Brothers from Nebraska surviving quite the real life nightmare. They were actually sucked right out of their home near Omaha by a tornado. Yeah, Roger got a heads up from his friend about the tornado spotted near his home. He called his brother to find their two dogs and get to the basement. The brothers say they were, they locked eyes just before the tornado, tornado with 100 and 36 mile an hour winds ripped them from the house. Roger says he remained conscious as he was thrown in the air, doing kind of cart wheels while being plummeted with the debris, hit the ground, face down was pinned under it. His brother said he remembered being torn from the back of the house before he was eventually slammed into the ground. This all happened within less than a minute after I got inside the house pulled a vacuum and we could just hear, you know, the windows just go boom, they all exploded and under our feet, the floor went kind of, it jolted a couple times and then it, we just took off. That's something you don't want to talk about. It was scary. It's great. To hear them do the interviews because it could have been way worse. Roger had multiple bone bruises. His brother needed 22 stitches. They do feel so lucky to have survived with their dogs because that's the first thing we thought about too. The dog.