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so it looks like we've got a major blockage here now we got water that's beautiful [Music] bam oh yeah that is yeah that is bad all right so looks like we've got a pretty good misfire on our starboard engine over here so we need to do is investigate it a little bit more i've noticed that when we shift it and the shift cutoff switch enters in and drops the cylinder out to make shifting easier it really takes the rpms down so we do have a misfire so what we're gonna do is do a little investigation and see if we can figure out what's causing the misfire this here is the big don he's gonna be taking care of us today so let's see if we can figure out what's going on here yeah you can really hear it now once the cowling's off so we're gonna do a cylinder drop test to isolate which cylinder is giving us the misfire and then from there we'll determine whether it's a plug oil could be an injector it could be a bunch of different things but basically to perform the cylinder drop test you just reach around back and start unplugging the ignition coils and feeling for an rpm change that cylinder is good so all cylinders are firing but that's not good donny typically i've seen misfires only happen under load so maybe shifting it into gear giving it a load that really ain't good because it does look like they're all firing all right so looks like we are firing on all six cylinders so now we've got to figure out what in the world's going on here now since our drop test didn't tell us anything what we're going to need to do now is check our fuel pressure and make sure that we're getting proper fuel volume and the proper fuel pressure to let us know if maybe the fsm has a clog in it and it's not getting enough fuel so it's gonna run but it's just dropping out because it doesn't have enough fuel to keep all six cylinders running at the same time [Music] but fuel pressure doesn't necessarily mean fuel volume so i guess we'll just turn the engine off take the fuel pressure tester off and see what kind of fuel we've got oh yeah look at there's no no fuel at all i'd literally just turn it off and that's all that came out it's not getting it's not getting fuel [Music] so now we need to take that fsm off and take a look see what it looks like oh look at this yeah that doesn't look too good so doing a little visual inspection here looking at this air filter this thing is looking awful greasy like it's got something caked on it i'm not sure it might not it might just be it's probably not getting there what are these four what is that it's a five sixteenths they are 10. somebody's been in my thingy putting stuff back [Music] shazam what is all this somebody's trying to make a salad okay now pull it [Music] damn [Music] and there's our episode okay all right mr dunn what are we looking to find [Music] looking to find like a fuel restriction of some sort maybe clogged filter on that high pressure pump [Music] if you go back and forth one to one but without popping your gasket right there because the gasket's in here so pull pride like this there you go there you go bam all right so what are we looking like here no that's not very good though flip it up oh maybe i'm not saying all the way get a light oh yeah that that is bad no bueno poppy all clogged up with a bunch of junk [Music] looks a little bit better but still got some junk in there yeah it's a lot better not a hundred percent but a lot better i mean now pop that lip pump off there let's see what the lift pump looks like [Music] the lift pump's fine the lift pump is clean oh bugger i was figuring that one to be our worst one that one looks like in here squeaky clean this is looking pretty squeaky clean in here too [Music] she don't look bad in there nope should i take that uh yeah rub it down now our float switch what's this hose look like okay it's got a it's got a hard hose so that's good you show the [Music] i camera deserve to see [Music] oh no mate it's a little high in it it's quite high that's one mega ohm okay well let's get some more into that having to take out both these little prongs come on now you're gonna play with it all day or what yeah it looks like it there it is there it is there she be wait the hold on i got it i got the thing [Music] [Music] so [Music] poppy he's no good he's broken mine he's broken [Music] he's broken i don't know how to do it look at there it's perfect now go back on the tester don't mind my rusted clip i don't know mate [Music] seems about the same to me [Music] what's the problem here what'd you do i don't know it looks like i've gone and broken it would you do it are you sure it's not your clip no it's not the cliff look at all the rust on that thing forget about that clip is in perfect condition this is looking nice i do like it tickles me fancy i'm gonna put it over here though this clip is done for man dude he hasn't been doing that lately oh yeah uh-huh are you saying notice it on all the things you're testing no i barely use this thing we used yours last time oh let's test this float like let's test that one again oh but it might be perfect i bet no i just threw it into a wall didn't it [Music] did you change the oh we didn't change the block water pressure [Music] and now here we are at idle again and now our water pressure is only showing 0.2 psi which is not good and if i put it on throttle only and raise our rpms up still 0.2 0.3 0.3.2 and you got 2500 rpms at 0.3 so what we've got going on now that's just telling us the same thing that we had going on with our trim sensor only this time it is our block water pressure sensor and the block water pressure sensor on this engine it's going to be back here in the back of the engine we'll pull that off in just just a second but same thing with our trim sensor that we talked about the other week if the engine doesn't think it has cooling water it will limit the rpm of the engine and throw a code telling you hey i'm not getting cooling water so then they won't let you get let you go wide open throttle so let's change the sensor out and see what our psi is after we change the sensor so here's our sensor back here and it's got this hose coming out one test that we can do is we can just take this off and um we've got no water coming out of that hose no wonder we ain't got no pressure all right so it's not our impeller because we've got plenty of water flow coming out of the engine but what we don't have is any water flow coming out the spot where the hose comes out so we need to pull this fitting out and figure out why that's clogged so it looks like we've got a major blockage here and that's what's not letting us get our water and pressure i don't know what should i do help out nash with that power head [Music] okay yep now we got water that's beautiful okay so now sitting at idle we got 2.8 psi [Music] and that's going to fix our issue with the starboard engine and our water pressure issue with the port
Channel: Born Again Boating
Views: 64,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jOh7zejSTxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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