Budget with Me| June 2021-Week 2 Cash Envelope Check-in| Debt: $21,257.08

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hi friends it's tracy final financial freedom diary and we're back to do my week 2 check-in for my cash envelopes if you're new to my channel please subscribe below hope you all are having a super fantastic saturday morning or afternoon whenever you watch this video um let's jump right into my transactions for this past week um on june 13th which was this past sunday i broke a 10 at the laundromat and on also on the 13th so everything that i did was on sunday i try to shop um one day out of the week so if you're new to my channel that's always my goal uh because i tend to like to shop a little bit too much so at walmart on groceries i spent 43 dollars and 88 cents and then i went over to aldi and on groceries i spent 31.78 um i also went to five below and picked up some stuff for 13.15 uh it was what was i doing there first i was in there trying to see what kind of summary type things they had um but while i was in there since i had drugged my son in i picked up some stuff technically it was for him i robbed him to go in there i prompted him to go in there with me so yeah but i don't remember what i bought though i just know that it was just for the boys and then this past week my youngest son ended up getting sick with like a stomach bug but nobody else in the house was affected so it was kind of weird um how it hit one person and not the rest of us so i wasn't sure what he was eating or whatever so a lot of taking care of him this week i didn't spend anything in household and personal a budgeted 25 i spent 13 and 15 cents um so yeah i need to stop going going places uh groceries 43.88 plus 31.78 you look 75 66. i did make some healthier picks this week i got a lot of stuff for um to make myself some wraps so i can have like a quick lunch something i just throw together real really quick um also i've got some other stuff i cannot remember anything this morning this is what is so bad when i you know like i don't record these right outside shop so i can't remember anything it's horrible my memory sucks so let's go into the grocery envelope here and this is a savvy sense wallet so yeah if you're wondering what that is um i have a fear of anything hitting my cuticles because i've done it before and you know that hurts so as soon as i saw one of these i had to get i used to have the ramsey solution uh cash envelope system uh some years ago and it was okay i just would get frustrated with flipping open the uh the envelope all the time so let's see after we won i had 236 oh 236 remaining and i spent 75 i can get my fingers on the right keys that'll be so lovely um it's been 75 66 so i should have 160 left no change so let's see 20 40 60 81 20 40 45 50 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 so i actually have 161 so all right let's write that down but yeah my son has been um he's been sick for a few days this week i thought we were gonna have to go take him to the doctor if he if it kept up you know and i had 11 dollars set aside so i'm gonna put that back the way that was and the money that i'm taking now is what i'm trying to save for reach my cash envelope savings goal for the month because i overshot week two's budget there's no difference between those two and so i don't get to set anything aside in savings from the groceries envelope um should i have 100 yeah i did that right because so the next two weeks is going to be 75 dollars a piece so i've got to be really careful about what i do and not to overspend um really and try to save but yes the whole whole thing over here because i had to pick up some stuff for him gatorade jello all that little stuff so just so he could you know kind of i don't know how you say it watch what he eat nothing heavy because every time he tried he would get really sick again so restaurants i had 40 left over from week one i didn't spend anything and so i still have my 40. and the goal here for the restaurants is really to use that for the team building events um and i do that for work it's a part of the whole shebang at work um i know like uh according to um the baby steps you know you're not supposed to be going out to restaurants and stuff like that but i do have to participate i actually do work at a company where your participation will be counted against you on your performance review if you don't do it so it's one of those little culture things okay so laundry after week one i had forty dollars left over i spent ten so i should have thirty dollars so 10 20 25 30. so i got my 30 for that and then in household i didn't spend anything after week one i had 18 left over so i should still have 18 dollars i don't remember going in there pulling anything out so let's confirm 5 10 15 16 17 18. so if you're keeping up with these i'm gonna try not to spin is 18 and then i have the eleven dollars from the cash from the groceries cash envelope so the two is uh 29 towards the 65 gold that i set for myself for this month so let's put that back in here now personal i had 73 dollars left over i spent 13 15 and what should i have i don't know i don't know i'm not even going to embarrass myself it's too early 59.85 so we're going to see if i have 59 or 60 so so that's 50 55 56 57 58 59 60. so i actually have 60 dollars left here now personal envelope if i can hold on to that then we can see how i'll meet that gold just with what i have now the sixty dollars for my personal the 18 from household plus the eleven dollars from the groceries will help me reach the 65 dollar goal so i just have to hold tight and not need anything for the rest of the week because i know this past week whatever i bought i didn't get anything for myself so it wasn't like it was something that i needed and i do use my personal money for stuff that i need and also things that i want it's the one little tiny teeny tiny area that is just funny um but here it is save 65 from my cash envelopes once i save that i use that money in my july budget all right i forgot to check off the bills that i paid last week um i did pay my quarterly taxes the quarterly taxes are um come from the money that i earned from youtube so i put that aside in a thinking fund and i just pay it out when it's due fed loan that is processed so yay um sprint my portion of the bill was 70.74 cents and xfinity i did pay 1173 for that so my bills i have two more left i have my utility bill and my car insurance unfortunately for me utility bill can be sketchy it might i might see it on the 28th i might see it on the 30th i might see it on the first i never know um i need to go and look at my bill from last month and see when they're coming out to read my meter but it takes them a minute to get it so i can see my bill online so i haven't gone anywhere outside of sunday spending money um and the no spend days are based on my spending from my cash envelopes since i'm a salary employee um everything pretty much is the same every paycheck so the only wiggle room i have from the money that i already earned is what i put into the cash envelopes how much of that can i keep and that's where the savings comes from it's trying to keep some portion of the money that i put into those specific buckets and then over time i've gotten a lot better at you know restraint that didn't used to be a word i would use to describe my myself being restrained and spending money they didn't go together before so for my no spend days i had six from this week six from last week which is a total of 12 13 14 15 16 17. so i got 17 no spend days so far and that's 17 out of 26 26 is my goal how are you guys doing with your spending this week is everything staying okay i know we do get these surprises sometimes lord knows along this debt-free journey of mine i have had quite a few i'm just like no more um you guys let me know how everything's going with you um and i will talk to you guys tomorrow you have a great day and we'll reconvene tomorrow at nine o'clock bye y'all
Channel: The Financial Freedom Diary
Views: 400
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #budgetwithme, #babysteps, #daveramsey
Id: evfkQ9i3l8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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