BTS Extended FULL Interview! | Radio Disney

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for me um personally we want to do a Grammy performance Sunday I want more roll up yeah I think he's not very satisfied for his height himself so he needs to he said he wants to grow up more maybe I recommend some low-fat milk maybe and basketball since son Baraka okay sir I'm the King Johnny button cuz it's all hyun-jung a Hyundai junco sorry i'm kim ji-mun Inquisitor okay boom God there is her chance oh I may have overdone yeah so you want to do some outdoor performance not not just the shadings and I think he wants to do something like a like a festival in this big like a black park [Music] stylee inspirational desorber ah oh Chee Michigan I can help et tu on G so Joey's putting sunglasses today I wonder what is firing him what is all younger petition there someone else's body pitch - no - oh yeah so he said he put his shades on because the other six members are too shining and he just had to put this glass sunglasses on it that's the best excuse I've ever heard Thank You Jimmy she's tired inspirational simcha Yukon Canada woo inside your car demeter Fernando con trivial hour in the hood in similar day editions of the return ha ha oh yeah I'm down your table your body similar Humber it was meant to cut emoji jvo large anna-marie he goes down autocut anti-shake alicia groh Turkey Germany wanted I just asked him where he will you guys get to style like inspirations and actually they're saying like they're just there's their own styles so yeah is it yeah this hot he's actually getting inspired inspirations from the high peace communities criterion goddess to go girl good evil toy difficulties humble down of other naoko takashi quinoa control over to Quinn and their original kill tonight which is love this is love really Eilish actually Nick Jonas came for Rossville I think it was the first day and we just watch it there are performance and doing musical words before our stage and you know as a fan of their song sucker and cake by the ocean of course you know it was very inspiring and because they're doing like for like you know the more times than us and they're doing like a like a different form of our of the performance so their performance was you know he's mind-blowing and we just loved Jonas Brothers we got Tom Pelt on dance moves that's the basic thing you know Daisy skills are always important yeah well we tweet something we get like 200 koe tweets in an hour I think to be fair we will exclude the Korean food cuz we're from Korea Hangul music back wall yeah that's heavy a tiny wounds are serious wanna music okay so one thing in and out or Shake Shack or five guys any now shake shake excited okay we got we got we got one in Korea I love spaghetti and sprite maybe I pick steak no just think because I Jim Jim I go Jim yeah just hanging in bougas wellness take her exam twice on a ship Samhita and there yeah worldwide people like steak you know yes as promised qui when he when when we say this he just said he just said some roasted asparagus as it right and in Korea and we have to we have to pronounce it like asparagus qui and he thought he want to be you want to sound it like English so he says like as far as GUI and maybe nobody understands so we just said roasted asparagus and we know okay at least we know yeah we roasted okay so one more time asparagus roasted perfect this stays honest days yeah I think mmm tennis player I love the sound yeah my dream was pro gamer ten years ago why could this wasn't gay me I tried this a Polish person yeah I want it yeah yeah farmer yeah my farmer my uncle had melon and strawberry fun yeah and I was work yeah uncle's farm you know you know maybe I'm saxophonist yeah why cotterpin Akiko backups a sinker Alton Oh Khan Chaka Khan Chaka Khan danger the item Arizona ninja Macaluso me I want to be a dad that's the best friend someday yesterday I so Galilee yeah Wow beautiful maybe start English yes yeah yesterday I was called six Plex yeah ride the roller coaster cool yet yeah very very fun you know the gods no playing playing mobile game yeah you know watching these guys is one of the most fun thing that anyone could ever have so yeah it was it was always Jimin but you know recently it has changed so I mean why why why are you so like taking shower so younger so late he takes 15 minutes for the shower that's awesome what are you saying I'm pig oink oink okay we got a pig and six humans here yeah try and make him smile okay let's go it's why don't we and we're gonna see how well we know each other Selena Gomez will you get frozen yogurt with me that's amazing I met them backstage at an award show
Channel: Radio Disney
Views: 8,789,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bts, kpop, boy with luv, radio disney, ardys
Id: i69AjCS4iCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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