BTD 6 but robots decide what I do...

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we're gonna play bloons tower defense six but robots are gonna decide what we do today like I said guys robots are gonna decide what we do so in the power section there's the tech bot now the tech bot it's pretty simple take part can activate your abilities for you as soon as they're ready for optimum efficiency nobody uses that no literally nobody wants to use this thing there's no point right because you can always decide like you don't want to always use it instantly you'd like there's so much thinking that comes involved in it or is it are these robots better than a human is it more effective to use a tech pot that's where we're gonna decide in today's video basically I'm gonna put down the towers and upgrade them and that's it I'm going to have the tech bots they control the banks so they know when to pull the money out of the banks they're gonna have all of they're gonna control the heroes they're gonna control everything every hero is going to be paired with one individual tech bot that will decide what and when it does whatever it is it's going to do I'm gonna have a couple of different things that to see how the tech bot works I want to have a support Chinook I want to have um and I want to see if the robot moves any towers around there's a lot of different and strange things that could potentially happen here and honestly I think it's gonna be a lot of fun and if you guys are excited and I know you guys are cuz this is awesome make sure to hit that like one subscribe turn on some notifications so let's head in to the video so I think we're just gonna play on Normal difficulty I think the first thing we probably want is a super monkey fanclub right that's gonna be pretty cool so the first things first is we're gonna do this and we're gonna we're gonna super monkey fan club is the triple so I mean you guys know what's up so we're gonna do triple shot and then razor-sharp darts and then you know what's up we're gonna get ourselves a robot and it's gonna be right next to them and they're basically gonna pair right so we're gonna do this and then so it requires a monkey with an activated ability so right off the bat we're gonna have to get the super monkey fanclub which cost a decent amount of money but I'm not too too too worried about that okay that's not that big of a deal I kind of want to just get the ball rolling so I'm just gonna get some cash drops because I just want I want to see what happens right I want to get as many things as we can this game and I want to see like how quickly these guys run my game into the ground right I want to see if it works right so what happens may do they so first off can they collect banks so they can't like banks right off the bat that's kind of worthless that's so they're not gonna be able to collect banks but they can do loans so I'm gonna keep collecting and I'm gonna do more stuff with loans I think that'll be pretty pretty interesting right so let's do boo-boop and then we're gonna want to get a get the next monkey Bank which cost three thousand three hundred and then that's gonna be more than fine once we can do that right so we're gonna be focusing on that so this guy he's gonna be paired with him I wonder what happens when we just get more monkeys right like what's I'm very curious to see what is gonna happen I want to connect it so everything that I put down is going to have an ability that can be used that's the only only exception um let's let's go ahead oh let's let's go ahead and get this monkey Bank and let's also get Benjamin so that's already at two thousand dollars that's actually a lot of money banks give you money like pretty quickly they're not they don't scale very well but they're really good at the very beginning of the game for sure okay so let's go ahead let's put Benjamin we're gonna put Benjamin right here and you guys know what's up we're gonna immediately Oh Benjamin doesn't have any he does have an activated ability so let's go ahead and let's get another tech pot and we're gonna put a tech pot here and this tech pot I want to pair it with him so he's so this tech bot is gonna be paired with Benjamin so Benjamin and that tech pot are now paired so what we also want to do is how much money we have there so he's just gonna always constantly use it at all times Barrett or so every time every chance he gets he's just gonna use it if that's the case I'm turning off Hiro audio because I do not want to have to hear that constantly that'll be very very annoying yes so he's just gonna constantly spam that when he can that's okay so what is some other things that have abilities that we're gonna want to use we could have let's put let's put a pirate ship right here so we'll put a pirate ship right here and we're gonna want to get we're probably gonna do monkey pirates because that's gonna be pretty awesome let's do a faster shooting and double shot seems really good but long-range also seems really good in this situation two will do will do double shot grape shot hot shot and then we'll start working out how would from money we are doing pretty good for money so let's collect that and let's let's get some more banks giving getting more banks it's gonna be really nice let's get one more bank I'm really I'm really sad that they're not able to get all of it right so I guess we can get the IMF loan the first thing I want to do is connect it with the super-monkey fanclub and I also want to see what happens with a support Chinook because the support Chinook should be pretty cool too right so we're gonna do that costs 8,000 dos that's pretty pretty expensive but they're gonna be um how much does super how many does this do um converts up to ten nearby dart monkeys including himself so we just need nine other monkeys so we can do triple shots so I mean we can just get a couple of these guys okay collect all let's get some more let's do some more banks let's just do I feel like two more banks should be enough um okay there we go okay so there's that we still have fourteen thousand we're gonna do super monkey fanclub and you know what's up preparing these two so they're linked any a super monkey fanclub so I think every chance he gets he's just gonna look at that so he's just gonna turn on that super monkey whenever he can is that a good thing or a bad thing don't know we need so now this guy's a monkey pirate we need the tech pot and the tech pots gonna be here and we'll link this guy with this pirate so that pirate is now linked so there's all the robots they're all connected now they're all kind of doing this thing I kind of want to get the loan but I feel like they're constantly be gonna just be using the loan like I feel like I'm just always gonna be struggling for money but I hate that if that's what the robots decide to have 1 2 3 4 5 6 so 1 2 3 4 5 6 so each of these robots are gonna be connected to the bank so IMF loan IMF loan IMF loan IMF loan so we can't do all of that we need camo we need we need we need to be able to deal with camo what am i doing okay radar scanner I need radar scanner I need my name wait about a klick tall there we go radar scanner okay there we go okay so link you're gonna be linked in with him you're gonna be linking with him you're gonna link with him and you're gonna link with him okay so they regard so every time they can use that they're just gonna that's that's that okay so whenever they can whenever so there we go we're in debt we're in debt now look up but I mean we have a lot of money we have a lot of money but we're in a lot of debt right now we're thirty four thousand dollars in debt so um yeah I don't know what I don't know what to tell you okay these these balloons are making us seriously these robots are making us seriously in debt now alright so we have this guy these guys their chart constantly turning into super monkeys we need what else do we need I guess what we can do is let's let's get call to arms and bigger radius and juggle drums and then we can go ahead and we can get this monkey and he's gonna be connected to him right there okay so these guys are all connected so oh my gosh we're sixty-two thousand dollars in debt right now oh boy oh boy okay nice this is great no this is great and as I love being sixty-two thousand dollars in debt all right let's get a support Chinook I I definitely want to get one of those because I feel like that's gonna be pretty cool and so we cuz that gives you two abilities and I really want to know what happens with it right so let's do that and let's link so so that's linked together so what happens so is he gonna is he gonna move at our I doesn't look like he's gonna move at our so he doesn't move any towers on his own and look they're not making us go into debt look they can still use it so at anytime they want to they can make his more in debt but they've decided to leave us at $65,000 in debt so very gracious very kind of them to do that for us okay I'm very I'm very happy to decided to leave us in debt okay um I guess we could do brewmaster what else has like abilities that you can use um there's the sniper oh there's this thing let's put this thing down and then we can get the the blade Maelstrom right so let's do even more tags even more and then we can get the palade Maelstrom and that gives us the ability so let's go ahead let's put our just put our robot down and let's connect them boom okay so now you can use that whenever we're $60,000 in debt still so you know we got that going for us okay collect all wait what's this can we not so you actually can't use the ability right now because we're in debt so until we pay off our debt we actually can't use the ability that's why they're not using it because we're so far in debt that it doesn't matter okay all right what other abilities do we have here we can have um we can get this guy and no no we don't need a submarine we can do ooh you know what let's decide let's let's get the Tsar bomb that's what we should do so we'll do a sharper torch let's do Center path and ground zeroes the Tsar Tsar bomb I don't know how to pronounce it so yeah let's let's have this this guy in charge of dropping literal bombs on he just literally just dropped the bomb literally as soon as we get the robot the ability he just instantly drops the bomb like what are you doing this guy's a madman he's gonna get us all annihilated this isn't fair okay what else do we have um we can we'll let's get the mortar monkey will put the mortar we can put the mortar monkey right here for now and we probably want to get the artillery battery right yes so we probably want to get Bernie stuff and then artillery popping off range explosions great all right let's get another let's get another robot this robot you as you guys know this guy is gonna be paired with him there we go so he's gonna be paired with him let's see we're still $60,000 in debt you know that's fine I love being 60,000 literally they refuse to let me like not be in debt as soon as I come close to not being in debt anymore it's just like nah I'll let's turn this guy in later let's become the pirate Lord hey we leveled up with level 70 now nice okay we got a monkey knowledge point this is going real bad guys this is going real bad okay what else has abilities oh we can use this thing and then we can get the spike storm so let's do white bait white hot spikes and then spike storm and let's go ahead put the put the robot down and link okay oh my gosh use it at the worst possible time he used it right as the round ended so it didn't even matter oh my goodness guys what am i doing you guys know what we got to do we need a submarine submarine decreases the cooldowns of everything there we go we need energizer it would be really nice if I had some money but I don't because I've been dead because all my robots decided that'd be a good idea goodness gracious though I was a $58,000 that I'm gonna have to start selling off towers if we want to survive okay literally every chance they get they look now we're up now we're $60,000 and then again literally we're just stuck at $60,000 in debt constantly they just want me to lose they want me to be in debt they thrive off of the chaos that's all they want we have the total transformation let's do this so we beat it but that's fine let's go into free play I kind of want to keep going I want to go up against this oMG right I want to I want to see if this like is actually in order so let's go ahead let's put a let's put this guy here we probably want to do total transformation let's do yeah so we're gonna do acidic mixture and then we're gonna do transforming tonic and then we're gonna want to get the total transformation let's cost 45 thousand which is kind of expensive look all our abilities are constantly on cooldown that is pretty neat so can we link it boom okay so now this guy is gonna constantly be in this total transformation state and don't worry we're still just you know terribly terribly terribly in debt but that's okay you know I'm not too worried about just being so far in debt thialand you never see my family are very good alrighty I mean we're we're winning I mean we're not necessarily losing right now so I guess that's okay let's get it let's get the glue monkey and then we can get him the the glue strike the glue storm let's get corrosive glue so corrosive glue and then glue storm how much oh this is gonna give us 30 1908 like I get I actually don't have time to use any of these things a lot of the times they're constantly look used to constantly just dropping glue being crazy and just doing all sorts of thing these robots are controlling the game right now I'm not doing anything these robots are controlling the game entirely right now so they are all just there they're doing everything right I don't need to do anything the robots are completely controlling this look how many abilities we have on screen right now that is crazy let's just keep getting abilities let's see um turbo charge what's this oh so these it shows you what's in ability or not so let's go here and then faster throwing and then oh wait no no no that's the wrong one I want this one so turbo charge longer range red hot okay there we go I want to just get more abilities right okay so this guy you guys know what's up this guy has to get paired with him everything that can be paired with has been paired with oh let's get a nice monkey we'll put them right here what it what upgrades so snow storm ok so a permafrost middle freeze and snow storm mmm ok and where where is it ok put him here and then we can link and we're gonna link him to him so now I got the snow storm we got the glue we got the snow storm we have chaos right now everyone this is pure chaos and it's it kind of awesome ok kind of awesome not gonna lie ok so the glues I like out the glue storm that's always going now let's see what other abilities can we get these guys have any so jungles bounty we could do jungle bounty here we could that actually be pretty useful if we put this guy here and then let's go ahead and get jungle bounty and let's dude I guess part of engines and then we need we need another we need another tech bot another tech bot tech pot connect there we go so he's connected all of these things are just all connected at all times hey we're not crazy and dead anymore so I guess that's a good thing right okay there we got 40,000 dollars so we actually have a decent amount of money right now but I want more abilities let's see it let's go down the line everything that has an ability this guy I'm pretty sure these guys have an ability so what what what do they get so Moab assassins so we probably want to get heavy bombs so and we want them to target strong mo of assassin Oh shorter cooldown with even more chaos I'm down I'm super down there we go now robots are controlling the game help us help us all all right let's get the sniper we got to get the sniper and then we can do a full metal and then Supply Drop I don't need a lead sniper lead snipers not that important there we go and boom alright they're all linked they're all linked and they're all chaos look they're not I wonder why we're not in debt anymore we're slowly climbing our way out of debt we were in debt for so much money and finally the robots decided that being in debt probably wasn't the best option and you know what I'm pretty happy that they decided to not put me in crippling debt you know do these guys have any summon Phoenix Oh yo that'd be so dope we definitely want some in Phoenix and then monkey sense sure yes and we're gonna put this robot here and then connect them okay now we can leave that we have the Phoenix the Phoenix is running around doing everything look how many abilities are on screen oh we have this super monkey I mean when do we get tech terror so tech terror gives us one okay I guess we can put this guy here and tech terror yes okay and I'm just trying to get as many abilities as possible to give the robots all the possible control I'm giving him we're almost out of debt we're out we're actually finally out of debt no no they did it again I was so close to getting out of debt all I want to do is get out of debt wait we did it we beat round 80 the robots were victorious everyone let's oh look at that it's absolutely beautiful look at what we've created I love it so what do you guys think are the robots good or are they evil are the robots trying to just take over oh look we got a present what do we get ooh fancy oh we got an instant oh what's this and it's cool that's pretty awesome very cool very cool thank you what yeah are the are the robots evil are they smart are they better than a human player I don't know we were able to win but at the same time we're in debt $60,000 most of the game so I don't know what do you guys think tell me in the comment section down below so thanks for watching everyone I'll see you guys later bye everyone Wow
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 385,486
Rating: 4.8511353 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, bloons tower defense 6, Bloons TD 6 ice monkey, bloons td 6 ultra boosted, gaming, Tewtiy, Tewiy, Tewtiy bloons td 6, bloons td 6 tier 5 ice monkey, btd 6 tier 5, bloons, btd, bloons td, BTD 6 but robots decide what I do..., Tech bot, bloons td tech bot, btd tech bot, bloons td 6 tech bot, mobile game, iphone game, mobile gaming, funny
Id: Z-YoEO1bIlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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