Brutal Occult Strategy Roguelite! - Darkest Dungeon 2 [Full Release]

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hey everyone juanbot here and welcome to darkest dungeon 2 1.0 I've been waiting for this for a while because the Early Access version was fun but rough and I want to play the 1.0 and see how far it's come ruin has found you at last by protege my friend our calculations were correct the ephemeral equation is unbalanced the Earth spins on a strange and terrifying new axis and everywhere a bridled consequence The World Is A Wasteland of failures past and yet you must ride out into it unafraid take this it is hope the very last of it it's yours now who were bold once be bold once more free yourself from this suffocating Stillness fix your Gaze on the horizon face to fearsome truth of the darkest dungeon I like the transition to 3D it's very natural prologue you must face whatever that says captives I don't know okay oh that's how I steer can I see with the mouse button no I know failure well I glimpsed at looking at the Ragged edges of your mind I watched its venom spread through the veins of the world and I trembled at its terrible reverberations Crossroads a place between places all right so Stagecoach Stagecoach view party creation see armor and wheels points can only be changed to Wainwright who's present at each in also repair armor and wheels for fee oh W took ordered forward s to Halt will steer automatically but I can fine tune with A and D okay party creation well looks like I only get rid more devastating than the horrors of a hundred campaigns The Usual Suspects do we actually get a party and we want to use a glimmer of hope twice as a goal and I guess that'll give me a candle or something yeah two candles onward and let us hope and have yet remains of the world you see and your Valley is not immune to the spreading stain I wonder if this has the mod support the darkest dungeon one is gonna have or darkest dungeon one had because I would love to actually see people tackle like modding and rebalancing and custom characters you know I just want to have a uh you know as a smooth and Charming little uh bug night in the front or something like a full full Hollow Knight cast hell a full Hollow Knight conversion mod oh that would be spicy does that exist for the first one because I feel like that would almost be easier okay so what do we do with this character so extra repost Ford won pistol shot Target win Target I don't know what half of these are resistance piercing what do these guys even have uh uh stats that I'm not entirely sure what they all do so self those two remove blindness oh tracking shot so that marks them so pistol shot will do oh it'll do a stun if I do a tracking shot first I think I'm just gonna do a duelist's advance uh let's see what do we have oh this character is not the most functional that's a condition blocked why weak weak why are we weak I have no idea let's see I might as well just not just blasts want to do damage and hopefully it'll get nope resisted rude Flying Daggers nope that hits the middle too so not that helpful we do have a poison dart but it's got a resistance to blight probably isn't worth it oh and we're good against marked targets but I think mostly I just want to kill this thing not even not have to worry about it okay so self stress plus five and shield Target oh I see if they're over stressed remove some stress but then gain shield no matter what that's a self and then Target I think that just defends a specific character for two two rounds self-forward Target knockback and maybe stunned oh heal when the target is marks that's useful so what is this dazed next turn will and it's gone I guess I might as well oh That's the pistol shot another tracking shot honestly this thing's almost dead though so I don't think it matters that much next time though I'll remember to use the tracking shot Okay so crits crit destruct does several things normal attacks extra damage status effects extra duration and ignore resistance and heals heal for more yeah it makes sense skills actions turn order yeah most of the stuff I recognize and remember are you shaken there is so much worse now these are 2D it looks like the desperate few encounters uh pick one of the choices by holding it uh holding left click on a hero I'm just gonna keep zipping through these all right so these two don't work so the last of my Jewels Pond for steel so I gain 100 hope and a trinket or medicine let's go with this one search every shadow there's like an extra flame I get a candle of Hope and we get a healing given a greater protectorate sounds good so can I take a look at paracelius how q q how do I swap characters ah Just A and D all right cool so can I actually equip a trinket here yes so we got two healing given so how does this work Battlefield medicine oh if HP is left less than 50 percent useful useful slightly limited but useful to incision melee has to be there can I swap these two because I want to take a look at Audrey Audrey's moves yes we can use pick to the face but we can use everything else in the back all right that should be good enough I don't know if I care about resistances at the moment I don't know if there's anything to worry about in leaf miles a change in the air [Music] I can rails of Heroes oh gosh so many tutorials at least it's there and I can pull it back up whenever I feel like it hey thank you Vince for the raid I have no idea if that's how it's pronounced I hope I'm right probably not all right do you want to kill the Widow probably she's most worrying okay so extra credit when Target is spooked what is her blight resistance not particularly high so we can also do a flashing daggers which will only hit that guy or a bunch of damage ignores those things so three to five or two to four yeah oh and the combo is gone so you can only combo once so it's not that I actually marked them this is gonna move resistance of as do that now okay so he hits the front two blinding gas ounce of prevention extra resistance his blight he's a big chunker otherwise we could do blind and gas let's do that because it at least gives them the combo token and made him blind for a round protect the child well fair enough measure around your violence and apply it judiciously Jinx like Jinx or vinks like Jinx got it perfect uh let's see anything else Dotson car mode nope so what do we want to do she's the one that is or no they're both no he's marked or she's marked he's not oh that's a pain so we can't actually do extra poison piercing I guess I should just last him oh why did I do that let's see could do the knockback could do the hit four to seven might kill it there we go how can we have poison darts again those will both just hit him I guess I'm gonna try that but yeah he's just gonna take it and resist stress is not working my best tracking shot now still guarded he just doesn't have the defense that's a bit of a pain oh though we can maybe hit her with an AOE now we could slice tracking shot or take it let's see 48 I should probably just work on killing this sucker I could do combo tokens but I don't know how useful it's going to be let's see unfortunately a big problem is I think this guy is just going to resist most of my hits there's not much I can do about it because flashing dagger's gonna hit those two and he's just gonna keep protecting the child well at least the man to hit him is doing fine or well he doesn't do that much damage so we we have him next yeah not much I can do about it oh wait Throne dagger dang it she resisted it but Throne dagger ignores guard okay give him more bleed give him more bleed let's see do we do a tracking shot yeah is that no that triggers a skill effect win somebody's specific let's just go for that can I Daze him yes next term will be delayed converts to something when stacked oh well at least we have a decent amount of HP but that's still rough okay so he's still marked do we want to do a pistol shot a breakthrough huh enemy with death death's door that's not common well there they go the work continues all right can I finish him off nope still on death's door oh no oh no status effects got him perfect monster death blows and the tutorials gone never mind Burning Brightly for all the world to see let's see yeah so some enemies have death flow resistance so that'll be fun to deal with push on to the yin rest and resupply await you is it in fact the Inn yeah it looks like it well it definitely feels better than it did the last time I I played I'd have to look at what's changed overall since um since early access and I'm probably not going to do that I guess I could go back to my old footage and figure out in summers of Years Gone to write think and rest okay the Resolute companions reach the torch and Crown and two candles gained for reaching the Inn we've found your uh you found your fortitude at last collect what hope you can and end your Expedition here oh wait we can just leave Expedition end prologue Quest is complete for this first Venture into the valley there's nothing left to do and end expedition in the lower left of the in screen huh can end in the three ways Victory defeat or abandoning okay a lesson Valley completed candles found but I don't think we got our bonus objective but it's fine so that means we want to leave runs and try again and Expedition collect your candles of hope during normal Expeditions making to the Inn is usually next in is usually worth the effort because it'll award additional candles and then combat items all right so how do candles work because this was not in the game previously I'm assuming it's a pretty hefty meta progression system on less oh no I have to go forward it might not actually let me spend anything yet or this is ah this is where you spend it altar of Hope harp all right candles of Hope and here unlock new classes items pets and more for this first visit you must wait for this first visit you must visit the working Fields oh I see working field so we can get any of these you have five trinkets combat items kid Stagecoach items in items let's check an in item first affliction and overcome it in the tangle extra damage then I think I'll just buy some trinkets so this looks like in the science of survival let's see Unforgettable trinket if stained item is equipped round start extra stealth I have no idea it doesn't look like you cannot unlock any new classes here either Stagecoach items are usually are essentially trinkets for your Stagecoach provide valuable powers and bonuses can only be mounted or removed to the Wainwright who's at each and your Stagecoach only has a limited number of slots but more can be unlocked here they also have the working fields so it's where we get trinkets combat items in items and Stagecoach upgrades each item unlocked is also immediately granted to your inventory for the current Expedition well that's nice at least I appreciate that completing is a dying star there's a lot of roguelikes where if you unlock something you have to just wait for it to show back up again but instead by giving it to me for the next run I can immediately experience whatever the thing is it's nice if your denial purged precariously in the murky glooming denial you have coward in your crumbling denial long enough I have no idea how long these chapters are from what I remember hearing it was I remember our first meeting on the steps of the University a collegial handshake that would do most booth your insightful questions during my lectures gave me pause and I recognized in you something of a kindred spirit despite our differences in age and position we shared a keen Fascination for an archeology folklore and of course occultism the crossroads who will step forward into the light I don't think I have any other choice other than the usual suspects correct yeah Pride more devastating than the horrors of a hundred campaigns oh standard flip interesting so what is a glimmer of hope is it an ability I'll have to look because it might actually be one of my character abilities or something sort of a new run or did I join mid-run start of a new run I just finished the prologue and we're diving into the real thing the leaves fall never to grow again birds are exhausted only a trial and tribulation do I actually have to steer this thing or is it just kind of automatic even your Valley is not immune to the spreading stain okay one way or another I absolutely despise the lady in the back um I went to a tracking shot on her because I want to finish her off if I can we have a flashing daggers but that's not going to do anything bonus uh so why don't we just do a poison dart malaise no crammed alas see blending gas ain't gonna work because we don't have the range because it'll only hit her unfortunately these guys have notches or blight resistance so I guess we'll just hit this one foreign okay what do we want to do Crush Defender bolster now probably just crush this guy look how much HP does he have well he'll bleed out on his next round so we can just ignore him rude it's done loses next action oh that's very rude let's see do we want to just keep hitting with darts yeah I love his drag of the mace on the ground this is such a fabulous visual I guess There She Goes okay buff extra resistance for round oh but she couldn't she couldn't do anything of course but it's fine Mastery points in this world wealth is worthless without purpose earned mostly through combat victories every point will upgrade one hero skill when you reach the end so maybe that's a temporary resource so relics and Rural riches looks like I have an upper limit to how much I can carry are you shaking am I doubts at first about the gameplay but Red Hook at least nailed the atmosphere once again at the combat seems to be perfectly fine I think my only potential okay don't let your flame uh flame expire let's see anything else helping refills it okay don't need to worry about that like the combat seems pretty fine the Ambiance is certainly there I'm curious mostly about the meta progression replayability and length of runs uh because if they're like two hours long that's a little tough for me but it feels like a more refined combat system okay two Targets reduce stress I don't know what the three versus I don't know you know what I'm actually going to save that for the next one so we have the Mastery trainer listen practice [Music] okay there we go so heal self and Target is marked oh knock back and stun with the target is marked oh and that actually does damage I didn't I didn't quite pay attention to that so those are kind of good what is this tracking shot let's see cannot gain Dodge for two rounds I'm gonna assume it's something like that more damage and greater repost stuns Target as he heals more more resistance I like the more bleed and that's good damage I think I'm gonna go for incision it looks like you get a couple of these so I can kind of do whatever do you want to do the same thing with noxious blasts yeah the other status effects are very valuable I gotta remember I could also use her as a number two character if I want to move dismiss back Maybe let's see let's go for that one and yeah while we make ramparts better all right that should be good anything else we have the Wayne rights mindfulness as vital to survivalist sharp and steel oh trophies are required to enter the mountain they're found by defeating Lair bosses and we also got a route and ruin everyone so curious extra academic studies location scouting and academic studies we get a bouncer's belt healing from skills or Max HP exterminate creature Den versus field hospital I'm gonna go for the creature den oh okay I'm just reading all the tutorials real quick to see if there's anything else I should Pro possibly know it looks like I'm fine uh let's see so I don't want to end Expedition rest the sprawl rest of the night Journey onwards yes looks like we're fully healed everything else is good and embark but what what tutorial are you telling me about now I have no idea because I pressed test the great cities of man ruined okay route choices some other things okay each Rod has a type safe barricade Hazard rough patch or Oblivion tear what the heck is an oblivion tear and a flame okay stop stop where are we going so we have unknown uh rewards flame food and supplies unknown or unknown I guess let's just go unknown weights beware and do I have to avoid the burning books loathing uh loathing meter higher loathing results in tougher conditions for the party loathing increases when traveling on Oblivion tear routes and it's reduced by winning fights and locations Road battles don't count choose resist resist layer or oblivion's Ingress locations to keep your Loathing in check hopefully I don't have to worry about burning books okay nothing actually happens I think I need to check the map too Shrine reflection okay how do shrines work by confronting their past they unlock new skills at every Shrine choose a single hero to advance their story if the story is completed successfully the new skill unlocks they're permanent whenever you use this here in future Expeditions they'll have the unlock skills and we also have other locations can I actually check the map real quick let's see because I think I'm here so we've got that Hazard Oblivion tear let's see location will grant a candle what I want to find is a creature Den okay so there's one all the way up there if I stay kind of central uh actually I don't think I'm going to be able to get to it well that sucks that's fine hide the map I'm still learning okay so who do we want to level up honestly probably plague doctor chapter one the good student brilliant and bold or unconventional theories created nothing short of a scandal in her fourth year a mocking Whispers And scornful glares of her peers and professors at an ironically invigorating effect upon her extracurricular experiments the mysteries of the human body of life and death itself covered just beyond her scalpel's reach if only she could acquire a corpse of sufficient freshness so do we have to do a random fight or we get a Mastery point and emboldened Vapors oh so I guess there's no fight oh we got a hero goal at the very least okay so I don't know on this one I might as well head for the candle yeah so we don't have to worry about running things over I hope the worst kind of parasite opportunists and we have what are these guys Bandits Pillager Hatchet men I see so 18 HP they're a little tougher weak to blight otherwise let's just do a duelist advance and just wail on the front man well maybe not weak to blaze just not resistant to it okay uh you know what I'm just gonna do a rampart I know I could have just let the status effect take him out but this way I don't have to worry about a single hit from him and that's probably more valuable we have a lot of fights between here and there repost okay so he's got six blade for a couple of turns honestly I think I'm just gonna do one and I was gonna do a quick incision so I wouldn't have to worry about him turns out didn't need to do that well I guess I did but uh he did not last nearly as long as I was expecting you would we're just Clowning these dudes uh can this guy hit yeah he can that was quick we got one hit him in crisis no gains insignificant give me the goodies I don't actually know what those are useful for I certainly haven't seen him go by Hero goal completes yeah unfortunately the region goal oh Tangled glimmer of hope and assistance encounters which I should remember to do love meant the knowledge taken by the fires of these fanatics the burning pile uh resistance encounter resistance encounters are battles with the monsters winning the battle is the primary way which you gain Mastery and earn Treasures makes Heroes more powerful and also reduces loathing uh oh so we can actually see so we got a battle I see we can spend things to flee battle or nothing oh and it actually changes the character relationships in some way I ain't running from I ain't running from a fight so what's this block next reduce damage the next fight I don't know what any of these characters do which is always a little bit of worry they are equally resistant to blight and bleeding makes this a little tougher honestly I think I'm just gonna do a duelist Advance uh let's see I think I want to kill the immolationists immolitis they seem vaguely the most worrying see who's next we get one more turn because I could yeah how much HP do they have six I could do a blinding gas ah do we wanna okay so it's a buff ouch not much of a buff though the burning immobilization is kind of rude I get the distinct feeling this guy when he reaches the front is going to be a problem I'm not entirely sure if that's gonna be the case the fiend's strength the windows but my assumption is if he reaches the front he explodes and it's gonna hurt oh let's see answer prevention Battlefield medicine I don't think anybody's injured enough for that one unfortunately yeah I'm just gonna have to hit one of these guys because we got swapped okay do we want to crush oh and they're not dead yet he's still got a guard foreign Ty writ large someone's gonna hang because he's probably gonna scoop forward yep so we just have to make sure he doesn't make it to the front he's gonna take four damage at least he's still guarding rude something I need to do one damage though so when we finish that guy off instead wait I don't have to worry about it one to two damage yeah there we go let's see he's got 5 HP waiting for a turn leading for six for a couple of turns I'm just gonna hit this guy because he's dazed another incision do you want to do a blinding gas no let's actually go for a quick heal yeah all right so all we have to do is worry about this guy see I I bet he explodes in my face luckily not a problem and defective Mastery resources still don't know what I'm spending those resources on but I have the loathing of okay travel healing oh Heroes will slowly heal HP and can be improved with Stagecoach items well that's useful and info View old alt for information cool so what are we up to we've got a barricade I have no real Choice we've got another resistance encounter a hoarder oh maybe that's what we spend resources on well unfortunately we're very much on this path regardless of what I say or do I know a number of people are complaining about the stage coach I think I think the stagecoach is a really cool idea I could see it getting really a frustrating and boring after about five hours of playing this game what the hell is going on with this full screen window this is my resolution ad there's any of this I don't think that's the right resolution but Heck if I know oh it yeah there we go that should fix some issues oh Max FPS always 60. anything more than that is unnecessary okay so we got Mongrel with Dodge chance to miss the next attack chance to dodge let's see so self Dodge or we could just do a tracking shot on this Mongrel solves the issue or doggy let's see crit yeah yeah mess them up okay we do also have blinding gas sure dog Dodges but it clears it and marks the guy in the back he's already blind hey and thank you verisag for the 55.37 Miniver goal for the 46 month resub as well wander actually manages to stop playing creeper world before the three hour mark uh I mean it can happen it's not often but it can measure out your violence and apply it judiciously okay so what do we want to do We've Got A Marked Man but he's in the wrong spot we have a Defender I do have a rampart and hold the line would be good but I'm in the wrong spot and that would take me some time so I guess we're just gonna Crush crush the hatchet man because that that dog's done for ah let's see we don't have anything that hits the back yeah okay he's toast ah we do we are getting a lot of crits today feels good why did it sit when the dog dies it turns into a hobbark chest breastplate not Hallberg so what happened to dismiss feels like he hasn't had a turn in a while let's see oh passing is bad news uh defend dismiss oh that's what it did oh guarded protected by Mongrel ooh rude well here's the thing hi aha foolish dog you thought you could do things okay counters the next damaging attack I might not have a choice here I mean could drink absinthe but that seems silly oh wait we just fight the corpses heck yeah good now will those go away it says it has a counter but it doesn't look like it at least we can get rid of Dodge or not knockback but no stun could go for the heel foreign keep hitting defense at least we won't take any damage here we still have the repost I don't think there's much I can do with it so duelist oh that sucked okay none of these will give me this thought this is combo get a little bit of healing unfortunately it didn't we're not healing the man that needs it has been tended to okay poison the dog there it goes toast is a hard thing to work with unity in this world wealth is worthless without purpose I think that group actually hurt me more than the resistance fight uh whatever that was blinding okay Affinity system it's how they feel about each other uh let's see and if they feel better about each other they work better cool oh regions two out of three so actually this runs fairly short kind of another burning pile oh right I have to click on this thing I was just waiting for it to pass is the same group as last time I think so oh all time choices for more info combat combat plus one vulnerable on their side yeah so let's go for that one because that also seems to uh boost solidarity make everybody feel better okay vulnerable extra damage from their next hit cool uh let's go for the immolationist as it needs to die we also have the oil in the back there's a bit of an issue but if I just make him bleed in poisons then we don't have to worry about it or that that also could happen well that works boy my crit chance today is felt uh real nice so self forward three now let's see actually let's just go for a crush we want her to not exist unfortunately she's gonna get the time but she's gonna get a turn but at least we got rid of one of the two whippers uh oh she resisted the blight though that's unfortunate oh that's the last thing I wanted to have happen here lethality writ large okay so we have a tracking shot okay we want to do a rampart okay good that even stuns him even better so he's toast we don't have to worry about him anymore that's a lot of Fire let's see absinthe Kenji absence itself each piece is below 25 now rude as directed definitely got to do a battlefield medicine though okay good that gets rid of the fire deliberate and methodical Appliance of harm the bomb has exploded uh let's see let's do a rampart please die this time there we go and then we're we're not in the most solid of straight uh solid of situations but I'm not doing too bad what are you doing sell feel bold oh no it was not in fact a self-heal it could go for the piercing oh tracking shot ain't gonna work this is an unfortunate unfortunate series of events ah let's see big damage now let's go for the dart just in case it puts him over the edge all right easy Rampart actually is there a difference there is really is not oh yeah it hurt a little the character animations look amazing the transition to 3D gave them a lot more flexibility I like the old 2D stuff but this is like the I don't want to say it's like a risk of rain level of glow up because ultimately I'm not sure if that really is true risk of rain one to two was just such a massive change this is much more of kind of a a natural succession uh well also having a bit of a format change the Fanatics burn book and building alike all right the hoarder actually we filled up a fair bit so this is where we spend all of our resources relics bobbles and mastery okay so how does the hoarder work oh no these are the things I have those are the thing I got it wide variety of goods some can only be found here rough routes rough patch messes with my wheel so he's got things to sell if I want to buy them Let's see we have a bunch of in items indelible trinket distant trinket so indelible seems to be the best restorable extra resistance party still don't know what the what those are I think that makes my happy oh playing cards it improves their relationship poison resistance okay so we have a number of combat items a glimmer of hope you're gonna buy a bunch of those because we want to we wanted to use those to remove blindness I don't think I really care about too many of these playing cards might be interesting oh and those are massive bonuses until next in what else we have fire resistance turn start if whatever that is less than or equal to two blind let's see movement resistance stun resistance but reduced death blow resistance extra plague resistance I I still don't know what that one icon is but reduces Max HP extra damage but reduces it's probably speed but for each location chance to produce Flapjacks everybody likes Flapjacks ooh random hero after each location reduce stress extra traveling heal relationship positive chance location scouting or chance to produce contraption I'm gonna buy The Griddle I don't know if I can actually use it unfortunately oh smoke bomb blinds an enemy yeah let's let's grab a pair of those just in case we come up come across something uh kind of snarly I don't think I can do anything to fix my Stagecoach at the moment so how do we there that's how we leave griddle is a good item thought so Stagecoach ah it's locked in this was the next one gonna mess up a wheel I don't know what happens when I have no wheels time to find out urgent repairs uh might have okay must fight off a group of opportunistic event enemies will a disadvantage each combat round one hero will randomly be chosen to assist in repairing the stagecoach oof limping I think we're good though all we have left is a hospital a barricade something which maybe will be a critter thing I don't know or the fall one and knows she will join them soon enough I actually use one of these nope uh let's see what can do HP or Max let's see well got enough resources that we can just uh heal everybody to full unfortunately we don't have any real maladies so not much to get here the loathing whispers are we winning um kind of is our light oh glimmer of hope is a combat item oh so what else do we have stand item is equipped no that's not helpful turn ends speed in items nah I don't I don't really care for those trinkets I do wish I could hold shift to like go faster the worst kind of parasite opportunists but it's fine all right so we got just two Banditos and while I'm here how do we use a combat oh do I have to equip it is that the deal I bet I have to equip it onto a character to have it trigger so did I play this at an early access at all no I um I pretty much only played this at launch in Early Access and then stopped uh not because I didn't want to play more but I just don't like playing Early Access games anymore I've it's not that I find it distasteful it's just I'm so tired of Early Access games wiping my saves primarily like that's one of the big ones um but also like changing how progression works so I have to like reset progress uh especially if it's a game where I have to play the prologue twice or something to that extent uh or three times or whatever I'm trying to remember which game it is uh but there's a couple of games oh uh everspace two was one of them okay uh let's see red it's Q trinkets field surgeon and coward are the traits ah a quip a combat item oh we've just got four of them uh do we give them yeah we give him the smoke bomb you've heard the glimmer of hope I don't know what's going on there you don't like replaying three hours of content just to see the hour of content added yep uh everspace 2 was the one I was thinking of I played the prologue for that game four times we learned to face the future and it was very tiring okay when we oh unfriendly unfriendly neutral neutral oh you this way we just get to see everybody's relationships chapter one freedom anything or do I have to hit continue or do I have to do a battle oh boy prison riot leading chance to escape incarceration okay so I have lunging cuff does damage has a five percent chance to create guard cell forward 3 Target somebody and marks them Stone missile and we also have out of position cooldown one extra damage so I think we want to do lunging cuff that might give some extra Dodge okay unfortunately out of position is suddenly screwing me over a bit it's fine I'm just gonna kill that guy I think I'm good Stone missile interrupts him okay we get a couple of dodges got a lot of dodges bungee cuff with the bar underneath is to be honest this man okay so if I do that cooldown one doesn't knock me back I can't throw any rocks at the moment so I'm just gonna have to do that okay stresses me out but there's not much for it all of these men with their toots okay can't do too much here when's his turn actually so in that case let's scoot backwards Chuck Rock oh the yellow bars how many turns they get per round you know that makes plenty of sense okay let's mark that guy so they're both marks I don't know how long combo trigger lasts oh best I got is killing that guy could have moved back he's gonna dute is he going to do though I'm just gonna punch him he will doot I don't know what duding does seems like it stresses me out but I think that's rectified with a solid knee to the face a haunted man but a free one nonetheless hey Point Blank Sean so if used in the first place does a chunk of damage push itself back targets uh knocks back the Target and marks them that is a good move now here's the question do I have that automatically or do I have to equip it okay looks like I might need to unequip a skill I'm gonna get rid of honestly I'm gonna get rid of wicked strike we'll keep the those two at the very least Bolden Vapors Target I don't I don't know what that does strength oh so boost the target's next attack that's okay it's probably good but I think I'd rather go for other abilities okay what do we have oblivion's ramp Parts looks like a big fight all right let's just Chuck ourselves into it that looks like a group and our flame is low which is an issue Herald alter okay we can't do Point Blank shot yet I guess I'm gonna hit the Herald okay let's do a glimmer of hope can I do that ah but it's got a cool down that's fine what are they weak to light or bleed six four because it doesn't matter if they resist the damage because it's the status effect that really gets them okay what is that bonus crit let's see and how bad is that and that sucker does Buffs oh boy that thing needs to probably die slow I'll have to work on it unavoidable end okay so we don't actually want to do a rampart here as that would go poorly for me I want to do a point-blank shot though unfortunately we're going to be using it against her which is not that helpful they're feeling that bad yeah it's pretty bad okay incision I do have another noxious Blast how much she got eight gonna take six yeah let's just do another there actually I'm gonna blind her I hate to use a Point playing shot against her in that manner but it's fine aha let's see so how is this I've heard it's bad in comparison to one it's different is the way I would phrase it it's not bad um they have death star of course oh problem solved at least for that one personally I'm actually liking it a little bit better uh it feels more like a proper roguelike to me let's see do you want to go for a stun yeah just trying to get rid of those blocks but it is not going stealth cannot be directly targeted that's fine it's um getting pretty messed up anyway and my stress ain't doing too bad but yeah I I think this is one of those preference things where people expected just more darkest dungeon one but better and instead got a much more like roguelikey effect oh boy Hold the Line that is a good move I like that also ow bad those status effects are not those are those are stinky and fortunately this one's got regen which is a little rough oh we can't move forward further let's see do we do a tracking shot now that guy's that guy is dead I'm just gonna get a whole heck of a lot of repost the buffer is gone uninvariable result I think I'm just gonna Crush okay I think we just got an absence I don't think I have a choice here okay put her on death's door hopefully yep there goes and then we've got the Deuter yeah I'm not liking those status effects but that's fine it's just this guy left and then it's the end unless oh God does he get another turn okay why is this sucker getting so many turns I know why just rude okay another Battlefield medicine oh passing to heal I'll regain some health if on death's door that's kind of useful but yeah if you enjoyed one for the RPG combat this is excellent if you enjoyed it for the management it might not be your thing yeah so this is a much more like Standalone roguelike that you're just supposed to supposed to play over and over again because it's got well Rogue lights effects stand item is equipped extra Max HP lower damage but that doesn't matter if I'm going status effects uh turn start if bleeding extra stress each okay love flame we know about that the loathing abates okay done with that one so we have we didn't find an assistance encounter nor did we get a creature's Den but is what it is cultists always a tough fight but good rewards in death store we know about cool oh it's goals and conditions but as far as like combat and customization and visuals and mood and everything this pretty much Nails it I think I go back to that that one question of how long does it take to beat like the last couple runs for this game because that that is the one sticking point that uh from my perspective is a little bit of a deal breaker I heard from some people is like three to four hours for a run and that's a little tougher luckily since it's turned based it doesn't matter too much awaits its favorite guests okay so we have a quirk toon Hummer seems like it's a bad one and we also get a couple of hero objectives wow that freaking that was not worth it I that was pants your coach must be maintained if it is to carry you where you must go Okay so we've got the Wainwright oh repaired and refurbed we also have to repair oh but I don't have enough well it's fine because we're going to end the Expedition instead because I've got 23 candles to spend uh that's actually a lot more than I was expecting yeah the hero girls The Wanderer goals candles found regions completed academics honorarium no idea and then Valley completed so yeah we gotta we get a decent amount of meta progression so let's take it out here and see what we got okay uh more like one to one and a half that's much better than Milestone makes the next Road just a little easier because from my perspective I just I cannot stand spending that long on a game once it gets over an hour then I'd almost rather it just be a pure story based game instead obviously this one has meta progression so it's not so bad it's worse with really repetitive jobs malignity which honestly I would consider darkest dungeon to be a little repetitive very fun from like a functionality perspective but it does feel like you're kind of doing the same thing a lot of times ooh so these are kind of expensive but this is where we get new characters ah oh but I have to fill it up seven to unlock the Hellion uh oops that's the recollection oh these are just the various trinkets I found so we got the working fields for items living City for characters Timeless Wood Heroes with memories are required so yep recollection everything in Timeless Wood imbue Heroes with memories each each memory will remain with that hero as long as they're successful in their expedition here can be used again in the next Expedition and they keep their quirks path can be um path can be kept or changed furthermore every time a hero is victorious in a new unique confession they can have another memory invested in them up to a maximum of five fallen heroes are heroes on unsuccessful Expeditions will forget their memories oof look to those who have known fear and failure in ample portion see melee kritskills extra crit medicinal herbs is equipped extra healing given turn start if first in turn order vulnerability as some of those are kind of stinkers oh Alchemist hero path resolutions some other things what's this one signature in item chance of healing removing okay and plague doctor remains probably one of my favorites so I'll probably just invest heart into her true Splendor of a world but I should probably go back here uh let's see do we want trinkets Stagecoach items combat items or ins two combat items for a while oh this is going to take a long time isn't it in a sea of Madness Madden okay I can see that being a gripe I personally think this one does repetition better because of the party relationships I could see that I mean it certainly has more randomization in terms of the content than you that you experience will help us diagnose the world see you know what let's go back to the living City it's the runaway that's a new character I haven't seen before Jester leopard occultist Vestal flagellant Bounty Hunter so I've never seen The Runaway before so I might as well unlock them let's go back to the working Fields uh let's see Iron grab a trinket which implements will serve us well a lot of these trinkets are kind of brutal uh let's see and once again recollection tells me about all of them on the plus side we probably start with like Oodles of stuff now which is kind of neat uh it's the Intrepid Intrepid wait what what is the Intrepid Coast I missed this one oh this would have been really nice actually ah so these are just skins I don't know if that matters yeah this would have been uh kind of nice just for the extra Stagecoach item slots and a bunch of other things whoops alas I didn't notice that that was an option at first uh well all right whatever is what it is uh how do we get out of here Embark Sanctuary I don't think we're actually gonna start another run just because I'm kind of hitting an upper limit use for a little while but I do want to take a look at that new new class because I've never seen them before it does seem like they're missing some of the characters perched precariously in the murky gloaming I didn't see I didn't see the dog man uh oh what was his name of a delight going with the houndmaster to a quiet table who's ourselves in riveting discussion oh houndmaster is in the game I must have missed it then we're lost souls hope to find their way yeah see my problem is I just think of Scooby-Doo I I don't think of houndmaster I think of Scooby-Doo each class of your hero has multiple potential paths which are specializations different paths have wildly different strengths and weaknesses which can influence how you may wish to use that hero paths are unlocked for use of the altar of Hope once unlocked they can be assigned to the crossroads when you assemble your party okay so let's take a look at The Wanderer they all Wanderers oh they are all Wanderers I see and we just get a perk for that so front rank Burns stealthin supports landly killing blow onto gaunts skills ooh looks like fire searing strike melee damage Target burn or more burn if the target is marked if in back Target plus a random adjacent monster when the target is marked smokescreen marks the Target and blinds them run and hide just cloak and then hearthlight interesting I like them I don't know who I'd mix in I could almost see them being a really good combo I don't know I don't almost want to swap out the gravekeeper instead I have to get a mod for Scooby-Doo funny all right one way or another I think I'm going to be stopping here much as I'd like to continue going I'm still kind of on the mend and is as much as more streaming and more actually darkest dungeon too like I thought the Early Access version of darkest 2 was kind of bad and I didn't enjoy it at all this time around I enjoyed it thoroughly and actually would like to play more of it uh I'll figure out if I can fit that in unfortunately I'm going away for a couple of days in the end of the week and so my schedule is extremely stretched thin uh but it's fine is what it is so for now at least I guess for those of you guys watching this on YouTube and on Twitch uh thank you all so much for watching I guess I'll see you next time darkest dungeon 2 is out in 1.0 on Steam epic maybe good old games I don't know if it's on consoles yet but hopefully it is and if it isn't it hopefully it's coming soon I could see this being a lot of fun on the switch especially but for now I'm going to go rest
Channel: Wanderbots
Views: 20,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wanderbot, wanderbots, Darkest Dungeon 2 Preview, Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2 Alpha, Darkest Dungeon 2 Beta, Darkest Dungeon 2 Demo, Darkest Dungeon 2 English, Darkest Dungeon 2, Darkest Dungeon 2 Ep 1, Darkest Dungeon 2 Quick Look, Darkest Dungeon 2 Review, Darkest Dungeon 2 Letsplay, Darkest Dungeon 2 Part 1, Darkest Dungeon 2 Playthrough, Darkest Dungeon 2 Walkthrough, Darkest Dungeon 2 Guide, Darkest Dungeon 2 Early Access
Id: OVhglvrooTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 30sec (4590 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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