BuIIied Janitor Learns KungFu From Old Beggar For Revenge

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Hi, Mystery Recapped here. Today I am going to  explain a Hong Kong martial arts action-comedy   film called “Snake in the Eagle's Shadow.”  Spoilers ahead! Watch out and take care!   The snake fist clan specializes in the  Snake-style of fighting in kung fu. For   the past hundred years, the snake fist clan  has had a rivalry with the eagle claw clan   that specializes in eagle-style fighting.  The Eagle clan has made it its mission to   kill every single member of the snake clan and  remove the style of fighting altogether.   At the beginning of the movie, one of the last  surviving members of the snake clan is challenged   by Sheng Kuan, an eagle claw master. The two  battle using their respective style of fighting,   but the eagle claw is evidently  more powerful than the snake fist.   Sheng Kuan vows to kill his opponent and end the  snake fist’s legacy. However, it is revealed that   a snake fist master named Pai is still alive.  Sheng Kuan kills his opponent and goes on in   search of his final and only opponent, Pai. Meanwhile, Pai is living a low life as a beggar.   He hardly earns any money and lives off scraps.  One day, while he is sleeping on a hammock made up   of a single rope, someone barges inside the room  and startles him. It turns out that the landlord   has brought a thug to evacuate Pai since he hasn’t  paid the rent in a month. They search around the   room for money but find a snake instead. When they  are distracted, Pai swiftly grabs his rice bowl   and a pair of chopsticks and runs outside. He is  surrounded and attacked by a gang. Using the bowl   and chopsticks, Pai defends himself without much  effort. Even though his opponents carry knives,   his chopsticks are able to overpower them. One of the thugs bumps into an eagle claw   member Su Chen while trying to run after Pai.  When the thug describes Pai, Su Chen realizes   that they just encountered a snake fist  member but by then, Pai is long lost.   Following that, we are introduced to  the protagonist of the movie, Chien Fu.   He is an orphan adopted by a short-tempered  eccentric Kung Fu teacher named Li.   Li profits by scamming innocent students,  promising to be a Kung Fu expert when his skills   are merely average. He frequently abuses Chien  Fu physically and makes him do all the cleaning.   Chien Fu wants to learn to fight but  even though he works in a Kung Fu school,   he is never given the opportunity to train. One morning, Li is resting while the students   practice as usual. Chien Fu watches them  and tries mimicking their movements,   forgetting to sweep the floor. Li notices hits  him with a stick. To trouble the kid, even more,   he walks around with white powder under his  shoes, making him sweep the floor twice.   Later, Li uses Chien Fu as a prop to teach his  students a new form of fighting. He orders Chien   Fu to not dodge the attacks and beats him up as  an example. This is not the first time he has   used Chien Fu to make himself look like a Kung Fu  expert. Chien Fu is frequently beaten up but he   has no other way to make a living. The only person  who sympathizes with him is the school’s cook when   even offers to apply medicine to his wounds. Somewhere else, Pai ends up in front of another   Kung Fu school in the town and decides to take  a rest. Inside, a wealthy businessman and his   overweight son Laap-ban have come to check if the  school is good enough for Laap-ban’s admission.   The headteacher boasts about his trainees  being the best in the town but Laap-ban is   not convinced. He asks a student to break  a stack of three bricks with a single blow.   The student does as told and manages to break them  all. But as soon as he is out of Laap-ban’s sight   he yells in pain while holding his hand that  is now starting to turn blue. Moments later,   Laap-ban tries to shake his hand and realizes  that he was only pretending to be tough.   The father and son leave to get admission to Li’s  school instead. After that, the students see Pai   resting outside and take their frustration out  by beating him up. Pai doesn’t defend himself,   afraid that someone might notice his presence.  Chien Fu sees this and stops them from hurting   the poor old man. When the students attack  him, Pai uses his tricks to make Chien Fu   fight. He stands behind Chien Fu and pushes him  around so that he can dodge the attacks.   During the fight, a Russian religious Missionary  notices Pai and rushes towards him. In reality,   he is a spy who has been appointed by the eagle  claw clan to find and eliminate the last surviving   member of the snake clan. Pai notices him and runs  away with Chien Fu before he can be caught.   Following that, Chien Fu brings Pai to the school  and makes tea for him. He also asks the old man   to stay the night because he must be injured. Pai  is impressed by his kindness. Meanwhile, Laap-ban   and his father are in a meeting with Li who boasts  about his training. Laap-ban doesn’t believe him   and asks them to break three stacked bricks. Li  laughs at him, stating that he can show them a   real fight instead of mere bricks breaking. He calls Chien Fu and orders him to take the   beating from one of his students. An excited  Laap-ban watches as the fight starts. Chien   Fu is beaten up yet again but he cannot dodge the  attacks, scared that he will have to starve the   next day. By the end of it, Laap-ban is impressed  by Chien Fu’s opponent’s skills and agrees to take   admission to the school. Chien Fu walks back to  Pai with several cuts and bruises on his face.   Embarrassed, he runs to his room. The cook tells  Pai that it is a daily thing for Chien Fu to get   beaten up. He is used as a display dummy  to maintain the school’s reputation.   To lighten his mood, Pai places a bowl on his  head and asks him to try and get it. Chien Fu   does his best but Pai is so skilled that he  doesn’t let him get a single touch of the bowl.   The following morning Chien Fu wakes up to see  Pai is missing. He notices a message on the wall   that vaguely talks about the dodging skill.  Outside, Pai has also drawn a pattern of footsteps   for Chien Fu to follow and learn the tricks from  yesterday. In reality, the tricks were the basics   of the snake fist technique. Using the message and the steps,   Chien Fu comprehends what Pai is trying  to teach him and starts practicing. He is   a gifted fighter and learns the technique in a  short period of time. Somewhere else, Pai bumps   into the Russian missionary and follows him to  find out his true intentions. However, he soon   realizes it is a trap when Su Chen of the eagle  claw stops him and challenges him to a fight.   The missionary and Su Chen go against Pai but he  manages to flee after tricking them. However, he   is left severely injured after the commotion. At the same time, Laap-ban's father comes to the   school to check his son’s progress. Li asks  Chien Fu to take beatings from Laap-ban,   wanting to use him as a dummy yet again. But this  time, using Pai’s techniques, Chien Fu dodges all   the attacks. He even makes Laap-ban bump into  his father, making both fall to the ground.   In the end, Laap-ban and his father run away  to the other school. An angered Li hits Chien   Fu repeatedly for humiliating him. Chien Fu runs away from the school and   coincidentally bumps into an injured Pai. He  takes him to a shed and dresses his wounds.   Somewhere else Su Chen meets the higher official  of the eagle claw clan, Shang Kuan, and tells him   everything about his encounter with Pai. Then, we  see Chien Fu taking care of Pai until gets better.   After finding out that Chien Fu was able to  learn the technique only through the drawings,   Pai agrees to train him in snake-style kung  fu. His only condition is that Chien Fu won’t   call him “master”, won’t use the training  to display violence, and won’t interfere   when Pai is fighting his opponents. Chien Fu accepts all the conditions and starts   the training. He works hard day and night and  learns the techniques in no time. Over the weeks,   Pai gives him more difficult tasks but he shows  growth and perseverance like no other.   One day, he is lazily sweeping the floor in the  school when Li sees him and decides to trouble   him as always. He steps on white powder but before  he can step on the floor, Chien Fu slides the mop   under his feet. Li tries his best to trick Chien  Fu but he is quicker because of the training. As   they are struggling, a group from the rival school  barges in. The leader of the group is the new   three Provinces Champ in Kung Fu. He is furious  because all other schools in the town sent him   gifts to show respect but Li didn’t do so. Hence, he challenges Li and his fellow teacher   to a match. Li is reluctant but since all  his students are watching, he has no way   but to accept. The state champion doesn’t  waste time before beating them both up,   proving that they are just a bunch of frauds  who only know basic knowledge about Kung Fu.   Chien Fu wants to help them but since he has  promised Pai that he will only use his skills   for defense, he stays out of the fight. After the two are defeated, the students follow   the state champion to the rival school. Later that  day, Chien Fu is cleaning when the former teacher   of the school, master Hang returns from a trip.  He used to be the headteacher until Li took over.   Enraged that they were defeated by the opponents,  he walks to the rival school and challenges   the state champion. They get into an intense  fight, both matching in skills. But in the end,   the state champion beats master Hang and still  doesn’t stop attacking him. Chien Fu finally steps   in which angers the champion even more. He attacks  him a couple of times, asking him to fight back.   Now that Chien Fu can use his training as defense,  he doesn’t hold back and starts battling him.   Everyone is shocked to see that a mere janitor  is giving the state champion a hard time. Master   Hang is just as surprised because he didn’t know  Chien Fu could fight. From the entrance door,   Sheng Kuan is also watching them. He sees  Chien Fu’s technique and recognizes it as   the snake fist technique. Since only one person  from the clan is alive, he is sure that Chien   Fu knows Pai. After defeating the champion,  Chien Fu and Hang return to their school.   At home, Chien Fu finds a letter by Pai that says  he will be gone for a few days. Alongside the   letter is a book on snake-style fighting. Chien  Fu rushes to the shed to see Pai but the old man   has already left. Just then, Sheng Kuan who had  been tailing him till now inquires if he knows   Pai. When Chien Fu affirms, Sheng Kuan lies about  being Pai’s friend and asks Chien Fu to tell him   when he returns from his trip. He also emphasizes  to keep his arrival a secret from Pai because he   wants to surprise his old friend. A naive Chien  Fu believes him and agrees to help him.   On reaching home, he sees his pet cat fighting  a snake. Even though at first glance, the snake   looks more dangerous, it is proven to be weak  against the cat’s paws. This gives Chien Fu an   idea to mix the paw technique with the snake  fist technique to make it more dangerous.   Somewhere else, Pai returns to the town  and is immediately confronted by Su Chen.   At first, Su Chen pretends to be dead and attacks  him with a knife. He believes Pai was stabbed but   turns out he was ready to dodge the attack.  They get into a fight where Pai overpowers   him with his expertise and kills him. Following that, he goes to meet Chien Fu   who is overjoyed to have him back. They ask  the cook for tea but the man mixes poison in   it. Just then, Chien Fu remembers Sheng Kuan and  rushes to tell him about Pai’s arrival. But when   they return looking for him, Pai has already  fled. Sheng Kuan predicts where he is heading   and runs after him as Chien Fu follows them. On his way, Chien Fu is stopped by the Russian   Missionary who wants to kill him. They get into  a fight where the missionary has an upper hand   because of his sword. Chien Fu gets his clothes  torn but still manages to defeat him in the end.   Somewhere else, Pai meets Sheng Kuan. He has  had enough of running and wants to fight to   put an end to the century-long rivalry between  their clans. The fight starts and initially,   they seem to match in expertise. But Sheng  Kuan soon overpowers him and is about to   kill him when Chien Fu interrupts them. To save his master, he asks Sheng Kuan to   fight him instead. Pai tries to stop Chien Fu,  knowing that he is not trained enough to defeat   Sheng Kuan but he doesn’t back down. Soon, they  launch at each other and Chien Fu immediately   manages to scratch his opponent’s face with  his new invention; the cat claw technique.   By the mixture of the snake fist and cat  claw, he creates a unique deadly technique   that defeats the eagle claws in no time.  In the end, Sheng Kuan is also defeated.   As the master and student are about to leave, the  cook approaches them and tries to stab Chien Fu.   Pai stops him effortlessly and inquires why he  is doing this. It turns out that he is also a spy   from the eagle claw clan. He laughs knowing  that they are about to die of the poison he   gave them earlier, but Chien Fu reveals that he  had exchanged the tea because it was too hot.   In the last scene, the cook remembers that he  drank the poisoned tea. The poison’s effect   starts to show and he dies instantly. In the last  scene, Pai compliments Chien Fu for inventing   such a powerful new technique. Subscribe for more videos like this,   turn on the notification, and leave a like to  help the channel out. Thanks for watching.
Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 3,337,912
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Id: zUkgTjyvJow
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Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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