Brucie Boy & John Doe As Good Friends - BATMAN Telltale Season 2 The Enemy Within (No Commentary)

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I think you'd know him as John Doe we understand that it was during your stay in Arkham were you and John met and became friends from the sound of it you two were close yeah we were friendly he showed me around Arkham is that right according to hospital records you and John were involved in a riot they captured the whole incident on video John cut another inmate a man named Victor Zsasz then you jumped into the fray several people were hurt I don't care what you saw you weren't there you don't know what happened I realized that wasn't an unpleasant time for you we're not here to dredge up ancient history then why are you asking about him John was discharged from Arkham months ago no one has seen or heard from him since I was thinking maybe you have why would you think that he listed you as his emergency contact sounds like you two were pretty close to me okay now I'm a little creeped out I knew him for a day maybe you made an impression on him well I haven't seen or heard from him so for that we can all be grateful you you knew my father well no but judging by all the lovely people here he must have been quite a man either that or he left a lot of money excuse me hmm just saying he seems popular mm-hmm much beloved John can I talk to you a sec Bruce I was hoping I'd bump into you why don't we catch up over here I'd love that we have so much to catch up on enjoy the rest of your day look I know it's a closed casket but I can see by the genes your friend was a looker huh huh why are you here John I told you I'd see you again didn't I you and me we're two threads in the same stitch look I got you a little something just to mark the occasion I knew you'd be hurting see I thought it might make you feel better um thank you John that's very considerate of you oh good I wasn't sure first time at a funeral you see people get upset at the littlest things it hasn't it hasn't been easy for me out here you know I'm the new guy now it's the freedom that gets to you so much you hardly know what to do with it it's not like Arkham sometimes I miss those padded walls you do where the lines were drawn which ones not to cross you can't possibly mean that Arkham is hell it was my home Bruce and home is where the heart is I'm almost sorry that I convinced dr. Leland to release me if everyone could please take their seats we will begin did you just sit down today we gather to honor the memory of Lucius Fox he was a friend a father a husband a leader you are crashing my friend's funeral John you better have a good reason all I do I need that favor you owe me for settling the score with sass and you know getting you out of Arkham sure you're gonna do right by me aren't you I know you're a man of your word I give you my word tonight I'll stand by it I knew the moment we met friends for life you see I've met some inspiring people out here made some new friends made it kind of packed they're amazing Bruce that special breed who live by their own rules don't I give you of your father so who are they you'll find out when you meet them they're looking to bring someone like you into the bowl maybe you will meet them for me Moshe please I've got a lot riding on this I already told them you would please don't let me down I'd be happy to chat with your friends John just say when and where I was so hoping to have so much fun I knew this would work out this air between us this is real you can't force this kind of friendship I want to commemorate the moment the guys will be so excited now what filter should I use thank you Bruce mmm that's a good one I just know you're gonna hit it off with the guys I should warn you though I've gotten enemy real piece of work calls himself the Riddler how do you know for Mittler know him I want to rip his eyeballs out he's a thief and a killer and worst of all he's rude I tried to let the authorities know the kind of lowlife they're dealing with but wait a minute you know to of course a man of Bruce Wayne's caliber knows everyone that I shouldn't be surprised not your usual crowd though so I thought if I ever get my hands on him I will tear him apart oh you don't know how glad that makes me Bruce you and me we've got the same taste in people I had my way that smarmy know-it-all would never leave his hole you know where he is no no not exactly no maybe I said too much I'm your friend John you can trust me Trust is the mainstay of any healthy relationship I want that for us Bruce I really do yeah I really don't know much I hurt the egomaniac always made people go to him for meetings somewhere in the East End where in the East End honestly that's all I know and even that might be out of date if you're so eager to find him why don't you let me help you I'll find out where he is and get back to you see if I can't find out where that jerk puts his head down it'd be just like the old days I would appreciate that John that's what friends are for Bruce just beat mine later like I asked look I think I outstayed my welcome here huh I'm just excuse me sorry it's it's been some nice catching up Bruce I miss this there's trust between us I know we'll see each other again soon be in touch bye Bruce until next time intriguing fellow certainly not one for decorum I don't think that camera flash went unnoticed now whatever you say about John he gave me a lead on Riddler's location inform Gordon tell him to drag up GCPD records on Gotham's East End and tell him we're on Riddler's trail unknown contact what is it that John guy from the funeral from Arkham who actually it sounds like he's keeping his word Moorea John thinks that Maury can get us Riddler's location you believe him maybe we should go back to the beginning bring Rumi mori up on the bat-computer either of them could potentially lead me to him the question is which is more likely to help you you Batman I'll tell you about Batman he's no hero well I said it's just a bunch of hired muscle for rich guys guys like Bruce Wayne I see Lily tell Bruce Wayne the hell that makes you feel good okay that feels no Whitley he's on your right it feels like crap wave preach and you're just a huge colossal gigantic spoiled pieces oh [Laughter] yeah I mean I'm gonna ignore what I heard no harm done you set me up nonsense Bruce uh don't mind Willie we're just messing with you you look like you could use a drink hey John what about my medicine bottles under my chair Willie you're making wonderful progress I I run a therapy circle here every second Sunday these people need the expertise that I learned in Arkham so know-it-all really got what was coming to him authorities are refusing to comment on the death of the mysterious criminal known as Riddler who you are [Laughter] did you have anything to do with the Riddler's death hated the guy but geez Bruce you really think I'd be capable of cold-blooded murder after everything you know about me you really think I do that no no no of course not I mean I know you hated him but you know killer what was I thinking I know what you were thinking but hey no harm done anyway I was a little surprised to see you Bruce I'm guessing this is about that favor I asked look before we get into that I need to come clean Riddler was more connected to my friends than I let on at the funeral Riddler really yeah he was kind of our leader but she was just so bad at it and so intolerably annoying I thought he'd be out of the picture by the time you came around I've told you I just didn't want you to think we were all like him no secrets between us ever again you have my work i pinky swear pinky swear friends for life alright let's go meet the guys I'll let him know we're on our way Madison I don't like your face bothering my friend John okay fine you're right Oh leave him be go away Willie what do you screw you nobody no one's making a fool of Willie not even you John stay away from him what the hell are you doing to my boss Billy had a problem and we took care of it is he dead I said we took care of him all right freak show I'm calling the one better get out of here cool they're expecting you a Bruce one one more thing you can't tell anyone this this is big huge I think I'm in love it's it's an odd feeling at first if I had some kind of disease but no I think it's love I am so happy John I deserve the best yeah I'd blush if I could so mysterious you at least got to tell me your name she'll want to introduce herself but if you could please help me look good in front of her I'd appreciate it come on we shouldn't keep her waiting almost got it all I had it here uh give me a hand with this wind I'm pretty sure this is how you get this thing started come on come on come on least it worked before it did Thomas look you're doing it wrong it Red's the battery yellows the starter spark one on the other literally my hero Bruce yeah I mean wow Bruce this is the lady I was telling you about Harley Quinn isn't she a hoot I knew you guys would hit it off sure I can see the funny side see I told you Bruce is a good sport wouldn't you says you're chomping at the bit to meet us I want to get my deal why what do you get out of rubbing shoulders with the likes of us the agency is after us both after the bombing they've been sniffing all around Wayne Enterprises we should work together to get him off our backs sounds to me like you just bring what heats Bruce could be a real help to us Harley you should have seen how he took out this guy in the bar really got the heart racing he's a force to be reckoned with do us a favor put skip over to that bodega don't get me a slushie right now I mean a book yeah I got it Watchi thanks would we gotta go [Music] what were you guys talking about your friend was just saying how much you liked your PUD got a little man crush on ya ain't that right brucey ain't that the gist of it it's the truth you've just made my day Bruce I want you to know the feeling's mutual oh my god that is the best damn a slushee ever [ __ ] on that I swear it'll make your whole body shiver come on put your lips on it lenka cooties cross my heart no thanks I'm good suit yourself I'm a pretend I ain't offended I'll try some hmm okay here's what's going to happen now mr. moneybags you're gonna go get mama a little presents from inside there you really ought to rethink your hiring practices Bruce you man's lying down on the gym what did you do to him it is he still alive don't worry a little bump on the head never killed anyone going up bro see you know I might have pegged you wrong good boy as long as you keep up this good behavior give me a hard time oh I might have to go back and finish the job it wasn't a very good guard anyway I mean isn't he supposed to keep people out maybe getting knocked down will teach him a lesson you didn't have to do that I didn't have to but I did now pipe down or I'll go back and finish the job thought you were gonna wait in the car Harley figured you'd want some company didn't want you to have to do this all by your lonesome you don't have a problem with that do you mr. moneybags of course glad you could join me welcome to Wayne Enterprises thanks sugar well this is yours huh kind of blue our place has way more personality I have to say Bruce it's exhilarating to walk these hallowed halls with you this is where the wheeling and dealing happens the power plays the boardroom scuffles I can feel all that toxic energy in the walls you think I could run a place like this one day a hubris I think I'd get quite a kick out of being CEO if you keep your head down work really hard yeah why not oh yeah you worked real hard you had a rich pops who stole everything not nailed down oh come on Harley Bruce's father works really hard at taking other people's money you gotta give him credit for that [Laughter] hey pull it together puss oh that's lucky a drink escutcheon Oh Bruce I'm surprised to see you and these are to whom do I owe the pleasure I don't believe we've met their fashion consultants I figured it's time I try out a new look not just Bruce we're gonna revamp this whole place dress everyone in snazzy uniform well no one ran this by me just think you could come into work on Monday dress just like me hmm you got a firm grip mr. corporation the kind that makes a girl go weak at the knees want to show me what else you can do with those hands we could carve out some alone time just you and little ol me tempting but I'm pretty sure there'll be a bad idea yes that would be a terrible idea Bruce has a job to do or such a pie hole will you John you kind of learn to live in the moments Bruce what's taking so long in here huh hey hey I know you we met at your father's funeral Jonathan okay Bruce need to get physical I get it because Quietus lab rats but what about Harley I mean she's gonna want to know about your rough friend here what am I supposed to tell her keep your mouth shut John or I promise you you'll regret it I can tell this means a lot to you Bruce you're using your Stern father voice I'll I can't hurt him shut it you got it I don't like lying to Harley but I'll do it for you Bruce is the Phalanx key give me that I can go out there and you know make Harley happy you can have the key just leave Tiffany out of it okay you mean this thing that's it you've got to be kidding Bruce you can't give these psychos anything from this lab hey no no need to get personal we're all on the same side remember come on Bruce you know how dangerous this tech could be in the wrong hands you ho what the hell is going on in there please Tiffany I've been honest with you every step of the way no I need you to trust me please I better not see this on the evening news thank you this this makes things so much better for everyone Thank You Tiffany you made the right call our Lee will be over the moon when I assure this stay out of sight until we are long gone whatever hey now welcome to our little hideaway home away from home the end of the line tell me why I shouldn't give John little help here a real man would not need help it would help himself it's not like that he knows I'm his pal why wouldn't I help him it's cuz we're pals [Music] hey buddy it's always so good to see you like so good always good to see you John I did want to say Bruce thanks for helping me out before and your office and making me look good hey I'm just glad everything worked out did it ever panting that key over to Harley give me know what she wanted pure ecstasy yeah that was a big moment for me I should have known right when we pinkie swear that everything would work out great Harley wants me to try to get in good with Bane and freeze I think you're well on your way to doing just that and I've been doing you know what I can to help too you didn't catch it look like Bane might kill you I set off that even be you know as a distraction I thought it might give you a chance to show off your technical skills in front of freeze that's the only thing I think he really respects oh then I owe you my life John it's what pals do I know you do the same for me and wouldn't you know it you've nailed it you already know I like you Bruce you better get cracking on getting those other guys to like you too cuz I don't want to have to watch what happens if they don't Priska Bane loves that beer I bought some verb when I need to talk to him he's scarier than anybody in Arkham did you have one here oh that spot was for Batman you like Batman what's not to like I only saw him for a second in Arkham but oh man I'd I'd love to see him again think she really brightens up the room a thousand watt face how'd you two meet same way you and I met in ARCA she found me a dark time and gave me a reason to live out here and experience all this I don't see how we aren't destined to be together it just wouldn't make any sense what do you say boys Bruce Wayne Yin or Alice Bruce is strong and smart and some like super-handsome it's nuts Yuka isn't where was I going with this right right I vote in well aren't you mr. popular we got a majority folks Bruce is in Harley your arms and legs inside the ride son be a sweetheart and giving into the luggage Sanofi can you get in the you you I've want you to head over to Riddler's place and do some diggin I might need some help that place is full of death traps like John with you just don't get him hurt that's my job road trip breath I'm actually I was thinking Catwoman after all she knew him mmm good points take it sue I'll grab some snacks what's that guy's story cat lady are you more of a beef jerky or trumpet-shaped corn by its girl why am I even asking there's never a dull moment with John around why do I get the feeling that's not a good thing who's ready to hit the road who are you gonna tell if you see anything that ain't on the up-and-up you but don't worry Bruce is my best friend he'd never betray me oh sweet innocent puddin friends have the easiest access to stab you in the back now get out of here I call can't believe this is where he decided to set up shop wasn't like him to slum it I always thought the abandoned water tower was an odd choice I mean the mold risk belong it's not the abode of a man who asked me to steal a Renoir that's for sure why don't you two go that way let's see if anyone's around come on John we'll go check the other side Oh Oh me doc I'll have what she's having he stooped around there's a police car nearby but no officer in sight and it could really lose wash maybe it's just placed there to scare off looters but either way we should be careful okay let's find a way in I just have to get through these boards don't worry I brought my key hey I believe in you John you show that Walt Hey Bruce I have an idea why don't you Jimmy it open Bruce freakin way unbelievable and even be working tonight if I didn't need the extra dough but maybe this would make me look good with the boss wow you have dynamite in those fists Bruce that was wonderful wake him up so Bruce can do that again John let's go he won't be out for long come on let's get moving Hey Bruce I've been wanting to talk to you alone you have I don't like how cozy can't woman was with Riddler because he was a killer because it was great to me we need to stick together I don't trust this kid in one bit you know what they say about a black cat crossing your path you're right John I am of course I watch out in case she tries to make a move John we're friends right so I gotta ask what do you see in Harley a ruthlessness the way her accent comes and goes when she's mad the way she lets things escalate into violence what are you hey bruh there's so much I've mentioned this before but he always interrupted me never let me get to the punchline it takes a lot of confidence to tell a joke you know made me look like an idiot in front of Harley well hey I guess I have the last laugh now [Laughter] I've been meaning to ask the green hair what what is what is that I don't know your black hair sorry buddy I'm a little sensitive about my style didn't mean to make you uncomfortable I'll remember anything about myself before Arkham and when I came to felt here it was I guess it's natural maybe someone should stay up here Keep Watch good point let's go Bruce sorry I can't lady or maybe you could stay ohto Harley gave me an assignment and I mean to fulfill it we'll go first make sure it's safe Bruce you you care about me that much and here I thought I was losing you to her I'll be on the next one so so don't die before I get there is something charming and unnerving at the same time oh that's the stuff so John about the laptop you know I'm the first guy who resort to stealing from anyone anyone but her but in a way that almost makes it more enticing or another way maybe I tell her getting her good graces maybe I will and maybe I'll do just that then she remember my name as an H in it she always spills it and jail him because we're friends joined this is between us so our friends are but Harlan's Harley I don't know Bruce I'm torn here just thinking about her makes me feel like I'm floating she's the most intriguing creature ever to grace me with a demeaning insult which is great don't get me wrong I want more Bruce like you and Catwoman I'm only a little ashamed to say that dance had my pulse pounding what's your relationship with your real one how much to tell she's just another criminal John she's only over herself must be blind then Bruce I told you I'm a watcher watching her only Harley saw me like really saw me the world's a crazy place isn't it I want heartland you want the laptop maybe we can come to an arrangement I helped you with Harley I see you're up to bat then Lane what did you do to make Catwoman her how can I get that with Harley how come make her see me just need to be genuine your special job she just needs to see that so being myself I hear that a lot but how can I be myself I don't really know who that is yet how did you know anymore Bruce to be honest I don't know one does people lie to themselves about their true nature maybe I'm lying to myself that would explain something I've noticed recently a few layers deep pacing animal in a cage just looking for something to start it the Prison Break no maybe stick with being nice until you figure it out people appreciate kindness even Harley probably how does that even work bond with her lend a hand with a problem she hasn't oprah's I had the tough time just talking to her oh I've got an idea let's play pretend of what you'll be hardly say something Harley would say vane is such a loser oh yeah what are you gonna do below snuff out his light I don't know what she would say I kill for some front-row seats to that okay now say something date like we're out painting the town red hi John I like hiking do you like the ugh why slap me so what do you think pretty good right yeah that was okay but can I make a suggestion stay on the subject I brought up until there's a more natural transition to another topic okay hit me another what was your favorite thing about Arkham puddin for me with sloppy joe fridays okay okay here we go I enjoyed the lights they had a home to them felt like a blanket fuzzy even I missed that on the outside it doesn't feel as real here you know about here chaos seems to rule the day it's loud and an even but you Harley you thrive on it I could learn from land because they thrive on you you're my light outside of Arkham [Music] it's beautiful John she'll be eating out of your hand in no time you think I don't know it felt weird to say I really think I'm getting the hang of this I'll start the next one your face has all the adequate face like qualities one looks for in in a face Harley I loved you a perfect pitch you gotta swing or what John sorry something just came up it's business I have to run sue sue it's fine a forever embrace I guess I won't go tattling - hardly so will you help me get the laptop gosh Bruce we are friends and you're right about that and our talk really got me fired up to find myself my true self plus your Harley is spot on you drive a hard bargain mister wait okay let me Mull over the logistics but I'm in meet me back at the subway when you're done with your business and because we're pals coffee's on my dime Bruce don't go a corner I've caught a city today [Laughter] please Jim you have to let me in my car so much I'm the best friend you have in spandex whatever my suit you can trust me that's my mustache your mustache Waller ordered me to save it - how dare it's a symbol of justice like the little hammers judges use you think I don't know that the Batman I've had it since I was a baby I can help you I have sharp Batarang now this is my burden to bear I need one final night with my best facial feature alone I want to feel it muscle to breathe become Gotham a leaving Peter cheese rocking it for one last time I'm I'm sorry it's okay I hope you never know off like this [Laughter] what if I grew a moustache for you Batman hi hello so was John my name is John John Doe you don't know me well we actually did cross paths once but what did you overhear I didn't hear anything I just got here I swear it's just what a pleasure so nice to finally meet you it's just a handshake nice to meet you John welcome quite a grip you've got there miss Ouiser stress ball waiting here such a huge fan of yours here you are in the flesh looking for mentors role models I've come across a few big it it's your your bad name I don't take on students hold on before you accept here's when I bring to the table I can get you Riddler's laptop all his secrets right there and the gang who attacked the convoy they need it to pull them big score the point so what if I steal it from Harley Quinn OS and give it to you but and this is a big but I need you to promise nothing bad will happen it's Harley defeat letting one criminal slip through the cracks every once in a while it'd be the worst thing nothing will happen to her you have my word all right good I'm trusting you on this one now when you're on the job what's the preferred method of extracting a target always repelling in more explosives as a distraction or you know what I'll wing it if I were you I'd get a friend to help that's a great idea I'll Bruce is there do anything for me oh one last thing I collect these pay me a lot to me we look so cool I mean you're cool I'm not I'm not usually cool but next to you I look cool look right on my wall thank you laptop behind the stack deck I'll be there promise hope to die you won't be disappointed are you watch on a laptop this seems like the perfect time you don't know for sure it was him so now what they know the cost a value loyalty above all else time being loyal now that guy just keep her busy I have to sneak into our office to get it and it's all yours tip getting it for my old buddy Bruce yes that was a good one hey you two what's going on with you guys Harley what a surprise you two are getting a little too close for comfort so I'm making a new rule hands off point is John's mine and mine alone so don't play with my toys or I'll bash in that pretty face of yours Alfred get a suit ready for drop-off of course what's your accomplice successful looks like a mama we didn't even know [Applause] Alfred keep the drones on alert they're online and move ahead sir don't let your guard down he's here amazing how did you do that did you get it it didn't feel great you know stealing from her felt like it was a little Harley with a halo on this shoulder telling me not to do it and then a bat on the other whispering just get it John or did you have the halo and Harley the horns you must run across this in your line of work how do you deal with doing something good when you might be hurting someone you love because it certainly didn't feel good quite the opposite in fact every time it costs you a little bit of yourself I wish there was an easier answer it seems like you can't do it very often or there'll be nothing left I did bring the thing by the way don't you worry Perseus I bring you the Gorgons head [Music] so is Batman happy you you look pretty happy well I'm happy I did something for you maybe you could do something for me like teach me anything what about those boomerangs I promise don't we use it for you know hero things probably please pretty please fine so awesome batter a long-range weapon effective dangerous hail dead-on your turn on my hand oh gosh my hands are sweating use your free hand to help you eh it'll follow your elbow don't overthink it just throw yeah dang it's okay practice makes perfect clay can I keep it a hundred times a day until I get it working with you Batman and it's just been Wow what I meant to say is just it's been an honor if you ever need someone to watch your back you know I'm good with a Batarang and I have a lot of guns too if that helps this is exciting a new leaf to new beginnings it was a pleasure working with you John maybe we'll do it again sometime I'd love to oh yes yes of course have your people call my people do you have a cape guy cuz I was thinking about updating my look literally laptops gone what are you yeah shaaka we have a turncoats I've interviewed just about everyone in the place except maybe one Matsu so gosh that only leaves the two people I haven't cleared you and Catwoman maybe it was the guy who Bane gave the hamburger face but weirdest thing the laptop went missing after that well you seem to have made up your mind already I guess one of us has to be them all but you've already cleared me Trion's make me second-guess myself ain't gonna work sweetie nice try though John get in here when I told puddin I narrowed it down to you two he begged me to let him interrogate you I gave him some pointers and now this is his chance hi Bruce you potential rat have at it John Harley and D mind can't learn to ride with training wheels on forever you know I'll be right outside admit rats chump you're the sorry I have to make it sound good it's okay it's okay you have to keep it up right Thanks I'm already never wanted to come to this we both know what has to be done Catwoman has to take the fall think about it Bruce Harley's gonna kill that Tiffany girl if it's you it knows if she'll stop there okay John that's what we'll do oh really I know you'd see reason didn't expect you to see it that fast okay this is good I'm calling her back in Harley we're done puddin you mighta surpassed the teacher that was record time who we hanging out to dry go ahead Bruce tell her what you told me come on go ahead Bruce it's okay just like we talked about please it was Catwoman she took your laptop how do you know she took a phone call at Riddler's Bruce overheard her talking about it I understand Bruce I'm disappointed too so much for the Solidarity of sisterhood and here I was starting to be a cat person I knew you had it in you John we are gonna do terrible things together like skin a cat what is these watch closely could use a little color via depotted Riddler's gonna help us out very clever come on what's taking a ride just the world clear this is a smash-and-grab operation we smashed the lab grab the virus and then were gone a virus sounds dangerous and unpredictable if used properly it should allow me to cure my Nora and I will be able to perfect the power of my venom the virus can do all that exciting waiting for we gotta get this one for the history books no make sure you get my good side okay everybody say cheese come on squeeze in oh it's perfect is it dusty in here it's just me hey mister which way to all your most dangerous toys someone's being a bad boy no can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs chop chop boys it's the last mile Waller I'm in good we're on our way do not let the pack get their hands on that virus Bruce I've got it under control talking to yourself huh Joan it's okay Bruce I talk to myself all the time to be honest my voices haven't been letting up lately either I keep thinking this virus was the thing holding us all together it's what made us stick you know call me paranoid but I'm worried once it's gone Harley's just don't disappear just don't think I could take that kind of rejection you know when you invest so much into something it practically becomes who you are no matter what happens I've got your back John I'm not going anywhere come on let's just get this over with initiated emergency protocol will be incinerated I wasn't it great [Music] [Music] [Music] hey where is she John where's Harley I don't think we've been formally introduced till John Doe you seem kind of familiar easy John this is a Vesta special agent a Vesta I'm John Doe Lonely Hearts Club sorry to hear that John do you think you could answer mr. Waynes question she was here which she was here yeah where is she now John this is important remember the cafe just be yourself John and you told me you'd have my back and a and B B to get where I'm going and for what she flew the coop I have nothing you steered me wrong every turn every bad piece of advice everything blew up in my face I was honestly trying to help well then news flash you're bad at helping like bad helping hall of fame and get some real answers Bruce points it's over the pact dream is not yet it's not she's still out there with a deadly virus in a city full of innocent people call me when you got something I care about it always surprises me how heavy guns are this was hers it's all I have left it's gonna be okay John I promise I care John you know that I'm nearly out of reasons to believe you anymore Bruce [Music] well it's been real what are you doing John leaving nothing for me here bad memories no weird John I understand you want to run I've run before good problems they just come with you no matter how far you go nope pretty sure I can get away from that damn it Shawn listen to me I need to find Harley I don't wanna do this anymore not for you not certainly not Gotham care John please this is important I know it hasn't been easy for us but I am your friend okay buddy look the agency was here they took the blood I was up here in a very dark place he's like me but Harley did I told him what happened to whittler she gave me this and where do you think miss Quinn is now we'd like to find her sooner rather than either me help me bring her to justice it's what she deserves John I just can't say no to you Bruce we charmed it Sam every time you sure know how to spin things all the right ways to twist my arm it's going to take me a few hours to find her I have to check a few places do some thing okay we'll come with you no you won't look I can see you've tried to be nice I just need some time to think of whatever this is I need to do this alone I'll call you when I find something wait hold on we'd really like your help John are you sure you won't reconsider us coming with you I did and it's a hard pass it's okay go Bruce let's talk about this he'll come through he's done it before it's funny when you first walked through that door I honestly thought you came here to check on me [Applause] [Music] John [Music] [Music] dr. Quinzel this is Harley's broken [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're not making this easy on me you know it wasn't me I mean it was me but it was self-defense stop agree you ain't never come here it's about boundaries you know this miss police it was special to me it hardly scape here tied from people like you show up you were could even fight it Bruceton send you after me buddy buddy latency no do that it was like this when I showed up [Music] Thanks listen I'm so glad you're here please it's it's not what it looks like I actually explained just try and reserve judgment take a deep breath John just calm down it was horrible horrible no you're right I should do my exercises get a hold of myself what happened is Harley here she left just as I got here the agents they came looking for her and I suppose she just started shooting Bruce they're supposed to say hands up I've seen it on the TV they just attacked you it's right to talk sense into them but they won't listen they just wanted blood something took hold of me something dark and vicious and desperate for survival I grabbed the nearest thing it started swinging this is funny sorry I always laugh nervous i redecorated - I wonder what Harley would think of the new color scheme [Laughter] you said you hit them with something I think so I just grabbed whatever came to hit this woman has a gunshot wound huh real in the back oh yeah it's it's coming back to me now she was going for her partner's gun on a pilot it stops until I was saying I've just been sitting here in the dark until you came in okay sounds sounds like you did what you had to do exactly it was a real life or death no I just sort of close my eyes and hope for the best so much great insight me Ruth terrifying it was like because like I became someone else someone dangerous but someone you want around when your backs against the wall well I hope you're okay now you think you're back to your normal self normal yes I feel much better thank you you don't have to worry about a thing it was a momentary episode a flash in the pan on people I promise you you believe me don't you you have faith buddy John right of course I believe you oh I wasn't sure I could count on you not after you drank hardly slushy when I told you I was in love not after the raid it's been hard knowing you haven't been straight with me Bruce keeping your secrets when we're supposed to have all this trust between us everyone keeps secrets John kind of a gig Oh Bruce there are secrets and then there are secrets yours definitely a secret you forget I know you real you always hiding behind some kind of mask playboy businessman criminal bad done done you can't fool a friend someone who really takes the time to look you are the Batman you're kind of gave it away with the laptop Bruce wanting it and bats wanting it too much of a coincidence to ignore well Don John but you figured it out I've got to say I'm impressed only because you underestimate me I had some doubts after you gave up Katzie to a roomful of murderers but then you had to maintain your cover didn't you for the greater good so what you think you can use that against me yeah blackmail me I would never wear two threads in the same stitch remember my head feels all messed up right now I need a purpose I know where Harley is she took a truck out of the city across the Gotham bridge let me help you stop her you and me Batman we can clean up this city together unless unless the stitch is truly broken in which case we should both go our separate ways when this is over we will have a very serious talk about all this but right now let's go find Harley we'll bring her in together oh gosh thank you Bruce oh sorry about the blood we've gotta catch up with Harley before these murders agents find her she's got explosives and the virus if they start shooting things could get really exciting look boy remember when you said you could buy me a car I think I'd like to take you up on the offer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get back I'll blow this bridge to hell if you don't give me Riddler's blood can I do it Quinn even if I wanted to I made it the bridge and every sad son of a [ __ ] on it the blood is gone the serum who what is no longer an option stand down now no one needs to get hurt sag get back to the tiller Bruce I can shoot first and ask questions later I can't just stand here and do nothing we can't look at profit we'll keep her safe John you don't have to worry earing you say that really calms my nerves [Music] Wayne about time you showed up what in the good god damn is he doing here director Waller john doe's been aiding Bruce's investigations this creatures with you amanda waller meet John Doe he's a trusted friend I'm here to defuse the situation I have my doubts but he'll at this point I'll try anything Hartley's making demands we simply can't meet you her detonators on a Deadman switch she lets it go this bridge is history this situation is rapidly spiraling out of control I'm running out of options Harley is heading towards a cliff and she's gonna drag all of us with her I can talk her off the ledge just give me a moment she won't listen all she wants is Riddler's goddamn blood and that's gone one of my own people destroyed it someone inside the agency serum Quinn wanted to make is off the table for good let me try give it a shot Bruce see what you can do stand down people let him through well well well Bruce Wayne Harley never thought I'd see you again thought you'd cut and run after your cover was blown all I want is Riddler's blood I get it I leave Gotham for good that agency he'll be says she don't got it but I know she's lying through her teeth her people took it from the laya hey I hear you Harley you're the one in charge just don't do anything rash and I'll see what I can do uh-huh sure you're gonna tell me you love me Wayne excuse me I like a little romance when I'm getting screwed I'm holding all the goddamn cards he said they'd give me what I want her I play the one that goes boom I ain't fooling around I'll do it without a second thought listen I have pull with these people you turn yourself in I can protect you good Bruce that's the way she just needs to see she'll be taken care of I don't need protection never have way I see it you need protection from me stand down gross you got her warmed up let me take it from here Gooden let me talk to her I know it better than anyone I'm so glad you're here baby these deadbeats want my head on a stick you can do it John I believe in you I won't let you down I have everything worked out up here trust me best okay just just plot try and reason with her she thinks you ever best interests at heart got this Bruce I'm just gonna be myself just like you told me in the cafe hey don't worry about it thing with all these people watching can I not live up to the occasion those two reprobates getting their heads together is a recipe for a disaster john said it himself he knows her better than anyone as long as he keeps her talking there's still a chance she won't blow the bridge there's truth in that not enough to inspire confidence but it's better than nothing [Music] I don't like the look of that not one bit you've gotta be kidding this is going south we're gonna shut this down right now we interfere now we could push it right back into Harley's arms if we don't everyone on this bridge will die stand by to move in people Alpha Team move into flank take your positions look for a clean shot what the hell do you think you're doing you gotta trust in Waller I'm telling you he'll come through with a marriage proposal maybe not a successful resolution to the crisis at hand you need to have faith stand down I think you're a fighter get her out of here how could you John you broke my heart Bruce showed me how to be good Harley and away you never thanked you for your help mr. doe you did a great job the virus please I don't think so I don't think anyone should have this least of all you well then we'll no longer be requiring your service No he helped us you betrayed me after I save the day agency people you're just a work and get quit in the truck immediately where's Wayne I want him secured subscribe if you're active [Music] [Music] thanks bro it's good to know you have my back [Music] you throw them to pay for the crimes that we're going to bring you all justice let's jump in so much fun [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] you you Bruce buddy what's it been a week two weeks sorry I didn't call sooner I've had to say low real low underground every time I pop up Waller's idiots are there and they don't seem to care whether they bring me in alive I gave her Harley the girl of my dreams on that bridge and what did I get for thanks Waller tried to shoot me the only thing she cares about is getting this virus back well I'm sick of keeping out of sight I put together a little crew it's time to get things moving again I plan to bring them all to justice we're gonna end this right now we ain't giving them up you cares about Gotham you're all gonna pay what you and your agency you're doing here in right tell me where John Doe is I ain't no rat that's too bad rats have a knack for survival kill him [Music] Batman these agents are crazy Batman they're gonna kill us this stops now agent Waller said you'd be trouble that you'd protect John Doe but I'm thinking that can't be right doles a monster and these clowns here they call him a hero that's not what you think right John is my friend yes he's made mistakes grave ones but he doesn't deserve to be hunted down by the likes of you that's disappointing you help them you're helping him if you're helping John Doe you're the enemy to fire [Music] sorry I'm late almost missed my own debut John nope better than John come on partner time for some justice deadly force authorized well lucky for these guys Frank Warren thanks fighting crime together we make one heck of a team don't you think we do make a pretty good team right we're gonna do such great things I know it's John yeah Joker what there is no more John Doe it's Joker now it's my hero name you know Batman I tried out a few other ones Birdman Hawkman Fox Batman the giggler chuckle master Lord of the laughs and the joke man you know I like it I thought you would it's a name people are going to remember we've done good work today Batman Waller still doesn't have the virus we kept the agency from killing my friends tried to out of four new moves wait a second wasn't that Harrison guy like right over there stop it drop the asset director Waller promised you revenge here's your chance we've got this remember the director wants Batman alive I don't care what she wants do as you're told [Music] the venoms should've worn off by now whatever made some improvements to the lost [Laughter] [Applause] finish the job your little man what's the plan you can stop him for just one second and I can you've got news the car drive it into Bane when I give you the signal don't die be fine ready no we can't do this my way I will have my revenge you will pay for killing my friend Riddler water told me what you did your let Batman defeat him and then you struck like a coward no I did you work with such a man murdering coward look how many innocent people he's killed he almost killed you again just one more good stab to an artery oh you can't be a killer and a hero it's one or the other is who not history do you think okay okay heroes like us don't kill even when they're wrongfully accused of murder why does Waller think you killed Riddler I don't know why she probably did it she's probably trying to pin it on me I didn't know that all right I need a quick patch up and I'm not alone I'll come to you sipping coordinates is that cool kid you must be John he goes by Joker now know who I am Bruce has mentioned you yes really what'd you tell him about me all good things I hope Alfred knows you're a friend of mine and any friend of Batman's Bruce I know we're tight like that yes he informed me that's great no secrets between us we're all part of the club Wow the Alfred I've been collecting tabloid photos Bruce for years and you're in the background of at least a third of your hurt let me have a look let's get this off you yeah I'll take care of step on the wound can you I'll prepare the compress can I help else you might if I call you that please don't and thank you this is a one-person job oh okay I could just listen to you speak all day with that accent it's like a Dickens novel come to life I bet it comes in very handy around Christmas maybe I was British before our Co does this sound natural oi you there boy get the Queen please foot reqtest how's that sit with you not well your honesty is appreciated so I'm dying to know what was Bruce like an angel perfect in every way really yes if you discount all the terrible terrible things he did I knew it I bet it was quite the production getting this one to go to bed even when he was little he was probably like no Alfred I am the night the Alfred where does one go to learn butlering is there school is that what the B in MBA stands for it isn't my father served the Wayne family and well when my service in the military concluded I was looking for something with a similar structure and discipline something more familiar than a normal civilian life that way my left Arkham I took over my father's role and now we find ourselves here today Wow the military huh GI Alfred GI is for you Yanks bi British you know did Bruce mentioned Waller took a shot at me he did yeah he got to be a person a pretty high import to get on her radar public enemy numero uno if she wants you dead jo Joker yeah well feeling's mutual how many rooms does Wayne Manor have are there wings yes I divide it into wings for ease of management and I suppose the room count is based on your definition of room for what well do you consider the ladder a proper rule or the tack room the conservatory the scullery the rotunda I don't know what any of those words mean holy crap Bruce you are so rich how old is the mensch it is considered a historical place Oh is it haunted you ever hear any bumps in the night no it's quite poltergeist tree mm-hmm I would have thought you know maybe Bruce's parents knock around just checking up on him what I know if I died I'd certainly haunt this guy so Joker what's up that looks a lot like a Batarang a Batarang no I don't even see how you think oh yeah maybe but but it isn't it's totally unique it's a joke array warm been in my pocket all day I said I throw it a hundred times a day and I did I don't feel dead I know I'm good work yeah I certainly thought so you've got a new look right you'd be amazed what you can find in thrift stores but also on mannequins in fancy stores where no one's looking certainly makes an impression well I was aiming for us but but me dark and scary like my best bud but also flashy and fun it finally feels like the right skin uh-huh when you jumped off the bridge that was one hell of a drop what happened after that was crazy right it seemed like a fast getaway terminal velocity and all anyway I hit it was dark and cold and wet for a while I ended up grabbing onto some flotsam who's Jensen no no it was flotsam floating on that until I hit the shore found Frank from the stacked deck and got some dry clothes gave me a different outlook you know new lease on life glad it worked out I should get back to my arm of course I don't want you getting gangrene that's gonna have to come out well this ought to be fun nurse I'm guessing there's no way this doesn't sting damnit few of these should do the job okay done we've had too much practice as of late guess it's just one of those wane luxuries huh having someone like Alfred to take care of your kind of his ward huh do people still use that word Alfred's always been there for me after my parents died he became the person I could count on the most everything in the line of duty sure al you guys are so cute Alfred I kind of got hurt and that scuffle - do you think oh come on it's hardly up please been a really heartfelt caring kind of lady its Waller Batman your dress sorry sorry so you're with our mutual friend good it'll make this convenient I want John Doe Joker sorry John Doe and the virus in two hours or I go public with your identity I don't want to burn you down Bruce but I will let's talk about this actions speak louder than words purse the virus your Joker at the GCPD two hours to kill me kill me or turn me into a slave maniacs Waller won't stop coming after you until she gets the virus but we can't give it to her we have to destroy it we do why not that I'm second-guessing you I just want a reason you wanted to be a hero this is how we do it this is how we keep people safe with the virus gone Waller won't see you as much of a threat well I don't like the sound of that she has to pay I could put just the slightest hint the virus in Waller Shambu or maybe her perfume technically I'd still be giving her the virus I only want to see her melt a little liquify her in science a tiny bit I thought I made it clear heroes don't resort to murder to solve their problems but it's so effective I can no dr. Leland did say I had trouble letting things go known issue am I supposed to do give up my grudges what am i awake at nights doing over them it just makes me so angry you have to rein in your darker impulses that pain will only rot you from the inside out [Music] well if you say it's the right thing to do I'm trusting you on this now right here that's it that's it completely inert now Joker Bruce and I need a moment okay I'll check the perimeter I'm relieved to see he listens to you you can balance him out just don't take your eyes off him coast is clear Waller has leverage on me we need a countermeasure perhaps someone on the inside can help someone who's lost faith in Wohlers crusade you have someone on the inside agent Blake sacrificed himself to protect agent Avesta I don't think he's the best option I mean on account of him being dead agent Harrison deceased courtesy of pain Jim Gordon formerly commissioner Jim is no love for Waller but without being on the inside it's a long shot he'd be able to help our lien Quinzel currently in the agency's custody after the incident on the bridge I'd better be treating her right she's not the best with rules or authority on cafeteria timing Selina Kyle m.i.a since escaping the murder box in the subway [Music] agent of Mona Vesta she changed her tune about Waller after the raid on the Sanctus facility if she's looking for a way to fight back you could give it to her she's our best bet Waller's threatened to reveal my identity if I don't hand over Joker and the virus I need some information on her something to negotiate with well you came to the right person when do you need it I'm meeting her at the GCPD in two hours maybe on the roof in one I'll have a little present for you [Music] this is going to be so great me mu taking down Waller Joker and Batman heroes of Gotham we're not here for a fight you need to make yourself scarce Waller is only a few floors below us all right I'll do the dignified thing and right so if things go south I can surprise them from the shadows hand over dough you know he'll be better off locked away better for himself and for everyone else otherwise we're even me and my people are out of this godforsaken town I won't look back I won't betrayin not even for that then our business is concluded for now what the hell it's John Doe oh come out come out wherever you are quickest filling in Gotham right in front of you thank you lennier waltz on out of town theory just pointing you're a hypocrite look because of what given what she knows it's the best I could do you're letting her off the hook you think you're some kind of force for justice Joker don't you see how ridiculous that is what's ridiculous is that anyone believes your lies you put me for your crimes no you killed Riddler are you serious think whatever you want you will never be a hero dare you you you're worse than me that makes me the hero this is what heroes do tell me what you doin to me you shining a light part of the agency gave me a little upgrade what do you see let go you open a threat I'm going to give you the sentence you deserve stupid Batman the collar [Music] catwoman detained Batman the rest of you take care of dough that's enough you're cornered Batman give up Joker now or I'll take you both down last chance [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Batman No how did I get here agent Avesta she managed to get you into the Batmobile the car arrived here and and I tended to you it must be nice to be reminded that you have friends you can count on and then there are friends who do things like this he could have killed you he nearly did Alfred John is just he has trouble controlling his impulses and sometimes he acts without thinking ok maybe more than sometimes I know you care for him Bruce but he's hurt people a lot of people and I but I'm sorry to say but it's only gotten worse computer bring up all live news feeds filter for the word you advised him to try and rein in his urges and you appear to be waiting for him to succeed in that after everything he's done you helped make him you know excuse me this Joker from the start Jonas hung on your every word bend over backwards to please you your influence is everywhere in him even the part of you that is darkest and now he is that I can't give up on him out there's still the chance I can bring him back from the edge you know not what al nothing I'm sorry I I shouldn't have said all that to you the the shape you're in I've had too much time to think while you've been recovering now all the way up Batman [Music] you have to put a stop to him Bruce I know you will but whatever feelings you may have had for John don't let him use them against you you can't allow him to cloud your judgment it's not that easy al he was my friend I can't just treat him like every other criminal then you need to be on your guard [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Batman got a visual on Joker and Waller doesn't look like you've heard her not yet I'm in the rafters out of sight say the word if you need help thanks Bruce I know you and while there have your differences but she doesn't deserve this I take complete responsibility so the camera can pick it up took you long enough Batman thank God I mean I assumed you'd be okay you're Batman he'd sake but still are you okay buddy I was really worried about you I'm fine of course you are no way with a couple pesky bombs take you out things got crazy on that roof huh I had to do something Waller was about to walk away forget this I'm this close to giving Waller to admit to every terrible thing she's ever done and when that's over I'll deliver her punishment it'll of course have to reflect the enormity of her crimes the only enormity I'm seeing is your jail sentence really don't like you Waller needs to go to trial maybe spend the rest of her life in a cell but not whatever this is do you know how long that would take you know I I don't know why you're not more into this think of everything she's put you through everyone is disposable to her even her own age you know I've made mistakes you try to do the right thing but there's always a cost just ask your pal Batman there he'll say the same thing I do what I do for a reason I'm not ashamed don't play innocent I play to win when I lose good people die you're totally right she sucks let's keep the show rolling we've heard your excuses you didn't mean for people to get hurt collateral damage Jonnie Jonnie yada but there's one crime that can't be excused you killed the Riddler kill him like I said you killed Riddler sad I will not if there's one thing I learned by watching you violence solves a lot of problems no damn it Batman stay out of my way I need a distraction well I get my confession the way boss talked about Jim I thought you'd be bigger [Music] [Music] I'm trying really really hard to do things your way I want to just slice right here right now but I'm getting proof of her guilt just for you this is it my way really today this isn't your way same things trying to trip me up just like war she justifies her crimes says they're for the greater good just like you you both use that word justice as an excuse so you can do whatever you want I thought you and I were two threads in the same stitch but it's not me it's her I am justice what I do keeps Gotham from becoming the swamp it once was I've given everything to protect this city delusions of grandeur months yet another thing you have in common with Waller trying to do things your way was a mistake Waller killed little Tiffany I can't let someone else pay for my crimes Waller didn't kill Riddler I did I know it was wrong now these are the people you want to protect I should kill them both everyone here is dill tea joke leave them out of this joker this is about you and me help your distraction over there I use and these there's your proof you want to sacrifice yourself from Waller hey Joey just hold on murder is wrong trust the system violence isn't the answer people just pick and choose what they believe and you're no different [Music] after everything we've been through together now it is I'll get you help I won't abandon you soup on me to go back to the beginning to Arkham where it all started I've come so far since then Batman because of you I believed in you Batman I never believed in anything [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] idiot so busy looking at you hiring you wanting to be like you loved by you I've lost myself I guess that's it I really wanted to be a hero you know I know you used me I know I should hate you for that but I don't because I had such a good time with you did did you ever did you ever think of me as your friend like a true friend someone you actually care about of course of course you were my friend he who are one guy [Laughter] [Music] visitor for John Doe Bruce we're two threads in the same stitch Bell together even under strain you
Channel: Father
Views: 218,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SX2tZi8mC_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 30sec (9030 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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