Broken Vise Restoration
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Will Matthews
Views: 5,369,012
Rating: 4.8267455 out of 5
Keywords: vice, vise, restoration, tool, tool restoration, vise restoration, vice restoration, welding, broken, snapped, craftsman, will matthews
Id: Cn2ld4uecFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Tip for anyone doing something like this: use PB Blaster instead of WD40
This makes me want to restore something.
Great vid, thanks for leaving the sound in.
what was the vegemite for?
Damn that's impressive.
If you like restoration videos like this, you'll appreciate /r/HandToolRescue
It was so beautiful just gunmetal grey (natural metal). I think I'd rather have had a clear coat on it (to protect the metal?) than repainted. Personal preference though, I guess.
Alright, reddit, lets hear everything the video uploading did wrong.
How much do these go for and how many hours did it take to restore?