Build a CRM in Notion [+ Free Notion Template] ✨💻

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today I'm going to be giving you a template and walking you through how I built this CRM in notion this CRM has a quick capture module that allows you to quickly add a new person to your CRM just by hitting this new button and adding the name of the person and then you can quickly add their company as well along with their email and their phone number it's immediately going to show up in your contacts down here under companies with the related person as well as on your people tab where you can see all of the relevant information and then let's imagine I wanted to add a task that's related to myself here Carter sarach who is one of the people in my CRM well I could simply add a new task with this new button here and I could type in the task so let's just say follow up with Carter about a sponsorship on his channel and I could add an action date to that as well as a related person which is Carter watch and now let's imagine I had to jump onto a meeting with this person I could then go and add a new note related to that person and I could just write in meeting March 7th 2023 and I could take some bullet notes and I could even use notion AI to type up a script for the meeting and here it would give a script that I could go through as a sponsor reaching out to productive dude so that is an example of how you would use this CRM now I'm going to show you how you can build this so that you can keep track of all of the people that are in your life or in your business as well as the companies that are related to those people and all of the tasks along the way check this out it even has a Nifty scheduler feature so if I go in here and something needs scheduling it would show up here for example if this didn't have an action date let's just clear that then scheduled would show zero and needs scheduling would show this empty action date which needs to be filled out and once it's filled out it'll move to scheduled and then I can see it in my calendar I can even drag it around to different days and if I complete this task it won't show up anywhere in my calendar my scheduler my classic list but it will show up here in my archive where I can see all of my previously completed tasks so stick around with me in this video so that you can learn how to build the CRM for one and for two you can learn the principles behind building this so that you can Implement that into your own unique notion system there will be a full-fledged free template and you can choose to donate if you want to but this is going to be free and open to the public so that you guys can start accessing this and using this for your business so definitely check out the template Below in the description before we dive into this video I wanted to share our relevant sponsor Dex Dex is the app that you need to create natural connections with the people that matter most it's not another clunky CRM it's pretty much just a clean simple UI that comes with you wherever you go in the form of a Chrome extension a desktop app and they also have an nice mobile app what I love most about Dex is it centralizes all of your contacts in one place so that you're not hopping from application to application it integrates with Facebook iCloud Gmail LinkedIn and more Dex provides you with a list of all of your contacts as well as a map view and this beautiful mind map like grid view Dex is also going to remind you to wish someone a happy birthday if their birthday is coming up or to congratulate them on a new job role if you want to remember crucial details about your contacts you can also take notes on your contacts you remember the little things that matter the most and the best part Dex is always evolving and changing with the technology for instance They just added some AI features and they also have a handy Chrome extension that you can use anywhere on the internet so try Dex today with the link in the description or the top pinned comment to revolutionize the way that you network and communicate with the people that matter in your career and in your life I just want to say thank you so much to Dex for sponsoring this video once again this was a super relevant video so I was glad to bring them on for this one and I hope that you guys enjoyed Dex and now back to our regularly scheduled program all right now let's jump into how to build this CRM let's start with a fresh notion page so here I just have an empty notion page and I'm just going to name it CRM and then I'm going to hit enter and next what I'm going to do to give me a little bit more wiggle room to move around this page and utilize it to its full capacity on a nice wide screen like this is I'm going to click on these three dots and hit full width and that's going to give me this entire canvas to work with when it comes to building my CRM and using my CRM so the next thing that we need to do is we need to create a few databases that are going to run this thing so when I'm thinking about building this what I would often do is just create some bullet lists just to list out the things that I want to include in my CRM now I already know the things I want to include but this is just a tip for if you are building a robust system in notion so I'm going to list out people companies Tasks and notes and I know that I want all of these to relate back to people because what's a CRM without people right people have companies and Tasks and notes related to them and companies can have tasks related to them but oftentimes you have a decision maker or somebody at the company that you are going to be reporting to oftentimes it's not just the company alone so your tasks and your notes should be related to a person along with the company and the reason that we set this architecture up this way is because it's very simple if we have one Central thing that we're relating everything else to if we're trying to relate everything to companies and people rather than just relating it all to a person then we're going to have to relate our tasks twice to a company and a person and it just gets super messy and then we're gonna have to relate our notes twice to a company and a person but if we just relate all of these directly to a person it keeps things really streamlined and organized and if you think about it all these things should be related to some person within your CRM so these are the databases that we're going to be creating and they're all going to lead back to people so let's go ahead and hit slash and type Page hit enter and then you can call this one people go back to your CRM slash page enter company or companies slash page enter asks slash page enter notes okay and we're going to hit table notes new database and we're just going to call it notes I'm going to add a pencil icon just to make it look a bit nicer and if you want to you can go through and you can do this for all of these different items you can do it for tasks as well if you'd like you're going to need to create a table for tasks as well so let's do that quickly you're going to need to next create a table for companies new database and you're going to need to create a table for people okay and then go through all of these and just fill out these icons make them look nice the next thing we need to do is fill out the proper information Within These databases so for people we're just going to name this First Column person for this tags column I'm just going to to utilize what's already here and change the type to email and I will rename this to email and I will add another column or property and we're going to select the phone property and it's okay if it's named phone I'm just going to leave it at phone then we're going to relate a company here so to create a relation to a company we're just going to hit the plus button here and I'm going to type in relation and this requires that companies is already created within our system so make sure that you have a company's database created and then click on companies that's what we're going to relate to and make sure to hit show on companies add relation now this is going to allow us to connect a person to a company or multiple people to a single company NeXT we're going to create a relation to notes so I'm going to hit plus relation and I'm going to type in notes and make sure that you find the right notes selection and we're going to add no limit and show on notes and we can write in related people for notes and hit add relation so now this is going to allow us to relate notes to said person then we're going to hit plus and we're going to select created time this is going to function as a way for us to filter out the quick capture module we're going to filter out anything that has a created time date so when something new gets added it has a created time date so this allows us to quickly filter this out because it has one by default this is always going to be true so that means that nothing is ever going to get clogged up in our quick capture database for now I'm just going to delete all of these people out of here and we're going to move back to the CRM by clicking up in the breadcrumbs and we're going to go back to companies here in companies I'm just going to change the name to company we already have a people property here so I can click on that and actually change it to related people that will be nice to reference because we'll be able to see which people are related to this company I'm going to delete this tags well actually I'm just going to switch it because we need to create a created time property here as well so let's switch that to created time and name it to created time and the reason that we add created time again is so that we have something that is always true for every task that gets created when I add a new one boom it's true it has a created time so now we're going to drag and drop to delete all of those companies and I'm going to go back to the CRM up in the breadcrumbs next we want to configure notes so click on notes and delete the this tags property and you can click on these three dots to add a new property of created time you could have also just turned that tags property into created time like we had done previously again we're going to delete all of these items head back to our CRM and last but not least we're going to go into tasks and tasks is going to be the most complex database that we've created thus far don't worry it's not going to be too complicated but we are going to add a scheduling formula in here to let us know if we need to reschedule a task it's a very simple formula and I think that you'll be able to follow along if you just watch and learn so I'm just going to rename this First Column to tasks and we're going to delete all of those items out of there let's actually add one just so we have one column to click into when we create the formula and we're going to delete tags and then I'm going to go to properties and I don't have this related to to people yet so what I want to do is create a relation to people so let's hit the plus button and go to relation people and show on people and we'll call this related tasks and I'm just going to hit add relation and now we can relate our tasks to specific people next we're going to create a status so status and then we're just going to keep it as status we're going to have not started in progress and done that's perfectly fine how it is you can change the names of these if you want so you can just click on it hit edit property and then you can change the names on these if you just click into them and you want to make it a little bit different like let's imagine that you wanted to make this red you want to make the in progress yellow and you wanted to keep that green you can also add emojis in here that can make it look a bit nicer if you have some emojis in here I think just makes your entire database look more aesthetically pleasing next we're going to go ahead and add in a action date so I'm going to hit date and we're going to call this action date and now we're almost done we're just going to add that created time property same reason as before and then we're also going to hit plus and we're going to type in Formula hit enter on the formula and what we want to do is we want to print scheduled or needs scheduling based on if the action date is filled out or not so let's create two tasks here let's imagine this follow-up here is related to a person with the name of Untitled well let's just name it Carter just to make this a little bit more of a practical example and then let's say we have a follow up with Chad the follow-up with Carter has an action date the follow-up with Chad does not so here we want this formula to print scheduled for this particular task and we want it to print not scheduled for this particular task so what we're going to do is Click into this empty box and we're going to type in if parentheses empty and we're just going to select this function as it pops up and then we're going to type in prop so we have to tell it which prop action date actually just delete prop and just click action date that's a quicker way to do it because it puts prop in there for you and then we're going to close that off and then we're going to add a comma and next we're going to enter some quote marks and we're just going to type in what we want it to say if action date is empty so if action date is empty needs scheduling and then close that off some quote marks we're going to add another comma so next we're going to add some quote marks and I'm going to type scheduled so this is what it's going to print if this is not true so then we're going to close that off and hit done so now as you can see this one here says scheduled and this one below says Needs scheduling but if I add a date to this it's going to say scheduled as well so now I can Group by this formula and I'm just going to rename this formula to scheduled question mark and we can just go ahead and hide this formula it doesn't need to be seen in any of our views same with all of these created Time Properties unless you want to have them in your views you can just hide in View and now this should be relatively functional so now let's build out our home page because we have the back end databases ready to go they're all built how we need them so what I like to do is create callouts to organize things so I'm just going to hit slash and I'm going to type in call and then you'll see this call out block hit enter and we can add an icon here so for this first one I'm going to type in databases and I'm just going to select the databases icon and we're just going to call this databases make it bold by highlighting it and hitting control plus b or command plus b if you're on a Mac and then I'm going to hold shift and hit enter and that's going to give me some space within here that I can drag some of these inside of databases make sure not to drag your page within another page they must be dragged inside of this databases call out I'm just going to hit slash type div hit enter and that will create this divider now for some reason it pulls it out of this call out but I'm just going to drag it back into there and backspace and now we have a nice divider that divides the title of this call out with all of these different databases that are running our system you can think of these as the inner workings in the engine of our system and now we're going to build the interface for this system so what sort of functionalities filters and Views do we want well first and foremost we want a way to quickly capture these bits of information so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to hit slash and type call hit enter so we've got another call out now and I'm going to choose the plus icon and we're just going to call this quick add or quick capture whatever you want to call it I did a full tutorial on quick capture so if you want the slower more thought out process of this then you can watch that so what you're going to do is you're just going to hit slash and you're going to type in create linked view of database so hit enter and wow you see that it jumps right out of the quick ad call out so let's just drag it back in put it in its place and um hit select a data source and we're just going to select whatever we want to show up first in our quick ad it can be people companies notes or tasks I'm just going to go with people since that's the highest level of our database hierarchy so I'm going to click people I'm going to hide this title and we're going to click on these three dots right here change the layout to gallery and next we're just going to click on these three dots and go to layout and select the card size as small and then we're going to filter and we're going to filter by created time and we're just going to say created time is empty so nothing is going to pop up in here because created time is empty is not true for anything even if we add a new task when we hit new it's not going to show up in here it's just going to show up here so what I want to do on this new task is I actually want to configure things a little bit better I want to go ahead and I want to always hide created time email and phone should be available up here and I want to show as page section with tasks so that they appear down here in my page and I'll do the same for notes show as page section and companies can stay up here because I have a feeling that if we are doing this for people then they're probably only going to have one or two companies related to them we're not going to need to see them in a list down here within the page so then I'm just going to click out of this and what I've effectively done by hitting new is I've added a new person so now I can quickly just hit new whenever I want to and I can give the person a name I can give their email here I can put in a phone number for them and I can add a company that's related to that person by typing out the company name and then hitting this new button right here and now if I have a task ask or a note that I want to add immediately I can do so by hitting add related task and I already have some tasks in here but let's say I wanted to create a new follow-up so follow up with name hit new and now you're going to see that related task in here what I recommend is clicking these three dots and then adding in the status so you're going to see the status in here as well because unfortunately there's not a way to filter this data so you're going to see all of your completed tasks for this person unless you delete them entirely out of the system and you won't have it in your archive but it won't show up here anymore so if that annoys you to see this even if it says done then you can definitely do that in the other views we can actually filter this out but in this particular view you can't filter out tasks that are done that is how you will see tasks in relation to a person you see their company you see their phone number their email and now I'm going to add notes as well so add notes and this is very useful if you are jumping on a zoom meeting or something like that you just hit new note and I can now click into this note and type in meeting and let's just by the way let's just hide this property here always hide created time and I'm just going to type continue on here with meeting and then I'm going to put the date 3 8 2023 then here I can just take some bullet notes or I can use notion AI to write about anything that I want for this meeting or I could even just take some notes about the meeting and then once I've taken a ton of notes and they're all filling up the page I can just highlight those notes click on the six dots on the side hit ask Ai and then hit summarize and it will summarize all the notes on the page this document is not informative and does not contain any useful information that's because it's an example but if you had a ton of notes taken in here you could have ai write you a summary and then you could insert it into the section below and we could quickly just enter down type out summary we could bold summary there and then we'd have our original notes up top and we'd have a summary of those notes at the very bottom so this is a very useful way to use this template if you do have notion AI you will get 20 prompts per month I believe on the free plan but you do need to pay for it I think like ten dollars per month or five dollars per month or something like that to get unlimited prompts so continuing on with the tutorial now this quick capture is working for people and this person card is popping up how I want it to one thing you can do if you don't like the way that it's popping up in the middle is you can click on these three dots and then you can go to layout and open pages in side Peak this is what I prefer just opening them inside Peak so then I hit new and it just pops up over here I can quickly add a name for the person I can fill all the information out and then I can just close it with this button right here that's a much quicker way to fill things out in my opinion and I like that it pops up on the side rather than popping up in the middle of my screen now let's go ahead and rename this right now it's named Gallery so I'm just going to click on this hit rename and I'm going to call this add new person and you can change this icon to the plus button or you could change it to a person if you wanted to however you want to do that and what we're going to do next is hit slash type div and we're going to get that divider drag it back into this quick add box and we're going to duplicate it from here and drag that below add new person and we can actually duplicate this and repurpose it for companies Tasks and notes for those respective quick captures so let's just click on these six dots and then hit duplicate and from here what I can do is click on these three dots go to source and I can change the source to tasks okay now it's set up for tasks and I'm just going to go into filter created time is empty I'm going to hide this tasks title and I'm going to rename this to add new task and you can add a nice icon then click away from that window and now I can hit new and it's going to pull me into a new task I'm just going to quickly hide these different properties that I don't want to see because if you get all these properties coming up in your face when you're trying to Quick add something it's not as effective as just seeing what needs to be filled out like this one of the things you can also do is you can add a property in here and we're just going to select roll up and we can roll up the company that is related to this person if we want to so I can say related company and we can select the relation we're referring to which is people and we can go to the the person property of companies and then from there just have show original and click away now if I click on this I can't add a company but if I add a person like Carter it should pull in the company that's related to Carter since I don't have a company related to me I can add a company really quick productive dude and then I can head back over to my task for instance of follow-up and you'll notice that related company is in here so these are the useful things that you want to see when you are looking at a task view next we're going to just quickly drag this divider above add a new task so that we have dividers between each of these I'm going to duplicate another divider drag it down and now we need to add the quick ad for notes and companies so let's click on these six dots hit duplicate and again we're going to go into these three dots go to Source we have to select one of them that we haven't selected yet I'm going to go with companies and here we just need to filter by created time is empty it's that simple I click away I hide this database title and then I can quickly click on this Title Here For The View hit rename and I can change this to add new new company we can click on this icon and I'm going to add the plus button once again and now I can click away and if I hit new we're adding a new company let's go ahead and hide created time and again we can add a roll up that shows us the tasks that are related to the people within this company if we want to so in order to do this I'm just going to click to show the properties it's going to pull created time back in but it's also going to pull up add a property and I'm going to hit add a property we're going to click roll up and I'm going to name this roll up related tasks we're going to select the relation related people and then we're going to select the property in here of related tasks show original and now if I select a person like Carter it's going to show all the tasks that are related to Carter and what I'm going to do from here is just drag related tasks below related people and then I'm just going to hide that property again now if I have a comp company they will have a person related to them as well as related tasks and if I click on Carter you'll see that he has company now as well as productive dude if I want to unlink something I can always hit this minus button which I'm going to do with this particular company finally let's move on to the final quick capture button and let's drag this divider between new task and new company and then duplicate another divider drag it down to below company and we're going to duplicate the add new company quick capture drag it below that divider and we're going to click on these three dots right here then you're going to change the source to notes because that's the only quick capture that we haven't added I'm going to change this to add new note and we're going to make this the plus icon going to hide this title and we're going to go to filter created time is empty we're going to hit new so that we can change this View and if created time is already hidden you don't need to change anything about this one thing that you can do is you can pull in and roll up the related company so if I hit add a property then I go to roll up I can choose related company and relation of related people property companies and now if Carter is related to this particular note it's also going to pull in the company that's related to Carter now I can click away and our quick ad is complete for our CRM now we need to add some more views and some more ways of interacting with these databases the two views that I'm interested in are my contacts and my tasks so let's go ahead and create those different call outs and then create the database views that we need to see within them now we're stuck over here in a single column but what I would like to do is create some new columns so below here I'm just going to type one and enter type 2 then I'm going to drag to until I see that little blue divider and I'm just going to let go and now we have two columns I'm going to drag quick add underneath one and I'm also going to drag databases underneath quick add make sure that you see that little blue line snap underneath it not inside of it not too far underneath it like that but right underneath it and drag over until you get the desired look if you go too far you get this weird scroll bar if you go too big it just doesn't look all that good one thing you can do is I haven't done this yet but you can click on these three dots in all of these and change the layout card size to small and just drag it a bit further over so this is what I prefer but if you are on tablet or mobile this is not going to look good these are going to be like all over the place and it's just not going to look good so I recommend keeping everything in one column if you're going to be using tablet and mobile don't do this one two thing just start creating below databases from here on out what I'm going to create in column two but if you use your computer this is going to look beautiful on your computer so next we need to create the your tasks call out section so I'm going to enter I'm going to type slash call out enter your tasks is what we're going to call it I'm going to highlight it Ctrl B to make it bold and here for icons we're just going to go with the check I'm going to hold shift hit enter type slash create linked view of database enter and then if it pops out of the call out just drag it in there and then get rid of that space and we're going to name this view classic list and it's just going to be a list of our tasks so I'm going to select a data source tasks I'm going to hide this task title and I'm going to rename this to Classic list and this list is just going to include everything except for my tasks that are done I don't want to see anything that's done in here so when I hit done I want it to disappear out of this list okay so I'm going to hit filter I'm going to go to more status the status is not done so then it's going to show me anything that it's not done and when something gets checked off it disappears you might be wondering where those will go but we're going to be creating an archive view where you can see all of your completed tasks in a moment the next view we need to create is called the scheduler so I'm going to hit plus and I'm going to click tasks once again we're going to rename this view to scheduler and what you'll notice is it's retained this filter because I duplicated it from here so this is good because we don't want to see our completed tasks here either we just want to see our tasks organized by that property that we created earlier for scheduled so what I'm going to do is Click these three dots go to group and then we're going to click this scheduled formula now you're going to see this no scheduled in here if you see that then you can just add a new task and it should say needs scheduling now that's because this particular task does not have an action date I'm going to hide these properties because I don't need them so I'm going to close that why do we have this no scheduled well this is because notion just assumes that there might be a chance that we don't have a task that has one of these two situations but every task is going to either need scheduling or it's going to be scheduled because it either has an action date or it doesn't so what we need to do is we need to click on these three dots here and we need to hit hide now it's not going to show us that group and it's just going to show us needs scheduling and already scheduled once we give a task an action date it's not going to be in needs scheduling anymore we can close that then we can just focus on our schedule we're going to go ahead and sort by action date here so that it shows us the action date ascending and once it shows us the action data sending we'll see all of our upcoming tasks based on the date that we're going to take action on them next let's duplicate this scheduler and let's create a calendar view I'm going to name it calendar I'm going to click on layout calendar and here we can see our tasks on a calendar view I can drag them around to change the action date or the date that I'm going to take action on them and I can also click on these three dots right here go to properties and then I can enable the properties that I want to see so if I want to see status underneath these I can check the status I and you'll see that status pops up you can do that with any of these other properties as well like people so you can see the related person and if you wanted to pull in the company you could hit related company it would show you the company that's related to that person and again you can drag these around you can click into them and you can complete them and they'll disappear from this as well because we duplicated this calendar from scheduler now we're going to create another view and this view is going to be of tasks but I'm just going to create a new table for this one because I want to see all of my tasks that are done in this archive view so we're going to name it archive hit enter and we're going to get rid of this title by hiding database title and we're just going to click on the filter go to more status is done so now the status has to be done to be seen in here and you can leave this as a table if you want to just like this you can pull in any properties that you want to see here but what I prefer for the done is just a layout of list so that all I see here are the tasks names and if they're done or not and you can also go to properties and you can pull in the related person and the related company if you'd like so that if it has that relevant person like this one here and that person has a company related to them then you'll see the person and the company that these tasks are related to so now we have a classic list where we can check things off and it's sorted by well it should be sorted by action date I haven't done that yet but you hit sort action date ascending and now this is sorted by action date so I'm going to see the most recent upcoming action date and then under scheduler we're going to see any tasks that need scheduling for instance if I quickly add a new task let's just call it follow up with so and so and then we add a person so and so to our database and it doesn't have an action date I click away because I don't want to make an action date for it yet what you'll notice is when you come back later you can process this and you can think of a good action date for it so then I added an action date it's on my calendar and it's out of needs scheduling so that's that workflow that's how that works and then we have the calendar and the calendar view allows you to drag things around and re-prioritize where things are inside of your calendar and finally we have the archive so that you can reflect on the things that you've completed there's one more step in finishing up this CRM and that is to add a contacts area so this is a place where you can see a general library of all of the companies and people that are related to your CRM so in order to get out of this database we're just going to hit backspace in this empty space down here if by the way you accidentally delete something like let's say I accidentally deleted all of that I could just hit Ctrl Z or command Z to bring it right back and then we're just going to click into this empty space here I'm going to type slash call out enter and we're going to call this your contacts highlight it all and hit Ctrl B command B if you're on Mac to highlight it or to bold it excuse me and then we're going to click on this icon and for contacts we're just going to type in person and I'll just go with like this profile picture here and we're going to hold shift hit enter hold shift hit enter again click up here hit slash type div enter and no matter what I do this thing doesn't stay in here so I'm just going to drag it back in backspace those spaces we're going to hit plus next to that divider finally we're just going to type in create linked view of database and this time we're going to link a view of people so I'm going to select people I'm going to go ahead and hide this database title and I don't want to see this in a table I want to see it in the gallery so I'm going to click on these three dots go to layout and gallery now this looks a whole lot nicer for looking at all of the people within your database so I'm just going to hit card size make it small none of these are that important that I want them to just completely fill the whole screen and take up the rest of the screen real estate and then this is optional but if you have pictures of these people or if you want to pull pictures off of their LinkedIn and pop them in here you could do that and just have a picture of them you could go ahead and change card preview to page cover and let's say we had a picture of so and so we could add a cover here change cover and you can hit upload or you can link to that picture here or you can just go to unsplash and I'm just going to add an example headshot and I'm going to select this guy here and then I can reposition this save position click away and now we have a nice picture here which I can also reposition at this point hit save position and then you'll have some nice pictures of these different people in here any of these Untitled people this is an opportunity to kind of purge out any mistakes that you might have made when you're hitting add on the quick ad you might just accidentally click that and then it's just going to create an Untitled person if you click away so for any of these Untitled we can just click these three dots delete three dots delete and so on let's delete this one as well because it was just an example same with name of person and we could just go through here and we could add a cover photo for each of these people it could even be a company logo or something like that if you don't have a headshot for the person but I'm just going to add some head shots in here to make this look a bit nicer so that could look really nice if you wanted to see your contacts by their face might help you remember them a little bit better if you put a face to the name next I'm just going to hit sort and we are going to sort by person ascending and what that's going to do is it's going to alphabetically sort these names then what we can do is we can rename this here to people and if we want to bring in some more properties click properties and select the properties you want to see so email phone related company and if you select all of those then if this person has those it will show up so let's just do cart at if I click away you'll notice that I now have these properties showing up because I've filled those out now if you don't want to show a face here you can just click these three dots go into layout and then you can change card preview to none and that will get rid of the face next we're just going to go ahead and duplicate this People page and we're going to go to Source change it to companies and now we have our companies here I'm just going to rename this to companies we're going to hide this title and again if you want to you can click on these three dots go into properties and you can show specific properties that you want to show like related people or related tasks and you can even click on these three dots go into layout and if you want to see a preview or a logo for each of these companies for instance you could select page cover and then you could click into each of these add a cover and whatever you make the cover will show up here so let's just go to unsplash for instance and search up logo and see what kind of logos they have that is how you would sort of add those and add the properties within it I hope you enjoyed this CRM walkthrough and if you want this without having to build it then you can check out the link in the description below I'm sure if you've stuck around this long then you probably aren't here for the template you're probably here to learn about how to build but if you do want to access the template to look back at what I've done in this video you certainly can do that alright we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Productive Dude
Views: 31,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notion crm, notion tutorial, notion, notion template, notion free template, notion crm template, crm template notion, notion crm tutorial, crm tutorial notion, notion 2023 crm, notion 2023, notion templates, how to build crm in notion, free crm template, free crm in notion, dex crm, notion app, crm, notion database, crm notion, personal crm notion, notion client portal, personal crm, notion client management
Id: p49VXHPxhLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 35sec (2435 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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