BTD 6 but MY MOM tells me what to do...

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over the last few years i've done a lot of collaborations with a lot of really cool people but today is the most excited i've ever been for a collaboration with one of the most important and influential people of my life i'd like to introduce my mom [Music] hey everybody thank you for joining me today mom and so what we're gonna be doing is have you ever played have you ever played this glorious game before no it's okay my mom is gonna be telling me how to play balloons tower defense and as a little bit of a bonus for every wave we make it past we as every way we defeat those pesky balloons i will donate ten dollars to a charity of your choice up to a thousand dollars if we can get all the way to around 100. i can't imagine what that charity might be [Music] it's not like my mom works for uh for a charity or something like that all right are you ready mom i'm ready all right i got my monkey you got it and his mouth oh it's not a mouse it's a oh you have so much to learn it's okay okay isn't it it's it's no it's not a mouse where'd you make a mouse he's looking at little ears he's got a little tail what map would you like to play on um oh candy falls oh good choice good choice we'll play we'll play it hard because you're already an expert at this it's okay you already know you already know what's going on with this okay so this is what's going to happen you see how we're going to have the the green lines here the balloons are going to come along this track and it's our job to stop them okay we got to stop them at all costs okay we got a lot of different monkeys that are fit for the job okay okay so we got a normal dart monkey we got a boomerang monkey we got a tack shooter are you a monkey i mean did you just call your son a monkey aren't you i thought you were sorry okay i see how it is what tower would you like to place down we could do a wizard a ninja a druid we could put down an engineer monkey a druid yeah a druid monkey look at this a druid who's just like they're one with nature look they can oh okay i like that yeah all right that's a good choice that's a solid tower where would you want to where'd you where do you want to put it um where's the best place to put right like where you can't worry where you can get on the balloons we're well said we'll put them right here okay okay we got a little guy right here so now we can upgrade it in three different directions okay okay which path would you like to upgrade this top path makes it so you can do like lightning and have thunderstorms and you become a drew to the storm okay the middle path's more of like a spirit of the forest where you use vines and like you know pop balloons like that and then the bottom ones where he gets really angry and he's just like bombs all the balloons like angry birds let's go with the top one that's a good choice i like that so let's go top path i can't i can we can't we need more money we need to get a little bit more money that's okay so we're going to start the round now okay look at them go i have 25 cents in my pocket will that help i mean i mean you can if you want i mean i'll take the 25 cents thank you wait what about that you didn't get those balloons it's okay it's okay we got these little we got these spikes over here so okay we don't have to worry about those plus we got some bonus lives we have a total of 100 lives so we have a little bit of room of leeway here so we need to start getting some better defenses though these balloons are going to be picking up speed okay what what other tower should we get we can get more so it's a tower a monkey yeah some summer monkeys some are just like bomb shooters or tax shooters or just like you could buy a banana farm which makes sticking his tongue out with this guy yeah not just a ninja monkey ah you need a monkey yeah he throws shurikens the ninja monkey's really good because you get camo balloons because eventually okay the balloons will start being camouflaged they'll have camo detection and then all the normal monkeys won't be able to see them it's kind of like when you walk into a store and you see all like the shirts that have camo and you actually can't see them like on the coat racks kind of like that um well we'll put him a little farther down the path okay i like it if he can catch anything that the droid monkey not droid who is he the droid monkey the droid monkey oh my goodness the druid the druid monkey misses it's you know what that's a good choice what path should we upgrade so we always have three different paths that we can kind of upgrade the grand master ninja which just throws a bunch of shurikens then you have the grand summer tour that slows balloons down and then the master bomber who gets huge bombs yeah that's a good choice that i like that mom you got some gusto you got some real balloons gusto we'll start upgrading so we can buy flash bomb which throws a flash bomb that stuns multiple balloons the balloons are they can be a little pesky okay they can be a little tricky because there's different kinds of balloons so as they go up they get stronger and more difficult and eventually you start having to deal with crazy balloons like lead balloons which you can't normally pop them you have to have explosions or kind of like raising boys how is it like how is that like raising boys mom because you guys got a little crazy and wilder as you got older i think it comes back to you you're calling me a monkey again you know what maybe i this is why i was destined all along hey good thing he's there yeah look at him he's already putting in the work he's already got 12 pops look at that that's huge hey we're on level 17. 18. 18 let's go see you're you're already you're already better than i am this is i normally lose by this point anyway so it's more than fine do you want to get the top half makes me feel better so you have the three different paths right so we have the main path that we're going but now we can pick a secondary one so we can get ninja discipline which increases attack range and attack speed or we can get distraction which some balloons will become distracted and move backwards oh the distraction right good choice i like that a lot and then we'll go counter espionage inside train service dogs i always work on distractions that's crazy i think it's so crazy you've kind of always worked with animals like growing up i grew up on a horse farm and my mom like she did stuff with horses she's done stuff but she's like a animal whisperer and that's kind of something that's like always been like a passion of yours it has it has i've had animals my whole life i started with gerbils i was thinking you were gonna come back to it like oh yeah i've had animals my whole life yeah i had you and your brother oh okay thanks mom now we've already established that you guys are animals yeah we were my brother and i were absolute animals speaking of those lead balloons those lead balloons are going to start sneaking up us on it a little bit so we need a like a lead destroyer well luckily luckily our drood will do just that okay so we're gonna get drew to the storm gust of wind blow balloons away from the track and exit look he gets a little cloak now look at that and we'll get bald lightning on him too look at that he just whoa right he's the power of lightning and he's just like a little harry potter i need that when i like walk into your room to clean it up just a big you know sometimes i feel like i need a tornado to come through my room to clean it up and sometimes too so i think we both see eye on that one oh i like the little the submarine good yeah yeah the submarine is he's crazy so there's land towers and water towers okay so since he's a water tower we have to put him in the chocolate the chocolate river oh yum can you put me in the chocolate river looks like your father your father used to be in a sub when he was in the in the navy no i i do see the resemblance yeah i think i think that's a very spot-on resemblance of my dad except the monkey has a cute nose i hope he never sees this video do we want to get twin guns or barbed darts oh i don't know twin guns are barb dark just look at the barf dart okay i like it because it's fun to say barb darts barb darts yeah yeah barb darts i think one of my favorite things to say is blue blue balloons blue below look out blue balloons coming through so we're gonna get ballistic missile which can seek out and do extra moab and ceramic damage now you might be asking what's a moab well you think these balloons are pesky on round 40 you're gonna have to see a moab which is gonna be a giant zeppelin balloon the boss balloon that's gonna come by and we need to be ready because in three rounds it's gonna be coming for us so we need to think about how do we wanna go about stopping this bad boy we should probably get another tower down can i just flick it i mean it needs a touchscreen boom boom you know we've actually made a mod where you can just click on the balloons to pop them you know he's like i don't want to put any towers down just click this is to get the boss balloon yeah or just a little bit more defense anyways i mean we have 50 you have 16 000 you're loaded mom oh here it is look at it little puffer fish there he goes oh are we too late no no no you it's going whack a that quack because he looks like he has a big cannon he's got a huge cannon he's got a huge cannon you know what let's up so we can do a couple different upgrades right as always we can make one where it's just the biggest one where he just gets big fat bombs and just drops it just yeah that's the upgrade okay blast deeply through balloons and layers over a huge area plus powerful bernie stuff damage i think can't really go wrong with that nope so let's go upgrade that get the big one and now we have to decide do you want it to shoot faster or have better accuracy better accuracy good choice yeah and then bernie stuff which damaged balloons are set ablaze momentarily so now you can set the balloons on fire okay now what's really cool about this mortar tower is that you get to decide where it shoots so we can hit set target where where do you want to command our our guy to shoot where do you think we need to attack well not the chocolate lake that's for sure no not the chocolate lake's the most unpleasant this is what we're protecting from the balloons okay can't let the balloons buy and get into our chocolate river so i i don't know where i guess if they get past this guy right my ninja you want to put all the way up here yeah all right we're gonna put them all the way up here there we go perfect look at that see now i got a nice little strategy going on here we got this drood look at that your druid has popped ten thousand balloons shoot i bet he's tired he's proof he's thinking it works i mean yeah when we lose they'll get a break well who's your favorite tower my favorite tower hmm that's a good question that's a very good question i like the wizard monkey okay why don't you put him up there all right where should we put him um right here yes perfect i like that now the wizard monkey has three very very fun paths your top path is where he becomes like a an arch mage a grand dumbledore wizard harry potter yeah exactly becoming a super powerful guy the middle guy he becomes a phys fizzard a wizard lord phoenix where he can summon giant phoenixes into the sky okay and the bottom path is the creepy prince of darkness that will summon the balloons back from the dead to fight for us what do you think oh i like that yeah that's pretty cool yeah that's really cool so we're gonna go shimmer and then we can get the necro and there he is so now he's summoning blue those balloons holy moly yeah it gets crazy we're only on round 47 it keeps going and getting stronger and crazier you have twenty thousand dollars you got some big money up here mom okay so so i need to spend it well you know what now you're thinking like a true player three in balloons mom let's get the ice guy there yeah ice guy is a nice guy so the ice monkey is all about slowing balloons down right so he doesn't do a lot like that so he doesn't do a lot of like damage for things so maybe we can put him next to our little druid here yeah and then this guy they'll make a real good pair so we'll put this guy here okay and then we have three different upgrades what are the the what about tornado things going by this this right there yeah this your drood makes it so pretty cool he's really cool so is this one gust of wind blow balloons off the track away from the exit honestly i i take it back i think the jute is my favorite tower in this game those are ceramic balloons so they have like this really hard like layer of coating on them so you gotta like do some fat damage to take all that off so we're going to go ahead i'm going to put down do we have a plunger man the plunger monkey yeah that's a huge bomb we need to get you on the the modding team okay we need we need these fresh new ideas okay we were on dry years ago okay i like the middle path drew the one that's more in the tune of nature especially with this ability called drew to the jungle and it caused a vine from the ground to entangle and create [Music] yeah out for that balloon so we got true to the jungle and now look this guy's just gonna be sprouting up vines all over the place so he makes these little vines let's go ahead we can get another heart of thunder on this guy too and so this guy is just going to be another another terror amongst the balloons okay but we have the 40 000 and we still haven't upgraded our ice monkey so what type of path would you like to go absolute zero which makes it so basically it slows all the balloons in a continuous area okay i thought that's what we did so no well it is that he kind of does it all automatically but you can make them even more powerful okay so basically [Music] the top one super brittle basically makes it so all balloons take extra damage while near them the middle path makes it so all balloons just move slowly and then the bottom path gives him an icicle cannon so he can just blast the balloons with his own ice oh i like the icy cookies yeah i gotta go with the eye tucker you know what i well said let's go all right icicles no there's the puffer fish again get them you have 36 000 you're loaded and so t5s are like the ultimate upgrade for a tower the the big kit and caboodle okay okay which one would we like to go for so we can go ahead and we can get the icicle impale on our ice monkey okay we could upgrade our wizard monkey to the prince of darkness to reanimate even more powerful balloons when you get the prince of darkness you can actually make like the puffer fish like the big type of moabs and send them back at them as well which is very strong let's do that one good choice let's you know you get you get your own throne they're sneaky they'll sneak up on you and those are just the beginning ones those are just the baby of the boss balloons at round 60 we have to deal with big red ones okay and then around 80 we're gonna have to deal with even bigger green ones oh is that what is that what's that guy he's growing this is that's our guy that we just bought these are on our team now okay so these are all the yeah no these these guys are coming to destroy the balloons okay this is like in lord of the rings when they when they got the undead army oh i'm thinking yeah when the ships sail in and you know and of course aragon launches over the side you got thirty thousand dollars you're raking in the dough mom what how would you like to spend it all your new found well can i go to the beach i mean are you talking about for the game yeah for the game oh okay is there a beach bunkie we need a beach monkey with a beach ball she's got it all she's got all the ideas here we need to get you some we need to get you a little notepad i need to be i didn't know i was the one that needed to start like drawing down notes for this i'm the one learning more today so this is primary which is blue military okay magic and then support oh this is the alchemist the alchemist is really cool so he's kind of like a support tower and his whole job well he has a couple of different ones right so you can do a frankenstein thing where he like a jackal and hide where he turns into a crazy like monkey and just shoots laser beams okay that's me in the morning for my coffee you got the top path which is just look at look how happy he is he just makes potions he just gives them out to people he's just like here have this drink i don't know what it does but it makes you shoot really fast he needed him in alice in wonderland mm-hmm yep okay or you could do the balloon master alchemist where he just turns balloons into gold he's like oh well yeah all right well that's already decided yeah yeah so we'll put them right here in the beginning what's really fun is balloons have been coming out or ninja kiwi's been coming out with balloons games for since 2007 like i used to play this game back on the farm on your computer like that's right i did that all the time so how old were you then yeah i've been playing this game for a really long time we're gonna get the balloon master alchemist so now look at this he's even got a golden crown look at him going he's strong we can do this and look at him go he's gonna just he's already got two thousand pops anything got bug eyes no those are those are his big sunglasses he's just look at him he's just he's got gold everything see everyone you see who i get it from that like you see you see you can't not be positive around this wonderful individual okay look at oh my gosh we're at round 67 let's go you've raised six hundred and seventy dollars for a charity of your choice let's go but this is what i mean this is where it starts getting even more difficult okay you know i start sweating i'm alright i've banned my brows i've been sweating this this game can get so intense imagine this game i don't know how i'm not completely gray yet playing this game it makes me sometimes i feel like i need to put on a diaper before i turn gray just listening to you try the game how about that i'll take that okay okay that makes me a little savage there's actually little there's a secret with this where there's little willy there's little willy wonka really yeah little oompa loompas and if you click on them in the right order they'll play the oompa loompa song really [Music] so what path would you like to go with our engineer we could go century expert where he makes all these little little kits and caboodles and he puts down all these little mechanisms that shoot the balloons for him okay we can do the middle path where he becomes overclock which gives them an ability to like boost other towers which is kind of complicated or we can make a balloon trap where he puts down this like box and then all the balloons just run into the box oh yeah i like that yeah and what's even more fun about it is once the box becomes full it'll shake you click on it and it'll give you money so you can start you can make money by capturing all those pesky balloons in it okay there's the big that was the big balloon there's one of them uh oh we're starting to get up into the crazy rounds we're at round 75 750 let's go your balloon master alchemist almost has popped a hundred thousand balloons wow that's a lot of that's a lot of damage that is our original druid that we put down is almost sixty thousand pops very strong well he's tired hey we won but that's we're still going further okay so you beat the zoe mg but we gotta keep going what the zone is omg what the heck is this so is that a hard question yeah they have all of them of different names so like the blue one which was like the fish is called a moab which stands for like i don't know just something like of gigantic i don't i don't know so that's like the big fish yeah the the big cheese that's okay then you have the this is the bfb which stands for the big freaking balloon and this omg is like the zargantu are of like gigantic proportions or something like that or some kind of and so there's two balloons we haven't seen yet okay take the spooky ddt's which are these really fast balloons that'll just like they'll just sneak oh my god look at all these blues those are all moabs that just scent looks like a centipede yeah it's spooky it's creepy they start sending some crazy stuff because now they're like oh they're getting into late round it's time for them to lose the game starts ramping up in difficulty well who's sending them i'm gonna go call their mother this is what this is what i've been talking about we need someone to get to the bottom of this no one knows why the balloons are attacking the monkeys no one knows why the balloons are doing this you know there's there's no lure mom why there's no four four we need to make something up this is what i'm saying why do you think the balloons are attacking these these poor monkeys i would probably say because they weren't invited to the monkey's birthday present i think that's a great that's a great suggestion i mean who wouldn't invite balloons to a birthday party right they were just really upset that's a i mean they must hold a grudge because it's been like 10 years now and they're still just going at it right i respect it though that's commitment that's dedication good choice magic you can't go wrong with magic this is the super monkey he's the strongest tower in the game look at that he cost two thousand dollars just to put him down he's got his own cape and everything his own onesie where would you like to put him is it one thing yeah he's got his own little onesie where should we put him down you had a onesie when you were a baby i still have a one two one that's true um let's put him over there so he can keep the there's the ddt's oh oh oh you that's fine we got him you're on round 91 so the super monkey has three really cool paths okay the bottom path is he turns into batman okay the middle path he turns into like dark knight a robot where he has two guns he's like people who's like a robo monkey and then the top one is he becomes literally he becomes a sun god he becomes this giant like sun average laser beams with laser beams shooting out of the eyeballs and what's really interesting about this tower this top path is when you upgrade to the sun temple it sacrifices all the other monkeys around him he absorbs all the monkeys he takes their powers into his own hands and it strengthens the tower that's not very nice yeah but it's for the good of the it's good for the community okay they got to stop the balloons you know what i agree let's go back what was the bottom one i mean batman yeah batman yeah you can't go wrong with batman that's jerome's favorite tower the knight jerome this is for you yeah good choice so we have two more options okay do we want them to give them laser blasts or super range super range i like it so we'll do super range and you can also get epic range look at look at his range you can see the whole screen almost right let's go you have 56 000 and the dark champion cost sixty oh oh oh oh no this guy is cleaning these balloons up the fact that you got this wizard back here he's doing a great job right now make me nervous when you say uh oh i don't know what's going on everything moves so fast the geek don't worry i don't know what's going on most of the time anyway so it's fine um look at all these balloons there's a lot of balloons here oh my goodness i think we should save up around 94. though come on let's go mom beats round 100 first try let's go i like it the dark champion we only need two thousand dollars and he becomes the jar champions blaze excel at puncturing and ruining all balloon types okay and it gives them oh how oh my goodness this guy this is an onslaught yeah this person has done such a great job they have over a hundred thousand pops now the fact that we have this prince of darkness in the background has been like super important and now we can go ahead and buy the dark champion can i get his autograph i'm sure you can after well you know i'm all good friends with i'll take you backstage okay we'll get we'll get to meet all these guys yeah exactly mike here give them their gold stars and a lollipop let's see oh so your engineer has 14 000 pops okay let's see my druid monkey has a hundred thousand pops oh my goodness you're blue that's 800 000 pops he's just turning balloons into gold let's go our mortar monsters want tell me about it so there's i've had i've had a big balloon graveyard there's some times where you end games and you have like millions and millions of pops of balloons it's crazy okay we're on round 99 one more round you oh wait the fortified the fortified ddt's are coming on they're sneaking by no no no no they're not going anywhere you have twenty six thousand dollars let's go we have to defeat the this okay the this is the big changes this is the bad okay this is the bad balloon this is the this is the strongest balloon in the game we need to how do we wanna stop it okay what tower do you think we should put down i just blast it with everything blast it with everything just put down like one of every tower let's go let's put everything down oh no it's not taking any damage right now we need to do more damage here i'm going to take the border yeah that's right channel your inner dark monkey send your strength to the dart monkeys all right guys help me out here oh yeah oh he's getting a hole he's getting he's getting a rip yep yep we're gonna upgrade he looks like a pinata break them open yeah we're gonna we're gonna bust this candy out okay we're got this go go go uh-oh will we be able to defeat this guy where's my dark knight where's my darkness he's right here he's like come on doctor he's already got 150 000 pops so the dark knight has a really cool ability that's called the dark shifter which allows you to teleport dark knight nope so we're going to be able to teleport this guy actually okay let's see i can teleport him all the way up there okay and so he's going to be at the the end line of this but uh oh we're having a little bit of troubles right now we only have twenty thousand dollars we can put one more tower down here to help them out okay what do you think we should put down who's the strongest that's a good question that's a great question what should we put down here everybody uh i would suggest let's here i'll better hurry up we'll put we're gonna can you pause i wish i could figure it out i wish we could do that wouldn't that be fun for so i put down a village and i'm gonna put down some bomb shooters and hopefully these guys will just like throw some big bombs at this guy look at him uh oh uh oh are we going to be able to stop it [Music] oh it's close it's going to be closed ah no we lost on round 99 we weren't able to defeat the b.a.d but wow he's rude rude rude mom you raised 9900 thank you it was fun today you have to do it again someday you know what i agree if you want to see my mom on more balloons content oh my god what happened to my hair actually hit that like button huge shout out to my mom and if you want to support the charity that she works for and you want to help also donate to service dogs well go in the description down below check out their link atlas service dogs that's the that's the name right i'm not saying this is atlas assistance dogs and we'll see you okay
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 621,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, how to, tips, tricks, btd 6 tips, btd 6 tricks, btd 6 how to, how to play BTD 6, mom, Tewtiy mom, Tewtiy mother, Bloons TD 6 tips, Bloons TD 6 tricks, Bloons TD 6 ticks and tricks, tips and tricks, how to bloons td 6, how to play bloons td 6, btd6 tutorial, bloons td 6 tutorial, Tewtiy, Tewtiy btd 6, Tewity Bloons TD 6, mother, BTD 6 but MY MOM tells me what to do
Id: Dos8w1SbdSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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