Cash Envelope & Sinking Fund Stuffing | June Paycheck #1 | Stuffing $1,118

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[Music] what's up beautiful people thank you so much for joining my channel the belong lay babe baloney means finds wealth at home and that's exactly what we're about here on this channel finding our wealth at home by budgeting and saving via our cash envelope systems if you're new here welcome my name is rita and if you're returning let's jump right into this video all right guys so today i have a cash stuffing video for you we are going to be stuffing our cash envelopes and our sinking funds from our june paycheck number one um usually at this point in the video what we would do is go ahead and empty out our wallet for the sake of time i've actually already dumped out all of my change and if you watched my last cash out video then you know these envelopes are empty on top of that we are actually going to be retiring our beloved lv wallet today for a new beloved lb wallet so if you guys watched um my previous videos and you did know that some of my mother's day treat yourself money did go to the purchase of this new wallet which i bought pre-loved on macari for those of you who ask this particular print they do not sell anymore on the actual louis vuitton website and this one you can still get on the louis vuitton website but if you ask me i love a good pre-loved small leather good i feel like you really do get more for your money or a better value you know you get to pay less and most of the time they're still in pretty great quality so yeah so i've um already um well i technically don't have anything to move from this wallet to this one because i'm not going to be using the same envelopes like i said there's no cash in here to unstuff i've already dumped my change um for those of you asking envelopes like these right here these i will be inspired envelopes a set like this will be available in my shop um and not this exact set i've changed it just a little bit for convenience on my end but a very similar set like this will be available so let's go ahead and get into our new wallet my new baby isn't she so pretty i just love it and it's perfect for the summer months like i said we will probably bring back our uh brown lv wallet once it's fall time again so maybe like around september october but in the meantime we are going to enjoy the colorful fun of this new wallet here and when we open it up i've already transferred all of my cards over um in this front pocket i just have a teller slip and then i just have this envelope here where i have receipts and then let's get into these new cash envelopes that i have um so before anyone asks these new cash envelopes will also be available in my shop um again a similar set um i don't think i copied this exact set that i made for myself but similar patterns will be available okay so for my new envelopes we have a grocery we have our household of course i've moved pets so for those of you who have been watching my videos you know that pets was in my sinking fund category for low priority i decided that i feel like it's better suited as a cash envelope because i really am not saving for anything long term or really short term besides their dog food cat food and cat litter at this point and so i just rather would have that cash on me that i can use when i'm buying my groceries my household and now pet stuff of course we also have miscellaneous we have our coffee envelope and then i've added a bless someone or a giving envelope um after you know pulling some money out of my miscellaneous spending over the last couple of you know times are just giving change i figured that i actually wanted to dedicate some money towards giving so you know whether it's two dollars three dollars five dollars at least i have something that i can always have in case i ever run into someone that i need to bless so those are my new envelopes guys that we have and let's go ahead and jump right in and start stuffing okay so we're going to be stuffing our grocery envelope and we're going to be giving ourselves 160 we're gonna do all 20s today so let's do 20 40 60 80 100 120 100 40 160. it was actually pretty perfect i didn't mean to pick up the perfect amount but we did so we have 160 here and i plan on going back to my normal aldi shopping this time around if you guys have been watching then you know i've been kind of going astray and shopping at you know shoprite and acme and things of that sort but we're definitely gonna hit um all d up right after this video actually so then for households we have um 30 that we're going to be stuffing and we're going to use all 10 bills for that so we have 10 20 and 30. i feel like i can't ever get my envelopes open when i have long nails and now i have short nails and i still can't get them open okay so pets we're gonna give ourselves 30 for that as well and we're gonna do three tens as well 10 20 and 30. yeah so that should cover us for cat food dog food and some cat litter for this pay period um for gas we're gonna go ahead and give ourselves 40 bucks i haven't found the perfect amount for this um you guys know i previously gave myself 50 and then last time i gave myself 45. um both of those times i did not spend all of the money but i ended up using it for overage amounts um that's not really the goal you know i don't want to have to use my leftover money for overage it should just be for me to either roll over into the same envelope or to allocate into my sinking funds so definitely trying to get more strict with myself guys um but we're just gonna give ourselves 40 and that should be like that sweet spot hopefully that will take us right through next pay period so we have 10 20 30 and 40. me and my husband are still car sharing right now we don't think we're gonna get his car fixed we're just gonna ride out one car for now because we really don't go anywhere and you know like we said with all of this work from home and um the kids being you know only part-time in person and and now you know this friday is the last day of school so we really just don't have a need for two cars at this point and we don't want to create that extra expense until we really need one same reason why i haven't gotten a new car yet it still runs just fine we'll get a new one probably this time next year maybe so um and then miscellany spending we're gonna give ourselves forty dollars um so let's go ahead and grab four tens again i have a lot of tens to go around so you're gonna see lots of tens being stuffed 10 20 30 and 40. i'm gonna try my hardest to save this miscellaneous spending for will why i'm in um miami just to add a little bit of additional extra spending money for myself um coffee we're going to give ourselves 10 it's just one ten dollar bill and then our last and newest envelope bless someone we are going to give three dollars so we got one two and three so three bucks here so if you guys can hear that that is my son they all just got home from school i usually don't record at this time of day but you know girls got to do what a girl's got to do so there's the new envelopes there you guys can see just like before nice and chunky i can actually snap it right now though but typically i just go like this and leave it like that but we're going to keep it snapped because why not we can so all right so we've now stuffed our cash envelopes let's move on to our sinking funds do you want to say hi to everybody so there's nobody to look at so all you do look you put your hands like this and say hi all right here take these and mommy will let you know when i'm done okay all right thanks buddy guys so let's go ahead and jump right into our high priority sinking fund binder all right so guys i'm going to do something today that is probably going to surprise you guys it's going to knock you guys off of your feet you're going to be like what has gotten into this girl and that is that i am not going to be stuffing debt today oh i can't believe i'm actually saying that out of my mouth it is heartbreaking but i just could not make it work with my budget this time around for this pay period i just have so much going on you guys know i leave in three days for my girls trip and so i needed to allocate some spending money towards that and i probably over budgeted fingers crossed that i over budgeted for my girls trip so that i can have some leftover money that i of course will then allocate to debt um but right now i just wanted to make sure that i felt secure and good um you know i'm gonna be with tons of girls we're gonna be splitting costs for stuff but i know that we're going to probably be eating out for breakfast lunch and dinner miscellaneous spending having a good time and i just didn't want to have to think about counting my coins while i'm supposed to be having fun and enjoying myself because you know i don't get out much you know i'm i'm a homebody i have i'm a mom you know i'm a wife my husband's a homebody too you know we enjoy ourselves like together family time is like our social time and so we very rarely ever go out with our friends and when we do i don't want to hold back so yes we're not stopping debt but i will be making up for it in next paycheck don't worry savings challenge however of course we are going to make sure that we get this stuffed let me see if i have my marker i do all right so we are going to be stuffing 60 for the month of june and we're going to go ahead and give ourselves 320s so that's 20 40 and 60. that is going into our savings challenge i think i'm going to do like a quarter to um like a quarter to close out or something like that so that we can actually count the money that's in here guys all right and then my kids we have keith uh matt keith kimura keith and chris you know they all get the same amount they all get their 25 dollars but what i am gonna do is show you guys their um slips here because in the last video it's kind of stuck in there all right in the last video i had not updated their totals for the end of may so for kimura's end of may she has three thousand eight hundred seventy dollars and seventy cents in her college savings account and in her uniform transfer to minor account or utma account she has 688.89 so that is her total for the accounts that you guys cannot see visually in every video um but we're gonna add another um 25 for her so we're gonna give her this last 20 and a five so now she has 20 40 45 and 50. probably won't take out the other slips because they're a little snug i probably need to cut them down just a teeny bit okay all right so my son keith he is going to get the exact same amount which is 25 just a little update for you guys on him and his college savings account he now has three thousand nine hundred nine dollars and nine cents and then for his account he has five hundred eighty dollars and nine cents so we're gonna give him two tens and a five so he now has 20 30 40 45 10 50 same amount as his sister okay and then last but not least we have chris and he's going to get 25 as well his update is he has 3547.76 in his college and 639.70 in his utma account right and he is also going to get two tens and a five 20 30 40 45 and 50. i don't have any ones to put in my dollar savings challenge today but i have been throwing dollars in here when i can so there's a little bit in there but just nothing to put in there today all right and with that we are done with our high priority binder now we are going to be moving into our personal binder um still my favorite binder of all time and we are going to go ahead and begin stopping this one so unfortunately today we are not going to be stuffing personal savings but i definitely want to like kind of snowball this and get it to like 1500 or so just so i feel comfortable um in the next few pay periods we'll do that nothing in new car today um spending we are also not going to be putting anything in here this is my personal spending or my treat myself envelope for those of you who are confused it's separate from my miscellaneous spending envelope that's in my cash wallet beauty and self-care so beauty and self-care is actually going to get 230 today and that is because i need to get my hair done and then i also need to buy some supplies some beauty supplies so that i can do my daughter's hair myself um so let's do 50 100 150 200 and 30 bucks we'll do three times sorry if you guys hear that noise that's just my email uh lord that means somebody wants my attention at work okay sorry about that i just had to make sure that like no alarms were going off and nobody needed like me immediately but everything's fine um okay so again we were stuffing beauty and we were doing 230 for beauty so we have 50 100 150 200 210 220 and 230 going into beauty and like i said this will be disappearing within the week because it's for me to get my hair done this week and do my daughter's hair as well social outings is not going to be getting stuffed girls trip so girls trip is getting stuffed you guys know this is where the bulk of my money has been going um lately so after this last stuffing this is the last stuffing for girls trip guys this envelope is going to be going goodbye maybe i might still keep it in here like in the back but i won't be stuffing it no time soon me and my girls have been trying to make sure that we do like a girls trip at least once a year um so yeah we'll see one of my my girlfriends my best friend actually has a birthday in august and maybe i'll use this to stuff i don't know but anyway like i said the majority of my money has been going here and we'll be getting some of that money back next pay period and be able to repurpose all the money that i've been stuffing in here so we have 100 we're going to be adding 350 to girls trip so that's this so let's just add it all up so we have 50 100 150 200 250 300 2468 400 450 so 450 bucks is going into girls trip 150 of this is actually my remaining deposit or remaining balance excuse me for my portion of the yacht that we are getting for um one of the days that we're going to be there and then the rest what did i say this is 300 so this will be spending money um along like i said if i can with the miscellaneous spending money in my cash wallet we'll see how well i do with not spending that if not i'll just have 300 for spending money i'll let you guys know how that works out or if i end up going over budget but the plan is to not go over budget a lot of the girls on the trip are also budgeting for various reasons we have some people buying houses some people just saving so hopefully we will behave you guys wish me luck um family fun is not going to be getting stuffed and business taxes is not going to be getting stuck last but not least guys we have our low priority sinking funds binder today um travel as you guys saw in my last video we completely depleted this i'm not going to be stuffing this yet we'll get back to that next pay period holiday i am also not stuffing kids allowance is going to be getting ten dollars i usually do 20 but we still have 10 in here um from last pay period so we're just gonna be adding a five and five ones and that should give us a total of 5 10 15 16 [Music] 17 18 19 and 20. sorry these are those good old crisp ones that like to stick together you guys my kids are so cute i really need to show you guys their um their cash envelopes that they have as well because they actually have been requesting ones instead of five so that they can break their money apart into different sinking fund envelopes which i think is so cute so we have 20 in total going into kids allowance all right nothing is going into school supplies and rewards nothing into clothing pets let's actually take this out because like i said we made this into a cash envelope now make sure there's nothing in there nope there's not so bye all right nothing is going into birthdays medical and dental is going to get ten dollars my son actually has a appointment coming up and i'm pretty sure 10 is the copay hopefully it is the copay car maintenance car maintenance guys is going to be getting the rest of my money today which should be 70 dollars um i have a what do you call it my ac fan went on me at least i'm hoping that it's only the ac fan because it started making noise two days ago like it was humming when i turned my ac on and then the day after that it was still humming but it got quieter and then today it is completely quiet and there's absolutely no air coming through so that has to get taken to the shop to figure out what that is because as you guys know it's blazing hot outside and we don't we don't have time to be sweating bullets while we're in the car can't do it so that is an emergent need and i'm not even certain that all of this money will take care of it it probably won't because i also probably need an oil change so i'll let you guys know what the total ends up being for this um also i don't even know if i'll be able to get my car in this week so yeah there's that so we got 10 20 30 40 50 55 60 65 70 so that's 70 we have 30 no we have 25 in here so what is that 95 let's see let's count again 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 75 80 85 90 95 bucks in our car maintenance and i'm actually going to take this 10 out of the miscellaneous envelope and we are going to add it to car maintenance to make it even 100 because like i said my plan is to not go over this week and so we're going to speak it into existence we don't even need this envelope guys nope so we're going to go ahead and add that to our car maintenance and making it even 100 and with that we have completely stuffed all 118 of our paycheck or our remaining amount of our paycheck for our june paycheck number one so i hope you guys really enjoyed that video it was short sweet and to the point um and yeah i will catch you guys in the next one once i come back for my girls trip bye hey y'all so it's about that time to announce our two 2k subscriber giveaway winners you all are amazing thank you so much to everyone who entered over on instagram i believe there were 143 entries and i am just so amazed by all the great things that you ladies and gentlemen are doing in regards to your financial journeys so many of you you know started your financial journey are planned to for so many great reasons and i'm just so thankful to be a part of this community and i can't wait for the rest of you to also join this community so i used a random comment picker to pick our winners for this giveaway and again i'm so excited for the two young ladies who ended up winning the giveaway our first giveaway winner of the complete um budgeting cash envelope and sinking fun system is our girl x09 brit 9xo and then for our a7 binder and envelopes with our lipgloss keychain we have kendra i believe is how you say it a kendra nicole blog so i've already contacted both of these lovely ladies for their giveaway and again i'm just so thankful for you all i hope to see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: The Bolanle Babe
Views: 9,716
Rating: 4.9608803 out of 5
Keywords: Cashstuffing, Cashunstuffing, June budget, Junecashstuffing, Debt free community, Debt payoff, Womeninvesting, Dave Ramsey, Sinkingfunds, Cash envelopes, Louisvuitton
Id: zyeosGIzAtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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