Brother Has To SAY YES For 48 Hours!

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okay so these two kids right here are brothers and the little brother got the big brother to say yes to him for 48 hours yeah I would definitely not do that with my brother that would probably be one of the worst days of my life but anyways let's find out what happens oh he's playing Minecraft okay it's a third time in a row oh and he died impossible to get that gas my ARS can't reach it you have to work smarter not harder yeah I'm working smarter than you you can't kill that gas from where I was standing IO not to make any bet with you a long time ago okay you never pay up this time I will I promise that is Cap you are not paying up we can do the say yes challenge everyone's doing on YouTube O if you die then I get to boss you around for 48 hours but if I die then you get to boss me around I'm not going to lie me and my brother used to make these kind of bets when we were younger and they never turn out good police I'm not going to fall for that you're never for going to say yes when I win okay how about this if I die and I don't do something you say all right then [Music] you get to keep my tablet o his iPad forever forever actually yeah I mean you can hold on to it until time's up for insurance because mom takes it away every time I get in trouble so I'm used to not having it you got yourself with you all right oh they're shaking on it okay all right this is an interesting deal oh and make me oh is he going to kill him he's going to do it I didn't know you could do that uhoh there a a d try not to back off after all oh it's over for Mikey I know oh he's going to kill him no you're going to make me fall in the lava who get off the block just run if you die you lose remember you have to stand in that spot or else it doesn't count kill Mikey wait no no no Pigman get out of here no Mikey was trying to cheat cheaters never win bro and he killed the gas I want to do over CL for Jaden now you have to do what I say for 48 hours and is he actually going to say yes I'll be holding on to this until 's up no you're not get back here hey a Deal's a deal don't take it back back no not until you complete your end of the deal okay what is going on Mom's here Mikey stop chasing your brother around he took my tablet and won't give it back that's because he lost the beted that he came up with dang that is true I would ask who's telling the truth but I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that dang Mikey Mikey has a bad reputation can't keep hey stop if you don't then I'm going to take it ooh now you have to say yes as soon as those 48 hours are up you better give that tablet back as long as it do what I say uhoh it won't be a problem okay Mikey I don't know how you keep finding yourself in bad situations I'm going to finish doing the laundry but do you guys yes please I'll take a PBJ with no Quest okay bro crust is the best part oh he's going to have his brother do it I'll ever have my Pi one ooh are you kidding I'm not going to make you a PB&J did you the already I mean I could use a new tablet uhoh whatever make sure to put extra jelly like yeah Mike extra jelly no crust cut four squares with a glass of almond milk please let's get a cake on the side too longest two days of my life so Mikey is a servant for his little brother now hey Eddie what's up I've never seen you doing homework during lunch you feeling all right buddy yeah I'm just trying to get this done before Mr Wilson's class okay there was homework uhoh you forgot not again that's just say you forgot it your dog ate it no I can't turn this in right before graduation do you want if I copy off of you say less oh that is not the smartest thing to do I remember I did that once and the teacher caught me and I got zero so uh yeah don't do that bro what you think I was doing uh I got it from that kids just give it back to when you're done oh no they're all three going to get in trouble I feel like good looking out Mikey don't tell me you're copying his homework again uhoh Qui it I don't have much time stop oh he has to do what he says he has to say yes D forget about old deal I want you to stop copying his homework uhoh come on Jaden hey come on now he's got to get a zero don't you understand if I fail anything else I may not graduate his brother does not care you better get to work dang better start reading up guys no no no no to no no what are you doing imposs there's no way you're doing your homework I know I'm doing it myself give me my book B I don't have much time real I I guess it's a first time for everything yeah Mike's actually doing until you finish your homework what he can't even talk to his friends now oh my gosh Mikey I feel bad for you bro Mikey just listen to you do you have M house or something he tried to trick me into losing about yesterday but I won so has to everything that I say for 48 hours oh nowhere this is the best thing ever wait can we make him do stuff too nice try uhoh no way Jose he's right I'm the only one who can tell him what to do wait so are they goingon to tell him to tell him what to do what if you told him that he has to do everything we tell him to do for the next couple minutes I didn't oh my gosh that actually works but have to leave him alone after so he can focus got you Mikey no Jaden oh no that is not good for the next few minutes you have to do whatever Jay and Derek tell you to do bro why would he do that oh no he put a timer on like a chicken louder what the heck is going on now sing the ABC's Opera style oh God Opera style how's that go that Opera [Music] Spirits st stop oh my gosh that that is cringe fortnite dance are you serious is you have a minute left fortnite dance and do they take the L while singing Mikey isik Mike is Mike is oh my gosh that's embarrassing and I thought his rapping was bad honestly okay now take ketchup and make a massach time up time homework he just saved Mikey okay this time Mikey that was fun though we should do do it again oh absolutely again oh no he's got to finish his homework just leave him alone so he can walk bye Mikey have fun what Michael thank you uhoh you about to get a f Mr Wilson I can explain wait what looking at this I can already tell how many you got right very impressive hold up dang okay Mike smart Mike got something right for once yeah pinch me I must be dreaming it's also clearly night I didn't mean actually hey are you sure yeah double check that man morning dang they want to make sure his friend got him wrong now yeah right I rather been playing Minecraft good thing our dumb bed is over tomorrow all right guys since our final is tomorrow why don't we go ahead and review what's going to be on it okay do I have any volunteers to come up and tell Mikey to do it volunteer heck no I'm not going to do that you have to uh oh I hate you hey come on you don't hate is a strong word you don't hate your brother M you're on a roll today come on up here bro I want to do this to my brother I'm not going to lie it'd be so fun Mikey go ahead and circle the adjectives in the sentence for me seriously I don't know no well this problem is very similar to the one on your homework what an adjective I'm not going to lie I forgot you do your own homework right yeah we'll see uhoh the r Wait adjectives is an actionis uh of large houses because it describes the house okay nice and small small stores see I'm smart guys I know what I'm doing small because it describes the store you got it really hey good job Mikey clap it up large and small those are the adjectives what keep it up Mike why are you looking at his hands like he has superpowers like look what he does keep it up Mikey go ahead I'm on fire who can I get for another problem another volunteer yeah nice work he's actually making his brother better a better student yes I do what are you talking about I got a surprise St after class wait what oh what what does he have okay so it's the special surprise I bet he has the answers to the quiz check out what I got from Mr Wilson's class yo oh the answer key the final tomorrow mhm think of it as a early graduation gift yeah yeah I gave it to a kid earlier he freaked his brother is is not going to like that and his brother is going to tell him he can't use that and he has to listen too sometimes I feel like we're so me what are you guys talking about uhoh Eddie was just inviting me to his graduation party mhm you know Jaden can't come but I'll be there wait he has to tell the truth he's going to say tell the truth I feel like that he's going to say hey Mikey tell me the truth all done can you bring my dessert to the living room I'm going to go watch the new Darman Premiere well uh uh uh you haven't finished your vegetables yet uh-oh mom my dinner stomach is full but my dessert stomach is starving don't play that game with me Jaden little help with your brother please uhoh but Mom it starts at 5:00 p.m. and I like watching his videos when they Premiere Mikey listen to Mom and eat your veggies I on the other hand am going to watch the premiere no I mean his plate is empty he ate vegetables not so fast it is your turn to do the dishes oh oh actually Mikey can do them thanks Jaden sorry Mikey can't do nothing okay can't make bets think I'm going to join Jaden this is really nice look at his face right there why does he look like that Jen look at him he's like this is really nice I wish you were like this all the time Mikey always like this Mikey I you know I'm starting to feel bad for Mikey a little bit oh oh dang bro got milk pour on him what the I want to watch what so funny guys oh Mikey can we me some ice cream when you're done he's got to ice cream too dang Mikey he is taking the L wait they're crying now Mom why you crying was the ending that shocking you know mom always cries come on she cries during D was funny okay I'm not going to lie some dands are sad oh that ice cream looks so good bro Mikey knows how to make ice cream I guess I'll just eat her ice cream then I'm going start it over so I can see what happen stud for the final no give me that back dang was that a no I heard you say hey yo they got a little close right there I even need to study Eddie gave me all the answers why would you tell him that oh my gosh so you guys were talking about myy please don't cheat Del that photo he to delete it now give it sheez but I'll just get it again from medy tomorrow because guess what why would you tell him that too will be up oh okay so you can me study now but tomorrow you can't [Music] stop uh-oh he looks like oh he's sad now please don't cheat uh-oh sh you trying to ride on me or something you did so good on your homework y that is true I feel like Mike doesn't have to on your funnel too and risk failing it and not graduating yeah not a chance I appreciate the advice but you don't get to tell me what to do anymore sorry why if you get caught then you're not going to graduate for sure that is true oh no you always get caught not this time little bro not this time yeah he's definitely getting caught oh wait he didn't he's actually graduating okay nice I am so proud of you Mikey and getting an A on your final English he got 100% you studied really hard I mean I just I just didn't know this day would come especially since you barely graduated Elementary School mom don't cry she's crying again you embarrass me uh oh wait what are they talking about talking to principal Myers about uhoh I'm sorry but I just got word from Mr Wilson that a couple of our students cheated in the final they're going to need to return their diplomas oh my gosh Mikey uh wow that's that sucks look at his face look at his face please tell me it wasn't you I told you this was going to happen you don't understand I didn't cheat Eddie Valentino please come up and return your diploma wait did he cheat or not cheat not to trust Eddie Mike you are in big trouble I can't believe you would cheat again mom you don't understand I didn't lastly Mike no way no way ernandez please come up and return oh my gosh that was close uh and that that's it it was just the the two of them sorry congratulations to the graduate oh Mikey actually didn't cheat told you guys I didn't cheat let's go so you just got an A justess from son me but how how is that possible how was that family after all that's right there's me oh they playing Minecraft again ooh they're doing an Obby make things interesting double or nothing oh Mikey stop with the best a week when I thought you learn a lesson I was wrong bring it uhoh rer oh wait is he kicking him kill that's not you can't do that you never said I couldn't dang and he won yes so now you have to all right but anyways that's going to be it if you enjoy make sure you like subscribe but I'm F and I'm out
Channel: Foltyn Reacts
Views: 596,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foltyn, Foltyn family, family friendly, foltyn reacts, reaction, foltyn reacting, foltynplays, roblox foltyn, foltyn reaction, foltyn roblox, sssniperwolf, morealia, socksreact, infinite, dhar mann, dhar mann reaction, kid has to listen to his brother for a day, kid has to listen to his brother for 48 hours, 24 hours, kid has to say yes for 24 hours
Id: UfpO_OsmpfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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