Budget Friendly 20 Minute Garlic Mushroom Pasta | No Cream

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I was having a look back on the channel and I'm pretty sure every single time I've done some sort of mushroom pasta I've always added cream to it so let's do one without and what we're going to do is make a garlic mushroom pasta here it's simple it's delicious and it's easy to make for the ingredients we're going to need one brown or yellow onion slice off the tip leave the root intact slice it in half peel it you know all the drill make thin slices across stopping at the root this will hold it all together then we can make a horizontal slice if you wanted to and I some people get a bit funny about that then dice this into small to medium siiz pieces for the mushrooms we're going to need 300 G or 10.5 o of any mushroom of your choice I'm using Porter Bellow but you can use button cup crini chanelli the choice is completely yours slice these into nice thin pieces try and be consistent with it that way they'll cook at the same rate and if you have a larger mushroom just slice it in half or in quarters before you slice it next we need six cloves of garlic just use a side of a knife to push down and Crush it's going to activate the allisin compound which is what gives garlic its strong flavor then roughly chop into small to medium siiz pieces try be consistent with it and you can also use a microplane to create a pace or you can slice it the choice is completely yours now last but not least for the knife prep I'm using some of my homegrown flat leaf Pary that I've been growing over Hydroponics the whole on the side of the kitchen you may have seen it in the videos using about 5 G or 0.2 o worth just give it a rough chop make sure there's no large leaves or stems doesn't have to be too fine this is also going to be used in the pasta as well as a garnish you don't have to use it at all as for the rest of the ingredients we need some long ribbon pasta anything like papadeli fetuccini Linguini any of that sort little bit of deel mustard white wine chicken stock or vegetable stock if you can't consume alcohol then obviously olive oil salt pepper and I'm using a little bit of butter as well you don't have to do it but adds a beautiful flavor and of course water to cook our pasta in now the first thing we want to do is place a pot of water onto our stove top generously season it with salt and bring this up to a boil whilst that's doing its thing Place another pan over a medium high heat add in 1 tbspoon or 14 G of unsalted butter as well as 1 tbspoon or 20 ml of olive oil add in the onion along with a pinch of salt then just start sautéing this and we're going to cook this for about 3 to 4 minutes to gain a little bit of color add that transparency to it as well just keep the pan moving just so nothing Burns next to go in is all of the mushrooms make sure you scrape the bowl just so nothing gets stuck add in another pinch of salt this is just going to help extract moisture from the mushrooms then mix everything around we're going to cook this for about 10 minutes over a medium high heat if it does get a little bit too hot just turn the pan down and we're looking for that water retention to start leaving the mushrooms at this stage we can also cook our pasta I'm using 300 G or 10.5 o of papadeli and we're going to cook this for 1 minute less than the packet instructions after 10 minutes on the mushrooms you'll notice that all of the water retention has cooked out and we want to evaporate that this is going to get that nice nutty flavor added another 1 tbspoon or 14 G of unsalted butter along with a few cracks of black pepper I ended up using about 10 cracks here mix this all through continue sautéing it and we're going to cook it for 1 minute adding the chopped garlic or sliced or paste garlic whatever you chose to use along with 1 teaspoon or 10 G of dejon mustard that is optional but adds really nice depth to this this then continue cooking this over a medium heat for 1 minute until that mustard is mixed through and the garlic has become nice and fragrant can also practice the flicker the wrist as well just to get things moving around let's then add in 3/4 of a cup or 180 ML of white wine chicken stock or vegetable stock mix this through allow it to reduce down by 2/3 this will take roughly 2 minutes and we don't want to reduce it all the way if it does do that just add in a little bit more once the pasta is cooked that can then be added in bring along a little bit of that pasta water as well it's completely fine and you can resol serve some also adding in about 2/3 of that flat leaf parsley then mix everything together make sure everything's combined all of those flavors have become friends and double check it for seasoning making any last adjustments serve this up in bowls or plates this recipe will easily serve two people three is probably a little bit of a stretch but that depends on how hungry you are make sure you top it off with the mushrooms then we can garnish this with the remaining flat leaf parsley we've also got some peino Romano here just to grate that over you can use parmesan cheese hit out with a little bit of cracked black pepper as well and what we've created is this beautiful garlic mushroom pasta and you can add so many different things to this so with everything done there is only one thing left to do and that is we can then dig in from something so simple you get the best flavor the mushrooms are nutty there's a beautiful garlic flavor without being overpowering and you can change this up make it your own if you want to go vegan you don't have to add the butter if you want to keep it vegetarian keep it like this but add different ingredients add some spinach to it you can even add chicken as well if you wanted to highly recommend you make this recipe and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Chef Jack Ovens
Views: 48,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap meals on a budget, pasta recipes, cheap meals, inexpensive meals, extreme budget meals, garlic mushroom pasta, 20 minute meals, quick meals, creamy garlic mushroom pasta, mushroom pasta, easy recipes, meal prep, mushroom recipes, easy meals, tasty, creamy mushroom pasta, easy dinner recipes, dinner, mushroom pasta recipe, what i eat in a day, easy pasta recipe, vegan recipes, healthy recipes, how to make creamy mushroom pasta
Id: ATA3b7hBv0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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