Buddy Holly Crash Site, 8/11/18

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well growing up in Iowa Cedar Rapids about three hours from here I've always wanted to come to this place I come up to Clear Lake quite a bit my family's from Brit and I've never made it to the Buddy Holly crash memorial site and so today as I make my trip up to Bret I studied today was the day back in 1959 Surf ballroom my parents both grew up in the clutter like bred area up here I remember hearing stories from my uncle's my dad about how they would literally walk from Bret to Clear Lake which is about 20-25 miles to get to the surf ballroom because that was the place to be back in the late 50s to go dancing you know and that was kind of big and so I've never made it and always wanted to come here looks like it's a good day don't look too wet out here and I'm gonna go ahead and make the trek and sorry I'm gonna have to do this kind of this way but we'll make a trek down the fence line here and I'm gonna try to walk it's pretty quick they'd say it's a quarter of a mile so it should be no more than five minute walk again path looks really nice not too wet a lot of corn out here kind of weird but I'm gonna get out and do the track Buddy Holly Ritchie valance the Big Bopper quite quite the quite the tragic story for all three of them plus the pilot Roger Peterson from Mason City a young 21 year old kid who had 250 250 hours pilot experience I mean kind of young they they study you know good pilot but if a lot of you guys from the Midwest snow can be treacherous I've seen enough storm snowstorms throughout the years and it is quite quite the ordeal and that night they all said it was horrible it was really bad and it was actually really really bad up towards Fargo where the plane was heavy so I think it was doomed before it even took off can't blame the three they're riding around on that bus they're in the middle of Iowa winters Midwest winters probably wasn't a lot of fun probably was really really cold and treacherous and couldn't imagine that total tour was set up pretty badly instead of going into kind of a straight line they kind of zigzagged Iowa Minnesota Wisconsin Illinois and probably not the smartest people who stepped that tore up then again 1959 you know that happened and but it's really sad I wasn't even born yet born year year and a half later in August in 1960 so again I always wanted to see the site and I haven't been up to the bridge area Clear Lake area in a couple years so decided today was the day coming up for the national hobo convention in Britt the under had actually 118th convention and I just say was the day to come do this and like side off her people can walk down this path before and it's kind of a mess today it's it's really nice it's easy kind of walking and like I said I'm trying to make time as fast as I can you know people don't like the board on the fight listen to me talk as we walk but don't make the trek and yeah see what this is all about again hopefully we can get up to this point I don't think it's very far up like so they said a quarter a mile so not too far I think I kind of see a point up here from where this crash site was that pretty tragic spent a lot of time reviewing the stories and kind of something that's always intrigued me and something that's a kind of history and at the best history for the state of Iowa but you know it happened and and like I said I work my way up the field here hopefully I can make it away it seems like the trail kinda ends up here but we'll see here pretty sure it's right up here at the end of this kind of path up here yeah it's really nice to the farmer owned just a lot of people to walk on this property and you know and a lot of people to to visit the site yeah it's just right up here not very far walk actually it's probably less than five minutes and just kind of amazing and sad I've never been to the Surf ballroom inside of it I've been around the outside quite a bit I come through town I always seem to come down through Clear Lake and take a drive by the Surf ballroom just because of the history and like Seddon you know my parents you know especially my dad's side of the family that all those guys all my uncle's were huge dancers so that was the that was the thing you know day tough go to the Surf ballroom and dance your your legs off I guess but yeah we're coming up to the site again for those who want to come up and see this it is a very short walk its I don't think I've even been walking five minutes and said I already here so you know I walked at a pretty decent pace so we've made it and kind of looks like all the pictures I saw pretty amazing a beer bottle down there looks like and it's nice that they recognized Roger Peterson well I finally made it to the site and it's a really chilling to be here to see it February 3rd 1959 again real tragic sad but I'm glad it came up again probably less than five minute walk so fields overall as much rain as we've had up here I kind of thought it'd be a little more muddier and and it was not there's a again short little walk to see the site and god bless those guys so sad all of them pretty young Richie was only seventeen I think buddy was in his mid 20 some Big Bopper a little bit older and Roger again 21 year old kid from Mason City who was the pilot and well I made it after all these years I finally came up to the site and got to got to see it and and surreal very surreal thanks for everybody for watching us and for those of you who follow me on youtube you're gonna see some stuff from the hobo convention the 118th annual hobo convention in bread aisle a-- which is where i'm heading when I leave here
Channel: Britt Hobo
Views: 38,283
Rating: 4.8225808 out of 5
Id: PVefopVHmhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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