Bugsnax | How To Catch all The Bugsnax In Flavour Falls | PS5

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hey guys nick here and welcome back to gamerdub so in today's video we're going to be catching some bug snacks so i'm going to take you through all the bugs that are in flavor falls and i'm going to show you how to catch them there are two side mission bug snacks that i won't be catching in this video but i might make a video later on on how to catch that special bug alrighty guys before we start today's video if you could please consider leaving a like commenting and subscribing as it helps out a lot and it's greatly appreciated alrighty guys let's get into it okay so first up we have strabbies now strobies are probably one of the most easiest bugs to catch in the game so what you do is you just scan them look at their walking path put your snap trap down if they get spooked and go into the bushes just wait till they come back out and then when the trap sounds hit the trap and there you go you've caught a strappy so next up we have pinkles now you can't straight up just catch a pinkle in your snack trap you actually have to remove the jar that they hide in so take out your snack grappler shoot the glass jar and then throw it off and then scoop them up in your net and there you go you've put a pinkle and now we have the rootle and the white roodle now these are the exact same bug and they catch the exact same way simply place your snack trap in front of their path then when the trap sounds hit the trap and there you go you've caught yourself a riddle and a white roodle okay so now let's catch ourselves a ruby bug so what you want to do is locate this little burrow hole thing here in the wall and then go around the other side and set your snack trap then pull out your buggy ball and send it down the opposite side of that hole what this will do is scare out the ruby bug and then when you hear your trap sound hit the trap and then run around go grab it and there you go you've got yourself a ruby bug and then we have the inch wrap now the inch wrap burrows underground so you can't catch it while it's in this state [Music] so what you want to do is let it take notice of you and then lead it to a solid surface where it can actually reveal itself and then once it knocks itself out you can scoop it up in your net and there you go you've got yourself an inch wrap so next up is the sando peed and the sub sander peed so technically these are the same bug but they are just different sections of this sandwich center bead so one method you can do is shooting a whole bunch of ranch dressing down on the ground and the centipede loves the ranch dressing so what it will do is try to eat it and actually entangle itself and accidentally separate itself this didn't really work for me most times i tried it it actually was circling around just eating it and then going about its way so what i did was i put down my lunch pad smoked it in ranch dressing and then when it came down i launched the trap separated it and then quickly snagged myself a piece and there you go that's how you catch the centipede or the sub centipede and then we have the green lollip so this is a flying type bug and the way you capture it is you have to capture in mid-air it doesn't stop in hindsight i could have used my trip shot to actually trip it in mid-air but instead what i did was use my lunch pad then put my snap trap on it and then just waited for it to fly triggered the launch pad went to the snap trap quickly and then triggered it and caught it mid-air and there you go that's how i caught the green lollies and then next we have the thirsty snack pod now this one is easy to find it's just located in this area and all you do is just go scoop it up in your net and there you go you've got yourself a thirsty snack pod and lastly we come to the caramel pop tick now this bug only comes out when it's raining so i did have to trigger my sleep cycle a whole bunch and wait till it was a rainy day but once you find them in the cave what you do is lay down your snack trap bait it with some chocolate sauce and then wait for them to eagerly jump into the trap and there you go that's how you catch yourself a caramel pop tick alrighty guys that's all we have for our bug snacks video today thank you guys so much for watching and i hope you found this helpful and if you did please consider leaving a like commenting and subscribing as it helps out the channel a lot and it's greatly appreciated alrighty guys until the next video i'll catch you later bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GamerJoob
Views: 61,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bugsnax | How To Catch all The Bugsnax In Flavour Falls | PS5, bugsnax ps5, bugsnax how to catch, Bugsnax Strabby, Bugsnax Pinkle, Bugsnax Rootle, Bugsnax Green Lollive, Bugsnax InchWrap, Bugsnax Sandopede, Bugsnax Ruby Peelbug, Bugsnax Caramel Poptick, Twisty Snackpod
Id: Hni0yWoeGAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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