Broken Circuit: Love and Loyalty | English Full Movie

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[Music] [Music] man [Music] [Music] [Music] best I've been an OSI agent a long time but what happened on my last mission I can't tell you about it I'm trying to cope but just can't I just can't I mean um look at me I'm falling apart all right so what do you want of me I want you back help are you sure this is what you want I mean I got I got to okay I realize I'm asking with I I have else to turn it's okay it's okay we will go through this together I'll be there for you right okay just I'm going to need some time to think about this give me a deal tomorrow afternoon can can you live with that [Music] okay thank you so oh I you startl she W out that is's information you know that I'm her boss and I'm her doctor sorry finally I wouldn't ask but I've got something cooking in the Middle East always got something cooking and I need her it's imperative it's always imperative presidential order no well that sounds familiar Jamie I'm asking you as a friend Jamie also you're going to have to find another cook she needs a rest that bad eh whatever she saw on her last assignment it's completely rattled her you wouldn't care to fill in the blanks would you I pretend you didn't ask me that well that makes two of you she won't tell me anything either but she needs time to heal not another assignment you're going to have to find somebody else JB I'm her friend too osar you wouldn't care to come out of retirement for a quick lifethreatening trip to the Far East would you a chance budy I'm getting married in three days you know that I Can Dream not this office all right I'll give kber losing time off and I'll find myself another agent meanwhile see you at the altar bye regarding patient Kimberly Harmon no [Music] [Music] let's check the [Applause] uh hey if you're going to start something you better be prepared to finish it oh yeah oh had a list in your pocket you're just glad to see me well let me see uh I got Hotel restaurant flowers travel agent what am I missing Minister we must to make sure we haven't changed our minds you're kidding that's the way were we haven't have we no oh good you still Havey about about standing up in front of 76 people I don't know you know me I do how about you I do too this is good we can do this all good what would you say to some exercise what you have in mind well I just had a you know according to my calculations give it take a dollar or two I think I owe you somewhere in the neighborhood of $6 million my the neighborhood can't believe you keep coming back from more of this ready to visit the cleaners D come on hey you all ready sweetheart come on good shot very funny got you that [Music] wow I'm slow on that one huh yeah okay 77 [Music] 13 yeah fin won hey I won h I can't believe I beat you I should have Chang the bed to what uh quite little ceremony on the beach like burgers pretend you all right wed prad let's [Music] go [Music] get picture of [Music] [Music] those how closely will OSI monitor this situation very I don't mind telling you I'm worried don't be I've got a team standing by if we need it we're covered Oscar Carolyn [Music] hello more beautiful every time I see you you will stay for the Baltimore won't you the Fest lady has already spoken for regrets oh Oscar honestly the way you come and go you haven't changed a bit I've got a good excuse this time I'm the best man at a wedding Steve Austin about time well that is a good excuse come on Oscar I'll walk you to the [Applause] [Music] car you have a visitor I see Mr [Music] Ambassador I don't know what else to say mac I just hope your can tell relax Rashid ah Mr Ambassador who's that tennis star aad rashed our guest of honor he has all the female population smitten but he skulls around here like a church mouse boy needs a good talking to if you ask me thanks for coming Oscar I'm grateful okay give my best to Steve I shall so long back [Applause] [Music] yeah oh yes a think of [Music] beauty what hazardous Mission come on that Russian spy affected or how about rescuing that mad scientist from cfra that was bad I remember also the time that you insisted we go North to garat Tabo well it was you and insisted that we go south that's right [Music] East oh well you know none of it can compare to my most dangerous [Music] Mission asking you to marry me right uh who did they asking well I do recall a little assistance a little assistance I better get the check waiter I know that look look I know that tone too h i just thinking you know marrying you looks as good today as it did 20 years ago I just just think we ought to postpone the wedding a little bit is that right yeah why well Dr Maran is going on vacation he's referred all his patients to me and be some of this patients are very fragile people we'll add me to the list honey I want our wedding day to be wonderful I don't want to be thinking about anything or anyone else so we wait for what the day that Jamie Sumer stops caring about her patient the day that her professional career doesn't step on her private life that sounds like a very long wait please don't fight me on this no no no no no look I'm sorry but you're a part of my life I'll share you with your patients if I have to they can come to the wedding for all I care but we're getting married in 2 days if we have to perform the ceremony right in your office Jamie I just sort of hoping you'd understand look I'm scared too we just have to have a little faith stubbornness well I used to be tenacious but I'm mellowing what's matter uh my hand I I it's embarrassed about losing the game yesterday let me see you told anybody about this there's nothing to tell it's just a little pain I think it's rather of [Music] [Applause] distress it it's better call it bioac tis bio practics mhm [Music] see sorry was an accident I SAR you feel better now I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm really off [Music] hello let me guess you're working well now you know what you're in for marrying me yeah well I'll take my chances I just want you to promise me you'll talk to Oscar about your hand I will if it gets any worse I promise I worry about you I love you too yeah good night see you tomorrow night oh no what is happening to [Music] me he [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] I'm so much for working into the night oh my God [Music] [Music] and we on [Music] [Applause] time Marine listen up next I want you both back at HQ double time don't ask I don't get paid to think ex pointed said march here we are Bing Bang Boom yes gny one of the few one of the crowd sorry folks part's been [Music] canell very nice one very nice party thank you yes it is beautiful [Music] girl seor see you wonderful to be here Carol ah Mr ambass ah Mr Rashid are you enjoying enying yourself thanks very much thank you however I wish to speak to you on a matter of great importance really yes I have decided to request political Asylum of you [Music] sir yes absolutely [Music] right I wish to become an American John there are men running through the garden what they have guns oh my God Oscar was wrong we're going to my office quick let's get [Music] inside [Music] good afternoon Mr [Music] Ambassador no thanks for trying operator so what did you tell Steve I told him my already burdensome case load had become overwhelming not an easy man to Bluff is this true Oscar my uh my legs are weak my arm has been aching for a month it's having spasms this morning I couldn't even lift it up over my shoulder my ear I I keep hearing conversations everywhere I go I'm at work I'm in the grocery store and all the sounds that keep running together and I'm having trouble isolating anything my bionics are breaking down what well that's not possible Oscar it's my I'm telling you I can't control it well I'll track down Rudy Wells I'm sure he can explain it to us what if he can't what if I end up in a wheelchair you won't what if I do Steve is expecting to marry somebody who beats his behind in racket ball somebody who who runs 60 M an hour takes a little 20 mil swim with him once a week we've been bionic together for a very long time Jamie Steve has loved you for so much he's not going to stop now well I can't ignore the truth I'm becoming somebody neither one of us knows and yes I know he'll do what he'll do he'll he'll stay and he'll be wonderful but I can't dump myself on him in that condition I can't put us through that Ste the thought of him loving me out of pity or having him look at me not knowing just stop it Steve loves you lar excuse me what is that UPS sync message from NSA I read it what did they say uh it's all right all right read it satellite reports gunfire to American Embassy nasau reports from local authorities to follow and message 16 21 hours call hellstrom at the CIA call put out your fire it's okay I'm all right all right I'll track Ry down huh thank you sure you're all right bye okay yeah [Music] now that I have your undivided attention just tell us what you want one of your guests who one aad [Music] Rashid The Local constabulary H okay I want strength and disposition numbers yes Mr Gold I want to talk to the police commissioner and if he's off the island tell him to call me as soon as you can find him that's NASA isn't it American Embassy is under some kind of an attack details remain sketchy but sources now confirm the initial reports that local police responded to gunfire on the embassy grounds these scenes were taped earlier as police began to quickly cordon off the area barring further access to our television news covers we believe their leader could be a man called miles Kendrick Kendrick Kendrick I know him he was a company man bailed out after Afghanistan when in but don't stop go on well they blew up a Munitions Factory in Tang years about four years ago that had been supplying Gaddafi our side was very happy about that do we realize he took all the armaments for himself and dynamited an empty building in 2 seconds you told me more than anybody else in this building house well if he's your man you got your hands full wonderful well I uh guess I better get out of your hair Steve I don't need to be rude but what are you doing here aren't you getting married in 48 hours I was looking for my bride I found her secretary she said she might be here she was jimy wants to talk with you she does confirmed that there's been no contact th far with anyone inside where a reception was being held by American ambassador John McNamara for international MN saves my life winner of tournament at Simon Stafford for news back to you f on the news room thank you Simon we will of course bring you the latest I got go [Music] that is commonly called a scun maybe you've heard of it very low Tech but effective no one I'm afraid will be coming to your rescue as long as that is pointed out there and we won't be going anywhere until we get Mr Rashid understood oh this for a pretty tennis player why Mr Rashid is a traitor and a spy and I am being paid an obscene amount of money to bring him to justice so as you can see it's a really time to talk where is he how did you do it you were an operative for years and you survived with your sanity well mostly I had a lot of help your fiance yes and my family I don't have anything like that I never really did do you have friends you have me now you know you seldom get help until you reach out for it yeah no Dr sumers are you okay what's the matter with you what is are you okay [Music] going quick something's [Music] wrong Jamie Jamie Jamie what's the matter what's wrong I'm here sweetheart I'm here is heing me what is I'm ready I'm [Music] ready Dr please call the Station call station how is she really I really don't have much to tell you but uh she got to live yeah but she may not be the same Jamie when she wakes up there may have been some neurological damage I have someone flying down to consult with me I'll know more then you okay I was just explaining Jamie's condition let's see if I'm right Jamie may never be bionic again just keep her alive doc of course that's the important thing I just wanted to prepare you I'm saying you don't need to all I want is Jamie back anyway I can have her okayy I'm glad you're here so am I what happened I don't know it's my life's work and I haven't a [Music] clue representes used to of ambassad but thus far the unknown captures inside the embassy have not made any of their demands known leaving hostage negotiators little to do but sit andan troops threat of TR the second invion of [Music] American action situation the American clearly cannot be allowed to continue hold governor of the island went on L television an hour ago to the units like the world's going to hell I made all the calls everybody understands wedd thanks and the um hotel called yeah I know how to get I can't stay I understand thanks for coming [Music] [Music] right in here thank you [Music] than much [Music] you [Music] is now we go live to Nassau the feat of the American Embassy here in Nassau continues with little change and with a missile still pointed at the Heart of the City authorities here seem powerless to affect a solution in this tiny Island Paradise we understand there's been no word sent from the negotiators to the president as yet a high level meeting has taken place tonight at the White House at the joint so when was this sent according to the postmart yesterday yesterday she must have taped it before she collapsed okay go ahead play it I have tried to tell you how I feel Oscar and I realize it's difficult to comprehend but it's as though my my body is turning against me and it's trying to kill me it's just the most awful thing I've ever experienced and it's uh forced me to make the most difficult decision of my life I I have to call off the marriage because even if I do survive whatever this is that's happening to me I don't expect to ever be the same again Steve you and I had what most people only dream about my life was truly blessed with you and uh I will always love you please believe that what I'm doing is the best for both of [Music] us JY you're going to be fine Rudy Wells is doing everything he can just go please C so what did you tell him I told him I've been in this [Music] Hospital yes see my [Music] concerns and we've been through a lot together Steve just let me finish Jamie when when two people but why don't we get married just let [Music] me what wouldn't you like to get [Music] married feel like some comany sure well now that I'm here I don't know where to begin well maybe I can help you you know I saw the video right yep you got to admit she does have a flare for the dramatic you know I've been thinking I've been thinking about what's been keeping me alive all these years all the assignments that you sent me on where I should have come back in a body bag it's that little something in my gut little something I listen to that says trust here don't there do this don't do that well it's talking to me right now loud and clear standing up and slapping me right in the face and what is he saying look it's saying get the hell out of Dodge excuse me it's saying Jamie loves me she doesn't want me out of her life she'll realize that soon enough for herself but in the meantime I just can't sit here and not be with her I got to keep occupied I got to work go fishing I want an assignment Steve let's not get R ask it please it's been a long time you know you once said I was the best well obviously you've already made up your mind I want to go to nle bartender yes sir think I need a drink 10 9 8 7 6 5 screw it waste them [Music] now you go clean up that [Music] mess hello what are you doing here Oscar sent me you're OSI that's right I'm the other member of your team I'm sure you break capable quote if he gives you any GV tell him he's off the case unquote sorry he thought you might have an opinion like I said welcome [Music] aboard we've counted Kendrick's strength at 10 they look more like light infantry machine pistols body armor night glasses they have 34 prisoners in the embassy's wine seller no easy end no easy out I know I've seen it these hostages are not your local tourist Rift WRA prime minister French Ambassador Asad rashed princess an was a no shoot what about the missile Chinese made scud point and shoot doesn't have to be accurate they wouldn't want to be within five blocks of where that lands actually where it lands won't make a difference at all what do you mean satellite infrared picked up a hotcore you're kidding nope it's nuclear doesn't matter where it lands mile out at Sea goodbye Bahamas needless to say just about nobody else knows that fact they feel it might harm the tourist trade you know come to Nassau get a tan sorry Mr Kendrick must really be hacked off about something yeah but what that's the question no that's not the question it isn't the question is how does he hope to get out of there with the whole world camped on his doorstep he's got to have something up his sleeve but if he can get out I can get in we can get in yeah right we there's got to be a way got the [Music] out of sight out of mind it's not them I'm worried about you shouldn't be worried about anything you haven't looked outside lately let them come the more the merrier we want every Tom they can Harry with a tin badge and the cowboy ego from here to Tim Buck too out there when we leave look our little tennis player will be starving soon he'll come out to eat we'll take him and then we leave and your only problem would be what to do with $2 million of your very own what if he's gotten away would have been all over the news now he's here we just haven't found him yet if you say so I do now go help Paul with the S sh where the hell are [Music] [Music] you [Music] continuing drama at the American Embassy in Nassau may have taken the turn for the worst late last night reports of an aborted rescue attempt by a contingent of local militia has just surfaced indicating that they sustained numerous casualties there's been no mention however the condition of the hostages still believe to be held inside the embassy tell you what Jim call State maybe know something it's a virus what's up Ry I found Jam's problem it's a computer virus so what are you saying I'm saying that your body is fine your bionics are fine what you have is a circuitry sickness in a way it's the same kind of sickness that a a computer in your office would on a data virus something is telling your brain telling your circuits that you're sick in reality there's nothing wrong with you how did I get this that's a different matter if someone put a tainted disc in a computer it would search out the data and contaminate it the computer is fine but the data is gone and Jamie has chips in her just like a computer you're saying someone did this to her that's the only way someone went in and corrupted the circum probably in stages over a period of time it's impossible someone cut her open it's the only way can you make her well I think so think so I've never seen this before I've never done this before I have to shut down your power source completely and that should eliminate the virus and then I replace the contaminated chips and I reprogram her and that should work you are phenomenally complicated program I'll do everything I can where's Steve I can get word to it okay you did this to me you know put me after him I'm already on it you just concentrate on getting well they think you let you talk to me again I don't think that's going to be a problem oh [Music] good [Music] okay put her out prepare biochips for implantation all right shut down our power supply all right this is the wine seller here staircase and Hall leading to it what's this trash collection it's gathered here and then tried out it wouldn't work for us the approach is too exposed service entance same thing I don't see a weakness none no old sewer entrances underground conduit abandoned tunnels no discreet approaches nothing this guy Kendrick knew what he was doing when he picked this place for a Siege we got multiple fields of fire here here here we could settle in for the season for all we can do about it but how it gets out that with 10 men you got me I don't see it well we will here's the work that you wanted the guest list staff I don't see what good that's going to do us what we have haven't heard any demands now he wants something my guess is whatever it is has got to be inside that [Music] how about some coffee hey thanks can I can I ask you a personal question sure why not what what was it like to work with someone you love how'd you know about that I have low friends in high places come on you two are the worst kep Secret at OSI that's a lot of water under the bridge since then I'd still like to know well I wouldn't recommend it job doesn't leave much time for anything else that's where I got help why do you want to know just nosy it's not every day you get to work with a winning Legend well don't believe everything you hear and half of what you see less if you're smart good coffee thanks are you planning on getting married hardly the ones I like don't like me and the ones who like me are either well too young or too old or too something it's just me and my mom my dad passed away a while ago I'm [Music] sorry well I better get some sack time that's a good idea I'll wake you okay that was good work today thanks I mean it I'm glad you're here thanks appreci [Music] that [Music] Steve Steve you know you knew my father you and Dr [Music] [Music] Wells [Music] hi how you feeling better good you're going to be better than good but I want you to take it easy for a while because there's some inner ear damage and you might have some balance problems for a while but nothing to keep you from carrying on as normal once again I owe you my life I don't know what to say you're welcome I made some improvements I think you'll like we'll talk later okay I'll let you to catch up I'll be in my office free Steve have you talked to him he's on an assignment where I can't tell you that oh ask you and I have to find out who did this to you if you want to help Steve that's the way to do it John M he's in the Bahamas there's nothing you can do now Oscar he's in the Bahamas I can't just little dizzy he's dizzy listen to me you are going to get well stay here help me and do what Rudy says do you understand the idea that he may have done this is so repulsive to me I'm reluctant to even mention it well I have have to start somewhere Bri all right I had an associate once a partner C and in a way bionics is as much his as it is mine and we had a falling out he thought that I had betrayed him somehow he was bitter irrational became hostile you're talking about Jason havin yes Dr Jason havon what do you know about aad Rashid uh little tennis a lot of ladies very good-looking that's about it why well his uncle traffics in arms you're kidding oh how does a tidbit like that stay off the 11:00 News well his uncle's The Man Behind The Man Saddam most recently he's Rich enough to stay that way you think he figures into this somehow probably not like you say just a Tibet are you all right just my arm feels funny must have slept on it wrong so what's the plan I'm working on it [Music] [Music] okay now what well I want to check out a water towerer in broad daylight I going try to make my way around to the back wall there's more cover there not without me or not who's the boss here you are if I'm not back in two hours contact Oscar you got that all right see you [Music] up in the water tower come out and we'll shoot [Music] damn don't shoot I give up don't shoot climb down [Music] now the water toop I swear we checked it well well well St I bring you greetings from your uncle please I will pay you I'm sorry I already have a contract $20 million you must have been a very bad boy who was the one who said he checked the water [Music] to [Music] Paul put him in the cellar and then go find our eagley Paul and shoot [Music] him what do it I do it myself but I have more important [Music] matters [Music] radio the sub tell them to R Who at 0600 tomorrow now I believe I'll prepare our exit from [Music] here hello is anyone there yeah this is Captain Ramsey who am I speaking to Captain Captain Ramsey would you please tell your boss that I would like to speak with him you can tell him Trixie wet it's [Music] called Trixie WETA that's what he said Trixie WKA we're dealing with a comedian here I'm going to nail this guy put Trixie winetka through the Skunk Works it may be coach speak but I doubt it also there's confirmation of Wireless shortwave traffic both in and out of the embassy miles Kendrick has been talking to somebody huh that's right it's untraceable try hello hello Jim hi what are you doing out of bed not his orders follow All Leads and I understand you have one first th and now you well it's a regular Mutiny what do you have something about Rudy's former partner feel like a car ride long as I'm not driving so you're the famous Oscar Goldman my husband died four months ago oh our condolences somehow I don't think you're here to comfort a bed Widow are you well actually we're trying absolutely not you're correct um we had no idea we're very sorry for your loss Mrs heavin your husband played a role in saving my life in the life of someone that I love very much oh are you one of those people um yes I see lucky you well right now there's someone out there who is trying to destroy your husband's lifetime of work is that what this is about well it stopped being my husband's work a long time ago stopped being his life a long time ago therosis of the liver he drank himself to death and his work destroyed him I I don't think I can summon up much concern about it today Mrs havin this is very important to us or we wouldn't be bothering you did your husband work for anybody else after he left the OSI no or did he leave any papers with anyone or anything like that before he died no you're certain absolutely I was there every single day do do you know what it's like to watch someone you love slowly disappear well your husband uh he gave me something that I don't have any idea if I could ever possibly repay but if you ever feel like you need to talk with someone please I'd be very happy if you called me truly should go thank you uh excuse me can I ask who is this my daughter your daughter I don't see her very often she works overseas did she know anything about your husband's work oh yes she's her father's daughter I can't believe this all this time I've been treating her why is she good you bet she's good she's the agent I sent to the Bahamas with Steve what are you talking about she came in and volunteered oh my [Music] God don't be complaining about that miss you can't park here you have to move along well can can you make an extent now I'm attached with the American OSI no exceptions I have my orders to clear a five block area around the embassy please right now turn it around and go we need to clear the streets keep the streets clear go back to your home what's going on [Music] here well well well the famous Steve a in there Kendrick a retirement not exciting enough for you or was it the call of your old Uncle Sam in the red white and blue it was something like that pity I can guarantee you you're not going to like this very much it doesn't make sense what's that the picture's going to be in every newspaper post office in nickland store from here to Hoboken am I that big well you're bigger well thank God I'm going nowhere near Hoboken then having all that money and being stuck in Hoboken imagine Horrors no I have a little daa on the Black Sea 200 Acres of the prettiest land rolling down to the Jewel of the vulga do you have any idea how far 20 million American dollars goes on the blocks I'm the Zar returned I'm the second coming I'm King miles the first put him with the others I have our exit to attend to who's that who's that St Steve Austin ma said you what are you doing here the same as you no please tell me you're not alone tell me there others coming maybe you better offer me a drink Steve is in that compound but that's all we know this is all my fault no it isn't he and John mamir are old friends they go way back it was Steve's Choice it was my video that nudged him into that choice he was retired you know that look I know Steve too he'll go a long way for a friend especially a friend that A's life get me to NASA there it comes no way I'm going of the question whether I'm on this team or not I am going I'm not going to make another mistake look at it this way it's your dream conr your prodical children back in Action I suppose it serves me right get me General Hanks at Air Force Atlantic Flight Charlie Eagle 2 climbing Angels 35 Roger Charlie 2 Angels 35 radar contact flight com mamas one passenger ETA 48 minutes roger copy you have a priority PCA clearance Charlie 2 the sky is yours who the hell you flying anyway none of your business trying to out [Music] done let's see if that gets anyone's attention how much did you plant enough to make them jumpy not enough to hurt [Music] [Music] us what the hell is that we have a leak radiation detected in the nuclear warhead I repeat radiation detected nuclear warhead we have a leak how you doing I'm okay Steve Mac what do they want do you know I she but I haven't the foggiest idea why it's not good though poor guy's been wretching his guts out over there ever since they brought a man it's just my uncle he thinks I have stole from him what did you I will pay you $5 million to bring me to safety $10 million what's the drill here um food uh twice a day thereabouts in frequent visits we all scare them so they' mostly forgotten about us what about guards not recently that's good what do you have in mind I'm try to get us out of here second that motion remember we have prous cargo valuable antiques resemble that remark [Music] is that your plan it used to work be surprised what's that that's fine that's our old Aon what is it I was changed in the 60s of the Cuban Missile Crisis it's got to be a mistake it's a phone out alert I'm afraid you going to say that mom mom please just listen to me mom please listen to me I I did something put the phone down [Music] now don't even think about it don't worry I won't run you and I've got some talking to do this wasn't about you Dr Summers this was about my father Oscar golden Oscar it's doing I'm here with Kimberly now Jamie we've just discovered shortwave radio equipment in Kimberly's apartment we think that she's the one that's been communicating with Kendrick she's them all you understand yes I understand I'm on my way is that your car out there let's go this Ramsey recoring in an 0400 no change in the situation no sir yes sir yes sir stay in the car oh and by the way I don't think I have any trouble getting her out of the OSI this is a restricted area whoa the woman of car I want to arrest and hold her shouldn't I get someone to off time can you turn those off what the lights yeah um yeah I mean with the proper Authority just do it now yeah this is Captain Ramsey give me tacon well she's got an idea all right probably knows God himself just do it kill the [Music] lights what great the lights what are they up to it doesn't matter anymore push their needles off the scale then round everyone up we're getting [Music] out had [Music] ready [Music] something's happening someone's coming down the stairs they're coming to the [Music] door [Music] Steve Steve Jamie what are you doing here well I can ask you the same thing coming out of retirement like this I was so worried about you he I wasn't the one dying in that hospital bed he excuse me it's okay she's my fianceé [Applause] [Music] now what's that I don't know that's one I never heard before sir yes sir 10 rats and climbing we have an event sir repeat this is an [Music] event [Music] you think we can go now yeah I do you do I do let's [Music] go [Music] are you okay you make [Music] it am I doing this right you keep going I'm going to want a cigarette much better okay look I got to tell you from experience of this doesn't last very long so we better put a wiggle on our walk here go first I love watching your wiggle let's go I understand sir yes Mr President right [Music] away this is Oscar Goldin son man yes sir [Music] ready [Music] look split [Music] up leave with me go tell the others it's Bingo [Music] [Applause] [Music] time [Music] where are they I don't know so far so good look why don't you get them out of here I'll take care K wrong you go with them I'll find him will you please not argue with me where your voice to me Delta teams 1 2 and three are moving into place we're sending in the containment team now you just got out of a hospital little bed I'm not the one who couldn't knock down a silly little door I was just saving myself Jamie Steve there is some kind of spaceman on the ground oh God radiation trust me I want Kendrick I fine just be careful I Want You Back me [Music] too [Music] now for a little smoke and [Music] mirrors yeah I'm [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] that's okay come on come [Music] on goup let's [Music] go pleas drop the Ean B scumbag like I said I'm Inc here's my badge I have a radiation victim you tell me he's dying you're getting exposed you decide what do you want me to do hey go look I told you I'm OSI and IID kiss the floor right now you're dead [Music] I said I'm one of the good guys out that [Music] buing come on come on come on come on Jamie they're getting away in the NC truck they're heading East on Bay Road I'm going after [Music] one bra my dear you even had me convince that Delta Commando back there was going to tell the world a renegade member of the OS I did this good thing you love me I'm finished miles I [Music] know [Music] what is that a little insurance from Once We B the sun no to follow [Music] us [Applause] [Music] turn right turn [Music] right you know the route concentrate don't don't let that happen again what [Music] nothing Steve G's driving the truck well I'm not leaving [Music] you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Bry gave me a few new options see what he's got in store for you I can hardly wait [Laughter] Dr suers if you can hear me he has a remote he can launch the missile from you Insurance my dear Krick has a remote he's going to launch the missile [Music] Insurance not bad sometimes old Fashion's the way to go you've been telling me that for 20 years you know we're definitely getting too old for this let's go [Music] home [Music] oh you see [Music] it [Music] the [Music] wow friends we are gathered here today to join in the Holy state of matrimony Jamie Summers and Steve Austin I do not yet you do H yes I sure do wait a minute we haven't come to that party yet yeah we [Music] have [Music] it do you Jamie Summers take Steve auson to be your lawful wedded husband to have in the hold to cherish in sickness and in health forever more till till death through you [Music] part excuse me now you can say [Music] it I Now pronounce you husband and [Music] [Applause] [Music] wife way to go [Applause] [Music] pal now can we talk about kids yeah
Channel: Cinematic Euphoria
Views: 69,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, Sci-FiMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Action, Sci-Fi, Steve Stafford, Lindsay Wagner, Lee Majors, Richard Anderson
Id: oRk18vQ_lzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 53sec (5333 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.