Browning Auto 5 Reassembly

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gentlemen ladies and all between her back here at the bench again with the Browning 85 I did kind of figure some stuff out remember during the disassembly I couldn't figure out quite what was going on with these remember I told you they're suppose to be a little flat heads in here I figured it out there's not pins and like a set screw or anything like that because that's that's really what I would have done if I had lost or could not find replacement screws how to put the appropriate size pin in there and I'd have found a set screw to go down on top of that pin because there are and I'll show you here in a second there are holes on the backside of these things here as you can tell that those pins kind of ride into those holes go all the way through here so that if you need to you can get something under there and knock them out if the screws get stuck or tight or whatever else so I figured out it's whoever mess with this gun either lost them or stripped them or screwed them up or whatever else but they put roll pins back in here so if these things ever have go bad or these parts need new Springs whatever else whoever has to pull these out hopefully not me it's going to be pissed there's gonna be a hell of a challenge getting those things out and this is how I figured it out I just stuck my handy dandy little light up under there and if you can tell or not see right there that it's a roll pin pissed me off that it didn't you know what I ended up doing was sticking a bunch of like lubrication or something down in there to try cuz there's a bunch of dirt smoo and I was like well that's covering up the hole what the hell is going on here but the stuff just ran straight down through into the receiver and I was like what that doesn't make any sense there should be you know the screw should be blocking any wrong off so I let it sit for a minute I took it over to the air line now blow everything out and I was like son of a deadly put a light under there and that's what it was something put roll pins in there so whoever that was thanks man you just screwed over the next guy that's gonna have to repair anything in there anywho we're gonna go back in this thing back together I'm gonna start over here your group should should beat easy enough we'll stick our mainspring back down in here and follow them these things are pretty easy you just set you know pinch it in there with your fingers and then take the screw that you took out of there and we'll screw back in these things don't have to be super tight man once they're under spring Perisher this thing stays in pretty well without any issues you just you don't have to tighten the crap out of anything on these guns most most these screws have like retaining screws anyways but just put your thumb pressure down on here to bend that spring like so you can put your hammer back over there do put the safety on so it doesn't go bang while you're trying to put all this crap back together spring and detent going that little hole right there remembers point there and this connector kind of guy I'm gonna go in here come on little DeeDee Bob we're gonna line it up and we're gonna use really your thumb you can to depress that little detent and start sliding over and if you don't have gloves on it works a lot better but and it just slides in there you see how that rides in and then won't come off of there and that's really all there is for that trigger group next thing we're going to put the bolt and charging handle back in the gun stick to your charging handle back in there a little slide to take your slots that right in there and just kind of shove her back in there you're gonna have to run some clearance remember you have to lift that little tail up there and slide it under for your your charging handle to go back in line your whole back up like we had before remember we drove that little pin out of that hole line it back up that is a tapered pin so when you put it back in there it's probably easier that charging handles out of the way there we go it's a tapered pin so if you should take it in there man and it just does not want to work like it should turn it around because it for the most part it should just push in it shouldn't take a whole lot of convincing you get that guy so see I'm just barely tapping it man if that doesn't just drop in with real light taps and it'll go any they'll stop for you to it'll hit the back of receiver there man and they just won't go any farther means you know it doesn't hurt anything there if that doesn't just kind of tap in like that there's something wrong you probably have the pin in backwards so I'm gonna drive it back out for us so we can get our our locking block block latch in that was just kind of a demo there but your your locking block latch and it Springs your little springy I'm gonna go right down to that hole as such right where it is no problems he's there it doesn't matter which side goes up on the locking block latch itself you'll you'll see from the marks on the latch typically how it's supposed to go in there and if you paid attention when you were pulling it out you'll know that it goes in like shmoo right so this portion here appears even guys can see it but this portion here rides on top of that spring so it'll go in and it's supposed to be oblong like that so we're gonna stick her in there and we're gonna take our pin and go from the correct size make sure we line everything up there we're gonna drop a pin down in there like so and it should retain that now go back and take our punch like I say you'll it'll stop on its own see when it real easy means we got the tape or direction right and that's all she wrote for her cold yell right from here you can put your operating rod and spring and plungers and followers and all that crap back in there just stuff that in your tailpipe this spring is under a tremendous amount of pressure so it can be interesting trying to hold on to the receiver and everything else here you can put it flat side down on the bench and push it in have your PIN ready in handy and you can see where those line up like that this pin isn't sticky at all so you push it right in there make sure it grabs sticks and it goes in there both sides just rise up against that little tail stinger when it's in the stock it'll it'll hold it in that pin can't move so it's no big deal another thing I was going to show you too is that the follower I mentioned this a lot of times get stuck here you know you really have to do is get your cleaning rod or whatever wouldn't no no big deal and come from this in of the receiver here after you get the stock and stuff out and you can just slide it down our faller here and just knock it out it's kind of designed like that I'm purposely this thing got this thing's gross to you look at that it's like this guy's never ever ever clean this gun gurus I'll do him a little bit of flavor man wolf wipe this thing off a little bit and clean it up and we were just a hair won't put it back together even though he didn't ask for it or pay for anything you know let's keep in mind you're gonna do guns for things stuff you know you're gonna to make money you're not here to be people's friends you know mechanics have to make their money doctors make their money you got to make your money so when you start charging labor-hour for stuff I don't mind just because I enjoy doing some of these things these videos and whatever else but keep that in mind you know you're there they're asking for extra stuff let them know they got to pay for things there's I take care of my customers the best I can you know if it's real simple fixes I don't charge them an arm and a leg but if it's if it's something that requires an absorbing amount of time I charge them the labor hour you ought to be charging you'll go broke man just you know don't be afraid some people are gonna tell you that you're too expensive you know that's fine fine find another gunsmith somewhere and ask them what the prices are and then talking about too expensive but English that's just you know obviously just right back into its little deal there you have to kind of pop it in this thing when you pop it out that we're gonna put the spring back on here for a cartridge you know magazine disconnect when the spring legs in between there and line up your whole stick the screw in the slot and it's cool and tighten it down yeah we're definitely you know as a gunsmith you're you're a luxury service man you're not nobody has to have a gunsmith you know they're not like doctors and mechanics people don't need these guns to go back and forth to work most people that use guns for employment most I say most not all there's exceptions police officers military even a lot of security companies no they've got people that work on those guns form they pay people to work on them so they're in-house a lot of them so just keep that in mind to your luxury service and that you have a lot of knowledge you know if you're like me I've got a couple degrees and gunsmithing and you know that cost me a lot of money to get in so you're paying for my knowledge I do a lot of counter fixes that people you know it doesn't take me more than you know four or five minutes to fix whatever the problem is you know typically I charge about thirty five forty bucks or something like that it doesn't matter you're paying for the knowledge you know what you're doing they came in because they didn't know how to fix it and that's what they're paying for is knowledge it's not the actual physical amount of time a lot of times there's a lot of specified you know there's a lot of special tooling that goes into this she's like being a mechanic - there's there really is a lot of special cooling that goes into gunsmithing so you've got a you know you got to keep the lights on you're not there to be people's friends you're there to make money you can make friends along the way don't get me wrong I got lots of good customers in here that'll sit and chat and I got no problems helping them out and things like that not just about any customer I don't treat a whole lot of people different but if you come in here and you want something done right now you want it done super cheap and all this other stuff you know I you know I mean they're gonna highball the [ __ ] out of you I'm in charge of a ridiculous amount of money to do it or I'm gonna tell you that it's gonna take three four five months you know we'll just changing out sites yeah man my shops real busy sorry that backfires on you too isn't let me tell you right now cuz it's gonna be one of two ways you're either gonna get a bad rep for doing stuff like that you can't always be a jerk sometimes you got to bite a bullet truth is sight changes some some trigger work man a lot of the drop in Glock triggers things like that you know MP's any of those striker-fired pistols you know drop-in kits charging 50 bucks man typically to put them in sometimes a little more depending on the model and things like that let me sitting over running my mouth man by the way though you know if you saw the disassembly video those screws with a little pins on them those are your carrier screws that's what we're putting back in here this this some later generation so it's a two-piece carrier the earlier ones where a single piece carrier you screw it down tight until you'll see that little half crescent moon lines up there for your retaining screw yeah typically on that kind of stuff man I don't charge a whole whole lot of money unless you know and I tell them you know our two three sometimes dependent when I go to an you know sometimes I'm actually in the middle of doing stuff and I can't just drop what I'm doing and put aside another customer because you were gonna hurry or you want it done now it's just the way it works in being a luxury service goes both directions too we are a luxury service which means you're kind of that are you know you're at our will more or less as a gunsmith the customer's kind of you know the eight there's there's there's no real emergency that ever comes in to us so keep that in mind you know you can charge good money to do work but you mean there's there's a point where you charging absurdly high labor prices and there's it comes in to where you're you're basically starving yourself out so the biggest mistake most doesn't smith shops make is that they just don't ever charge enough they're afraid of oh well we just you know can't charge that kind of money well what the most mechanic shops charge you know you get or any other specialty shop like that is that you see typically somewhere between sixty and a hundred dollars an hour my shop I charge ninety dollars an hour 120 dollars machine man machine hour so if I have to put in the mill or a lathe or something like that I'm charging you 120 dollars an hour because I have to take the time to set up I've got a you know to wear out and things like that that I have to compensate for besides paying me and keeping the lights on and things like that so it's all stuff you have to remember if you you know if you want to get in this business there's just things you have to keep in mind but do it without being a you know a complete jerk and some people might watching this video be stuffing up and pipe up put a comment be feel free we'll have a discussion but my reviews on I just had a lot of customers come in that the only reason they came into my shop is because of the Yelp and Google reviews and things like that which I never really thought of man I always thought this is really more of a word-of-mouth and it is what it is kind of deal and come to find out man that social media stuff swing both ways on you leave the bytes in the answer it'll be your best friend I'm putting this trigger group in after we got the carrier in there this spring sits there that's thick that carrier spring when you put it in that leg there that carrier dog leg is what this should fit in that's why I'm starting way forward see where the holes just don't quite line up is because I'm trying to grab that carrier and you can see as I slide that in how it brings that carrier down so you're gonna have to fight all of that spring tension put your thumb down in there and once you get this screw in like that you know the back end wants to come out if you don't pinch real hard just always what happens here is that disc connector on the on the trigger group remember that we put back in there I'm trying to see you maybe you could see this right there you see the carrier on the back in or carrier disconnected right there that has to fall you have to push that forward just a hair and then you can slide this thing because what it's doing is that that little tail on the back of the bolt carrier the bolt it's trying to push up into that steel what you need to do is push it just enough so that a fault in that gap of that little tail there and then you can slide that in and you can put your screw in and then that way it'll just sit there no no problems but keep that in mind if you're trying to force that you're gonna break something and that really sucks cuz you need to tear it all apart like I said these screws here you don't have to tighten them down real tight because they have retainer screws in them and even the retainer screws don't take a whole lot just line that little Halfmoon up with that hole there grab your retaining screw and like I said it doesn't matter these are all the same thread pitch and everything else same sized and just uh screw them right in you know in this one here just give it a good snug down no big deal back in doobly-doo if you notice I haven't changed out my screwdriver bit my flat blade it's because these screws are already buggered I'm not gonna hurt them that and it's small enough that it fits all of them without worrying about them slipping out I'm not putting a lot of torque on it so I'm not going to break the bit it's just not that big of a deal because these things are already screwed up I'm not hurting anything I'm not putting a ton of pressure on it so I kind of found one that works on the smallest screw that I have and it just does a good job on the rest of them as well the next thing that we're gonna put into kind of a pain in the ass is your follower spring and your following spring retainer which in this case is just a plastic cap and what's going to happen when you put this back in is that steel is probably going to shave a little bit of this off these things are just such a pain in the ass you're gonna get a little bit of plastic shaved off as you put this in there try not to hit your finger but hold this in as you're tapping it in its see and get a little little shavings there and it's it's gonna happen there's nothing I've found that can reduce that I mean the more evenly you tap it in the less shipment you get but every time and I haven't found a way yet to not shave a little bit of that plastic up it's it's real kind of rubbery so it's pours out and you're not like losing anything there it's not gonna go flying out but it's a pain in the ass on that know when you're doing shotguns and you're putting your plug in your magazine - I don't care what kind of shotgun it is you know they need these that have a magazine tube on them unless some of the Paredes things like that you just can't do it you actually have to pull things out and put pull things apart to get the plug in but the ones that are open-ended like this if you see how that still pushes down even if it's like the Remington's they have that steel spring at one if you push that down just far enough there you can slide the plug in through this hole that's why that hole is like that so put your plug in on top of the keeper you know for your magazine follower spring and follower but put your plug in on top of this keeper and then put your four in on screw it down so it comes in out easy and you're not fighting this keeper in that spring every time you want to pull that plug in and out everybody everybody I know pulls these keepers outputs the plug and puts everything back in top of the plug why when you just knock that keeper down just a little bit further so that that plug will sit flush at the top of your magazine tube here and then you can put it all back together anyways so now we can put our stock back on let's talk here like I said this one's real loose so it's gonna slide on real easy the other ones you can a lot of the other ones that I've ever dealt with man you really have to give it a smack to get it to go back on that's the way it should be like I said somebody's taking this gun apart a lot and typically you have to give some assistance to the screw here on other stocks to get it to go back in in this particular screw you'll see there there's a Halfmoon on each side and what you're really looking for us for that screw to sit flush and match the curve of your stock so here that's too far so it's not gonna make that rotation what I'm gonna do is I'm probably gonna back it out there we go I'm gonna line up there your little Halfmoon II see how that matches the curve there and then the curve around this way that screws supposed to match all of that so that's how you know you have in the right position as long as that happenin lines up for your retaining screw hmm screw this little guy down here put it back together they'll like I said you don't have to tighten the [ __ ] out of it it'll just go on just give it a little snug we're gonna have to go ahead and this particular case I'm gonna put this back like for the lighter loads like I said this ring goes on here then your spring goes on then your brass ring this break is really what it is it acts like a brake and slows everything down it really doesn't matter the orientation on these splits and these rings it's not that big of a deal what this is for the light loads in this configuration so spring our little brass ring remember the bevel phases the receiver to the spring sit flat on it and then you take this ring so the flat here always faces the spring no matter what goes on and these things can be a little bit of a fight going on they're heavier recoiling loads the heavier loads the steel piece the spring goes on first this steel piece goes on next with the bevel facing the brass brass down probably a little bit easier to go ahead and let this your bolt lock back stick your barrel on and what you're gonna have to do is when you slide this on like I said your foreign would never line the barrel up and stick everything down you got to put pressure on it so take it off the camera real quick so yeah just put the buttstock on the ground push the barrel back down this way press your screw cap on and even let pressure off the barrel yeah please everything's all hunky-dory man thanks for watching yeah give me a like share subscribe comments questions you know hit him up I just respond the best I can i brewed just case you guys were wondering too this is what the new browning 85 looks like like I said other than the humpback this gun comes apart and goes back together completely different there is no internal resemblance on either this gun versus the old Lee fives at all but this is what they look like these in the new ones yeah that's it
Channel: Under the Gun
Views: 82,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: browning, a5, 12ga, 12 gauge, gunsmithing, shotgun, cleaning browning a5, Browning A-5, Browning A5, A-5 Buck Special, automatic shotgun, semi-auto shotgun, hump back, Browning Hump back, hump back receiver, recoil operated, friction system, friction rings, FN, Belgium Browning, Belgian Browning, A5, A-5, Remington, 11, model 11, savage, 720, 755, 775, franchi, al 48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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