Bucketheads: Ground Zero - Prologue (Star Wars Fan Series)

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We lost Sapphire-Four! Sapphire-Two, come in! Come in Sapphire-Two! Command, we need more support out here, we're getting torn apart! This is Deathstar 2 command, we copy you Sapphire-One. No further units are available to assist. Ground forces in Golf sector need air support. This is immediate priority, over. Roger that command. Maker save us. Die, Rebel Scum! Incoming! Get down! Kriffin' Nerfherders! For Jedha! Thermal! This is Commander Kroan of the five-oh-first. We're losing ground in Lyra Sector, we need reinforcements! Kriffin' Rebels won't let up! Roger that Sir, Nova Squad is on the way. You heard the CO! Fall back to the shield generator and show these rebel scum what the Empire is made of. Fall back how? We're pinned. I'll provide covering fire. You make a run for Lyra. That's suicide. That's an order soldier. Through fire and blood. Let's Go! Get ready! Hold. Hold. Now! Come on! Come on! OBRAN! Let me guess. You had it under control? Yeah, a little help here? My pleasure. Happy? Ecstatic. Now let's move out. And leave this out of your field report. Language! He's just fine. [static] Commander Kroane [static] anyone copy? Commander, what's your situation? [static] - outnumbered. Shield generator [static] comprom- [static] Your orders, sir? Where's the Captain? He didn't make it. No. Emperor save us... Fall back! Fall back! Move! Save yourself. Go, I'll cover you. What's your name? TK-1977 Your real name. It's Varik. Varik. That's sounds like something a bantha pukes out. I'm Torin. Now look Varik, I'm not gonna lie, this looks bad. But that's why the Empire needs every man right now. Do you understand, soldier? Can you walk? I think so.
Channel: Transmute Pictures
Views: 1,147,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Bucketheads, Bucketheads Trailer, Bucketheads Series, Star Wars fan film, Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper Fan Film, Stormtrooper Film, Mandalorian
Id: 8JyM4EU5JNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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