Buick 455 Dyno Testing at CIA Performance! After 23 years, how strong is it? From Lucore Automotive

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[Music] welcome back to luca automotive services today we're taking my 65 buick skylark gs to the dyno but first i have to put some new valve cover gaskets on it because the ones that are on it are leaking so let's get that done we'll head down to cia performance strap this thing to a dyno and see what she does so this is my 1965 buick gs it is not actually a gs it is a clone but it's a very nicely done one this car has quite a history and i'll fill you in on that a little bit later but right now we're going to id the heads as i recall when i looked at them originally they were big port 430 heads it's got a pretty stout cam in it manual brakes manual steering radio delete heater delete it's basically just a stripped down car with a big old motor in it we like that here we'll pop these valve covers off put some new ones on 1382-985 let's look that up 1968 430. 69 cc chamber [Music] it's rowdy good to know hopefully it has the 430 rocker assemblies because they apparently open at 1 6 to 1 as opposed to the other ones that are less um the guy that built this engine knew what he was doing it's it's a very happy engine he likes to it likes to party um and it's fun a lot of fun to drive so i don't know i got these new uh rubberized valve cover gaskets from ta performance we're going to try those out they can't work any worse than the cork gaskets i've been using i'm tired of wiping oil up off my floor for my valve cover's leaking so let's get those stuck on here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so as you see we have made it to cia performance eric the wizard is back there in the car and uh we've got this thing strapped down so we are going to give it a run now a couple of things before we do this we are using this as sort of comparison video to the we are using this sort of as a comparison video for the big block wars video we just recently did um now obviously those motors will run without accessories and also on it on a engine dyno not on a chassis dies so in this case we do have to take into effect the fact that we're going to have accessory drive loss we're also going to have drive train lock so we're going to factor about 20 drive train loss with all of that figured out so ideally what we're going to see is somewhere around 350 horsepower and 400 feet torque now it's going to be interesting to see what we get out of this thing but we know not a lot about this but also it's going to be interesting to see where that power band actually is it should be fun so so don't try this at home kids so all right so there you go runs are done now let's talk about the important stuff did we learn anything that's useful against the big block wars video no no not really now in all honesty as we've all discussed it's very very difficult to compare chassis dyno numbers to engine dyno members it's very difficult to compare chassis dyno versus just dynamics they just ideally you want to test the same car on the same dyno or different cars on the same dyno so you have similar results so with that said no this is not directly useful on giving us numbers for our big block wars video but we did learn a couple of things as you can see with the video we shot it down the throat of the carburetor and we were able to recognize some issues with that carver it was it was bleeding the accelerator pump somewhere in the what do you figure out three thousand four thousand uh four thousand forty five hundred rpm range it started to actually push excel pump fuel back into the rear section of the river right so in full honesty this car has been as it is since like the mid 90s late 90s as far as i know for the last 10 years it sat in a barn the guy drove occasionally before that the guy who built it in 97 is who put this car together so yeah yeah it's been in its current form for a really long time and it's been raced in this current form a lot yeah that's basically what the guy did with this he took this car to gs nationals and one is class in 97 with this car in its current setup right so so is it a perfect example of a 455 buick no absolutely not do we have some opportunities yeah absolutely has it lived for 20 some odd years and produced a lot of power and still make smiles and giggles yeah now i think the most interesting comparison with this would be something like with my pontiac 455 before it was rebuilt because it was a similar kind of setup with the upgraded bigger heads a 455 that had been run and enjoyed but it wasn't perfect it did well but it didn't do great now we'll pull up the video when we get back to the shop and be able to compare the two between what we got out of that that car and this car and i think it's going to be interesting to see where those two made up to what they compared but anyway so what did we end up getting uh total end of numbers were 308.87 horsepower at 4999 rpms and max torque was 373.08 foot pounds of torque at 38.7 at 38.7 so interesting it didn't make quite what we wanted to do ideally but it's within the ball game more interestingly was the no air filter mod uh rarely do you ever run around a vehicle without an air filter full disclaimer but this car actually picked up literally 20 horsepower uh between running no air filter and filtered and 10 foot pounds of torque which leads us to believe that that super fancy breather top really nice air filter maybe not necessarily doing us any favors and the air filter is way better looking like without even doing anything yeah no carb tuning no nothing just removing the air filter you picked up 20 horsepower and 10 foot pounds of torque and your afr's are way cleaner so the green line is when it was running with the filter on you see it dipping down and getting way rich whereas the red line is with no air cleaner on it so it is what it is we're gonna say goodbye to eric we're gonna run back to the shop and pull up some more numbers we can do some comparisons so stay tuned we're gonna get this thing unhooked and head back to our shop thanks eric once again thank you have a great day gentlemen have a great day always a good time back to the shop well another good day at the dyno yeah dinos are always fun it's actually a lot more of a diagnostic tool than most people think it's not just we learned a lot we learned we have some fuel control issues we learned we have an extremely restrictive air filter on it we learned we have an ignition break up that we need to resolve and more than likely we can gain some more horsepower by putting better exhaust on it because right now we're three and a quarter collectors into two and a half inch pipes into ultra flow mufflers so we can certainly gain a little bit of power on on opening up the exhaust um and realistically speaking this car when it was living at the track a lot was probably running just collectors and dumb just open collectors out the bottom car more than likely um i mean i'm real happy with the results we had today it's healthy i mean we can compare it to the other car that was fresh yeah very similar setup we don't know the cam specs of either one at this time but um i mean realistically for a 23 year old engine that's been in a race car for that amount of time and lord only knows how many times it's been hammered on right i mean 308 what was it 360 torque 308 373 so 308 horse 373 torque at the wheels that's pretty respectable for something that hasn't been touched in 20 literally in probably 20 years at least 10 that i know of because i didn't do anything to the carburetor to change it it hasn't been the jets haven't been changed for modern fuels right which will give us a little bit um so yeah there's quite a few things to address on it to make it a little better i mean it's it's not in any way bad now it runs fantastic it's no it's it's a blast it's a blast to drive it to me it's kind of a testament to how well this thing was probably built the first time it was built that it's taken that much of abuse for 20 something years and it's still this strong and we have previously run a 455 buick that had freshly been rebuilt on that exact same engine dyno or that exact same chassis dyno before and the power numbers are not drastically different now i don't want to show you the graph of that one but because it'll kind of muddy the waters but that car was a recently rebuilt 455 had a stage one set of heads on it um and it made realistically speaking peak torque power it made nine more foot pounds of torque and it's a 9 000 rebuild to be able to do that right now it made power earlier and it made power for longer so it did make more horsepower um but you and i were talking off camera that could be a function of a lot of things that can be our fueling issue that can be a cam that's either old technology or wiped out technology or both old school technology and lifestyle technology it can be all kinds of things yeah i mean timing change stretch could cause those could cause a problem with as old as this engine is it wouldn't surprise me if it needs a timing chain we definitely have an ignition break up you could hear it popping on the i think the second pull we did we started to have popping out of the tailpipe so we definitely had we definitely had an ignition controlling problem um and again the fueling is doing weird things because we're pulling fuel out of the secondary accelerator pumps starting to drop fuel at higher rpm so it's skewing our fuel regulation um so yeah there's a lot of things to tweak i mean is it a healthy engine absolutely am i going to blow it apart to change it and rebuild it no right i'll fix the things on the top that i can fix and the rest of it will just keep running because it's just a fun car as it is i don't need more well and realistically you get into a conversation of how much is it worth i mean we talked about in my in the big block wars video you know is that extra 20 foot pounds of torque that i got on that motor versus that oldsmobile motor worth the extra couple of thousand dollars that i spent on it in this situation is it worth this to gain 20 or 30 foot pounds of torque in 20 or 30 horsepower on a 9 000 engine rebuild yeah i mean [Music] and i don't know you know i don't know what a stage one engine truly is i'm not a buick guy um i like buick stuff but i'm sure somebody will chime in in the comments and give us some education on the stage one stuff and the differences i know the 430 heads that are on this are commonly used to create more power than what the stock 455 stuff was but i don't know how that compares to an actual stage one cylinder head um but i think i read they give like five percent extra power over the stock stuff but then you've got the stage one stuff as well but those were only 70 and 71 on the gs cars so you're not going to find too many of those right and if you do find it you're going to be paying you'll be paying buick tax yeah so is it an apples-to-apples comparison of the big block wars information that we got you know not at all it's apples to watermelon they're both fruit and they're both tasty but they're not the same thing so take it for what it is hopefully you guys have enjoyed this hopefully you enjoyed uh coming with us on our little buick journey here if you're interested in seeing more about this car we do have some more driving footage of it on as a uh previous video link here as well when we were taking uh this one out as well as with a buick saber wagon which was also a very cool car yeah we did the air ride on that one that one just that was cool that's a cool car very cool so anyway hopefully you enjoyed this hopefully you stick around for more we will definitely be bringing you guys more content as quickly as we possibly can old school stuff new school stuff all kinds of stuff so make sure you click on that subscribe button drop us a comment below if you think we're idiots or if you want to ask us a question engage with us however you'd like please click on that like button since you're already here and you made it this far we'll see you next time take it easy have a great day hi mike hi mike
Channel: Lucore Auto and LucoreRacing
Views: 3,738
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: Lucore, Lucore Auto, LucoreRacing, Lucore Racing, Lucore Automotive, Columbus, Ohio, Dublin, Buick 455, buick 455 build, buick 455 cam, Buick 455 dyno, buick 455 stage 1, buick gs, buick gs 455, buick gs stage 1, ta performance buick, TA Performance, CIA Performance, Dyno Video, dyno videos, nostalgia super stock drag racing, gs nationals, 455 rocket, 455 big block, 455 buick big block, buick big block, 1965 buick skylark, 65 skylark, 65 buick skylark, Buick Skylark
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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