Browns History 1946-2007 HD

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] at some point and I really don't know when the city of Cleveland became one with its football team together they rise and fall in Victory in defeat inseptical it's a bond that cannot be severed the Lord knows it's been tried For Better or Worse the Browns are Cleveland it's the Innovation That Shook the foundation of the sport you just can't make a mistake against LeBron it's the Transcendent athlete of an entire generation he's the greatest running back of all time it's throwing passes on knees that can barely walk it's begging the universe for just one time one time one time throw he throws it in the end zone it is a touchdown Cleveland with Reggie Rucker it's Bernie Aussie and Lou the toe it's Dave Logan down the right sideline and Braylon breaking it long it's Otto Leroy Kelly and the next great hero it's the pound the lake and the Turnpike war with Pittsburgh it's September where all hope is reborn and it's the postseason the first in Eternal home of one of the greatest franchises in professional sports stamping here at the stadium and once again it's pandemonium Palace at the house the house gearing [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the Browns joined the NFL in 1950 they kept the same uniform numbering system that had been used in the All-America conference backs like Otto Graham and Doug Jones for example wore numbers of 60 and higher the system was different from the way the NFL assigned numbers [Music] to avoid confusion the NFL streamlined the numbering system in 1952 and new numbers were assigned to the three aafc teams that had been integrated into the NFL [Music] acts like Otto Graham now warn numbers lower than 50. program used to wear the number 60 when the numbering system changed rather than give them a New Jersey they merely peeled out the old numbers and sewed on his new number you can see the outline of the number 60 there if you look closely Max Speedy number 58 became Max Speedy number 88. and Dante lavelli had worn number 56 in the aafc his new number was 86. 86 had been halfback Deb Jones's number until he changed to number 40. Place kicker and offensive tackle Luke Rosa wore number 46 as a member of the original Browns then he was given number 76 in the revised system Marion Motley had worn number 76 for six seasons but in 1952 his jersey was emblazoned with the number 36. middle guard Bill Willis wore number 30 in the aafc then he was given Otto Graham's old number in 1952. Willis even wore number 63 in an instructional film of course from 1946 through 1955 the most important number for the Browns was the total of victories they achieved [Music] [Applause] [Music] the involvement of the Browns and the city of Cleveland was so great and so intimate you walked out the street in the morning Community go out and go to practice and there'd be the postman and he'd hi Mike how are you how are we going to do this week you know well wishes are not confined to just families of the players many of the fans take time to get pictures and of course autographs Billy bartiker was so impressed by this autograph seeker's nice smile that he married her not bad it was just the team in the city were so close and we were intertwined and if we lost the whole city was morose if we won the city was Jubilee Under head coach Paul Brown the Browns gave Cleveland fans more reason to be jubilant than morose in the first 10 years of the team's existence beginning in 1946 the Browns won 84 percent of their games they played for the championship of their league every year and won seven titles boasting a perfect balance between Innovative offense and opportunistic defense the Browns of this period became one of the greatest dynasties in the history of professional sports Saban picked this one out of the air and he's off to the promised land for the final score of the game to me they were the Yankees of football and you stepped in that huddle with Marion Motley and Doug Jones and Otto Graham we're going to win the football game that's it we never talked about anything else except winning the best show in football that's what it was the best show in football opened in 1946 most of the performers were returning War veterans these men had come back from the service they'd been in a war this was a picnic after what they'd been through I was in a battle of bastogne in a Battle of Bulge the American third Army pushed his father into the crumbling German Citadel racing other Allied armies most of us were In Harm's Way so to speak getting back out of the service we were ready for whatever was out there as far as football was concerned we knew that Paul was a very tough man and very disciplined that we were ready for things like that because that's exactly what we had while we were in the service it was a real competitive tough proposition but once you made it it was a lot of fun the Browns were charter members of the All-America conference which began in 1946. the Browns won the aafc title in every year of the League's four-year existence they established a 29-game winning streak that extended over parts of three seasons 1948 the Browns put together a perfect 14-0 season it's a wide [Music] wide putty George Young Scoops it up but he's off on an 18-yard Sprint to the goal and Cleveland goes out in front 14 to nothing from the five-yard line Motley takes the pitch out and aided by good blocking makes his third touchdown of the day as Cleveland wins the All-America Conference Championship 49-7 the Browns meet at the downtown hotel the morning of a trip are carried to the airport in big roomy limousines and it takes big limousines to transports such Huskies as Alex Agassi Frank gatsky and John yannicker unlike the NFL the aafc had teams on the west coast so travel was an often difficult drawn out ordeal traveling from Cleveland to La took you 24 hours we had four motor planes go from Cleveland to Chicago Chicago to Denver and Denver down to L.A welcome aboard Cleveland Browns we'll fly at 10 000 feet with a speed of 230 miles an hour I know we'll have a nice trip one time we were playing la coming out of Denver all the fat guys sat in the back of the plane see and you got to go up one of those mountains it took us an hour in that B-24 to go up over the mountains in 1948 the Browns closed down a perfect season by playing three Road games in eight days the trip started in New York then continued on the west coast the Browns had to play three games in eight days the third was in San Francisco with the division title at stake they trailed at the half but this touchdown pass from Graham to Doug Jones helped achieve a 30-28 victory and the title four years in a row the Browns remained unconquerable in the All-America conference winning four consecutive championships with the title game of 1949 the league passed out of existence and the Browns moved into the National Football League along with two other members of the All-America conference would the Browns continue on top against new opposition for four years we read the lousy League we're in with lousy teams who were that we couldn't begin to play against the NFL they had made so many derogatory comments about our league third worst team to beat our best team so we were emotionally ready to go we wanted to show them that we had a good football team coming in from the All-America conference nobody knew how good the players in that League were nobody knew whether there are four consecutive championships in the All-America conference were worth anything would they beat the Philadelphia Eagles the reigning NFL Champs and the leagues scheduled the opening game of the season between those two teams in Philadelphia ironic as it may seem Pro football's World Series takes place the first week of the 1950 season as the Cleveland Browns champions of the All-American conference take on the defending kingpins of the NFL the Philadelphia Eagles 85 000 fans gets a thrill in the opening period as Cleveland's Don Phelps has long gone on a 70-yard Scamper to the end zone phelps's touchdown was nullified by a penalty but five Cleveland touchdowns stood up foreign superior to the Old Guard Eagles in every phase of the game I can say quite honestly no sports team in the history of sports no matter what sport it was was it better prepared emotionally than we were for that game we were so ready we were storming at the mouth of almost ready to play that game and we went in there and of course we killed him Cleveland killed the competition throughout 1950. the best show in football made a smashing NFL debut the Browns marched to a 10-2 regular season record [Music] [Applause] [Music] Marion Motley number 76 led the league in Russia the defense featured future Hall of Famers Bill Willis and Lynn Ford number 53. against the Philadelphia Eagles Lani Ford proved his greatness as a rushing lineman as he drove Adrian Burke into the Golf Hall the defense registered 55 takeaways and led the league in fewest points allowed the Browns earned a chance to play for the NFL Championship [Music] at Cleveland stadium the Browns hosted the high-scoring Los Angeles Rams in a game that still ranks as one of the most exciting and post-season history honor Graham threw for four touchdowns and 298 yards and rushed for 99 yards in a back and forth battle that saw the lead change hands five times [Music] but despite Cleveland's Firepower the Browns were trailing 28-27 with only a little over three minutes left to play we were one point behind and going down the field in the last quarter with you know a couple minutes left the ball game and I ran a quarterback draw play a hit for the Blind Side and I fumbled and I was so discouraged here I thought our first year in the NFL Graham fumbles the football Graham lost a chance to beat the Rams and so I headed up for the sideline I was afraid to talk to Paul Brown he'd look at him and I tried to avoid him but I couldn't and he came over to me and he Pat me on his shoulder he said don't worry odds we're still going to get him and I can't tell you how much that meant to me personally when the Browns got the ball back with 148 remaining Rams running and passing brought Cleveland to the Rams 11-yard line the Rams now led 28-27 but the Browns never gave up with passes like this one from Graham direct from Gardner the brown fought back there were just 28 seconds showing on the clock when Lou groza attempted a field goal [Music] in their first season in the NFL the upstart Browns who had supposedly played in an inferior League emphatically proved that they belonged and that Paul Brown was a truly Visionary head coach [Music] I consider Paul Brown the greatest coach or manager in the century in fact in the ESPN poll of the greatest coaches and managers I voted for Paul Brown number one in that Paul Brown was somebody who was more serious more methodical more thorough about the way he coached the game than any of his contemporaries he was very much ahead of his time Paul Brown is probably the single most influential figure in professional football from the 50s I mean he revolutionized professional coaching he brought this sort of academic seriousness and academic rigor to the way he approached the game Luke Rosa has a question and Coach Paul has the answer Paul Brown's classroom produced many future head coaches assistance plant and Collier and web Eubank went on to coach world championship teams as did a pair of Cleveland players from this era who won four Super Bowls Chuck Knoll who was my roommate for three years at the Browns the interceptions got the Browns out of many tight spots this one by Chuck Knoll brought one of five touchdowns Don Schuler winningest coach in the history Football League was a brown player the stage was set for a brilliant interception by Don Shula in addition to Noel and Shula Otto Graham number 14 Walt Michaels a Gibran Lou Saban number 20. Lou rimkus and Mike McCormick all served as NFL head coaches these men point to Paul Brown's enormous influence the style of Paul Brown's set when he started the coaching professional football after the war in the All-America conference was a style that was adopted by every coach who came after him and still exists to this day Paul was as much an innovator as anybody in the history of the league spending the night before the game in a hotel full-time coaches I mean he started all of that playbooks Paul Brown's playbooks are best Amplified by a statement made by the coach some years ago football is played in the mind as well as in the heart first one with the face mask I'm the first guy wore a face mask I hurt my lip got a cut against the 49ers Otto suffered a deep facial wound on this play one that required 15 stitches to close Paul brought him up with a great big plastic thing about two inches high half inch thick molded on there for the next game and I've heard players say you're not a football player until you get some of your teeth knocked out that's idiotic you know who wants your teeth knocked out you know that's ridiculous Brown called every play from the sideline and shuttled a pair of messenger guards back and forth to get his call from the sideline to the huddle then he got the idea to put a radio in the quarterback's helmet this helmet here was worn by George Ratterman when Paul Brown had a radio receiver inserted into his quarterback's earpiece he felt like an idiot with the thing because it wasn't the antenna and you would have to turn like that so I'd have to stand outside the Huddle going like this you know until he came in loud and clear there's a lot of myth and Legend to those a few games that George Ratterman actually wore the helmet but it is in fact true that on the receiving end a Ratterman was picking up police signals and some calls from the concession stands in fact there was a story that he heard a robbery in progress during the course of the game the Browns employed a blocking scheme known as the cup that marked the beginning of modern past protection Edgar Jones in motion Graham Fades inside his golden cup it's a deep pass in the corner with Arnold Graham's expert ball handling the Browns offense emphasized deception movement and speed Cleveland was known as the pass trap and scream team it was monthly who made the Trap famous with a jet start Motley was past the line of scrimmage in a Flash [Applause] but one of the bread and butter plays in Paul Brown's Playbook wasn't originally drawn up on the chalkboard the first draw play that and we put the name to it was an accident Otto was going to throw a quick pass so that what all he did was get the ball and stand up like that and there wasn't nobody there looked up as their bulls are coming in in a hurry real quick he just handed it to Marion Motley they were Sons not mine any gave me the ball everybody run right by me and I took off Paul Brown come out and told us next day we got a new play he said we got the draw play all right here we are I'm gonna draw leg draw right that's what it is today they call it the draw play Brown was a master of Designing x's and o's but it was how he managed men that made the Browns a winner his ability to judge personnel and get the best out of them he was Far Beyond anyone that I'd ever met he really didn't care how big you were all he wanted to be is fast if you won your races or the fastest in your position didn't make any mental errors you are number one you automatically knew if you're gonna play number one as soon as you made a mistake you dropped back one the other guy had hopped in and if you were the best football player under Paul Brown I don't care how much money the other guy was making you got to start that game Brown signed the best players regardless of their race or religion I told them at the outset that I didn't care whether they were white black yellow Catholic Protestant Jewish I was after the 35 or 40 best football players if they were a black ball player at training camp if that black ball player was the better man he would be on our team we had many black ball players for the Cleveland Browns beginning in 1946 this was before Jackie Robinson appeared on the scene three years before Robinson broke the color line in baseball middle guard Bill Willis and full-back Marion Motley were among the first black athletes to play Major League Sports and don't let that name Marion fool you Motley was a trailblazing player and a bulldozing fullback but while the future Hall of Famer could shed tacklers with ease he found it harder to avoid bigotry we get in the game and uh they'd call you alligator baby and all of them bad names on one particular play which stands out in my mind Motley was made at the land of scrimmage and the guys stood him up and they kept taking shots at it so I ran over and with one fella I grabbed him off of Motley and he said get your black hands off of me well I was very angry so I simply reached over and grabbed him with both hands on on his shoulders and now you I have my hands on your shoulder you make me take them off of you Bill one was one of the great defensive linemen of pro football shows some of the finer points of blind play every motion Willis makes is pointed toward the tackle and when he makes him brother they stay tackled because I wasn't the biggest man in the league I had to be able to very quickly hit his shoulder hit that shoulder go over top go underneath go straight into the man change up I had a desire to get to the quarterback or the runner before he got started didn't want him to get up ahead of steam no no no no no Paul Brown didn't tolerate Prejudice on the Browns all of Cleveland's African-American players were accepted on a team whose members were competitive off the field as well as on congregated has to be a contest this tremendous match on the table tennis side has Horace Gillum matching chop shots with Bill Willis Gillum was sort of The Unofficial champion of the team but he got plenty of competition Otto Graham and George Ratterman pitch horseshoes the accurate dram tries his best Sunday pitch hey Otto you've taken three shoes the Browns have quite a time around the horseshoe pit and many friendly battles are waged for Paul Brown ping pong and horseshoes were the kind of wholesome activities he could endorse players with a penchant for more unsavory Endeavors were not welcomed by the upright head coach [Music] in my opening lecture I always said to him at the if you're a boom a boozer chaser I'm not interested in you making our team he didn't tolerate guys who fool around other women and that kind of stuff no way he wanted to control every aspect of his players lives on and off the field he believed in his what they call the Tuesday rule after Tuesday don't touch your wife you know keep away from sex and Dottie lavelli gets a fond farewell from his bride of a year he felt like it sapped their strength and made them less effective as football players on Sunday round leads calisthenics at League Park site of the Browns daily workouts he didn't tolerate guys at the didn't work work hard and study hard he was a stickler for a player's deportment and their table manners how you dress how you talked uh how you ate you always said don't slurp your suit he stressed the good guy good person image and if he felt a player couldn't meet that then he was gone he once traded Atkins because he caught him belching in a meeting I think you win with high-grade people I didn't want them to look like a pro team I want him to look like an Intercollegiate Bunch that played for the sheer pleasure of beating somebody he wanted everybody in the country to respect the Browns I never heard him Paul Brown swearing all the 10 years I played for him but he was very cynical he could get under your skin no question about that when he looks at you now if you can't do the job against somebody who can he would always say little things like uh maybe you're not good enough Bobby Mitchell why ran out of the pocket a couple times and uh he felt like left too soon and so he sent George right up into the ball again I sit down on the bench and I'm no more than three yards away from him he turned and said to an assistant coach well at least now we have somebody in there at quarterback who has guts enough to stay in the pocket if I had a gun I would shot him we even have to play the world championship game against the Lions in Detroit and in the middle of that game this chance starts we want Ratterman we want Ratterman finally he got so loud that brown-headed and recognize it anyway had to do something about it so he walks over to me and I start to take off my jacket Paul says George people are calling for you up in the stands I said why don't you go sit up there for a while [Music] they never told you what you did good but he always told you what you did bad and he didn't want to get your name mentioned too often because you wouldn't be but around for very long Ray Renfro tells a remarkable story of of dropping a pass had it just go right off his fingertips and brown just jumped straight up in the air ran down to where Ray Renfro was almost at the sidelines getting ready to go back on the field grabbed him and yelled in his face you're through you're washed up you're finished you can't hack it anymore Brown didn't like audibles and Otto always hated not being able to to call audibles on his own I'm not a dummy and it always makes me appear like I didn't know what I was doing out there and I must admit that I did change a few plays he sent in but I also will tell you if I change the play they better darn well work because if it didn't work I was going to hear about it when I got to the sideline Brown's control was absolute but in a 1951 game against the Bears the coach's Authority was directly challenged Doug Jones scored five times and was on the verge of tying an NFL single game touchdown record the game when Brown sent a play call in that didn't involve Jones the offense rebelled Paul brought sent a play in Abe Gibran spoke up blank blank blank Paul Brown call your own play we got to get double touchdown because we knew one more touchdown he'd tied the record so I called the pass and a deep post pattern and I hit him for a touchdown Graham led the lanky dubber perfectly and with Jones using fingertip Magic a 22-year record had been tied Paul couldn't say much we scored touchdown but I know down deep inside he wanted to chew me out for not following his instructions I'm sure that Paul Brown had the type of player playing for him there were team players he emphasized time and time again winning is the most important thing and so over a period of time that would just shove down our throats so much they were just part of us and that's the only way we know how to play the Browns continued their winning ways in 1951. Otto Graham led the league in touchdown passes and passing yardage the defense recorded four shutouts while leading the NFL and scoring defense for the second straight season many of the highlights of 1951 are focused on the defensive platoon for whom it should be said Well Done men of the defense the Browns rode into Los Angeles on an 11-game winning streak as they once again faced the Rams in the NFL Championship Game the rematch was close but uncharacteristic mistakes contributed to a 24-17 Cleveland defeat earned to the championship game in 1952 and 1953 and lost both times to the Detroit Lions the clock shows less than three minutes to be played as Bobby Lane Fades to fire another aerial Lane's going all the way on this one he has a man open it's Jimmy Dorne and he grabs it for a sensational touchdown Detroit coach buddy Parker beat Paul Brown eight straight times the 1952 and 1953 title defeats were bitter ones for brown who had an easy explanation for the Lion's Mastery his counterpart had employed a covert operative back when buddy Parker was the coach there they put a man up in the Loft across the street from our practice site two or three years there in a row they knew the order in which we worked our short yardage plays and things of this sort it was back to the Solitude of league park and four days of intensive preparation for another game of the Lions this one for the world championship they just played what they saw and it it did it hurt us 1954 was the year of uncertainty for the Browns coach Paul Brown was faced with his greatest rebuilding job since the Browns were organized in 1946. player retirements and military service had cut deeply into the Personnel the coaching staff had been reorganized [Music] I am taming started with the first day of training at Hiram College and Graham already was in the act Anna Graham had announced that 1954 was to be his last season as a pro eight campaigns he had been one of the game's finest players and the Bedrock of the Browns the bound to be counting heavily on the capable right arm of Otto Graham Graham was a tough and versatile athlete he was a gifted Runner who also threw a touch pass as well as any quarterback who ever played in five of his ten Seasons as a pro Automatic Auto LED his league in passing he finished second three other times Graham had a nervous nature but it helped him win three NFL MVP awards in six seasons my personality was such that I think I was always kind of cool Under Pressure but I've always said that you have to have the confidence that you will do good but at the same time inside you have to have the fear that you might fail only one from the whole life did I ever go down to a football game and not go to the bathroom every five seconds before the game before we played every game I could never digest the pre-game meal I would get a couple oranges apples or something like this but the food itself I couldn't eat they have a game I was just too nervous my stomach was turning over and over and over in his 10 Pro Seasons Graham never missed a game as he led the Browns to a 114 24 record that included seven championships off the field Graham cultivated a clean-cut image as a football hero and a family man he was a natural for endorsements and TV appearances however Graham was more natural behind the center than in front of the camera plan on staying all night Auto [Music] this afternoon's game's over there'll be more games I guess we're about the worst team that you've ever had no you're wrong Otto you gave your best out there today you and all the boys so today you met a better team they deserved to win defeats and setbacks are all a part of growing up sometimes we learn more from the defeat than we do from a fig tree Now you listen to me young man adversity not only tests one's character but it also strengthens it and don't you forget that [Applause] Otto the arm was blessed with outstanding receivers Max Speedy number 88 Doug Jones and Dante lavelli number 56 all thrived under Graham's leadership he had done that unusual talent to bring out the best in his players he made me so much better ball player than I would have been otherwise Doug Jones was probably the most intelligent receiver we ever had go back so he could beat this guy take him and go deep it's like taking candy from a baby his judgment was great lavelli had the great hands blue fingers lavelli his teammate started to call him in 1946 and no one has ever found a reason to change that nickname bluefingers proved his long layoff didn't affect his task catching ability by making one of his patented catches to draw First Flight in the game he'd fight fight scratch kick anything to get that ball 1954 was lavelli's most productive season in the NFL he caught 47 passes for over 800 yards while Graham threw a career low 11 scoring passes he led the Browns to another championship game at Cleveland stadium the Browns hosted Detroit they were determined not to suffer their fourth consecutive title loss on the occasion of Graham's farewell to football I pre nine Seasons despite Flight of the Cleveland team says he's playing his final game in a Browns uniform Danny Lavalley number 86 will be a prime tiger for the tosses of out of the arm Ado Graham and quirks are beautiful to us Speedy Ray renfros principle of the open and snares Graham's past with Sensational 37-yard touchdown play Otto Graham was making his final Cleveland appearance a memorable one Arch is a perfect lead Pastor Ray renfel makes a tremendous catch for another Cleveland touchdown in a 56-10 victory Graham enjoyed perhaps his finest day as a pro as he passed for three touchdowns and ran for three more at 34 he was poised to go out on top except for one Minor Detail in 1955 he decided to come back and play for another season [Music] 5. Otto Graham the 1955 Browns compiled more yards rushing than passing for the first time since 1951. the opportunistic defense led the league and fewest points allowed for the eighth time in 10 seasons the ball the spotlight once again fell on Graham in his final season he led the NFL in passing while leading his team to its 10th consecutive championship game [Music] at the Los Angeles Coliseum Lou the togrosa kicked a field goal but the game belonged to Graham who threw for two scores and ran for two scores in a 38-14 win [Music] Graham was given a hero send-off as he closed out his outstanding career we are so far ahead so with a couple minutes to play just in courtesy to honor him and took him out and they these were rival fans but they gave him a standing ovation I was out there of course and I see our second quarterback coming in so I realized of course what it was for so I went on the sideline and just I just shook his hand said thanks Paul and I said Thank you to Otto that's all it was said the opposing 80 some thousand people standing up and cheering for you uh and they're not your backers they're the rambackers you know that's got to impress you impress me believe me my tears advice quite frankly I have them right now even thinking about it [Music] that always really the greatest of all the players no man ever took a team into the final game of the season as many times as he did to me he's the greatest football player ever played because in 10 years he put us in a championship game 10 years in a row a lot of guys had more ability and probably more skills you know but he could win an actual account done while Otto Graham personified the Brown's dominance during this era Cleveland's extraordinary success from 1946 through 1955 was a total team effort it wasn't necessarily Otto Graham A Marion Motley our strength was that we had a team we had 22 ball players or more that were a team it really made for a winning team Paul displayed this kind of attitude that we're a team here off one and one for all that's what Paul prom brought to professional football team that's the most important thing by far who cares who gets the credit who gets the you know picture in the paper yeah what was the final score that's what counts one of pro football's mightiest dynasties ended with the 1955 season although 1956 saw the team suffer its first ever losing record the 1957 draft would bring the franchises all-time greatest player Paul Brown and the Browns were about to begin a new and exciting chapter in franchise history [Music] in 1957 the Browns launched a new era with the drafting of Penn State quarterback Milt Plum and Syracuse fullback Jim Brown Jimmy Brown Breaks Loose for a spectacular game I'll tell you when I first saw him and really wanted to get him if I could I watched Syracuse play in a postseason game and he just carried that football team when you got there you know Paul was a dictator he was the man everybody was afraid of him and he ran a very tight Organization no one stepped out of line and uh I kind of liked it that way my first exhibition game he started me and I broke one up the middle and scored he called me off the field he said you're my running back so that's all I wanted Jim Brown became the first rookie in 14 years to lead the NFL in rushing he finished more than 200 yards ahead of the runner-up Chicago's Rick caceres there's no stopping Jim Brown on an effort like this he goes over the top and into the end zone for his fifth touchdown of the day I honestly believe that Jim Brown's the greatest football player to ever play in the National Football League he did things in a football field that I have never seen since did it continually just just cut across the field and shedding tacklers extraordinary Jimmy was it was an absolutely great back I mean it wasn't only his physical ability it was his mental approach to the game and how determined he was to accomplish what he needed to accomplish there was nothing Jim Brown could not accomplish in the football field he was six two and 230 pounds with the balance of an Olympic gymnast and the speed of a world-class Sprinter the NFL had never seen anything quite like him if you talk about Zeus or if you talk about Zeus his son Hercules he was an individual who had a torso that was sculptured you know by obviously by God himself Jim was perhaps the perfect instrument to run a football here's a good example of these talents looks as if everyone has a shot at Jim but he makes 40 yards before Dean Derby is able to stop him I had a great body uh you know that was given to me by mother father and by God and because I was about 232 62 and I had balance and I had quickness and I was I was very strong now that sounds like I'm bragging about something but that was the body that God gave me and then I tried to keep that body in the best condition that I could with Jim Brown leading the way the Browns rolled to a nine two and one finish in 1957. they had the best player and the best record in pro football during the regular season [Music] in the championship game the Browns were defeated by the Detroit Lions but that disappointment only provided more motivation for Paul Brown the following year the Browns head coach added another Dynamic weapon to the offense halfback Bobby Mitchell we knew that he had been the Big Ten 60-yard indoor Sprint champion and everyone wanted to see that speed that he had Bobby came in and just blistered you know just boom went off and Paul always had individual timing races and then the top by position he would race against your nearest competitor we had Jim Brown at the time too and uh he knew what was coming so he matched Bobby and Jim and uh Jim Beat Bobby the first time Bobby was such a competitor for about oh I'd say the next four to five weeks it would be hey big fella and they would race after practice and everybody would stay to watch this race Bobby Mitchell and Jim Brown turned the 1958 season into their own personal track meet Brown repeated as the rushing champion and Mitchell averaged a league High 6.3 yards per carry the dynamic duo combined for 24 touchdowns even when a play broke down they had the talent to save it the bigger challenge was saving themselves Jim had to show his toughness at all time because everybody was after and if he went outside and started on that sideline where you can really get hurt with that Force coming at you he turned in there on them try to make sure he balanced that Force out and not get run out of bounds for me to run out of bounds because of a collision is to admit weakness and the only time you go out of bounds is when they force you out but when you go out to stop the clock but if 185 pound cornerback is going to make me go out of bounds I'm going to be building up his ego I'm gonna try to drop a forearm into his chest and sometimes when you do that miracles happen the root is blocked where Jim is supposed to run but Jim finds another Avenue and travels 30 yards to a touchdown in 1958 59 60 and 61 Jim Brown led the league in rushing every year he scored 53 touchdowns in those four seasons and he was clearly the best player in the league but for all his Brilliance Brown could not get his team back to the championship game and people began to wonder if it was time for a coaching change in Cleveland [Applause] Paul had gotten a little arrogant he didn't want to adapt to the new things that were being done you know Ali Sherman had some ideas other coaches had some ideas and Paul was the leader so he didn't want to he had me running from tackle to tackle I wasn't getting any sweeps anymore and I was disgruntled about that because I felt I was being hindered at that time I didn't have the freedom I should have had naturally Paul resisted that he he he used to call him plays he know what more than we know and and the whole thing so for the first time in his coaching career he has his players who question something that he is doing also questioning Brown was the new owner Art Modell Modell purchased the team in 1961. unlike the players he found the head coach aloof an uncommunicative he didn't like my being in the office at 7 30 in the morning he thought I was a little upset with that and he sort of called our relationship called it was getting awkward the relationship was non-existent until on January 63 I called him into my office and said we're going to go different directions it was a blockbuster the league didn't like it even Pete wanted me he's the owners in this league won't like this at all I said well I have to do what I have to do Modell replaced brown with Blanton Collier who was an assistant coach with the team for nine Seasons Collier brought a warmth to the position that Paul Brown liked Paul was like a businessman and blunt was like a human being then I needed Bland because I needed freedom I needed to be a human being that could play every aspect of the game throw a pass catch a pass and uh have fun doing it and Blanton gave me all of that they had an outstanding relationship between coach and Superstar player Jim just each and every week going to blend with different ideas how to run certain plays and blend was so open to these kind of ideas you know and and Jim would just take it upon himself to try to make it even better well Blanton was a teacher he could look at a guy and know if his footwork was wrong as a pass receiver he helped me tremendously and most of all all my years of playing football he didn't holler at me black would go around and talk to each player sort of individually about the game had just been played and what was coming up next and you could see him talking to a defensive lineman and getting this guy really charged up and then over here talking to an offensive lineman and getting that guy charged up so he had this ability to start to talk both sides of the ball and had players believing in him tremendously the receiver that I had the most difficult within the National Football League was Sonny Randall always caught passes on me so I think we played and he must have called three touchdowns on me well features the victim again as Randall makes a sensational grab for the touchdown to increase the Cardinal lead to 28-10 but ultimately we won the game and when I came out of the game Blanton came to the locker and he said a good game and I said a good game a sketch is called three three touchdowns on me he said but you were scratching he said you were always right there trying to get the ball and that's the kind of that's the kind of honesty or frankness blatant head and and I know that Jim appreciated that when Paul left I went to a different emotional and mental level because I didn't want people to think that my career is based on Paul Brown and we wanted a a new coach and Blanton was our guy that was come in who would allow us to express ourselves artistically therefore I took it to another level mentally which brought me to another level physically I practiced harder than I ever did in my life but it was mentally driven then what happened I got to the level where I could go 80 yards and wouldn't be tired at all that year it was an awesome kind of experience for me you know in 1963 Jim Brown set an NFL record by rushing for 1863 yards he averaged 6.4 yards per carry but under Blanton Collier Brown was allowed to do more than just carry the football he was a bigger part of the passing game and the entire offense benefited the Browns won the Eastern Conference and as they prepared for the championship game against Baltimore wide receiver Gary Collins number 86 brashley predicted the Browns would win and he would score three touchdowns he told us all week that we were going to win this game not to worry the coaches the coaching staff the assistant coaches they were concerned that this would be in the paper in headlines in Baltimore but Gary that was his personality and he performed like he knew what was going to happen well I believed it but then last I said I didn't think so I said now I gotta back this up uh yeah I believe it I think Blanton sort of said something like don't throw some fuel on the fire here we have enough problems you know they were 13-1 I mean remember there's United and Raymond Berry and Lenny Moore which were stars big stars and you read about him we were just the Cleveland Browns I think it definitely uh being on your dogs helped us a lot you know they just I mean they wrote us off with that game I mean completely off and the night before that game uh as the team would generally do we went to a movie together the Colts were at the same movie and there was a little heckling that went on and I think that just sort of set a little spark the next morning people started talking again you imagine that guy said that that sort of thing you know so it was a little psychological mixing going on there that came out to our advantage the Colts band provided more motivation when they serenaded Jim Brown at the hotel the morning of the game maybe 10 or 12 of the coke uh cold Brigade comes in you know the cold Corral uh comes in and believe it or not they start to play Taps they start to play Taps I mean just before we get ready to get in his car uh there at the hotel he says woo I guess I can say this he said we're going to kick the hell out of these guys today you know the Browns were at home but they were 10 point under dogs to the powerful coats for the Browns to pull off the upset they would need more than Jim Brown on this day Victory would require a team effort and it began on defense One play in our game One play made the game for us it was a stream pass the Lenny Moore and Gail and fish are outside linebacker penetrated the screen and threw more for a 10-yard loss that was turned the whole game around I won that one defensive play he was in the flat uh against Lenny Moore he was the only one that could make that tackle if he doesn't make that tackle it's a 70 80 yard touchdown he made just a great great play and it ignited the fans and it kind of ignited the entire the entire city of Cleveland the game was scoreless at halftime but the Browns were gaining confidence I can remember Gary Collins saying okay now this half is our half they wasted their half now this is half as the Browns hat like I said when you're but you're young and crazy you say things but I felt it I felt that we were going to win uh apparently had passed on to my teammates because the score indicated that they believed it Lou groza kicked a 43-yard field goal to put the Browns ahead [Music] then Jim Brown broke away on a 46-yard run to put the ball deep in Baltimore territory it's where Gary Collins began turning his words into Deeds first touchdown pass was a broken broken pattern I thought it was going to hit then in those days goal posts were on the the goal line I thought the the ball was going to hit the crossbars and if you watch the the Dome of the game I actually Flinch and I almost dropped it but Collins didn't drop it in fact he didn't drop a single ball all day later in the quarter he scored his second touchdown on a 42-yard pass from Frank Ryan and in the fourth quarter he completed the route with touchdown catch number three I was six four Bobby Boyd was five foot ten and the ball came in over both our shoulders and I reached for it and he was too short I was 220 and he's 190. and ended up a great catch Colin's spectacular performance earned him and VP honors both funny all week I told dick shafrath and this is true I said I'm going to win that Corvette and we're going to win the game and he laughed and I did say it not publicly I said to him because up to that point no receiver had ever won the MVP and I really thought even after a great day that Frank Ryan would get it Collins drove off in the MVP car but for the Browns and their fans there was enough glory to go around after the game we couldn't even get off the field I can recall for the next three or four weeks didn't matter where we went whether it was to dinner or the grocery store or wherever people just come up to you and say thanks you guys were great we love you all and people can remember things in that game everybody in Cleveland remembers the the fists hit on more and you know the Ryan to Collins I mean people remember it like it was yesterday because unfortunately we haven't had a another ring since then this is the last the last of the World Championships before the first Super Bowl so it's not a championship ring it says on their world championship the Browns retained their Championship glitter through the 1965 regular season they posted the League's best record at 11-3 and Gary Collins had 10 touchdown receptions the Browns defended their title on a snowy day in Green Bay Wisconsin they had to battle both the Lombardi Packers and the elements it proved to be too much the Packers won the game and for the Browns it was the end of an era Jim Brown was about to quit pro football for Hollywood you see I was thinking about a time I want to retire that particular yeah model said no you got two more years I want to play two more years and I said well how could he figure two more years why should I leave with him figure two more years so I went to London to do The Dirty Dozen and we're running late and I told him I was going to return but Modell came out in the papers and he said Jim Brown will be fine so many dollars for every day that he was late he took it as a personal upfront and he announces retirement in England they just made a mistake I would have played one more if Modell had been a little more careful in his statements to the newspaper Jim is a very proud guy as I said before he felt his his pride had been wounded here in terms of uh you know situation and he just that's Jim once he makes his mind up it's gone he's gone I wish I had taken my decision back I'd like to have him for another year or two Bland says I'm going to tell you something but you're not going to mention this even to your wife your friends your neighbors of course we were in training camp he says Jim Brown's gonna announce his retirement tomorrow at 10 o'clock and you're talking about ball players looking at each other that was hard to take he could have played 10 more years if he wanted to and we all have to remember that you know this man retired when he was 29 years old uh physically he could have played at the same level for at least another four years minimum as a top running back can you imagine where his records would be today I mean they would be completely out of reach my standards are based upon how I think therefore I don't want to stay anywhere too long I don't want to hang on I don't want to get traded I don't want to be the secondary guy I wanted to have a career a full career have it Peak and leave and do other things I played nine years I didn't miss a game and I left at the age of 29 years old when I was MVP of the league and that's what I wanted to do I wanted to have a career like that I like to start and like to finish and I was fortunate enough to do that so I'm proud of them filling the shoes of Jim Brown would not be easy but Leroy Kelly was equal to the task Kelly was a rookie on the 1964 championship team an eighth round Draft pick from Morgan State he sat behind Jim Brown for two seasons but he showed great promise on special teams in 1965 Kelly led the league by averaging almost 16 yards on every punt return [Music] and blank found out that he retired and he came to me and said well look you know Jim has retired I'm gonna give you the opportunity to play it you know in the running back position you know so I said great out you know I won't let you down Leroy Kelly took Jim's Place and uh we were just really happy that he didn't miss too many steps from Jim Jimmy was the greatest back I think of all time but Leroy stepped in and uh he helped to make us forget Jim in his first year as a starter Kelly averaged 5.5 yards of carry and he scored 16 touchdowns he won the rushing title each of the next two years and led the NFL in rushing touchdowns all three seasons at six feet and 200 pounds Kelly wasn't as big or powerful as Jim Brown but he could find the end zone he scored 49 touchdowns in his first 42 starts foreign [Music] 's other big offensive weapon was wide receiver Paul Warfield number 42. a native of war in Ohio and a graduate of Ohio State Warfield understood the Brown's tradition I put on that Cleveland Browns uniform the seal Brown Bose colors I felt like I had to perform like those who had preceded me the Otto grams the Marion motleys all of those great players because they set a standard and that standard was up there and I always had to play at that level so there was something very special about playing in that old stadium where every time I stepped on the field when I came out of that Dugout there were 83 to 84 5 000 fans and it was the electricity in the air you wanted to excel one wanted to give his very best warfield's best and then averaging more than 20 yards per reception for seven consecutive seasons his consistency was typical of the Cleveland offense being able to execute that was a premium in the Cleveland Brown system when I first joined the ball Club there were a lot of teams that always felt that they were physically tougher than the Cleveland Browns and maybe some of them were you know and when we would meet at the end of ball games at Midfield I would always hear this comment we should have beat you guys we're tougher than you guys physically yeah but they couldn't execute the Browns went nine in five in 1966 and 67. they won 10 games in 1968 and again in 69. this streak of 13 consecutive winning seasons was the longest in pro football yet the Browns could not carry that Success Through the postseason Bill Nelson number 16 replaced Frank Ryan at quarterback and led the Browns to the playoffs three years in a row twice they defeated the Dallas Cowboys to advance to the NFL championship game but each time they fell short of the super foreign 1970 art model made a big decision he agreed to move the Browns to the AFC as part of the NFL AFL merger that year the Browns had the honor of hosting the very first nationally televised Monday Night Football game a record crowd of more than 85 000 filled Cleveland stadium and saw Homer Jones return a kickoff for a touchdown as the Browns defeated the New York Jets but the team's fortunes decline from there the Browns finished the 1970 season at seven and seven and Blanton Collier stepped down as head coach over the next eight years Modell went through three head coaches and the franchise fell from the ranks of the NFL elite in 1978 Modell hired Sam Rutigliano as head coach rotigliano was a native of Brooklyn New York who spent 11 years as an assistant coach with four NFL teams everyone agreed Sam was a smart guy and a nice guy the question was did he have the right stuff to be a head coach you know being a nice guy and getting the job done is you know really two different things I think sometimes people think that a coach should have a gray shirt a whistle and just holler at everybody and as a result he's going to be successful I don't think that's the way my greatest contribution as a coach I would say is I think my ability to be able to relate to people I'm not a genius I don't think I'm any smarter than any coach in the league and probably a lot of them that are a lot smarter than me the thing that I've never had a problem with on every level that I've ever coached is my ability to relate to people and hopefully to extract from them the very best of a god-given talent that they have and as difficult it as it is with the pressure of the situation and us sitting in a virtual pressure cooker week after week I would really like to extract some fun of this job it's going to be a dog fight and we know that it literally can come down the very last play of the game and regardless of what happens just hang in there together and at the end of the day we would have taken one hell of a giant step I'm Dreaming again to Pasadena the Browns found a quarterback in 13th round draft pick Ryan's son in 1979 Scythe led the NFL with 28 touchdown passes in the backfield with him was the electrifying Greg Pruitt number 34 who averaged five yards a carry Over a four-year period in 1979 the Browns added a second Pruitt Mike Pruitt number 43 who posted four 1000 yard seasons breaks the game wide open with 335 to play [Music] the team added another Dynamic weapon in Ozzy Newsome an All-American wide receiver at Alabama Newsom was moved to tight end by Sam Rutigliano when I sat down with Sam he was very Frank he said you could be a good receiver in the National Football League but you take this mood to tight end you can be a great tight end and we're not moving you there not to utilize it we're moving you there to throw the football to you I said to him many times and he proved it if a linebacker can cover you you can't play I mean a linebacker I don't care if it was Lawrence Taylor or was the best linebacker in the history of the game they could not cover him one-on-one Newsome averaged 16 yards of reception as a rookie and he scored nine touchdowns in his second season as the Browns became one of the most explosive and entertaining teams in all of football come on baby one time one time one time baby one time one time Charles Whiteside steps a man 25 20 breaks a tackle 15 in the 1980 season the Browns earned the nickname the cardiac kicks because almost every game came down to the final minutes site became the first Browns quarterback to pass for more than 4 000 yards in a season cardiac kids hard at work today another pressure play for Brian's side inside the throw to Newsome has now thrown for four another cardiac finish boy oh boy the 1980 Browns weren't a dynasty like the Browns of the 1950s they were a bunch of underdogs who refused to quit and in that sense they were the perfect team for Cleveland's blue-collar fans Cleveland as a city had had some tough times prior to that and it was kind of the breaking out point for not only the football team which in the early 70s struggled uh in the city they both you know kind of uh merged together and made a comeback and you know it was a kind of the comeback kids from The Comeback town [Music] for the 1980 Browns 12 of their 16 regular season games were decided by seven points or less [Applause] Brian cite the throw throws it deep in the end zone it is a touchdown again to Ricky feature that's two in a row in the final week of the regular season the Browns needed to win over the Bengals in Cincinnati to finish 10-6 and clinch the AFC Central Division title [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we got a game ball for everybody we've been in so many close games it's just expected that somebody uh Ozzy Reggie myself Calvin or somebody is going to make a big play to get the job done it's just been a treat for me it's just when the games are over with and we've had some remarkable games there's a closeness that I think that I feel with these three guys been able to do something a little bit special we had the mentality that uh We've we felt like we could score any time from anywhere or we could strike we had some a great person there not only did we have Rock and Logan but we had the two Pruitts in Calvin Hill and Brian was hot as a firecracker that year we just felt like at any point when we walked out on that field that we could come away with seven points it was fun playing foreign the Browns opened the playoffs at home against the Oakland Raiders but the weather conditions were so severe there really was no home field advantage I don't know why a game should have been played that day doing the TV timeouts I ran over to the heater I mean you couldn't stand up I mean it wasn't football when you plan and you're competing you can remove the weather that day we couldn't remove the weather the weather was a factor it was zero degrees with winds gusting at 30 miles an hour the field was coated with ice but early in the game the brakes were going the Brown's way just as they had done all season 42 yards with a Cleveland touchdown perfect interception touchdown Cleveland Browns the first score in the playoff game the Raiders put together two scoring drives to take the lead in the closing minutes the Browns tried for one more Miracle finish Sipe drove the offense 73 yards through the wind and across the frozen field with less than a minute to go the Browns were deep in Oakland territory needing only a field goal to regain the lead that would have been the safe call but the Browns hadn't played its safe all year the cardiac kids only knew one way to play and that was to go For Broke going for broke meant going for the End Zone the emotions are going in the stadium the cardiac kids are getting ready to do it again and and we have an invincibility about us as the offense I mean we've been in this position before we loved it you know this was a chance for us to do it again uh the play came in red right 88. Rick's not right which was a play where uh Reggie and I was going to do a clear out and they was going to come underneath because the Raiders played all that man-to-man coverage that was a year when we were uh we were sort of letting it all hang out so to speak Taking Chances every game all the time if we hadn't been we would have never been in that position and we were taking a chance and we got burned but what happened on the play I beat Mike Davis off the line of scrimmage clean if I break open Clean Brian is going to uh throw the ball to me and that's what he does and throwing into the wind the wind holds the ball up and Mike gets back just in the nick of time and makes the interception and it went from Elation Jubilation to Dead Silence in that Stadium everything just stopped it was like someone now had just turned the volume down there was not a sound in the stadium and I put my arms around him and I and so I said Brian I love you and that's all I said I have no qualms if I had an opportunity to do it all over again under the conditions and everything that that happened I would do it that's the way we lived that year we lived on the edge and we finished maybe not on the positive side but we finished and got there doing the things that made us what we were two years later the Browns headed to Los Angeles hoping to repay the Raiders for red right 88 Sipe would get no chance to atone as he had been benched in favor of Paul McDonald number 16. foreign touchdown was all Cleveland could muster and with a second frustrating playoff loss to the Raiders the cardiac kids thrilling ride came to an abrupt halt [Music] to me this game is is so much a product of the thing that goes on inside of you and between your ears by not using their heads the Browns missed one opportunity after another in 1984 and lost seven of their first eight games rotigliana's chances had run out and Modell made a mid-season coaching change like the owner the fans held out hope for a solution entered defensive coordinator Marty Schottenheimer [Music] and the triangles away from you go pit any time that something happens on the field as the player comes off immediately go to the player and I ask them what did you see then of course you're in a position to crack him aside now this is exactly what took place you understand that now you recognize this is what need be done in that situation Schottenheimer took pride in teaching but he couldn't take the test for his players he needed men who could execute [Applause] rookie safety Don Rogers number 20 was one who Rose to meet the challenge the defense finished sixth in the league in 1984. Rogers gave the defense punch fourth year corner and for Dixon wanted to give it some pizzazz a team without a logo without a mascot became the dogs virtually overnight it kind of caught on to be named the whole defense the dogs because we are down the field just having a good time and we're barking and that's important I think all great defenses have to have something they can identify themselves with the defense embraced its new moniker thanks to Dixon and his counterpart on the left side Frank minifield the two soon became known League wide as the best corner tandemon pro football you know we was we had been used to hearing other people call each other dog and so we kind of picked up on that uh Hanford really wanted to um uh get the lamin to chase the quarterback and and so we felt like that kind of fit we wanted them we wanted dogs chasing a cat but like a dog chasing its own tail the quarterback position remained unresolved that is until the following Summer's supplemental draft didn't expect quite a turnout here you got it well good morning everyone I think everyone's quite aware now of uh I think Mr Roselle's rulings and uh you know my present situation and I like to start out by saying I was I was very pleased with the way way things have transpired for for myself over the last couple days Bernie cozar was a natural obviously for Cleveland being that he was from Ohio and a home grown product if you will it's a question I think of of me being from the area my my commitments towards that the Youngstown Cleveland area and me basically just wanting to go home by graduating early and evading the standard NFL draft the Boardman Ohio native and lifelong Browns fan maneuvered to make his dream come true in the fifth game of the 1985 season Kosar stepped in for an injured Gary Danielson and promptly LED his team to victory over New England danielson's injury wasn't serious but he knew that when it came to Cleveland fans and Kosar it was love at first sight hey Barney I know Talent when I see it I haven't spent much time talking to you about it because I can't do anything to help you you're going to do it yourself I'm excited for you but Mardi ball needs a strong ground game Ernest byner knew that well but usfl veteran Kevin Mack was new to schottenheimer's style from the time I stepped foot in Cleveland as a rookie you know being taught by Marty that that was all he said you know take one play at a time One play at a time I guess he could tell you know sometimes hey he might be getting a little ahead of himself thinking about the next play instead of thinking about the Play Zone he would tell me you know just slow it down take your time you just keep running and picking and looking because there's gonna be some holes created here you just work we're getting it we're a little distorted right now but we're gonna be fine and just take it one play at a time and and that's what he preached to to the whole team really the 1986 Browns were only the third team in league history to boast a pair of thousand-yard rushers [Music] biner's 161 rushing yards in the playoff opener evoked comparisons to Cleveland's rushing greats divider follows Max block gotta hope they 40 45-50 dolphin territory 40. 20 15 10. [Applause] unbelievable well I was at Shades and Leroy Kelly Jim Brown and a few others what a ride but Kosar had only 66 passing yards in the loss to Miami and in 1986 new offensive coordinator Lindy Infante was charged with improving the aerial attack I don't have any preconceived ideas of what we have to get done to win at this point I just hope that we can be diverse and and everybody can get into the ACT grieving the sudden death of defensive stalwart Don Rogers that June the Browns turned to their leader on offense and found strength in Victory the confidence in you it's just even growing in stature every week thank you I just uh you see the maturity right away uh the calmness in the hull that he has uh the better awareness that he has surely Kosar was aware that the Browns had never beaten the Steelers at Three Rivers Stadium and 16 tries [Music] Kosar was on phase blazing a trail through the Steelers wide enough for an ice cube to slip through [Music] five to the middle to the 10 to the 20. oh might be gone [Applause] the Browns still were only four and three largely due to Max nagging injury and binary season ending one in a loss to Green Bay but the birthday boy picked up the slack leading the Browns to wins in three of their next four with a dominant offensive line giving him time Kosar made quick work of the Steeler defense in their November rematch [Music] Kosar passed for nearly 400 yards but he couldn't keep the Steelers from forcing overtime with a field goal [Music] the Steelers needed a win to keep their playoff hopes alive Kosar took Delight in leading them to the slaughter hopping once now throwing one down the left side his water Heaven he's going in front touchdown pass Berg was vanquished and the Browns had just begun a five-game winning streak that gave fans new hope that the Super Bowl was a possibility heading into the playoffs Cleveland was the hottest team in the AFC [Music] it's the Browns against the Jets here at Cleveland stadium all right Ross all right baby they've been with a lot of momentum after the regular season having won their last five games and seven of their last eight primarily through the offensive heroics of Bernie Kosar seeking Cleveland's first playoff win since 1969. co-star passed for a postseason record 489 yards [Music] the dogs knocked out the Jets starting quarterback but they couldn't keep New York from taking a 20-10 lead in the fourth quarter as they watched their Super Bowl dream fading the Browns hoped for a Little Help from above [Music] Bernie Troy deep down the left side Slaughter is open he got the ball foreign [Applause] we're all celebrating like we won the game already it was kind of I you know I guess you know being a a young team like we were you know we were just amazed at he had caught the ball and we were in a position uh that we were in you know either to win the game or tie gecko Mark Mosley tied the game in the final seconds of Regulation having won two games in overtime earlier in the season the Browns were confident hey we've been here before you remember we've been here before not once but twice now third time's a charm for us here we go here we go the Jets were helpless in the path of Fate I think we were interested in when they came a lot of people in this city uh kind of knew you know it had been a long time since they had seen a Browns playoff win that we were kind of destined to get that win and the city a little taste of what they've been missing for a long time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] folks here we go the third longest game in NFL history was mere prologue to an even greater challenge there we go there we go brownies here we go hang on folks smashing your seat belt so we could have a shoot out here on the lakefront I remember going to dinner the night before the game and we're in a real nice Cleveland restaurant I can't remember the name of it but I'm with Carl Mecklenburg and I'm with my mom and my sister who had come in for the game and the four of us are sitting there having dinner and uh just before our salads came we heard somebody start saying go Browns go Browns and it started building into this Crescendo and the whole restaurant was going go around start barking and we're talking where are we what's wrong with these people in Frozen Municipal Stadium Browns fans were warmed by their Super Bowl dreams the Denver Broncos could do nothing to silence their Clarion call [Music] oh [Music] there's a green man there's a gleam Let's Get The Gleam all right let's go [Music] John Elway was pressured early while Kosar had all kinds of time to find his receivers [Music] well the thing that most of us felt coming into this game is the two teams were fairly evenly matched that it's probably the two best teams in the American Football conference meeting for the championship and Bob they've played 47 minutes in 22 seconds and nothing settled yet 13-13 and it could still come down to something strange happening in the last minute or two [Applause] and he is throwing it up the near side for Brennan [Music] having exchanged blows throughout a long championship fight the Browns believe that they're five nine 178 pound receiver and landed The Knockout Punch [Music] foreign [Music] s went ahead on a touchdown with about five minutes to go the very next kickoff you know was like muffed by the Broncos [Applause] it's a floater that hits in the 15 skips inside the five hits all the way back in the two the Broncos they dribbled down to the one and a half between the one and the two yard line when you're sitting there and you're you're just you know you're on the radio and you're almost you know ready to say hey we're going to this oh not so fast well the crowd should get into the end of the dark cheering because right now is when you can help rattle John Elway Cleveland really does have the advantage here Johnson left Elway in the end zone and throwing it hits complete Winder Dives house to the seven yard line first and 98. 15 plays pre-vent defense tie score [Music] and then when he threw the touchdown pass that really only tied the game everyone knew that that game was over [Music] I've never even met John Elway and I don't know whether I shake his hand or punching in the chops I don't think there's anyone in that on the brown sideline and in the entire Stadium I felt that they could win the game after giving up a 98-yard drive on their home field just like that it was wait until next year once again I still think it was wide all I could think was just inches just inches that was the difference and then I I got home and my wife told me she said well you know that game had about 75 plays in it that it wasn't interested we just didn't do enough to beat the Denver Broncos on a January day the winds were swirling and the crowd was roaring in his face and he just stuck it to us the Browns entered the 1987 season Prime to make the entire league feel their pain and to finish what they had started the previous season [Music] team that was the year of the little mini strike for three games and the Browns came out of it pretty well after The Replacements won two of three games the real deal returned to a Monday night stage against the Los Angeles Rams the well-rested dogs feasting and we're now four and two [Applause] [Music] life was good the Browns were winning having fun and preparing for the playoffs the defense was ranked second in the league the offense third but the Browns finished the season at only 10-5 in their playoff opener a 17-point win Avenged a close regular season loss to the Colts but even before the clock expired Cleveland was looking for The Big Payback [Music] when you work as one nothing is beyond being accomplished we did it our way we did it 45 guys has won one play at a time the last one counts as much as the first we took the first step of our second season to win in the championship congratulations you realize it's probably it's going to be it's probably going to be Denver in Us in the championship game the first thought that I think everybody we all had it was that year was we had lost a game in this during the season that we shouldn't had and that took away our home field advantage so we knew we were gonna have to fly out to Denver and beat them in my house Stadium which is very difficult playing in front of a hostile Denver crowd the Browns knew that they could not afford to have any lapses in concentration hello everyone dick enberg with Merlin Olson and we're delighted the place was actually shaking the whole stadium was shaking [Applause] the middle incomplete intercepted it's intercepted on the juggle Freddie Gilbert number 90. [Applause] and Denver says they have it they do missing their entire offense was nervous they were fumbling dropping passes tipping balls and they fell fell behind one of the things that really strikes me about this football game is how horribly things had gone for Cleveland in that first half and yet they didn't give up we get in at halftime Mindy and funny was the offensive coordinator he said we're down 21-3 but he made a profound statement to us he said we're going to play this game like it's 14-7 we're not going to come out get into a two-minute offense and just you know throw it every place [Applause] Bernie Kosar was uh was interesting right off the bat a tall gangly I mean he still looked like a little kid even in his third and fourth year in the NFL not great mobility in fact absolutely awkward at times had to develop a style where he had one foot back so he could get away from the center more quickly because he was getting run over by his own Wineman right now those are going into the noisy end of the stadium [Applause] for Langhorne touchdown Reggie Langhorne Langhorne have capitalized the Browns have come roaring back and you've got to sense the kind of confidence it takes from that far back not to lose your enthusiasm to kind of courage to put it back to the end zone and get back in having already found his way to the end zone twice miner found another hole in the Denver defense [Applause] yourself [Applause] interesting to see the total difference in the styles of co-star and Elway the power pitcher I mean he's throwing it right through guys co-star shot putting the ball he's flipping it out with one hand sidearming him we started to appreciate how good Bernie Kozar was in that second half I'd ever lose in a trade and they collaborate again for a big Cleveland play the other thing he said when the going gets tough we want the ball in the hands of Ernest weiner foreign [Music] [Applause] after a slaughtered touchdown catch Elway answered with a touchdown pass to stretch the lead to 38-31 the Browns had about four minutes left to exact Revenge and then came the the drive in Reverse I will always think it was please Bernie make it happen well when you're a kid and you grow up some 70 miles [Music] or Heroes Bernie Kozar grew up a Cleveland Brown fan [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hard line at the two minute time out by Cleveland Browns are 24 yards away from tying it again into Hindenburg you had to reflect back on the year before because just as Denver had stolen the game in the final quarter with that first in 98 drive now it was the Browns in the second half that seemed to have all the momentum with the comeback almost complete the Browns turned to the man who had gotten them this far these are the toughest yards in football right here there was never any doubt in my mind that we should give the ball to to Ernest Bynum he was the reason we were still alive at that point and then it happened Earnest Miner had the first and goal and lost the ball all after what happened the year before if I was sitting home watching that I wouldn't had a television left I mean I'm sure there were bricks thrown through TVs on that one as he took that hand off and the Collision was made with Castile I know my call was hesitant because I thought Miner was going in for the touchdown had he not hesitated at the goal line that's when I stopped I was about to say minor touchdown oh my 38 38 what what a game this is instead there was a this silence for a fraction of a second binder Frozen and then you realize that he had fumbled the ball I didn't see the ball come out Ernest byner never saw him coming Jeremiah Castile number 28 reaching in to strip that ball away this Denver defense train to reach at that football to play try to force those turnovers they led the AFC this year in turnovers tearing the heart out of Cleveland's offense Reiner who had picked up the first down and fall out away from his body and Castile a reject from Tampa Bay acquired on waivers by the Broncos not only scripted but recovered it and the biggest play of his football life the year before with the drive the the drive basically tied the game up we still had life as soon as that fumble occurred it was over now I know nobody felt as bad about that as Ernest did you know he felt like he had let us down the city down the team down I mean he was hurt Beyond I I can't even describe the depth of the pain that was in his eyes unfortunately it was what Ernest didn't see that created the problem for us the way the play unfolded the wide receiver was responsible for the corner if playing bump and run on you then you release outside he'll cover you and you just run up in the corner of the end zone well what happened to the receivers he he wanted to watch the play he took one step outside Castile turned around when the receiver stopped to see what was going on and he then saw the ball being run by Earnest and if that happened a thousand times Ernest would only fumble at once and we give him names there's the drive the fumble the red right 88 and anyone who grows up in Cleveland knows exactly what that means again wonder you know just you know what are we doing wrong you know when are we going to just you know find out that as Sam used to say that right at the end of the tunnel is not a train you know it's it's a sunshine and you know we finally hit Promised Land but yeah we've we've just had a lot of almost the door to the Super Bowl was closed but Open Arms awaited the Browns back in Cleveland [Music] [Applause] there's welcomed home the shattered team both doing their very best to mask their disappointment and heartbreak [Applause] we'll be back I think they're great they lost they lost but hey they did good there still are Browns they played a hell of a game they came back almost had it next year next year and every year regardless of record it was always clear who was tops in Brownstown [Music] [Applause] schottenheimer's tenure ended after the 1988 season the Browns moved forward into an uncertain future that required getting off to the right start [Music] a revamped defense responded to the call in the 89 opener by forcing eight turnovers collecting five sacks and three defensive touchdowns in an epic route over their most hated foe strike again [Music] only one stat did this game Justice still new head coach Bud Carson wanted to see more to prove that the Browns were truly contenders [Music] in their first rematch with Denver since miners fumble the Browns delivered a message to Elway [Music] true to form a last-minute field goal was the difference [Music] it is [Music] the playoffs led the nation to cast their gaze towards Cleveland once again the Browns welcomed their Lake Erie neighbors to Municipal Stadium [Applause] [Music] finally Lady Luck appeared to be a Browns fan [Music] the bills closed to within three but they made the mistake of kicking to rookie returner Eric Metcalf cap has it at the 11th straight ahead to the 15 to the 20th 20 to the 25 to the 30 to the 35 40. [Music] [Applause] stop the Buffalo Bills when Metcalf hit daylight you knew it was adios Muchachos but with three seconds left the Browns needed a savior fires over the middle it's intercepted by Clay Matthews [Music] [Applause] thousand fans who are here today we'll never forget it the third title fight with Denver lacked the suspense of its predecessors [Music] despite kosar's Furious comeback from a 24-7 deficit the Browns could come no closer the city and its team struggled to come to terms with the loss as Championship dreams suddenly became a mere memory the 1990 season was a total embarrassment for the Browns and cost Bud Carson his job but it did not stain the final Pro season of The Wizard of Oz the Alabama tight end whose unshakable grip on the football was a gift to all of Cleveland's faithful Ozzy Newsome made his Curtain Call and exited stage left I remember Ozzy being uh you know not a big talker he was kind of a quiet leader but when he had to he he would talk and uh step up and be the leader in the home one quiet leader out one quiet leader in fresh off a second Super Bowl championship as a defensive coordinator under Bill Parcells Bill Belichick seemed like just the kind of guy Cleveland was looking for ladies and gentlemen about one o'clock this morning Stephen Brown's entered into a five-year contract with Bill Belichick and it gives me pleasure to introduce to you the new head coach of the Cleveland Browns Bill Belichick gives me a great deal of Pride and pleasure to now be a member of the organization this is certainly one of the outstanding franchises in the National Football League and uh I'm tremendously proud to be here Belichick had finally become a head coach after 15 years as an assistant [Music] his new team's first win under his Direction was a shutout against ironically the New England Patriots [Music] and as the defense began to thrive the gulf between quarterback and Coach grew so much that by 1993 and Aaron throw cost kosari's job [Music] a week three benching opened the door for veteran Vinnie Testaverde who was acquired under Belichick's watch five-step dropper Testaverde throws End Zone touchdown lawyer Tillman on the post pattern United in a hatred for Pittsburgh fans remain divided over the quarterback issue testaverdi took advantage of the stage and staked his claim to the starting job [Music] Michael Jackson's 62-yarder was a jog compared to metcalf's two Punk returns for touchdowns ahead to the 30 outside of the 35 okay unbelievable [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Browns were tied for the division League two weeks later Belichick made a call that haunts his legacy in Cleveland to this day citing kosar's diminishing skills he abruptly cut the 29 year old Hometown hero despite a poor finish in 1993 Browns fans had one reason for optimism the next season Eric Turner was coming into his own timing pattern oh my what a link by Eric Turner and now the crowd is really rocking what a shot he took from Eric Turner that was a big time hit the fourth year safety was a presence Cleveland hadn't seen in its defensive backfield since the late Don Rogers and that presence would pay off with a crucial down in Dallas here we go Harper goes blind to the left Irvin why right to the right Novacek in motion to the right Aikman straight back in the pocket looks End Zone the Nova check but he's not in he's down at the one-yard line three games have beaten the Cowboys 19-14 the final and so the check didn't get into the end zone and the Browns come down to Big B and come up with a W to move to 10-4 and with a little help tomorrow have clinched a playoff spot and we said the Browns had to have a hero and it was Eric Turner who else it did let him into the end zone thanks to the best defense in the NFL Testaverde and the offense were able to prove their medal in the playoffs against Parcells Patriots [Music] [Applause] Vinnie was on the run but with a little Direction made the plays the Browns needed to win [Music] the Browns soon had a lead they'd never relinquish a proven playoff team with the League's top-ranked defense had reason to look forward to greater things in 1995. yes next year looked good for Cleveland it began September 6 1946 when the Browns played host to the Miami Seahawks and won the game 44-nothing here at the stadium and the Cleveland Browns era as we know it comes to an end today and this the 51st Battle of Ohio between the Browns and the Bengals with a few handshakes and signatures a city's Civic religion had been whisked away without warning well actually I had heard the rumors from pretty good sources a couple times before and I didn't believe them you know this is a town that is really just been a football town and I think that that's the big tragedy is that the people who paid 30 40 50 bucks for tickets have no say in the future of something they care about Modell's reasoning didn't wash in Cleveland and his legacy was ruined forever oh yeah he's the he's number one on that list of of sports villains um no doubt it was a team that was well supported uh was a team that was loved I mean the tradition of the Cleveland Browns I think is as good as any in the NFL the early November announcement confirmed the swirling rumors about a move to Baltimore and the team's fortunes on the field took a sharp downturn whether due to a shared sorrow with their fans or the thick cloud of distraction the Browns truly became Lane ducks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] apparently we can't go further south very sad day as Harry Carey once said you can't Ballyhoo a funeral a team six-game losing streak was insult to injury but it didn't truly sink in with the fans until December 17 1995 at Municipal stadiums last hurray [Applause] no one knew if the sun was setting on Cleveland football forever the team that had been shuffling idly toward its own grave rose up one last time with Vigor determination and purpose [Music] to the 18-yard line and the Browns are set up nicely while the playoffs were no longer a possibility playing for pride had never meant so much as it did that December day foreign [Applause] looking throws Hartley touchdown Cleveland Browns mini testimony a yard from the tight end from Illinois just you could hear the people dismantling the stadium and it was you know it was the sound of you know chairs and Furniture being taken out and quite a few fans are turning their attention to memorabilia at this point Doug there are whole sections here now without seats as they want to take a part of this story place home with them but it was also the you know really the sound of frustration you know and heartbreak and uh you know just walking out after the last game and you know having people walk up in tears in our eyes and thanking you for you know having played here and you just the unknown of uh whether you're ever gonna have football here again game over for the first time in team history the Browns won and Cleveland still lost as Dana Hall and several other players now head to the dog pound this is quite a scene everyone is on their feet as the players continue to walk of the dog pound want to hold on to the memories see some of the players for the final time they just want to sit and stay warm in the memories of so many years all right nobody wants to let this moment go nobody wants his team to go nobody inside these walls [Music] hi everybody and welcome to Fawcett Stadium in Canton Ohio and the 1999 Hall of Fame game it is electric inside this Stadium the weight is over Browns football is back underway the fans Collective voice kept the Browns history at home on a steamy August Night at the hall of fame the old became new head coach Chris Palmer wanted to see what he had in his top pick [Music] s drops back to pass protections good he's going for it all Johnson's there he's got a touchdown [Applause] [Music] it's had a great night it's showing great composure for a young guy Browns are calling on Phil Dawson to win it gardaki to hold Snapfish good ball is down kick is up kick is good not too bad and the crowd is up and roaring at Boston Stadium welcome back to the Cleveland Browns everybody hung together you played as a team you won as a team keep it going it's just the first week congratulations it's hard to believe that we actually just played a game we've been waiting for it so long and then just like that it's over with and we're back in the NFL hi everybody welcome to Cleveland Browns Stadium the dress rehearsals are over the wait is over what a shade here at Cleveland stadium fireworks going off this crowd is just going crazy ladies and gentlemen [Music] 1899 Cleveland Brown s NFL football was back where it belonged and Sundays were Sundays again this is why we've worked for since March this is your chance to do something special this light this place up after kickoff fans were reminded that they had an expansion team Here Comes The Rush Denver's got time throws down the middle it's going to be picked off by Chris Oldham we'll get it back we'll get it back we'll get it back foreign couch on his first snap back to pass Steelers coming with a blitz from the left he hangs in there throws and it's picked off scott Shields intercepts Tim Couch on the first pass that he drew [Applause] the new Browns were down and out early it seemed that Cleveland's mix of former 49ers rookies and expansion draftees would need a miracle to win even once but the fans never lost faith that indeed a miracle was right around the corner [Music] 56 yards away from Victory Tim Couch made the throw of his life couch with two seconds ago being chased Heats went down the near sideline to the right looking for Kevin Johnson foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign on the Hail Mary was one thing conquering Three Rivers Stadium was quite another but couch was undeterred [Music] couch to Johnson in the bronze take the opening kick off and go right smack down the field good protection on the opening drive caught the Steelers off guard Strangers In a Strange Land the Browns quickly made themselves comfortable the snap coming Stewart throws jotter Harry intercepts the ball and falls with the 20. [Music] managing to keep the game close throughout counts set up Phil Dawson to win the game and avenge their humiliation in the opener [Music] oh my goodness [Music] have won their second game of the year and have beaten the Steelers in Pittsburgh though two wins were all for the expansion Browns owner Al Lerner had plenty to be proud of this Cleveland Browns football team that played today in a very unfriendly Stadium can beat any team in this league [Applause] and I'm just looking forward to it this is the best day so far since I've been in this business I just want to win I don't much care whether it's Paul Brown Stadium or any other Stadium I just want to have a higher score than the other team Pat continued to be a rare occurrence in 2000. a dismal 3 and 13 campaign cost Palmer his job after just two seasons [Music] towns were off to a false start and hoped Butch Davis could guide them to respectability foreign we're pleased to announce that the Cleveland Browns have a head coach that's ready to take over the leadership and management of this team and take us to the levels that we expect I am thrilled to death and very honored that Mr Lerner and Carmen had enough Faith to trust me to become the head coach of the Cleveland Browns 2001 the team grew under Davis and finished seven and nine here's Cox back to pass he's throwing right corner touchdown [Applause] but the Browns learned what lost truly was The Following Season I'll learn her's passing left them without the guiding force that it helped return football to the shores of Lake Erie [Music] Lerner's sense of Duty was steadfast his Browns felt the same way the week after his death [Music] four couch he's gonna get hit he rolls away now he pulls them all down now he throws into the answer touchdown a little Houdini for Tim Couch and now the Browns gets Hyatt with a two-point conversion couch rolls to the right on a play action fake he gets hit The End Zone and they come back unbelievable not got foot off a man and came back in and got the two points Dennis north cuts catch sealed an amazing tribute to the Browns Fallen leader learner family we all love them and he'll always be with us guys he's going to always be the thumbprint on this organization and I know that man's got a smile on his face he got his hat on and he's smoking a cigar right now smiling big time because he's proud of his Cleveland Browns the Browns kept getting Divine assistance in their quest for the playoffs long is this like New Orleans [Applause] down it is like New Orleans the unbelievable has happened he got it Wednesday morning I got it unbelievable Hail Mary Butch Davis takes his son Drew and throws him up into his arms as they come across the field that's the biggest clutch he catch I think I've ever seen by all right guys and everybody knows we're getting out of here with a win that maybe we should have left on the field so I'm gonna tell you what we ain't giving it back but conscious luck ran out early in the final game of the season leaving rookie running back William green to carry the team to a wild card berth [Music] was drafted number one and he struggled and you know the call-in shows they were ready to you know watch him you know I had teammates that were you know ready to say you know the guy's a you know he's a bust he can't play greens 178 rushing yards quieted the critics for at least one Sunday 29. I think you know all of a sudden it's a big word in sports but that respect had returned you know hey we have a football team again Fulton is back looking fires he's got a man over in touch [Applause] foreign [Applause] and soon the playoff dream became more and more real one second down to give it to Green grease Stutter Step he's through first down 40 45 50 40 45 we've been waiting for it to break the big one but he saved it for the right dive [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] but the Browns needed a fourth down stop on the goal line to save the season the Browns denied Atlanta at the goal line and an eight-year drought was over Cleveland had playoff fever again [Music] [Applause] [Music] Randy today this was this was for your father okay this is for the Browns for the future congratulations to both of you guys [Applause] although disappointment awaited them in Pittsburgh the following week the 2002 Browns did all they could to make the Learners proud the next two seasons would see the sun set on the Browns fleeting Fortune as Championship dreams once again fell further and further away a fresh leadership team emerged as new general manager Phil Savage hired a veteran assistant fresh off three Super Bowl victories well I get the spotlight huh but few clevelanders recognized the man in that spotlight you know you might ask we don't know much about you and so what type of Coach are you I'm a teacher I can teach football I can teach fundamentals I can teach technique should be looking to step up I'm a communicator I can get across the message to the players decide when you're going to be off but you hurt any chance or whether you're gonna be charged I'm not nude Rock name but I can motivate all right you guys play for me conducting training camp and yet another humid summer in Berea Romeo Cornell was still living the dream just another lovely day in paradise you better do a little bit better than that you better do better than that but this was no vacation let him throw this ball over your head twice that shouldn't happen give me some Rush do your job and play some defense the defense got the message and responded in an early game in Green Bay far back in the pocket in the middle drawing left sideline Ferguson's wide open and then Gary Baxter stole the ball in the answer Cleveland was also excited about the Superstar potential of rookie wide receiver Braylon Edwards Edwards gone 10-5 touchdowns for number 17 to rant on the road and NFL is a tough thing to do so this ball all right goes to the 2005 Cleveland Browns we got that first pickle out of the jar okay and there are a lot more down there all right you gotta fight just like you fought today [Applause] the weight of tradition can be a lot for a brown to have on his mind as the team celebrated their 60th season in 2006. the former greats were all on hand to witness a new generation of Brown's talent that proved ready to take up the mantle of greatness [Music] after nearly two seasons lost to injury Kellen Winslow had a return to remember he returned to the spotlight in style when he scored his first career touchdown right back throwing right caught Winslow at the five stiff arm touchdown in the right corner way to go K2 the first guy goes over and hugs is the trainer because they've spent a lot of time together he had the injuries rookie year and in the motorcycle accident is a sophomore year so to speak and I don't know that anybody had real expectations for for K2 in o6 Winslow had a family Legacy to uphold and he began proving his own worth in his first full season Grinnell also liked how young defensive Stars Sean Jones and first rounder Cameron wimbley emerged alongside new veteran leadership I felt like our veteran leadership you know we brought in Willie McGinnis those players you know show have shown the younger players you know how to be a pro and I think you know we're finally developing somewhat of a culture of what it takes to be successful in NFL despite a hard luck season the 2006 Browns gave hints of what was to come hi Braylon Edwards up got it touchdown Derek Anderson introduced himself to Cleveland fines by overcoming a two touchdown Kansas City lead after you get knocked down do you get back up if they wanted to they could have laid it down against Kansas City but they kept fighting and ultimately we won the game from the Kansas City 45 Anderson to throw he shuffles right he's got the corner to run 45-40-35 he stumbers he's down the sideline he's running to the 20-15 and inside the 15 Anderson soon the Browns veteran kicker was called in to put one through the upvites back fall down kick on the way it is up it is good and the Browns win in overtime what an effort today [Applause] no one gets an easy ride to the top of the NFL the Browns learned that the hard way since 1999. fans watching the 2007 NFL draft hope that the team would consider a certain fisherman from Wisconsin with their pick okay with the third pick in the 2000 0007 NFL draft the Cleveland Browns select left tackle Joe Thomas Wisconsin I'm thrilled coach I'm really excited I think I'm gonna fit in and gray with the Cleveland Browns the Browns also drafted a franchise quarterback Brady Quinn but fans pleading for the future to start now found that the present wasn't all that bad thank you throws left corner of the end zone jeremicious he's got a touchdown rounds great throw by Derek Anderson over the show the show play [Applause] with Winslow's touchdown began the finest season ever by a Browns receiving Duo here's Braylon Edwards He's got it touchdown four touchdown passes on the afternoon for Derek Anderson Anderson's bomb gave the Browns a 34-24 advantage and a stalwart offensive line including rookie tackle Joe Thomas number 73 help them keep it [Music] on six yards he used to do that against the Browns now he's doing it for them Jamal Lewis's 216 rushing yards should have made him the start but then Anderson tied to team record with his fifth touchdown pass Toyota 's in touchdown he did it he did it Braylon Edwards laid out at the two caught it he wasn't brought down by contact and he spun in for the score with 28 seconds left the Bengals were driving the Browns lead by six the ball is just shy in Midfield back to pass he's got mountains of time he throws down the right sideline that's picked off by Lee Martin [Music] let's go baby [Applause] I'm gonna go ahead and get a sack watch watch the flip side of it watch the fire oh hey oh watch the flower oh Willie McGinnis was determined to lead by example [Applause] four let's go keep talking keep talking let's play let's give them the business when they come out showing Blitz you know where we're going I'm right here again right off the gun you're breaking it lemon's got a Chase right willing to get us throws the bullet picked off button he's got a 25 brought down by the quarterback limit inside the 25 and done the gate to AFC North Supremacy had crept open a confident Browns team arrived in Pittsburgh poised to rush through the Browns are five and three what a surprise he must be for the Steelers to be playing the Browns today in November with first place or a share of it hanging in the balance and a former Kent State quarterback stood ready to take the first step it's one thing to be fast and so I'll run everybody or cut back across the field but I mean he just does incredible things sit down the field it bounces and Crips had to bounce off him that's a live ball back by the goal line he's got to come out with it he's to the five he angles he's up the sideline he's still running Joshua cribs truly arrived in 2007 becoming one of the two most dangerous returners in the NFL you're unbelievable run but effort by Joshua grips on the way there he got hit uh blindsided from the side his whole body's turned over his arms are all out of whack it looks like he's gonna fall over somehow he stays in bounds regains his balance and just takes off he's he's unbelievable cribs put air in the brown sails perhaps just enough to carry one of the strangest field goals in NFL history this is it second week in a row for the tie and over at Andover end it is up and it is oh it hit the crossbar and hit the upright and it's no good oh it hit it it bounced back into the field of play foreign [Applause] looks like the Browns have lost it officials are huddling In The End Zone but the teams are heading into the locker room even without instant replay available the Browns hoped that Justice would be served car went over and hit the extension on the backside which in fact is a good field goal it bounced back the field goals is good and we are tied in overtime Dawson was the hero again Dawson's kick is up and [Applause] Lewis proved to be the downhill Runner crinnell and the Browns have needed his 163 yards against Buffalo in a driving snowstorm gave Dawson the chance to work his magic [Applause] after clearing room the only player to remain with the Browns since expansion one yet another gate it's back they place it down Dawson's kick is a line drive and it is good he did it again Santa didn't leave any playoffs playoff tree but the 2007 Browns did make history in the top third of the NFL 10 wins okay set a home record for victory all right have won more at home than you have I told you and training camp when you do good I do good I'm doing pretty good guys a constant threat of tradition weaves its way through Cleveland Browns football connecting today to the Past in every play [Music] spirit is kept Alive by the best fans in football and renewed every September on the banks of the Great Lake Erie with six Pro Bowl players in 2007. today's Browns know that now anything is possible anything even [Applause] a kicker debate he's an attempt of five touchdown City forged In the Heat of heartbreak will always be ready for next year or when the leaves turn in Autumn and brown and orange coats everything from Public Square to Hunting Valley from Parma to Shaker Heights Home Reigns Supreme in a place that we call Brownstown [Music] this NFL film's production has been brought to you by NFL Network watch
Channel: 80s Football Cards
Views: 287,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mAizJv-Q66M
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Length: 143min 18sec (8598 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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