Bugs life cycle of a butterfly up close I Little Big Toys

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- How long will the bride be here? - I don't know, I'm so excited to see her. I bet she's super pretty. (orchestral music) (bright music) - Welcome to Little Big Toys! (paint cans spraying) (playful music) - Wow, look at our playground. It's so flowery. - I wish we had a flowery playhouse too. - Yeah, me too. - Hmm. - Are you thinking what I'm thinking? - You bet! Let's go ask mom for help. - My turn! - Let's go, Curly! - Let's go! - So, you guys wanna build a house out of these toys? - Yes, we want the tall one, so we need your help! - Please? - Please? - How can I say no to you guys? - Yay! Thank you! Let's make it round like a cylinder. - Great idea! Let's start building. - Here. - Oh, thank you! - I don't know what to do with it. - Just put it there. (playful music) - Now that the structure is done, how do you guys wanna decorate this? - [All] With flowers from our garden! - Wow, you picked all those flowers? - Yeah. - We want our house to smell like flowers. - Okay, but before we cover this house with flowers, we have to cover it with this tule, so that we can have a place for the flowers to hang on. Come on guys, help me! Come on. Yes, you can do it. It's so windy. (children laughing) This looks good! - Come on, let's look inside. - [Mom] How does it feel inside? - Cool! - We need to move it so this could have a space for the door. - Okay wait, let me fix this. - [Mom] Nice. - [Girl] Lets move it. Move it. - Hi. - [Woman] Hi. (playful music) - [Mom] Good job! Now it's time to put the flowers. - Hey guys, the flowers are all here! - Wow, let's hang the flowers. - [Mom] This one's ready! - I'm going to use this one. - Come on. Come on get the flowers put here. Yay. Isn't this so pretty? Curly, come on. Lots, lots and lots of flowers. I'll help you put some flowers. - Okay! There's no red one here. - I'll just be breaking these flowers. - Okay, now it's time for me to put it on top! - Yeah? - Yeah! - Wow! - Wow! - It's so huge! Hold it on the side guys. Now. - [Girl] It's raining. - [Mom] It is. - I don't feel any rain drops. - [Mom] Okay, almost there. (children laughing) - [Mom] Yay! Come on guys, let's make some more. - And then we decorate it with these flowers. They look like it's cheering hard. - Pickabooh, I want to decorate these, with these things out too. - Be careful, here Let me cut it. That was like a... - Whoa! Oopsy. I cut it off, but I didn't cut off the stem. - [Bug] Okay, you can still use it. - I'll try using it. (playful music) - Are the flowers ready? Good. (playful music) come on, we have a lot more to make. Wow. This pic holographic film is so pretty. - Yeah. It will make the sun shine like a rainbow. - [Mom] Oh, come on, help me put it. Roll it around the flower house. Go Curly! Wait, did we get the right side? Yeah, okay. - Yeah. Go. Okay. - I unwrap it? - Yeah. Go. - Unwrap it? - Come on, pull it. All around the house. Good job Curly. - Come on. - [Bug] I can see you. - [Mom] We are almost done. - Let's roll it out. - [Mom] Okay. A good end there. We made it so pretty. Now. All we got to do, is put more glue here. - Let's now decorate this house with butterflies. Let me throw this up in there. Oh, that's actually perfect. Let me place the green one right here. Blue butterflies are my favorite. Lets get another green one. (bright music) Guys, here are the butterflies. I'm going to free them in my flower house. You're free! - [Mom] Wow, that is so pretty. I'm going to place this one on a sunflower, where there's lots of nectar. Maybe you can even help pollinate this plant. - Oh, look at this guy, he's so cute. Let's put him in one flower. There you go. Butterflies love eating nectars from all kinds of flowers. That's why me gathered so many kinds. I bet have different flowers have different taste. Oh, look over there. There's a bunch of pupas. Wow. They're all going to transform into butterflies, in a few days. Oh my gosh, look mom. It's hatching! Wow. This is incredible. The caterpillar inside has transformed into a butterfly. It's slowly coming out. Oh, there's the wings. - [Mom] The wings are still very soft and shriveled. But after a few minutes of stretching, it will expand and its body will get thinner and longer. - Wow. I'm so excited. This flower house will be full of butterfly. Wow. It's amazing guys. I am fond of wings. - [Mom] Bug, do you remember what this process is called? - Metamorphosis. - [Mom] That's right, metamorphosis. It's the process where butterflies, beetles and bees transform. I think he's resting. I bet the rest will hatch tomorrow. Or maybe later afternoon. I'm so excited. Come on, you can do it. Flap your wings. Look at this guy. If you look closely, he actually looks like he's smiling. It takes about three hours for the wings to harden, before it's ready to fly. - [Mom] This one's gonna hatch next, because it's dark. And the next will be the yellow ones. The yellow ones will take maybe one more day. - [Bug] What does it feel like to touch a pupa? (chuckles) - [Mom] Feels like plastic actually. - [Bug] Plastic really? - [Mom] Yeah. The clear ones are the empty ones. The yellow ones will take a few more days. - [Bug] Oh, yeah. Like plastic. Now we're going to be making fruit platter for the butterflies. You got through that Bug. Here's orange slices. Butterflies love drinking the juice of almost any fruit. So we prepared a variety. I think they'll love it because it's sugary and healthy for them. Now I'm placing the apples. - [Mom] I think we're gonna need more apples. Do you know butterflies also eat rotten fruits? So it's okay if it's a bit rotten. - [Woman] Yeah. - [Mom] Put this right in the middle. That's a pricy one for you. But it's really sweet. - [Woman] lemonade It looks so different compared to the other oranges. - [Bug] It's so pretty. - [Mom] Yep. Come on, I'll help you carry it, Bug. - [Bug] Okay. - [Mom] I go in first? - [Bug] Yeah. You go in first. - [Girl] Wow. They love the fruits. - [Bug] I'm so glad. I hope they live very long. (butterfly chirping) (children laughing) Look at that. (water burbling) - [Bug] Want some? Okay, lets continue. - You know what Bug? This place looks so romantic. Oh, the dogs are here. - I have an idea. Let's make a dog wedding. - Great! Let's get started. Let's prepare for the big day, come on. (bright sensational music) - Taffy, you have to stay there and wait for your bride. Make sure you stay. - How long will the bride be here? - I don't know. I'm so excited to see her. I bet she's super pretty. (romantic music) - Dearly beloveds, we are gathered here today in celebration of love to join this Tuffy and Sequin in matrimony. Do you Tuffy take Sequin to be your wife, to live together in sickness and in health, till death do you part? - Okay, here's the ring. (indistinct) Right over here. (romantic music) - I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may smooch the bride. (audience applauding) - [All] Ah. - How romantic. (audience applauding)
Channel: Little Big Toys
Views: 8,126,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big little toys, big toys, bug, bug little big toys, bugs, bugs little big toys, butterfly, for kids, for kids learning, garden, kids learning, little big toy, little big toys, little big toys 2021, little big toys dog, little big toys new episodes, little big toys pets, little. big. toys, littlebigtoys, littlebigtoysbug, pet, pets, petwedding, play, playhouse, pretend play, pretend playing, pretend playing house and dog wedding, the little big toys, wedding, welcome to little big toys
Id: S3cT6XlYXV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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