Brush Axe Restored With Melted Aluminum Cans

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foreign so this here is called a brush ax some folks call it a sling blade sorry uh yeah this is a pretty useful tool and I used to use it a lot but I quit for some reason so I really want to get this thing back in service I'm not going to polish it to a mirror shine but I'm going to make it functional and I could just put another wooden handle on it but I don't like doing things the normal way we're going to do something different my name's John welcome to Farm Craft let's get to work hey folks this video is sponsored by DraftKings more on them later foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign so a big thank you to DraftKings for sponsoring this video I wonder do I have any sports fans out there in my audience yeah I figured I did well if you like sports and you like to place it better too you're going to love DraftKings obviously you know the big game is almost here well you can bet on your favorite team but it's a lot more than that it's not just betting on who wins you can bet on how much they win by or how much they lose by you can bet on who's going to be the MVP or which team's going to have the most passing yards pretty much anything you want to bet on you can do on DraftKings and it's not just football maybe you're a fan of a different sport or a less mainstream sport they've got all The Usual Suspects covered basketball baseball soccer hockey but even things like mixed martial arts golf Cricket rugby even ping pong if you're a fan and you want to bet on it DraftKings has you covered so I'm teaming up with RAF Kings to bring my audience a special offer sign up with DraftKings Sportsbook right now use the promo code farmcraft bet five dollars on the big game and you'll instantly receive 200 of additional bonus bets straight into your account you can place these bets on the big game too and make it a real exciting game so again thank you to DraftKings don't forget to use the promo code Farm Craft check the description for links and let's get back to work thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] come on thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign foreign foreign seven kilograms 12 pounds 9 ounces so there's definitely still aluminum in this but this stuff is really really light there's not much yeah most of that is just oxides and waste junk foreign all right now I need to roughly estimate the volume that's in my pattern so that I know how much metal to melt foreign okay that was 600 milliliters so the pattern to right there was 600 milliliters I was a little generous with that estimate so this should make an excess well that's 13.7 inches the whole thing's 37 inches so you do a little math 13.7 to 37 600 MLS you get 1.6 liters or 1600 MLS or CC's times aluminum is 2.7 grams per cc means I need 4.3 kilograms of aluminum that should be enough for the handle and then I've got this left over and I was hoping I was going to be able to save some of these but I want plenty of metal for risers and Vents and all that kind of stuff you want an excess of metal so I'm just going to melt it all foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign thank you foreign why can't I ever pick small things to cast this is a lot of work foreign foreign I remove this section of sand to create the in-gate that is a path for the molten metal to go from The Pour spout into the void of the mold all right we have a mold foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign let's get back it might bubble a little bit foreign foreign foreign oh somebody over filled it foreign looks good foreign I realized it right as I was pouring right right here is called the in-gate and that is the connection between the pour spout and then the mold and I only cut it out of one half of the mold you can see I didn't take anything out of this I was supposed to to cut some of that sand out of there so my end gate was smaller than I intended huh how's it all look s pretty good I see a little bit of a and it's probably because of that small and gate I see a little depression right there the in-gate probably cooled and this was still molten see this is supposed to stay molten the longest as it's cooling off it can pull more molten metal from here and not have depressions like that but after the end gate solidified the part didn't have anywhere to pull more molten metal from so it contracted foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign thank you two thousand years later thank you [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Applause] foreign [Laughter] thank you foreign foreign left my studs a little too long for peening because they ended up splitting out but you know look how rough this thing is I don't care about that I know that's not going anywhere that's not going anywhere and I thought about filing this giving it a brushed finish but this uh this sand casted finish is actually a really nice grip it's very comfortable and very effective it's like it has just a touch of sand on it but of course it's the negative of the sand in aluminum so I'm going to leave it like that let's uh let's see how this thing does [Music] boy that thing is vicious so that is a brush ax but some folks call it a sling blade let's go see how this baby works so we've got lots of trails on our property over time this happens it kind of grows up into the trail and when you're trying to mow it uh it's scraping on you it's just annoying of course I can come along here with a chainsaw but that kind of makes the walk Less Pleasant just walking it with a brush ax is not it's still just like going for a walk but when I need to clear something I've got it foreign [Music] foreign it's pretty nice you can take some pretty big stuff with it and you don't have to worry about hitting it in the dirt it's no big deal I think it's super easy to sharpen it's not like a chainsaw there's no starting and stopping it you just swing get a little exercise clear your Trails oh yeah and I am aware of galvanic corrosion I'm just not that worried about it what's the worst that can happen this tree has a four inch limb that's hanging out over the trail and I really should use a chainsaw for this but let's see if the brush ax can handle it [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] and as far as I know nobody calls it a sling blade that's a reference to an old movie if you haven't seen it called Sling Blade you should see it it's pretty good so uh so there you go guys brush ax is back in Action there you can see the the defect on it it doesn't really affect anything it's just for looks and uh it is kind of heavy if um if I decide I can shave this down I could take quite a bit off of this and I think it would still be plenty Stout but I'll use it like this for a while and we'll see how it does thanks for watching guys we'll see on the next one [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause]
Channel: FarmCraft101
Views: 382,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: axe restoration, antique axe restoration, tool restoration, rusty axe, how to restore an axe, hand tool restoration, restore axe head, axe head, old axe, vintage axe, repairing an axe, axe handle, old axe head, hatchet restoration, ax restoration, restore hatchet head, rusty old axe restoration, perfect restoration, rusty tool, axe restoration asmr, antique restoration asmr, brush axe, old brush axe, brush axe restoration, bush axe, brush hook, brush axe vs machete
Id: 2zLNskciqDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 6sec (2946 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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