Brooks and Dunn

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and there is their bio and here are the gentlemen Ronnie Dunn and Kix Brooks nice to see you guys got a record called cowboy town about something we're working suck if you're working something I mean is it interesting to be on the road again when you have something to play in new records I know you guys play lots of shows so it does it's you know it for us it's all about the music so we get we get the opportunity to throw new stuff in the shows and try it out yeah fun when people talk about the early 90s and the explosion of all these different genres of music they often forget the fact that that was your moment when you guys really exploded on the scene and and have there's almost like two different universes that exist in the world of popular music there's a lot of things we can talk about we don't have a lot of country artists on here and I like country music what is the essence of what you do what is the essence of what you do we play music we ride it yes the essence of the kind of country music in this Aaron like in mid-2000 has it changed a lot from what it was in the 50s well you people will say that you know you get to be always get the debate in this traditional country music you know and that's that's a that's a floating subject you know it's it's just free floating out there but what we do today is is is greatly inspired you know by the Rolling Stones there's the stuff that we were listening to when we were kids growing up interesting about country music is that and even you guys meant cowboy town and there's a lot of it in the imagery is that it's a fundamentally American thing you know hip-hop is co-opted elsewhere rock and roll the British Invasion so the Beatles certainly changed who owned rock and roll and all kinds of music classical but country music stays fundament I mean Canadians do it but again it's heavily imposed by the American well you know that somewhat but but it's it's kind of you traditionally you know the the music of the of the working man and that that encompasses a broad spectrum you know in in terms of social consciousness but go to Ireland they're all about it yeah yeah folk stuff but it's like that that same thing that the common man thing runs inherent through throughout the majority of it and was actually new guys who got involved in this as well to it not both youth and a total degree but it's very much about patriotism nowadays I mean listen there's a bit of that yeah now these singing about st. Louis you know you guys are sing about America that's a big part of it isn't it well yeah it is it is but we try not to be overly overly political and biased I think our our obligation is to sing music and entertain people for the most part there are times you know like during the 9/11 era but we're still very much in a golf tune that unfortunately but you know if it sounds like only in America were around that we were responsible for being partners a scrap of Steve Earle right around there not a physical sports crap this is a fun thing we were at a party on New Year's Eve at Toyman Steve stay this he's very much an outspoken he calls himself radical you know and we got down to that and a great country artists things oh absolutely and brilliant artists yeah and very well informed I just finished a book on the Middle East about the the well the Wahhabi sect of the Islamic religion and stuff so I was looking for someone to talk to about that what's going on over here it's like you against this war yada yada and I said you know I'm certainly not pro war in any way of us and help me with this and I just got this blank stare you know it's like what that's really not exactly how the conversation I'm glad your your tequila based a memory of that conversation Luzi has he got the point but it was not an any way to call him out at all I truly do want to know what what he what he knew about about that and stuff and it was done and I should probably quit there but it was done under the guise of trying to say hey we need to all be informed and read as much as we can without relying on mainstream media as our education base for what's going on in the world is there an expectation because you're a country artist or you're you're an artist but because you a lot of you're in the record store your files on the country is there an expectation that you have to be one way politically yes well the well there's not a yes there yes there is I think there's there's a yes but nobody is one I mean and nobody who's smart is actually one way all the time about right so I think we have a very liberal base I mean obviously you know you've got Toby and and people like that that that may be singing the loudest about the right hand side but you know Toby's a self-proclaimed Democrat and honestly has very liberal views on the war in general he's very supportive of the troops but you know you got Tim and faith there their victim liberals and whatever I mean it's it's not by any means is right-wing I don't think as the picture is paint you're right there is you know throughout the world there is their stereotypical image it takes us in one direction I'm sure you got tons of questions with the Dixie Chicks and what they went through like you know because they were because I was gonna say that in rock-and-roll you don't hear too many people come out and say they're for the war but in country you don't have to meet the other way so it's kind of neat little thing and I wondered if it's the audience that isn't as forgiving or the media that isn't as forgiving well I don't think you'll find a lot of people that are for the war not now yeah well that's not about war I don't think you've been going on you know even with the this I guess the the presupposed notion that we you know that there were weapons of mass destruction you know over there you know that was our primary reason I think obviously it was for for heading that way nor the intelligence community which was selling that and I'm not sure they were sold on it don't know don't know yeah maybe Jack's right yeah as opposed to aggression or that that was how we felt about it and the important thing again was it was support of the troops the people that had to go fight for the need for patriotism for a lot of people right that there was a need to feel like they belong to a community and they looked within obviously you look to your own country and I wondered is there is is there a challenge to be drawn into these sorts of things you played this a game played President Bush's inauguration right I mean that for many is a political statement yeah yeah that was at a time once again like you said if you're smart you're not gonna you're not gonna proclaim to be you know left or right or Democrat or Republic and you're you're gonna you're gonna keep up with what's going on educate yourself and you're gonna you're gonna migrate to the problem with what you know think is the best candidate or best you know political philosophy at the time but at that time you know we've just been hit with the 9/11 incident and and it just did not feel good for us to to change regimes right then you know I think a lot of it comes down to the media is like I mean sure you've been opposed to do all kinds of those events and participate in all kinds of events both political and social yeah you know are you comfortable do not like as your music ever been used in a setting you're not comfortable with hmm no not that I'm aware of you I mean anything out heard in the background sometimes I couldn't you know it down the state c-span or something like that but with a candidate but dislike no not really there's there's I think there were blatant political content and commentary involved in what we were saying it would be but only in America's generic yeah that's it's about the dream for all of us I mean you know whether you're American or anybody it doesn't dream change for you I mean when you guys started out and you were trying to make your way to now when you catch him most successful country deal ever that's quite a place to be how is the dream change for you not a whole lot honestly we were awake it pretty much the same it's you know making the best music we can and trying to stay successful and trying to matter you know to think that we can still be doing that 17 years down the road seemed like yesterday you know we hooked up but we had no intentions but that's not just when you're asleep you know I was looking back in an old tape of John F Kennedy they were talking they're making a big deal of fact that Kennedy was a Catholic and they're saying Catholic can't beat the fret that he can't be the president and I was wondering you know like again and a lot of genres artists won't step but can you be a I'm gonna sure you can but be publicly a country our god I don't believe in God oh but this big atheism debates going on right now but I'm watching a play out of pop culture and you can see sides starting to wall up you ever feel constricted by the the marketing of your genre yes yeah yeah yeah you need to you need to think about everything I mean I mean a bit religion the any of that spirituality than anything pulled politics you know did you know didn't think outside the box it's okay to do that I come from extremely conservative your background raising and religious you know family and stuff and sleigh first thing I did was take off from high school and go into it to go to a religious college and study for the ministry and I was you know I did not I walked away from there going I learned enough to know that I'm okay to think beyond that constriction of those restrictions you've had your moment it's completely surreal I once a punk rock band being brought up to a radio station I worked at and the label had sent them a limousine and they were horrified when they saw the limousine but they got in it and they made the limousine dropped them off two blocks away from the interview so they would walk up because they didn't want to get spotted in their limo yeah I mean sometimes an award shows especially you see the footage of the old you know the reason why there were outlaws in the first place in Waylon and Willie and Kris Kristofferson because these guys wanted to separate themselves from this other world you read your mama oh I can't do this this is not that contrast is one of the cool things you know to seek to see Wayland fall out of the limousine drunk with this cowboy hat on with just you know that back contrast is the epitome of Family Values and then there was these guys are whacked on PCP kicking out lights just going apeshit and it completely threw the old guard off yeah yeah it was a good time don't wave the jet airplane off we're all good with that amazing Brooks in October 2nd look around a lot more in the hour and we come back
Channel: Strombo
Views: 30,962
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: Cowboy, Town, Brooks, and, Dunn, Stroumboulopoulos, george, country, music
Id: 2cgBKR7-0eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2007
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