Budget Coil Suspension Fork Full Service + 5 Common Mistakes. RST Omega 29'er

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what's up everybody Danny here and today we're gonna overhaul fully lower legs and the upper legs the rst Omega coil fork most of the steps we're gonna do will apply to most of the other coil forks yeah but I thought it would be really good and might be helpful for you that I point out five most popular mistakes in servicing our own Forks when we just do it at home let's hit it and here's the first mistake not actually checking out what kind of model you have and what's inside of your fork you know it's a coil cheap budget fork and you just hit the button when you see the video on tsubaki's channel that's not enough of course the beer maybe but before you even go into that check out the model that's what we need to look at alright my fork is the rst Omega you might have rst RockShox fox or maybe the santur which will be also very popular coil fork but this is not enough info let's check further I can see here on the lower leg on the inside of the left leg travel 100 millimetres so that's what I already know about the fork it's got 100 millimetres of the travel on the right one on the backside of the right lower leg I can see some warning in for that do not use it for downhill dirt jump or stunts but then this symbol is interesting VLDL Omega T and L as some some numbers I'm gonna check this out on the catalogs and also online there you go I've got the catalog you you can find same exact info online this is my fourth Omega 29 and it's it comes in four different versions RL TN l M Al's ml c and t TN l that's the symbol I found on my fork which means for example thirty two millimeter stanchions adjustments L & P L is the lockout P is the preload and then the lockout is hydraulic on the TN l if it was the MLC that would be the mechanical lockout this is the hydraulic lockout hydraulic means oil that means I'm gonna need some oil for for the fourth the next question is how much and where and it fits to what we've seen them in the catalog here we only have the mounting bolts for the lower legs no adjustments down here let's look at there this side of the fork will confirm everything we we just learned so far here is the preload you can see right here preload plus minus and small thing to to hold it with your fingers so there is the spring and we just put some more or less tension on the spring by by using this adjustment and then on this side we have this knob we can open it we can lock it and when you see this little logo or sign it means this is the lock out and it's true when I put it in this position and the fork will not move when I open it it will move so here is the hydraulic lock out like the catalog says and we expect some oil in here here we go we can finally stop the job but before you disassemble the lower legs that's the second mistake actually we need to clean everything thoroughly so guys who don't do it they just want to put the hammer down and remove the lower legs will find the dust on the dust seal some dirt and lots of mud which which can easily stick to this part of our fork it will just fall inside of the lower legs and then it can be really difficult to clean it so first I'm gonna make all my area my working area clean and then I'm going to show you how to remove the lower legs because this is so easy [Music] I'm not pushing the dirt inside the seals but I'm trying to get rid of it everything is clean now there is also no fibers from the old towel I'm using that's why the little brush I'm using is really good for that now the mistake number three I've seen some tutorials online in which people say now we use a screwdriver if you don't want to remove the legs just to open up the space between the dust seal and the upper leg and then spray some blue NOx or any other lubricant inside the fork you never want to do it because in this way you will damage damage the dust seals and this is the only protection that your your stenches have against the dirt you don't want to open those never we remove the lower legs you can use the blue NOx but that's only for cleaning and just wiping off the upper extension and that's it do not use the screwdriver for opening your dust seals it's time to remove the lower legs everything will not be complicated now the bottom of the fork is a bit higher than the upper part of the fault because what we need to pay attention to right now is how much of the oil will be just poured out of which part of your fork so we are going to unscrew these bolts and before I remove the legs I want to make sure no oil will just drop down because I want to use my little buckets and measure how much oil there was if your fork is old there may be used to be some some oil and it's no longer there but this is always very good method just to measure how much was there and one extra tip if you couldn't remove one of these bolts because they would just spin with the insert of your fork ask somebody to actually push the handlebars push the fork down apply some pressure to it and then it will be it might help you with the balls I didn't have any problems here but that's the [Music] I'm checking out whether these are the same two bolts they are not this one on the right leg is shorter this one on the left leg is longer so I'm gonna put those on the table so that I know how they go back to it I'm preparing two pockets this is the big one and you can put the whole fork into it but I'm gonna use also the other one just some small bucket after the cucumber's because I'm gonna pour the oil out from each leg individually if the oil is there boom it's dry so there is no oil here it's not supposed to because this is the new fork so we're not gonna put any oil into the lower legs sometimes if you want to kind of tune half of your fork you would put a little bit but that's for the other whole other episode so we know now that there there was no oil in the lower legs this is now my working areas I still do have my two buckets here and mistake number four that's the second last mistake I'm gonna show you is just removing the lowers just as it goes just pull those down and that's it don't do it do it really smoothly and slowly because you might remove some some spacers or some little elastomers or any other parts which are just at the end of the upper legs and they will just stay at the bottom of your lower legs and you may not notice they are even there especially if it comes to just like a small spacer it can just get stuck at the bottom of your lower legs so do it slowly [Music] [Music] these are our uppers with the suspension part this one is the hydraulic lock out on some Forks that would be also the rebound also the compression adjustment which we don't have here all the loop here is new so I'm not gonna replace it you just use some rack with with which will not leave some fiber on the parts clean rag some degreaser will be good same with the lower legs clean those inside so use something long with the rack clean it make sure there is no parts at the bottom of the upper legs of the lower legs and sometimes sometimes it's also a good idea to spray some degreaser and just use some some warm water to actually clean it but then make sure that before you assemble the lower legs it is all dry inside the part of your fork which really needs some some nice care is absolutely the the dust seals you want to clean those you want to apply some grease on the seals and make sure that the seals are sealed up around your upper tubes if they are not you want to replace those they just pop off and sometimes you would need some additional tool to help yourself put the new ones because the newest might be hard to to put back on your fork here I've got some original grease for the for the fork you might use probably any brand grease which is specifically designed for the forks you apply this for all on your finger first and then just here around the seals both seals left one and the right one and also you can use some some longer object and put the the grease on it in order to apply the grease also inside the upper legs the the lower legs you can see it's it's there so once the lower legs are first clean second dry and then greased they will be waiting for for the assembly and that was the first part of your maintenance which you're gonna do more regularly than this one because the insert of the upper tensions we're gonna service or maintain rarely maybe one so it depends on how many hours and how do you really like you and ride your bike but the the lower like maintenance should be done more often now this is the key or the tool you need for the rst four in order to remove your spring so that's something really worth investing in if you are the rst fork owner particularly this model I don't know about other models but this model will need it on the air fork we would let the air out and on the coil fork we're gonna set the preload on the minimum that's here now I'm using my tool in order to disassemble or remove this whole spring [Music] this part stays in here let's move to hydraulic lock outs and remove the knob now be careful at the end because there are some little steel balls in there this is very nice these are the two steel balls on the springs and here we have some small how do we call it space for this ball some small holes so that when we turn the knob it will do some nice clicking and one of these just fell here inside this little hole I'm gonna remove it later so let's remove gently this one here now I'm gonna use my wrench I mean I wanted to use my wrench for removing the the lock out but it wasn't that easy it felt like it was really stuck in here so to be honest I helped myself with this spark to tool SBA six with the pins I've put the pins just here pressing it like this and then it went really nicely I'm not sure this is V method or there is some other tool from our rst for this one but now I can easily nicely remove it without doing any damage [Music] now I know the answer to the question how much oil should we put into the either lower of the upper legs and the answer is none zero there was no oil inside here so you don't have to use any oil for the rst Omega coil fork even though we have the hydraulic lock out here we don't put any oil in the leg and I'm gonna show you why here is our lower legs clean and greased this is the left side this is the suspension this is the coil fork on the four key we have some these are like some Rubby sleeves on it this is some kind of a last timer I would say so you want to degrease all this and put a lot of grease you can see there's lots of original grease don't use any aggressive degreaser so that you won't damage any rubber seals or any other rubber parts okay so that's important and here is why we don't use any oil for it because the we would say the rebound but this actually just the lockout is fully closed so it's probably not really meant to be opened by us but still we could use here I think this is the 13 millimeter a wrench and we could open it up so if your hydraulic lockout stops working you could probably remove this and put some oil into it and make it work once again so this is it but anyway as for the RS the Omega you don't have to worry about any oil coming out or about using any oil for your just the full overhaul lower and upper legs now we're gonna put all this back together in both cases we have the plastic thread so make sure you put it in the right way it goes straight into the thread on your upper legs and it will start to to go pretty hard very quickly so don't worry about that all right we just do it by hand thus far and then I can use the wrench [Music] you wanna have your upper legs clean and check for any scratches and also that the fifth mistake we sometimes do is using the rat which will leave some fiber so maybe some old cotton t-shirt would do the job better now you want to have all this clean the grease on all the parts you can see here and also here inside the lower legs and now we can assemble this I'm pulling the hydraulic lockout down so that I'll be able to thread my my bolt in and also I'm trying to Center the other side on the on the spring side so that the threads will fit I'm helping myself with the small knife and pushing a little bit in order to Center the thread the shorter bolt on the right leg same on the other side the job is done now I'm just making sure that the seals are cleaned there is no grease on the outside of the seals because they would just get dirty very very quickly the fork is ready to go from time to time I'm gonna just clean the the upper stanchions and the dust seal sometimes also use a little bit of the brew dogs spray and that's it if you have any further questions put those down in the comments or on the forum because this video will be linked also on our forum that's a biker comm share with us pictures of your folks on the Facebook group cig biker FB you're gonna see the link you're gonna find the link in the description see you guys bye bye [Music]
Channel: SickBiker
Views: 154,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sickbiker, suspension fork, fork service, rst omega, sr suntour, fox fork, rockshox, overhaul, cleaning, greasing, lube, oil, lockout, hydraulic lockout, lower legs, upper legs, stanchions, tutorial, diy, guide, how to, maintenance, rebuild, assembly, dissasembly, 2018
Id: tvMnfJnK5Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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