Buddy gives Kisses to his Daddy

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come on here oh my the water's out i just go home from bronze and it's uh it's the eighth i guess 10 30 10 35 come here come on there you go this is one of mine this is a this is a scaredy cat i notice his feet are all full of mud so he's must been down on the brook not a big shown tonight i noticed my bird feeders were empty yeah weren't they huh here yeah his feet are all full of mud yeah you coming up come on here there these fellas are nervous so we got two buckets full of water come here you ready so the beautiful day out today nice sunshine for change and i guess it's going to start raining on saturday sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday of all next week and we just got over a whole week of rain it was it rained a week would have been a week today so so much for that see those those mufflers bother these guys eh i just want to say my sister kathleen she lives in any ganesha her husband is his name is duncan chisholm and he's in a home in sherbrooke anyway um he was diagnosed with cancer and he's pretty much on his last legs right now um kathleen had her hip operated on last week and she just got her staples out today and they went down to see him this afternoon at the home so i don't know but they have them in a little private room and it so anyway it's it's uh the outcome is not good anyway so i just want to let her know that she's in my thoughts every day and and uh hopefully i might get down to see her tomorrow randy ganesh i'll give her a call first to see if she's up for a visit so i took my uh poster out to show ron and he thought it was pretty good so i think what i want to do we're going to put this one on hold because these guys aren't cooperating so i'll wait till she fills up again yeah they're not cooperating so we'll have a part two added on to this video come here come on want a hot dog look look want a hot dog here look this is part two of the video you want a hot dog do you you gonna have one here you want one here you get one no you're going to have dry food come on come get it see it there it is here woody here oh boy he's coming around he's coming around i got coconut cream pie for them too and i got some grapes yeah you're gonna eat that are you huh are you having the dry food is that what you're eating yeah the angels will be coming soon for the for the grave uh i'm gonna look have a look around tomorrow for uh a better fence that i don't like that plastic fence here here there you go i don't like that plastic fence and get a wooden one yeah we'll build a better cross too look at this now yeah he's the only one who stands up like that don't be chasing him let him come up let him up she's always like that that's blackie she's always my god she's cranky sometimes here here hey hey hey you stopped that where here there you go you get behind there what's wrong with you cranky old thing you stop you hear me hey you stop it you'll be good come on you're not gonna be good you're gonna go home you hear me bucky you're not gonna be good you're going home like that last year too picking on everybody here he left woody left hitting up here this little fella here is he's scared to death you stay over there you're safe there oh woody's back stand up pretty stand up pretty there you go but he didn't like her shooting off well there's another one coming blackie blocky no blacky oh my god she's bad who are you what's your name huh what's your name we know who you are yeah there's a few more down on the on the lawn they're just afraid to come up here here throw some hot dogs open the lawn for them there's three down there there throw a bunch down to them you're a bad girl you know that you're bad yes you were you're a bad girl well this is my buddy here's my buddy yes he is look at him yeah hat you stop he's gonna chase he's gonna gonna chase woody if you don't behave i'm with jason you can't be doing that she was like this last summer too yeah you were see all the other ones all the other ones are all staying down on the ground here yeah the big crowd of them down there well there's got to be five or six raccoons they're all scared what what is it baby doll what give me kisses give me a kiss thank you here that's my boy that's the little boy yes he is that's woody not woody buddy i keep getting those two names because they're in the they both end in uh ddy that's why yeah right yeah this is buddy he hasn't been around for a couple of days stop there throw one down on the step for him you got kisses where's my kiss give me a kiss come on kiss us thank you there you go well he remembered here woody come on there you go buddy you stop it hey stop it yes here there you go there you go she's way down there would be peace and peace and quiet here now there's my little buddy finally finally up on the the bench with me aren't ya where's my kiss where's my kiss come on kisses everybody okay look at this now look take it here oh drop this there you go grab it so she's gone which is good you guys can come up now come on up she's gone the wicked witch is gone where'd he go here listen to her down there see if i can turn the light down on the lawn and you guys can see what's going on down here there we go there see them down there you ready go get it here's yours here's yours there's three of them there buddy left he slips out so easy here woody do another one what sorry okay i'm gonna just put those two out i'm gonna put some grapes out come on up i'm going to set this in the stand here at least we got good close-ups of buddy there slap this in here get in there you can't see nothing here i want to do a shout out to uh here randy watton uh we just found each other on facebook today and him and i were stationed together in st john's newfoundland it's a randy hello and i hope you see one of my videos i got the heat down 68 so it must have caught in here here guys so um so eating grapes everybody's having grapes yes they are you want some coconut cream pie look you want some i'll put it down here there there there we go and i'll get the camera here we go come on up guys come on come on up come on and there's the coconut cream pie being eaten i bought that for um ronnie and barb and i for supper and that was left over so there barb they're eating the leftovers isn't that good oh boy and then they're eating grapes they're having grapes what you doing you're gonna have some pie go get some pie go get some i got cookies too yeah eating the grapes he found a oh boy you're just holding right into them aren't you huh you're just hauling right into them yeah look go get a grape you want some pie i want you to have a grape go get some pie i don't think she's going to share the pie an old crabby's gone home blocky she gets like this sometimes are you gonna have some dry food what do you think fellas huh you want some cookies you want cookies do you want a cocky i'm bringing over a cookie do you want one oh he went up that way to get around the one on the steps we got one two three four five six sure going to town on that pie okay i'll put some cookies out for the rest and they're right here these are the vanilla creams that the walmart put out oh and i got some braid here too i'll put that out after oh i got my pockets full the other one had enough come on you guys here here come on well they're all running for the woods again don't you roll off the deck there you want to have some try that pie it's good huh oh you're gonna have a cookie you're gonna have a cookie okay all righty i'm gonna take my stand in i'm gonna use that anymore you want to try some pie look oh look oh isn't that good and you know that that pan is going to be down in the middle of the the lawn tomorrow morning be clean you swear to god i went through the dishwasher that great enough yeah it's late tonight too it's late if anybody's looking for a phone call tonight they're not getting one because i'm going to bed i need my rest it's 11 30 and i'm i'm gonna be in by bid by midnight hopefully all right where's the cats we've got to say goodnight to the cats well nobody here must be downstairs oh no somebody's in my new chair that's my chair connor cat are you in my chair are you in my chair again are you do i have to sit in the other one why are you taking the new one huh what are you taking the new chair for corner cat and he's spoiled rotten aren't you you're spoiled yes you were you're spoiled rotten you're a spoiled kitty cat you get your own way all the time yeah so i got to sit in the other chair that's the way it is around here and people some people think i'm cruel at home oh there's my i had that durrani's today so i i'm going to take it down and show my sister nanny ganesh well i guess uh oh he's still at the old there's nobody else there just him there eating the eating the pie okay all right i'm gonna put these two videos together and that's it for me and thank you very much for uh tuning in thank you for uh subscribing if you didn't subscribe i suggest you do because you're missing out loud here lots going on here every night okay people thank you and well good night from the raccoon whispers sanctuary
Channel: James Blackwood - Raccoon Whisperer
Views: 666,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raccoon whisperer, james blackwood, raccoon, deer, wildlife, mobbed by raccoons, canada life, feeding wildlife, cat, rescue cat
Id: clfuQ5uxjEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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