Bucky Barnes being a grumpy 100 year-old

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oh i'm gonna use that shield get off of me oh come on really you gonna do the notebook thing why it's passive-aggressive you don't talk all right okay shouldn't have given up the shield good to see you too buck i'm not going alone why because you're an avenger you know how he feels about that [ __ ] it's not like you two are known for frolicking in the sun together while the wakandas are here they want zemo bought us some more time are you following no how can you be so sure because i know when i'm being followed rule number two what was rule number two nobody gets hurt it's a big one why isn't that rule number one respect for both of y'all but you're kind of getting your ass kicked we showed up who are you you're my huskies this is wrong hey hey i'm working all right so all this outrage is gonna have to wait you didn't know that was gonna happen why would two prisoners randomly start fighting at that moment who knows there could be many reasons that warped aspiration that led to nazis to ultron to the avengers hey those are our friends you're talking about the avengers not the nazis the whole point of making amends is to fulfill rule number three you know you're a cynic doc of course right it's a great reunion buddy be well you had no right to give up the shield sam hey this is what you're not going to do you're going back to prison if i may no time for the soul gazing exercise i like this one thank you well maybe we should give them to the wakandas right now and you'll give up your tour guide yes for my completed rule number three i'm no longer the winner soldier i'm james bucky barnes and you're part of my efforts to make amends so that's where i'm going well i don't trust red wing hold on a minute you don't have to trust redly who is nakajima she touched that again i'll kill you all right well then we got to work together that's not happening so when i was a kid my tt passed away you're you're ttm yeah who is your tt [Music] you sound like my dad wait how old were you 106. what big three the big three what big three androids aliens and wizards that's not a thing that that's definitely no it's not getting over whatever's eating at you this is ridiculous yeah i agree i told him about trouble man he wrote in that book did you hear it what'd you think i liked 40s music song you didn't like it i liked it i'm starting to feel like a dead animal the hell is it going just blink sweet jesus battle star john spike valstar stop the car everybody loves marvin gaye i like marvin gaye steve adored marvin k you must have really looked up to stephen you just search just calm down i am calm what do you want we're just standing here just give me your ideas i'm not giving them [ __ ] to them at least carly's doing something you really think her ants justify her means then she's no different than him or anybody else we fought let's take the shield sam let's take the shield and do this ourselves real hard good thing i got 20 20 vision then huh where's she now walker do you know no we don't know bucky i thought we were gonna go left you went the wrong way i came out first you're supposed to follow me where are we look i've done the work okay you ever jump on top of a grenade yeah actually i have four times it's the thing i do every time we fight we fight one of the three so who are you fighting now gandalf how do you know about gandalf i read the hobbit in 1937 when it first came out so i prefer to keep my leverage [Music] you want to see what someone can do with leverage what's going on in that big cyborg brain of yours it's computing [Music] for you guys to be pulling this [ __ ] ah how'd you find us now come on do you see my point no i don't there are no wizards dr strange is a sorcerer a sorcerer is a wizard without a hat well which way you know what look at you i'm stealthy little time in wakanda and you come out white panther it's actually white wolf enjoy your ride buck no you can't call me that why not that's what steve called you steve knew me longer and steve had a plan you could start by telling us why you broke him out of prison he did that himself technically oh great where's the shoe more worldly than good old sam yeah what's google say you guys you joined up with us in my miracle um he would he would talk less exactly what i was going to say isn't that ironic you guys are leaving get out of my face sam we're operating [Music] don't get me started please you buy into all right so maybe he was wrong about you and if he was wrong about you then he was wrong about me [Music] i always wanted to do that and if i go in hot and the op goes wrong more people will die you're gonna let him do this you're gonna let your partner walk into a room with a super soldier alone he's dealt with worse and he's not my partner [Music] i think we stand a much better chance if we all just just because you carry that shield it doesn't mean you're captain america well i think you could be right but there's only one way to find out i see a clear path i say we take it going in before you were his pet psychopath you were mr america cat's best friend oh she's kind of awful now carly morgan look is this guy buddy oh he's not bothering me do you know who this is and we're pretty sure it's one of the big three so aliens androids are wizards pretty sure there's no such thing as wizards all right we're not assassins i'll see you inside or not but it's only a matter of time before we find out things are really intense for you aren't they walking something's not right about walker you don't say well i know crazy when i see one because i am crazy you should really enjoy this i'm going to i know you are yeah hello how are you good what did i miss nothing all right let's go don't wait you're not going to move your seat up are you no tied up so just do whatever you got to do with him and send him off to me did you know they could do that [Music] no i got a vibranium on i can take them and i can fly who gives a [ __ ] wait you're welcome [Music] hello girl kick your ass wait what are you doing are you having a staring contest [Music] just i'm really really sorry about this you
Channel: future looking
Views: 116,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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