speed at play to respond with anything that you like great but how do we run a command well instead of putting a string in here we can do an object and then say command is equal to and then in here you can specify the command in a string and we said that we want our command to be let's see test command so we're going to copy this and simply say test command that's it let's save it go back to our application and say start a command one more time start a command and there we go we just received our alert right there what was the point of this i just wanted to show you how simple it is to connect our react application to alan studio and immediately bring voice capabilities in your application they can be as small as just greeting your user once he comes in or making a fully fledged voice controlled application as we are going to do right now now that we know the basics let's do something more serious for all the data in the application we're going to use the news api so that's it's the best api for news that there is as you can see we can get the news by search term we can also get the news in here by category and by source as we saw so that's great make sure to log in in here it's completely free you can get your own api key because that's what we're gonna be using for calling or making our requests so basically you have to register it's completely free get your api key and then we'll be ready for our next step okay if you have it then we are simply going to paste it down below so const api key right there and now we can do something with it we are going to be making actual api calls in here in the allen studio let's delete this sample command or just comment it out because later we'll be doing something similar to this okay so the first thing that we'll be doing is creating an api endpoint for news by source in here we'll be getting news by certain source like cnn abc news and so on and in here of course we are again going to start with an intent because we want to make this voice powered in here you can say anything you want i'll say give me the news from and now your question might be okay but how do i make this dynamic of course i can do give me the news from cnn and that's going to give you the news from the cnn not css of course uh but how do we actually make this dynamic so that we can put anything in here and not only the word that we inserted previously for that the syntax is as follows dollar sign parentheses and then in there you specify the name of the variable that's going to go in there so that's going to be source and then you put an asterisk there next to it and then you specify what can a user say to put that data here so that's going to be parentheses that and then asterisk one more time the syntax may be a bit weird for the first time but you're immediately going to get it once you start using alan studio more if you have any problems with the app all the allen studio code and all other codes are going to be in the description so feel free to reference that from there there might be some changes if the app actually gets new features from the time you're seeing this but generally you should be seeing the same code so that you can copy something if something breaks for you okay so that's it and then the second parameter is again the callback function where we get that p argument in and now we can do something with it well first we are going to form our api url so we are going to do let news api url and then that's going to be equal to the api that we get from their site in here let's see if we can get something we are now doing by sources so let's see if we can find the documentation for specific source and then in here let's search for top headlines and then let's try sources so top headlines and then sources right there so we can copy this api url here and then paste it in here but we're going to make some changes so let's make this as a template string first of all we have the top headlines and then this is not going to be included here because we'll be adding that dynamically using voice so for now we'll leave that empty make sure to keep the question mark and the only thing that we're going to have in here is going to be the api key and we're just going to dollar sign curly braces and then use our own api key that we defined right above here great so this is our url right now and then we need to retrieve the value from the actual voice so that's going to be this source here how do we do that well you say if b that source source because that's how we called it here that value is existent basically if it exists if it's boolean true then we're going to do news api url is going to be a template string of again the same news api url but then we're going to append something to it and the thing that we're going to append is going to be end sources is going to be equal to and now this is a bit tricky but stay with me it's going to be p dot source dot value we need to make sure to lower case it so two lower case then we have to split it into multiple words so split like this using a space in between and then we have to join it so we do dot join to join it by a dash just like that why are we doing that well because if we say give me the latest abc news so if you say abc news it's gonna read it like this and if you look at the api they have bbc news here okay that's that's also a good example so they have bbc news let's do the same thing bbc news so this is what alan would understand and this is what the api needs so to do that we first have to lowercase it as you saw there that's not hard so we do bbc and then we do news then we split it split the words because maybe sometimes it's gonna get it as as this but now it's already split and then we join it using a dash so that our app can make a proper api call okay now that we have that our api url is set up and we can make the actual call using allen you already have built-in functionalities of creating api calls we also have axios built in but for now let's just use their api dot request for that we can make a request the first thing that it accepts is going to be of course the news api url and then we have a callback function the callback function receives three parameters first one is the error then we have the response and then we have the body just like that and now in there we can get the actual data using this body parameter or argument so that's going to be const the structure the articles from json.parse body this is just a way to get the data from the api call using their api that request now what i want to tell you is that with lnai studio or with any other software always resort to using and reading the documentation so if you don't understand something there's not always going to be a video explaining it of course if you don't know something feel free to ask me i'm gladly going to create a video but i want to enforce you to actually read products documentation or generally just googling things so feel free to google allen ai documentation and click on getting started on the docs right there in here you have the docs for the server api which is the thing that we are using in the allen studio you can see we have everything that you need to know on how to make different patterns how to make commands intense if you want to create something more advanced using allen you definitely need to go through their documentation it's really well written and then you have the client api which is the one we'll be using in our react you can see they have the documentation on how to install it and how to use it great now we can keep finishing our api call now we have the articles we're going to do one simple if check if maybe articles were not fetched because someone gave us a wrong source so we're going to do if no articles that length if that's the case then we're going to do p dot play we can do sorry please try searching for news from a different source just like that okay great so we can save it and then if it if it breaks it's gonna read that and then we're gonna just throw it out of the function just so we have it out so it doesn't keep doing the things that we have just below great then if we do get articles we are going to save them in our new global variable in allen studio just so we know that they exist everywhere in our app we're going to put that variable just below the api key that's going to be let and that's going to be saved articles equal to an empty array at the start and then we're going to actually populate those articles by doing saved articles is equal to articles that we just received there okay and finally the time came for us to use this p dot play command so let's do that i'm going to remove it from here put this a bit up and then let's do it once we have the articles now we can do p dot play do the same thing that we just did which is open curly braces and then say command is equal to and let's call it new headlines or new news whatever we want to do we can do new headlines and then with the command we can also pass some data in and in this case the data we'll be passing are of course the articles that's it once we call that command now we can do another p dot play which is going to just say something to us and it's going to say here are the and this is one thing that i wanted to show you if you put something in parentheses and then you can say latest or or sign just the vertical line recent with this sometimes alan is going to read here the latest and sometimes hear the reason just so he doesn't sound boring he's actually going to change words and sound more human and then on that we can open uh the door sign curly braces and say p dot source dot value and then in there we can say uh news so here are the latest um cnn news for example now that we are sending the data in and that we are triggering the command now is the time for us to go into our react application and try to react to this new headlines command so let's go back and then in here instead of the test command we are going to run the new headlines command and then you know how we send the articles as the second parameter while those articles are coming in here we are also going to destructure them from here really handy right so if we get the articles now let's do something like console log and let's try to console log them if this works that would be amazing let's go back to our application open the console okay so what do we need to say we need to say give me the news from and then we need to specify a source i'll keep testing with cnn just for example so if you go here i'll say give me the news from cnn here are the recent cnn news as you can see alan read the line here are the recent cnn news and also he gave us the articles right there as you can see we do get full articles coming from an api using only voice that's amazing we get the content we get a description source title url url to image basically everything we need to start placing this content we just received on our webpage so now we need to create cards to display the content we got right there now let's do this in reacts fashion of course we are not simply going to console log the articles we are going to import use state from react and then set the articles to the state so in here just below we are going to create a new state field which is going to be const with hooks we have to do array destructuring and let's call them news articles and set news articles at the beginning they are going to be simply use state and an empty array great and with hooks it's so easy to set something to the state we just call set news articles and pass in the articles that's great now we have access to the news articles variable which we can now send to the components that are going to display it so let's see down below we are currently not doing anything so let's create a components folder and inside of there a folder called news cards in there we are going to create a new file called news cards and also styles.js file this may seem weird we have a styles.js file not styles.css but i'm going to show you in a minute why we are doing that that's because we'll be using material ui's way of styling so now let's save this file and let's try to add something in the news cards component there's a great plugin which i often use i just have to type react arrow function component with exports and then click that and i immediately get the component so that's something that i just wanted to show you but we're going to write it out together this time and i think if we look at the extensions here that's going to be cold let's take a look because i know you'll be wondering um that thing is called react snippet great so now you can install it and use it okay so in here we do import react from react also const news cards is equal to an arrow function component we do a return let's do a dip for now h1 news cards and then in there below we're going to say export default news cards just like that great so now we have the newest cards and the only thing we have to do is import it in the app.js file in here we're going to do an import at the top import news cards from dot slash components slash news cards and we have to go one more time inside because we have it in a folder that's a nice folder structure because if we have multiple components it's going to be so much easier to have every component in a separate folder great and now we can render out that um newscard component just like this and we can also pass in as you may think articles because we have them not under articles but rather under news articles so we can pass that as a prop to our news cards now in the news cards as a prop right here we can destructure the props and get the articles and what do we want to do well we don't want to just show the articles because they are an array in the news cards we are going to map over the articles like this articles that map and then for each article and let's also use index here because we're going to need it later for each article we're going to use parentheses here because of an instant return we're going to return a card component so let's say card or news card here as you may assume this news card currently doesn't exist but we're going to create it in a moment so in components create a new folder called news card and inside of there we're going to create a news card dot js and also styles dot js file great i'm going to close all of these files for now because we don't need them and let's do an import so import and then in there we're going to simply do import news card from dot slash that's going to be dot dot slash news card slash news card don't forget that double import right there okay if we do this now of course we have to add something to the news card itself that's again going to be a simple functional component so import react from react cons newscards as a functional component and in there we are simply going to have a div which is going to say news card and of course we have to export it at the end now with this setup let's see if we are actually going to see something in our application okay we do see alan ai news application which is good now let's try running the command as we said give me the news from give me the news from bbc news here are the latest bbc news news that's great and as you can see in here we get one two three four five six seven eight nine ten of the latest bbc news of course right now they are all just static text of news card but this is where all of our actual components are going to go it's not going to be that big of a deal to create the actual user interface because we'll be using material ui and i just want to let you know that this is the process of creating real apps in real world so we'll be using a lot of external tools we use material ui we use allen ai software to actually make this all happen so we are actually building a commercial level application okay and there's a small thing that i noticed if we do the search again give me the news from bbc news here are the recent bbc news news he said here are the recent bbc news news that's why we have the news here we don't have to include that okay with that our first query would be done and we can start with creating our user interface for creating our user interface material ui is going to play a huge role so in this file we are going to import grid grow and something known as a typography from add material ui core just like that these components will allow us to make everything mobile friendly and also provide nice text and animations for when the cards first appear that's what grow does first instead of wrapping this with a div we are going to wrap it with a grow property and specify property in as you can see in here if true show the component triggers the enter and exit animation great inside of there i'm going to put some spaces in here we are going to create a grid component so just grid and then it's going to have a property of container so this is going to be a grid that wraps all of our grid items we are also going to specify align items stretch it's so easy doing this with material ui and if you don't know what material ui is let me show you so material ui we just go there a popular react ui framework it's so simple to use if you want me to do a full video material ui i'll definitely do that but let's take a look at some of the components that they offer in here you can also read the documentation for all the components that we're going to use so this is how grid works you can see we can have multiple cards there spacing it it's also responsive and so on they have built-in radio buttons normal buttons anything to make your app look really really nice in a short period of time you can see they have calendars uh buttons text cards let me show you this card component we'll be using so see how easily you can create something nice looking just by using their code right here great so with that out of the way let's go back to our application and let's start implementing our grid okay in the grid the last thing that we'll add is gonna be the spacing of three that's just the spacing between the cards and now inside of that grid we're going to map over these cards for each article we are going to show or render out a news card but we have to make sure to wrap that as well into a grid but this time that grid is going to be of a type item so that's a singular item grid inside of our application just like that and then in there we are going to use the material ui mobile friendly plugins of just xs which is on small screens we want to show one card on small screens we want to show two cards and why did they say one and 2 when i written 12 and 6 that's because the grid has 12 spaces in total so if one card takes 12 spaces it's only one card in a row but if one card or one grid item here takes six spaces then two of them will be in the same row we can also do the md four and then finally large three okay and then i'll do just one single inline style here which is going to be a display of flex okay great and then in there we have our news card that's it and of course in the news card we'll send our article so in here we're going to send article to be equal to the article and we are also going to send that i which is the index you're going to see why shortly great so now we are rendering different news cards based on the articles that we are getting let's see if something changed in our application let's ask for the news give me the news from cnn here are the recent cnn as you can see in here we have four cards in a row but if we keep lowering the horizontal width here you can see now we have three two and finally one card in a row that's the ease of creating mobile responsive interfaces using material ui now let me show you how we are going to do styling using material ui in here we are going to provide a class name to our grid component and then we are going to say classes that container so what is this classes thing and what is our container well to see how that works let's navigate to styles.js and then in there we can create our stylesheet to do that we have to import make styles as a named import from add material ui slash core and then slash styles or forward slash okay then we can do const styles is equal to make styles call it as a function and there we have the object for all of our classes in here we can say container and now i definitely agree and i don't like it i don't like writing styles in javascript css is meant for writing styles and that's how we should write it but when using material ui using their own way of styling components makes it so much easier because of that we'll use this way of styling in here we can do export default styles and then in here we can provide that so what styles do we want to do for the container let's add a padding of zero and then five percent if you never used css in js this might look a bit weird because we have to define everything as a string here and we are using key value pairs then we are going to set the width to be a hundred percent so width and then that's going to be a string of hundred percent and then finally we'll use a margin of zero just like that you can see we are defining styles here and immediately exporting them so there's no way to even create a variable we can immediately just write export default make styles like that in use cards we are going to import use styles you'll see why use styles in a second from dot slash styles dot js we named it use styles because this thing here makes styles actually creates a hook that we can then call right there at the top of our component we'll do const classes is equal to use styles and then we call that as a hook great that gives us access to this classes object and then we can call each one of our classes like this and the styles should be applied let's save the file and see if it made any difference give me the news from cnn here are the latest cnn okay i'm not sure if it made any difference now but now that we style these separate news cards we are going to definitely see the difference great now let's make our news card actually show the data it should be showing the data for a specific article how are we going to do that in here we're going to use a lot of things coming from material ui that are going to help us build that specific article card you saw at the start so we're going to import all of these things right now card card actions card action area card content card media button typography and that's gonna be it from add material ui core that's it we have a lot of imports we'll use all of these components but with that we'll easily be able to create our article card great now we're going to create the structure of our card i'm going to help you with that because you maybe never use material ui so just follow along i'll try to explain as much as i can anyways so let's go in here we're going to have a card element inside of the card we're going to have a card action area this is going to be the clickable part of the card inside of there we're going to have a card media card media is going to contain the image and it's going to be a self-closing tag so we don't need the closing tag we just need to close it right there immediately then below that we need to have a div that div is going to have two typography components so typography and it's going to have a variant variant of body two that just small text then we have a color of text secondary so we can do color text secondary and then component h2 just like that and then in there we can put some text but for now let's just copy it into a new line so we have two of those then below that we are going to have yet another typography that typography is going to have a gutter bottom which means that it's going to have some padding or margin at the bottom it's going to have a variant of h5 just like that and we're going to close it right there below that we're going to have card content we had card media now we have um card content below card content is going to have yet another typography component everything in material ui that is text is indeed a typography it just helps with styling and choosing the sizes and also choosing the font so this one here is going to have a variant of body 2 and also a color of text secondary and the component is going to be just a simple p tag so just p great now below the card content and the card action area we're going to have card actions so this is going to be the area for the actual buttons in there we're going to have one button make sure to use the button material ui component that button is going to have a size of small and also a color of primary okay and then below that as you can guess yet another typography this one is going to have a variant of h5 and a color of text secondary just like that great so now we have the structure of our card of course we don't have any text right now we don't have the images so where are we going to get that from well if you remember correctly if you go to news cards in here we're getting the articles and then we are passing a specific article in here as props that's great so in here let's do that we're going to immediately the structure props we are passing the article and we are also passing this index here you're going to see why in a moment so what data do we get from the article well of course we could go here and we could say for example in the typography i don't know article that description and so on we could always be referencing article that something article that something else and so on but what we are going to do is we are going to immediately the structure all the properties coming from this article by using this syntax column and then another pair of curly braces we're going to get the description the published ad source title url url to image and do we need anything else let's take a look i don't think we do so for now that's all that we need from the image and now we just need to find a place for all of these variables let's let's take a look first of all card media has to have its own url so inside of there we're going to say image is equal to url to image and if there is no image we need to put some sort of a placeholder there so i'm going to put a string of a placeholder image so it's just basic news thumbnail image that's it you can find your own and then paste your own png image link right there just so we don't get an error or no image if there is no image great okay we did the image now we have to worry about um these two typographies you can see they're empty right there what can we put into them well in here we're going to put date so that's going to be looking like this in here we open the syntax for the logic and you put open parentheses and close parentheses and inside of there we're going to have new date where we are going to pass the published ad so we basically want to create a date javascript object from the published ad thing that we are getting and then we want to do to date string this is going to give us only the date that's it that's what we need we don't want to show the time the seconds and so on we only need the date and make sure to call that on the outer pair of parentheses not these inner ones here i see a lot of people could be making that error i did that myself before so just so you know then in the typography below we are going to have source dot name and then below in this typography we're going to have title and then in one more below we are going to have description and i think we have two places to fill in this button we can simply say learn more and in here we put the index of our article but we're going to say i plus one because we don't want to start from zero we're gonna start from one that's it now if we save that we should already see something in our browser once we ask alan to give us some data let's go back and check it out give me the news from cnn okay this already looks so much better you can see we have the articles here and it looks great looks like it's not picking up the images right material ui card media needs to have a constant height for us to be able to see the image so let's do that let's implement our styling right there i'm going to give it a class name of classes dot media just like that and don't forget we have to set up our classes so we're going to go into the styles.js of the news card and then in there we have to import that named import make styles from add material ui forward slash core forward slash styles and then we do export default make styles call it and then put in an object where all of our styles lie and if you remember correctly this creates a hook that we call later on in our news card so for now let's do just the media media and that's going to be an object that's going to have a height of 250. when you just want to set a height or width in pixels you can just use numbers you don't have to put it in strings okay so once we save that we can go back to news card and then back in here we can import use styles from dot slash styles dot js okay and we call it as a hook right at the top cons classes is equal to use styles we call it great now we should actually be able to see our images let's test it out oh yeah and make sure to spell the hype properly so we're going to go back in here and just spell it properly and now we can go back and see how it looks like give me the news from bbc news here are the latest bbc news amazing this already looks so much better as you can see we do get our news here with the images and they're also clickable you can see we can click them but right now they don't lead anywhere that's great now let's implement all the other styling you can see although with material ui you almost don't need none uh we just need some in here to make this um appear on the left side add some padding make the bbc news appear on the right side put some padding right there and also make this go on the right bottom corner great so let's do that since i know that most of you don't feel like typing out the styles i'm going to paste them right there and give you a link in the description to get this file so you can just copy and paste them there's nothing complicated happening here you can see just some display flexes setting the height setting the flex paddings and so on and the only thing we have to do right now after you of course space these styles is go back to news card and then add all the styles and the necessary thing right there as class names so let's start from the top in here we're going to have a card in here we're going to have a class name of classes.card i'm going to copy the whole thing and just keep pasting it over then in the card action area we won't have class names but we need an href so where is our action area going to lead us once we click on the card and that's going to be url as we have it here and the target is going to be underscore blank this means that the image or the article is going to open in a new website rather than opening on top of our page great then we have this div it's going to have a class name of classes that details then we have a typography below this typography is going to have a class name of classes.title then we have card actions which is going to have a class name of classes.card actions let's save it and see how does it look give me the news from cnn here are the recent cnn and as you can see this already looks so much better we have the date right there and the source right there the button is now on the right side we have a lot of padding there and everything seems to be looking great amazing at this point we can get the news without any trouble us who created the application we can just ask alan but if we now deploy this application and you gave it to your friend he or she wouldn't have any idea what to do with this application because of that if you remember what we had at the start of the video we are going to implement this image and these four cards here and based on these cards user will know what he can ask alan and what this app offers okay if that sounds good let's start doing it right now we are going to implement those cards in the news cards uh file we don't need to create a new one the only thing that we do need is going to be a simple if check so if there are no articles dot length or basically that's the same as checking if articles that length are equal to zero but because of the truth and falsies values we can also use this if there are no articles then we want to show those cards right because once we search for something then we will have articles so what do we want to show or return if there are no articles we are again going to use the same thing almost the same thing we're going to use this grow in and the grid as well once we paste that we of course need to close both of these but then inside of there we won't have the articles mapping or the grid news card we are going to have those singular cards okay so let's see what are we missing here this looks good to me looks like we are only missing something inside of it okay looks like our editor immediately added the closing tag for this thing we don't need that here so now let's say test inside of there let's see if if it even works looks like something is breaking right now okay expected a corresponding closing tag for grow but it is right there so there we go it was just a bit slow okay so now if we save this and go back we see that test here but what we want to see are those colorful cards i'm going to paste you right there information for all of these info cards it's an array of four info cards we have a color a title and a text i think some of them have info as well as you can see right there and we are going to loop over that map over them and then display them there again this code right there is going to be below in the description great so how can we map over them well in a similar fashion on how we mapped over the actual articles infocards dot map we get one info card and then again with only parentheses that's immediate return in there we can specify our grid in the grid we need to close it in the grid we are going to have the properties of item also excess is equal to 12 small is equal to 6 that means two cards on small devices per row this means three devices per row on medium devices and four four cards on larger devices like this we are also going to provide it with a class name of classes that info card just like that inside of there we're going to have a div div is going to have a class name of classes dot card and also we're going to provide it with a style of background color is going to be equal to info card dot color i had a hard time bringing these values right there in the styles so that's why i just did it in line here usually it's not a good practice to put inline styles but this seems like a good scenario where it could be useful great then inside of there we are going to have a typography typography and it's going to have a variant of h5 and in there we're going to say info card and inside of there we're going to say info card dot title we're going to have yet another typography there which is going to be for info but we are not always going to have it so what we can do is we can say infocard that info so if it has info then show this typography the typography is going to have a variant of h6 and then inside of there we're going to have a strong tag and then inside of that strong tag we will put our info card that info and then inside of there now this is getting lengthy so let's extend that into a new row so we can see better so we have info cards that info then we have a typography then we have a strong tag and then inside of there what we're going to do it may seem a bit scary but it's going to make sense once i show you in there we're going to say infocard that title that's split with a space in between and then we get the second element so what are we doing here what is th what does this stand for if you look at the infocard title which is right there we want to get the second or actually the third word in the array so this one is the first the second and the third and see how all of these have info so we have info info info for these that have info we are only grabbing that word so we are dynamically grabbing what info are we getting something for categories terms and sources one more time info.title.split split them into an array grab the last element write this which means categories four and then we get that so so just after that we're going to add a column sign right there and then we can do it in a new line we'll put a br right there e break and then below that we're going to show info card that info the strong is only going to be in here for the title and with that we're going to close our typography and if we do it like this we also need to wrap these in parentheses and then if we don't have an info then it's going to be null okay so that's it if we don't have any larger issues this should be correct let's take a look if we are missing something uh that seems fine now since we created this we can actually bring it into one line so let's do that although it may not be the nicest looking one-liner ever it does its job it's right there it's typography for the information and then the last thing that we're going to have is going to be the typography so typography which is going to have a variant of h6 and in there we're going to say try saying and put a vr which is a break tag and then in there we're going to italicize and that's going to be info card dot and what else did we have we had text so we're going to put info card dot text amazing now if we save this let's go back and see how does it look like okay okay it already looks just a bit better we didn't add the styles in the css yet so let's do that right now we added this class as that card we also added um class name that container and class is that info but but we didn't add any styles for that so let's go to styles and then in here we'll add those styles what we need to do is add a card card is going to be the toughest in there we're going to have a display of flex flex direction of column and i know i know that this may look confusing we don't have flex and then minus direction we have flex direction in camel case but that's just how it is when writing css in javascript then we have justify content center again in a string align items center with a hundred percent needs to be in a string height is going to be 45 vertical height again needs to be in a string then we have a padding of 10 percent border radius let's do 10 and then finally that color white okay let's see if we are missing something that seems to be it and then with the card we are also going to add the info card so info card in there we're going to say display flex flex direction column and also text align center just like that i think that should be it for the styles we can now go back and see how it looks that's so much better now we actually know what we want to say uh before we actually start searching for the news amazing and looks like it it is not justified uh with space between so maybe i mistyped something and yeah i did justify content center and that's what you do in 90 of the cases so i apply that here but it should be space between great let's see how it looks even better amazing with that the only thing that we have right now if we are honest is we have the styling we have the structure but we only have this thing used by sources give me the news from cnn here are the recent cnn as you can see that works but now if we go back if we try searching for anything else this is just a card right it doesn't actually work so now it's time to make all of these other cards work so we need to add the functionality before we do that instead of this ugly title right there let's put that nice allen ai image to do that we are going to remove this h1 in the app.js and we are going to replace it with a div which is going to have a class name of classes that image container or let's do logo container inside of there we're going to have an image which is a self-closing tag and then that image is going to have an src of this path to this image that's the allen ai image it's also going to have a class name of classes that alan logo just like that and let's do an l tag allen logo okay so now we have the image you can see classes are not yet defined we are yet to do that and that's going to be it for now i'm going to create our style sheet right there so inside of the src styles.js and one more time i know you guys don't like typing out the styles so i'm gonna leave all the styles here feel free to copy them copy the whole file from the description down below great now we have that sorted out the only thing we have to make is import the styles right there so import use styles from dot slash styles.js and if we now save this we should be able to go back now we can call this use styles as a hook so cons classes is equal to use styles call it save the file and if we go back let's see how does our app look like that's it this looks so much better now we have the visual look and feel of the application the only thing we have to do is implement the latest news news by categories and news by search terms we only have news by sources for now let's once again just try going for the sources give me the news from wired here are the latest wired okay this works extremely well that's it amazing now let's start implementing other functionalities for that we're going to go back to allen studio we're going to copy this news by source and just below it we are going to add news by term so these are going to be news by specific search term just like this and we are only going to have to change a few things in here instead of the top headlines we'll search for everything api key stays the same we have to change the intent so instead of give me the news we're going to say what and then we have to escape the quotation mark what's up with and then in here instead of the source we have the term so what's up with and then the specific term we're going to leave it like this and then let's see what do we have api key that stays the same this is going to be p dot term that value instead of p that source that value and the api says that we don't have to search for sources we have to search for q q basically stands for query we don't have to do any of this stuff now the query is simply going to be p dot term that value just like that then we make the api call we get the articles if there are no articles of course we have to say sorry please try searching for something else because the search term wasn't correct so something else and if there are articles we're going to save them and then play the command new headlines where we show the articles and we say here are the recent here are the recent articles on and then we say p dot term that value just like that if we now save this go back to our application on localhost 3000 let's try searching for a search term what's up with playstation 5 earth articles on playstation 5 and you just saw that worked wonderfully we can search for any search term you'd like for example the covet situation right now is happening so let's search for coronavirus what's up with coronavirus latest articles on coronavirus as you can see we do get all the latest articles on coronavirus now we have to implement the news by categories as well as the latest news and then we have to make alan read all the news that we can see here to do that we are again going to copy this news by term and paste it below in here let's see what do we need to change to search for categories we need to go to news api org version 2 and then we're going to search for top headlines and then we're going to input our api key great and down below instead of q we are going to have category in here let's do p dot c for category for example and then above i'm going to paste all the categories that we have because we do have many of them in this case it's one two three four five six seven seven categories and in here this is the way we map over them for the intents to work this time we don't want to choose anything for example from any source and this time we are choosing uh one of these that are mentioned right here great so this is how we join them so your category put this sign the tilde sign and then the category and then we join them with the or or thing you're gonna see what i mean once i copy all the things right there this one is a bit lengthier so i'm just gonna copy and paste it right here and let's go over it so this is a really nice way for you to learn how we can have different queries correspond to the same final intent and you can see with this or sign so this is the or the straight vertical line you can make alan listen for some words that they're gonna have the same meaning for example when you're entering something by a keyboard and you type the enter key that's it you just submitted something or when you're using a interface a visual ui interface you have buttons you have inputs you can easily just click this button right but with voice you can get to the same things saying a lot of different things so alan needs to account for that for example if this thing here was using a voice integration it wouldn't be as easy as clicking the button you could say open development or just development or maybe go to development page so you have to account for all of these user inputs that's exactly what we are doing here user can say show the recent news in and then he can give the category the user can also say tell me the latest news so you can see we can use any of these combinations to get the same intent again i'm gonna copy and paste this thing below so you don't have to write it yourself just you don't have any errors great now we can finish with creating this intent by categories in there we have to do this we just did that great and you can see the category he's picking it up from here so that's the c here and then he's choosing the category intent that we mentioned great we are making an api request we are getting the articles if there are no articles we can say sorry please try searching for a different category um and then if there are articles we're going to save them and then we're going to play the command new headlines articles and here the latest articles on and this is going to be p dot c that value the c being category for example here the latest articles on technology and that's it great so if we save that let's see if it does work okay and looks like we left the term here this should be b dot c that value okay so if we save that we can now go back to our application and let's test it out let's see if it works so we can search for tell me the latest technology news or something like that give me the latest technology news latest articles on technology okay that worked perfectly let's search for something else give me the latest entertainment news the latest articles on entertainment okay that worked as well looks like this is global right now so we can make it us only by adding the end and then we can say country equal to us let's try doing that us definitely has the best entertainment life so let's test it out give me the latest entertainment news here are the latest articles on entertainment okay there there we go it works you can choose your own country i think has a lot of uh different countries you can choose from so that's great okay and now you might think okay we have to do yet another one for for latest news but that's not going to be the case if there is no category then we're simply going to have the news api url be the same thing here but without the category things and once we do that it's only going to get the top headlines so that's going to work perfectly we can only add the else thing here so just below where we say here the latest articles on in here we can copy this if statement and we can say if the category exists right that's the then we want to play this here are the latest articles on so i'm going to paste that here okay great but if there is no category provided we can just do an else and then we can say something like here are the latest news and that's it here are the latest news okay if we properly structure that here and let's save it let's see if it works so now we should be able to search only for the latest news as well give me the latest news okay there we go as you can see it found all the most popular recent news great we have functionality for all the cards here now we need to make alan read the headlines to make alan read the headlines we are going to implement something known as a context in alan studio okay so let's start doing that just below right there context is a dialogue between you and alan where you enter that specific conversation about something and then you can exit it out based on your answer for example we're going to open a context or a dialogue asking if you would like the news to be read and then you can answer either yes or no to give alan further permissions to read or not so right now let's create a new context and that works like this we're going to call it confirmation so cons confirmation is equal to context and it accepts a callback function now we're going to be writing our code in this callback function and then inside of here we're going to have two intents first intent is going to be yes and if you may guess it we're going to have a p in there and then the second intent is going to be um no so we're just going to copy this and paste that below yes is going to be asynchronous so that's also something that we can do we can make an intent asynchronous async now we're going to map over them and read them one by one we're going to use a normal for loop because we cannot do for reach and map when we are doing asynchronous code that's a great thing to know i stumbled on that problem a lot of the times so whenever you have something async use the four off or just the normal four so this is how it's gonna look like we're gonna have i is equal to zero i is less that saved articles that length and then i plus plus in there we're of course going to read something so we can say p dot play and first of all before reading we're going to issue a command a command is going to be called highlight that's going to move at the highlight thing you saw the beginning of the video from one article to the next one so that alan knows which article he is currently reading and then we're going to provide that article in here so that's gonna be article is gonna be saved articles and if we spell that properly r t equals and then i so that we know which article is he currently reading and then after we know that we can simply do p dot play and finally in here we can read that so i'm gonna save that do a template string and then in here we're gonna do saved articles and then i and we're just gonna read the title we don't need to read anything else of course you can modify it but the title is usually long enough for alan to read and this would be it so now alan is going to ask us if we want to read the news and then he's going to read all of them one by one while keeping the highlighting on the one he's currently reading okay and if the intent is no we're simply gonna say p dot play let's do something like sure and let's do sounds good to me just like that great okay so right now you can see we have the new headlines here and we now have to call this context but first let's see if we have some errors so looks like there's some warnings right there or errors syntax logs i is not defined okay my bad there i'm used to the visual studio code automatic for loops and using the four eaches so i didn't define the i there so let i and now we have to um call for this context somewhere in our code and we're gonna do that right here below the uh below once he says here the latest news in here we'll do p dot play and we're going to ask user would you like me to read the headlines something like that if i do this now we can call that context and we do that by doing p dot then and then we can put the name of the context the name is gonna be confirmation so now what's gonna happen is we're gonna go in here he's gonna ask would you like me to read the headlines and then he's gonna enter this little dialogue with us and he can expect an answer of yes in in in which case he's gonna read all of it or he can expect no and then he's not gonna do anything and that's it and then of course we can copy these two lines and then we can put them on the same ending of each of these api calls right there this is for four terms and then we can put them at a start as well and this would be for sources right here great and if we don't have any problems now the reading should work the highlighting yet is not going to work because we are not handling the highlight command you saw here we need to handle that but before we check that let's see if we if we made anything work or is this gonna show us an error let's see give me the latest technology news the latest articles on technology would you like me to read the headlines yes soul calibur v dlc character satsuka launches august 4th jumatsu halo infinite multiplayer will be free to play ign daily fix ign apple buys startup to turn iphones into payment terminals yahoo finance galaxy okay so looks like this works wonderfully the last thing we have to add is the scroll which i had some trouble implementing but now i'm going to show you how to do it and then we have to implement that little thing that little line here that goes through the article we're currently reading great now let's do that that can be done right here in our app.js because this is where we are handling uh actual commands so in here we can add a new command so we can do else if command is equal equal equal to highlight and then we can of course manage what we want to do when the command is equal to highlight and when it is we are basically going to set the active article so we need to manage a new state field so const and we're gonna do active article and set active article and that's gonna be equal to uh zero so this is just gonna be the index of the article he's currently reading uh that's it and then in there we can specify that we wanna do set active article and that's going to be a callback function because we'll be using a previous function to change the state or previous state to change the current state so prev active article and the new one is gonna be prev active article plus one this is recommended by react once you're changing the state based on the previous state you call it as a callback function and then simply increment it so now we are incrementing this one and this should be use case and this should be use state now we are incrementing the active article number each time that we call the highlight command and if you go back here you should know that the highlight command is happening for each article as soon as he starts reading it great so that should work now we have to make use of this active article and we're going to do that by passing it right here active article is equal to the active article now we can go to components newscards and then in here we can destructure the active article from the props and then we can simply pass it in here along with the article we are passing it to the news card because we need to know for each specific card is it active or is it not i'm going to destructure it so it's gonna be right here next to the i active article and then here's an interesting thing what we're gonna do now that we have it here in our app we have to make use of that active article and it's going to be interesting how are we going to do that we're going to import that thing from the start if you remember import class names from class names just like that and then we can now use that here on the card to do dynamic logic if the article should be highlighted or not and how we're going to do that well in here we can call class names as a function and then in there we can provide multiple things as parameters first one is going to be classes.card that one is going to always be showing and then we can choose another class this one is going to be if active article is equal to the index then we want to highlight it so then we apply the class classes that active card and if that's not the case then we simply do null we don't add that class okay let's see we need to close our function here now let's see if we added the active card class in the styles i think we did uh active card you can see it's simply a board and bottom of 10 pixel solid blue so we can go there and that should actually work right now we can save this and let's go back to our application and see how does it behave give me the latest news would you like me to read the headlines yes new trump financial disclosure gives glimpse into pre-pandemic business income politico hong kong issues arrest warrants for exiled democracy activists okay as you might have saw it reads one up front so we need to go back to our app in here and what i found to be working is to set it to minus one right there and we also have to reset it each time we call new articles so we are also going to call set active article to minus one here as well because once we search for the new news we want to reset that active article number okay so now we are back one article or the index of one article and let's see if this is gonna work give me the latest business news for the recent articles on business would you like me to read the headlines yes trader joe's says no to changing ethnic sounding label names nbc news red onions culprit in salmonella cases that have sickened nearly 400 in us another 114 in canada usa today elon musk tesla is seeing strong demand through pandemic okay great um this means that it works and as you can see it just looks so much better that we know which one is it currently reading uh when he's reading it that's great and now the last thing to make it's really a quality of life change to to apply a scroll because we want to make this fully voice navigated we have to apply the scroll we can add the back back command and so on and for that we don't want to scroll here once he goes to the second row for example if you're here and if he now starts reading the second row well then we have to scroll right but let's say that we want to make this uh app be able to navigate without using your mouse or keyboard at all right in that case that automatic scroll would definitely be necessary so let's do that to make the scroll work it's gonna be a bit complicated i was also having some troubles implementing that but let me show you how it's gonna work in here we're going to import the use state use effect and create ref usually it's easy if you want to scroll just to the navigation bar or just to the top or just to a certain section of the page using refs but in this case we have to create a ref for each specific card or article and we also have to store all the refs in some sort of an array so we're gonna do that const and we're going to say element or l refs and set l refs and we're going to make that equal to use state and at the start they're going to be empty so empty array of references now we're going to use that use effect to actually create our references at the start of our application so once the newscard component mounts and it's going to be only a component that mount again as soon as it mounts what we want to do is we want to call the set lrefs and now we're going to call this as a callback function where we have refs in there let's wrap this in parentheses and now this may look extremely weird uh this was the solution i found on the internet i'm sure the better approach could have been made so we take the array 20 which basically creates an array with 20 empty elements and we can fill it fill it with nothing then we map over the array of 20. why is it 20 because we're always going to have 20 cards and then what we can do is we can map over them where we have the first parameter being nothing because we are only concerned with index people usually when they don't use the first parameter of some function then they just leave it as underscore because it's not going to be used and then we're going to have refs j if it already exists we're going to keep it but if it doesn't exist we're going to create a ref for that specific card i know this is a bit complicated but it is what it is but now we have those references now that we have references we can actually scroll to them and we are going to do that in a separate use effect because the second use effect has to be ran each time that he starts reading a new article so we're going to listen to changes here for i for active article and also for changes in the l refs i think if we didn't add this react would let us know that we need to add it so this use effect gets called only at the start to set up all of our references and then this one gets called each time that i active article or lrefs changes in here we're going to have the if statement and we're going to say if i is equal to active article so if active article exists like that and also and l refs for that active article so l refs and then we enter that specific article so if this is the case and we definitely know that i is equal to some active article and that we do have reference to that specific article and then we can scroll to top so how is that going to look like scroll to ref and then we call lrefs with active article just like that now this scroll to ref is undefined so we're going to create that right here const scroll to ref and then in there we're going to call the ref we're going to get the ref through a param right there and then what we're going to do is going to be window dot scroll and then 0 on the x axis and then ref that current that offset top minus 50. this is going to make sure to get exactly to the top of the card and then also bring it a bit above so we're not exactly on top of it and then that's it the last thing to do is we have to provide a ref to each card right there that's going to be ref is equal to l refs and then i that's it with this we've successfully set up our references and that should be it let's see if we have an error here or if that's just loading slowly i know it's a bit hard but uh it is what it is when you're using multiple references and we have to manage them dynamically and also scroll to them each time it's getting harder but i hope you can follow or if you have some errors the code is going to be below so again you can just copy and paste this part if it's maybe too hard for you okay let's save it and go back for example let's do buzzfeed give me the news from buzzfeed here are the latest buzzfeed would you like me to read the headlines yes and only looks like i have a small typo i type current instead of current there so if you fix that we should be good to go give me the news from buzzfeed here are the recent buzzfeed would you like me to read the headlines yes as you saw he just crawled there trump says he plans to i'm not gonna touch my mouse let's see if he's gonna scroll to the next row scissors which romantic movie trope describes your love life sixteen times team drama there we go as you just saw he scrolled the article number five which was in the second row that's amazing we just made our scroll work now we have to implement the logic for opening the articles that's gonna look like this in here we're going to have an intent so let me try if i can scroll here and then you can see it at the bottom of the page there we are going to say something like open the article number and then we need to have that syntax for a specific um variable that we want to enter that looks like this you can see it here we use it for the term so that's the dollar sign and then the name of the variable we want to call it scroll below and we are going to put that open the article number and then in here we do get that number that is great the second parameter to the intent is the callback function where we have the access to that p variable and then in there we can say something like if p dot number that value if it exists then we can do something and that something is going to be issuing a command command is going to be equal to open and we can also pass the number we just got from the uh user input so that's going to be number is going to be equal to p dot number that value and also let's send the articles to be equal to saved articles just so we keep all of them so we know what are we opening great now we have that we have to head back to our application and see how it works like for all the previous commands we created here we need to handle that command so we are going to create another elsif where the command is going to be equal to open as we specified in the alan studio you can see that we are kind of starting to repeat ourselves we have the command equal to command equal to command equal to this would be a great use case to make this into a switch statement it would be just a bit easier but now let's implement the logic for our open command well once we open something we want to do window dot open this is going to open a new website and we want to do something like article dot open or you want to get that url of the article and then we want to open it on the blank page on a new page but how do we get the article we don't have article we only have articles well we do have access to that newly created number property so we can do articles and then number get the specific article using that number which we are going to say by doing that let's try also doing a console log number and then see if this is gonna work go back to allen studio or rather our application and then in here let's try issuing a certain command let's do give me the news from ign for example give me the news from ign the latest ign would you like me to read the headlines no sure sounds good to me open article number three as you can see that worked it opened the article let's try with something else open article number four okay you can see it didn't open that one it understood it as four instead of four let's try with a few more i noticed that sometimes i do have problems with these numbers so let's try give me the latest business news here latest articles on business open article number three okay three seems to be working open article number two okay you can see it understood two as a string of two instead of a number of two and that way it couldn't get the articles two of url it needs to be a number so let's go back to our application and let's fix that problem i found that a dependency called words two numbers so that's going to be import words to numbers from words to numbers to work best we install that at the start if you remember we're going to use that dependency to parse our numbers so you saw that sometimes it gets the numbers right right so we're going to create a variable const parsed number and only if the number dot length is larger than 2 then we want to parse so in here we're going to call that numbers uh words to numbers like this but if the number that length is lower than 2 we're just going to show the number that we got why why is it like that well sometimes we got three right it understood three as three immediately and then the length of the three is lower than two so we just returned the number that's good but once we get something like um four or let's say 20 or 30. these are definitely larger than two and these are strings so we need to parse those so that's what we call words to numbers and we pass in a number and the second thing that we can pass are options for example he understood me as 4 he is still going to try to find the closest thing that matches 4 which would be 4 and then we would get the number 4. it's really handy to use it words to numbers great that we import that words to numbers just like that and that has to be a question mark because we'll be using a ternary operator great so now we have a parse number based on the parse number we can get const article is equal to articles and then we have to do parsed number minus one just like that and now as you can see we can use that right there but we're going to do some more checks if parsed number is larger than 20 then we can say allen btn and this is new alan btn we call it as a function and then we say play text in here we can issue voice commands from the client side of the application we're gonna do please try that again because something went wrong we only have 20 articles so we cannot get more than 20. and the else if if the article exists then we can call article or then we can call this thing basically article and it's gonna be article instead of articles.number because we store that in a variable and we can also do a allen btn dot play text and then in there we can say something like opening great now let's try that out what's up with playstation are the latest five on playstation 5 would you like me to read the headlines no sure sounds good to me open article number four opening as you saw this is amazing allen just opened a new page a c net article from their website and we can read the news here in greater detail we can see where we can buy the playstation 5 and so on this works great and if you go back to the react app you cannot see it here but he understood me as 4 as in for and not 4 but he still got it right because we use that fuzzy search that's great implementing a back button should be pretty straightforward basically the only thing that we have to do is create an intent in here intent and we can say go back that's great once we say go back in here we can provide a p element as always and then we can issue a command so the command is going to be p dot play that's rather what we're going to say so we can say for example sure going back and then we can issue a command and the command is going to be p dot play we put options command and we can say new headlines now you might be confused why are we calling the new headlines command if we are actually going back well that's because with new headlines we are also going to provide an articles of empty array with this we're going to reset the articles and it's immediately going to go back let's see if this is going to work now we can go back in here you can see when we call the new headlines and specify an empty array then we should be seeing in the news cards right here we should be seeing this and these this seems like a home page so basically it's going to initialize going back let's see go back sure going back and as you saw that's it it was easier than you maybe thought the last thing that we are going to do is just going to be some things to make sure the app runs smoothly for example right now if we go here and if we try saying open number five for example let's try doing that only open number five because for some users that may feel natural open number five maybe not open the article number five so let's go to the search give me the latest technology news freeze articles on technology and now we can try open article number let's do three open article three it beyond my abilities right now as you saw alan cannot do it right now because we are not initializing the full command so the intent is not being filled what we need to do to make sure that alan understands even if we skip some words is to do the following we can say open and then if we put this in parentheses the the we can specify the or sign so we can say or and then do nothing afterwards this allows alan to understand this intent with open the article number something or open and skip the open article number something and then we can do the same thing for each one of these so we're going to wrap the article and also provide the or and we are even going to do the number now user can say open the article number something or user can say open 5 that's it that makes sense right can we do this somewhere else well user can say go back or just back should be fine so we just did some error handling let's say so that more users get to use this app the right way let's try issuing some of these queries right there without being so explicit give me the news from cnn here are the latest cnn would you like me to read the headlines no sure sounds good to me open article 3 that worked open number three opening that works well and go back sure going back that works as well amazing we just made this app so much better with this we are closely coming to an end of this application i just wanted to show you a great thing you can do in allen studio you can click this plus icon to create a new script and you can do many more commands or intents you'd like but there are some pre-built scripts right there you can already just import a script that is already done and immediately provide voice capabilities to your application for example there are examples the prices about bitcoin uh calculator calendar coffee directions food ordering app news request api small talk so much more the one that i wanted to show you is the small talk it gives responses to casual conversation so if we click this with one click we can add one predefined script and now we're going to have the app with all of the things that we have and also a newly created script for small talk it already has answers to the predefined questions like how are you the things that people like asking ai bots so it's he's not gonna seem stupid he's gonna know how to answer all the predefined questions right there let's try asking alan some of the questions that we didn't set up in our original script how are you i'm doing well how old are you i'm only a few months old but i have timeless wisdom are you a chatbot i'm not a chatbot i'm alan you're funny glad you think so okay see with with small talk integrated we can basically ask him or make some small talk with him okay great so now we have a fully functional chatbot that has news api capabilities we can get all the news from different sources terms categories this is an amazing app i've built to showcase all the possibilities that alan can do but alan can do so much more so if you like this video and if you'd like me maybe to create a series on all of the different voice functionalities that alan does maybe a full-fledged allen tutorial or even some more complex or maybe simpler apps with alan just feel free to let me know in the comments i'm going to respond to all of them and we are going to choose a topic for our next video thank you so much for watching and see you in the next one you
Channel: JavaScript Mastery
Views: 93,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voice recognition react, speech recognition react, react js voice assistant, react voice assistant, voice assitant, voice assistant javascript, alan ai, alan ai voice assistant, react js project voice assistant, react js speech recognition, react js chatbot, react chatbot, artificial intelligence, machine learning, ai, react ai, javascript ai, react artificial intelligence, javascript machine learning, react real world app, javascript image recognition, react js
Id: rqw3OftE5sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 10sec (7030 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.