BTS Office and Ground Work of a Spray Operation

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[Music] I'm Callie and I gave you an adventures and today we're bringing you inside my office now when a farmer walks in it's my job for me to get their information get the field that they need sprayed and get it into the airplane so Tyson can go spray let's say I have a fir Milwaukee and you see that there are townships so that's how the land is organized by Township a Township is six miles by six miles there's 36 sections in a Township a section is a mile by a mile so let's say you walks in and says all right Callie I need Grand Forks eleven I need the southeast quarter sprayed so at that point I have what I need to do I'm gonna go over to the computer and I can start mapping it out getting it ready for Tyson this is our computer program that we use and there's actually a lot of technology that goes into spring we're gonna have a totally separate video on that so be sure to check that out as well you can see that I have this mapped out this is Grand Forks Township this is the eleventh section and the southeast quarter once I have that mapped out I'm ready to make my order that's where I'm gonna put in the chemical the billing and any information that I need to again once that's done then I print it out and make sure the maps loaded on a thumb drive this is what Tyson's going to take into the airplane and ensure he has all the information he needs on his GPS again check out the video for that detail once I have my maps in my thumb drive we're gonna head out to my second office so follow me out so I'm running because we're in a hurry and this is where I'm always trying to beat the airplane you gotta stay on top of airplane you can hear that the airplanes not running right now on a typical day it's gonna be running so the airplane doesn't shut down sunup to sundown if we have work to do it's not shutting down like this so welcome to my second office this is where I get all the chemical ready as you can see for purpose of this video I have the chemical loaded in this home ready to go so once I have that there I'm gonna go ahead whenever I'm out here touching anything I always have gloves on always I wear and hearing protection and then sometimes a respirator as well very important so this is the hose for the chemical and water you can see this apparatus here this is called a dry lock there's an one on the airplane as well this just ensures a really secure connection ensuring nothing is going to spill or drip out of that connection with the airplane and the hose I'm also gonna grab the fuel hose again this is just a smaller dry lock same system so once we have those hooked up we can start the pump send the chemical through and as you can see we're sending just a little bit of chemical and we'll send almost 500 gallons of water through and however much fuel tyson specifies [Music] [Applause] all right so now we're basically waiting for water to fill up to 500 gallons I'm gonna give Tyson a little bit of fuel wash his window and he's on his way you guys have any questions leave them in the comments section below I know my office isn't quite as exciting as Tyson's but as part of the process nonetheless thanks so much for watching I'm Callie with a aviation adventures
Channel: Ag Aviation Adventures
Views: 40,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #agaviationadventures, #cropdusting, #agaviation
Id: JtsXyo81fIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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