Brushes! How to select the right type of brushes for your paintings. Cesar Santos vlog 016

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hi I am sesor Santos today I'm going to show you how to see brushes in a new way for painters brushes are really really important no but seriously after this video is over you'll be able to recognize and go to your pile of brushes and get the best brush for whatever you're painting plus I have a special guest coming to give me some insights about brushes what is a brush well for oil painters a brush is an extension of their perception extension of a vision an extension of our mind and literally of our hands that's where we put our thoughts into action for oil painters size matters this exaggerated long brushes are great because you can just stand away from your subject and really have that gesture going from far so you can actually see what's going on on the other side of the brush these are more normal sizes for oil painters when you see shorter brushes they're mainly for watercolor artists where they have to paint in a horizontal position and be closer to the paper to the surface that way you don't have a long extended thing uncomfortable in your face our special guest is simi Jackson she's the sales and marketing director for rosemary brushes they have been making handmade brushes for over 35 years I just turned 35 so you can put that into perspective I used to paint with whatever brushes I could find synthetic some maybe Naturals aware on sell I wasn't really particular but after I tried the rosemary brushes I really loved it so what better than to bring the person that actually creates those brushes to share some of her insights and have a interesting conversation about these brushes hello [Music] the thing is it's hard to really explain shapes and hair at the same time you've really got to think about your fibers in your hair first and then the shapes of the brushes so it's really key let's divide the brushes into two categories the synthetic ones and the natural ones within those two types there are so many different variations in shapes and form that can be used in different ways I did the whole program at the Angel Academy using only synthetic brushes they were cheaper as long as you get good quality of those synthetic brushes and you know once you use them they can work perfectly fine synthetic starts off white and when you dye it they changes the temperament you've got your ivory and that would just be your generic white and something like that is quite popular so really getting on as much pain as you can go into you synthetics even more the green ones we dyed and they look a little bit black under this light the thing you're going to think with synthetics over anything else they're inexpensive but they're usually easier to clean synthetic brushes come in different colors they start white but they can have many other shades and you can actually feel them to see if they're soft or harder to be able to use it in different stages of your painting if you have access to synthetic brushes and natural brushes always try to use the synthetic ones for the beginning of the painting that's when you are more abusive and more broad and rough and these synthetics can be the best for that use natural hair are the best option because they grab the paint in a better way the reason is that the hairs have splits and begin and this tends to grab more quantity of paint and drag the paint better on the canvas when I use the natural hairs I rather use the white hair this is a hog hair or the rougher stages the rougher areas of the paint where you're going to be adding more pressure to the brush and I use the sable hair the sable brush to the final layers when I'm doing my second that's when all the paint is wet and I'm actually going to be more delicate when applying the paint with this brush so this is a more expensive person this and you use it for the more refined areas of the painting it describes something like sable I always describe it like a rolls-royce it really is if you can afford sable go threat but my god did not you can get with sable whether you use synthetic brushes or natural brushes always make sure that the brush is a good quality you can have some natural brushes that are great quality and also buy quality as well as synthetics that are poor quantity and also great quality with synthetics actually some synthetic brushes can be better than some natural brushes that's why I trust rosemary brushes because I know they're going to perform the way I want the brush to perform a little tip for you when you go to select a brush and the store just make sure you grab the brush and do some pressure on it as if you were painting and make sure that the that the bend is towards the middle of the brush not towards the tip of the brush not towards the ferrule of the burr of the brush but mainly that the bend is towards the middle that means that the brush is nice and balanced now regardless of the type of brush you use there are many shapes available to us that we can use for a specific area in the painting each shape will direct its natural form and will help you or influence the way the paint is applied on the canvas the round brush is the most traditional type of brush it's where you see the self portraits of the Masters holding a bunch of round brushes with their palette the traditional style was the round but also once and what we call an excess which is basically a silversmith even longer and that brush is great for sketching outlining drawing and the round brush also gives you softer and more curvy lines and areas for instance when we look at this area here I'm representing hair and what I think of hair I think of movement I think of variation of color soft and I'm going to use the round brush and I'm not same thing here because this is finished but if you see like places like this I use the round brush because I can go thinner kind of curving it around going in circles and then press and that's the that's what you see around these areas here you can also fill smaller areas with this brush because you can actually start with the point and then change it around and make it as broad as the brush is so all the strokes here we can see that it's made with the round brush and that's how you get the softness and the thinner kind of variation within that area the flat brush allows you to use bolder brushstrokes since he has such a defined edge it's great for edges and straight lines the easel is made of wood strongly straight and has a lot of angular changes so I select the flat brush for doing this stuff because I can go and paint the edges of the thing with the flat edge like that with a flat brush will create a straight line so all these areas were easier for me to paint them with the flat depending on the size of the brush it can be used for wider areas and also to apply in Passos on the paint it's a very strong brush and it's the brush that we all use for varnishing the painting the bright type is of great use for application of thicker heavier color it's a shorter hair and a little bit rounder on the sides and that is a great brush for bolder rougher application the rigger as you see is a very thin pointed round brush that will be great for using for doing details so around the lips here you can see all these lines were made with this small brush to do details in the eyes maybe some add some line work so it will be great for smaller details if you need to go into smaller areas the filter type is a dome shape and it's great for blending and also for softer rounder edges if you turn it on the side is something that you can imitate a round brush and also when use just flat against the canvas it can reproduce the look of the flat brush well the thing will sell bit too they filled it you know the Oval kind of shape in a dome shape and but you can get more through any age like that which is perfect when you start to wearing down will become flat and flats will become pelvis so the filbert is more versatile you can manage and have the look of different type of brush application with only using one brush remember that this painting is finished so I don't want to paint on it but the idea is that the filbert is great for blending the filter is good because you have this round edges and when you go to a corner like that you can just go in there and move it around and blend things with each other so all this area was done with the filter there are many other types of brushes but the last one I use and I love and it's less popular over brush is the fan brush well the fan brush I don't use to paint grass or to do little leaves on the trees or anything like that but mainly the fan brush is a brush that I use for softening the brush strokes that I don't want to be catching light and reflecting that glare for example on the black area here you can actually blend this a little bit more and what I use is that in an area that I'm using a lighter color I can use half of the fan brush and in a darker area the other half so they don't mix but the idea is that with a fan brush you can really make all these colors blend and make them really really soft and do a more improved Miro I use it towards the final layers when the paint is waiting to wet I get the dry fan brush and kind of brush it over to get rid of all the three-dimensionality of the paint that I just apply there that way it becomes smooth and the glare it doesn't reflect as much as top of the paint application remember that they are said to be an extension of your arm the whole thing is this whole painting things already hard enough you make it look easy most people can you know make it look as easy as you so you really need to make sure that your tools are working with you not again after we learn about all the types of brushes that we have available to us and what each type does and the reaction on the canvas is I would suggest approaching the idea of how to use a brush a little bit to the contrary of what the common belief is in terms of how to use the brush and when instead of looking at the brush type for its effect I will suggest to look at the thing that you are about to paint and feel what tool is required for you to transfer that feeling that energy into the canvas I wouldn't go out there and ask which type of brush does what because then that will become a generic answer all type of brush can do all types of effect it's more important for you to paint and an experience with all the type of brushes you have there until you feel what each brush does when you come to paint a subject always feel the demand from that area what is that area requiring and you'll be the one responsible for selecting the type of brush that will do that specifically you want variation in the application in the amount of paint you put on the canvas and that is what makes it interesting too the most important thing is for you to be connected to the subject you're painting so you're the one responsible for selecting whatever brush in whatever scenario the point is that you have to use many type of brushes and paint a lot so you can get used to what each brush is capable of doing so the next time you need to paint an area you will naturally go straight to the tool to the brush that you need to solve a specific problem thank you so much rosemary for making such a high quality brushes also see me thank you so much for coming here and sharing your knowledge and the process of the brushes I use and by the way the way I first saw your name even the way I described it will be brush married roses let's wrap this video up brushes come in shapes the round the paper the flat lucky for Sumi the left before I start this wrap for more complete demonstration there are my instructional videos out there that actually shows me painting and how I think about it these videos are meant more to have a discussion about the theory of art and for me to teach you quicker elements involved in the arts
Channel: Cesar Santos
Views: 128,954
Rating: 4.9271321 out of 5
Keywords: bob ross, cesar santos, santocesart, brushes, brush, rosemary and co, oil paint, painting, how to choose brushes, how to, painter, realism, realistic, contemporary, classical, portrait, miami, florida, american, cuban, cuba, usa, demostration, symi jackson, lean over fat, face, filbert, flat, rigger, fan, round, cesar, santos, englan, uk, handmade brushes, select right brushes, winsor and newton, old holland, master, modern, syncretism, art, vlog
Id: 3gyS7pcbOS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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