Joyce Meyer Spending Time With God

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now how many of you would just be a little bit honest with me tonight and say that Satan really fights you hard when it comes to spending regular quality time with God now to be honest with you I can go anywhere in the world that I want to and I can ask that question I can do a Leadership Conference I can do a pastors conference and I have the same response listen to me if there's one thing the devil does not want it's for you to spend regular time with God please listen to me tonight I'm telling you what I am so sincere in bringing you this message I believe with all of my heart if some way somehow God will give me the grace to teach you how important it is for you to give God the first portion of your time and seek Him yourself on a regular basis I believe that it is the answer to every problem you have I believe that I believe it's the answer to every problem that you have you cannot stay strong in the Lord if you don't spend time with him so many people say well I just don't feel like I've got a real close relationship with God well are you seeking Him the Bible says if you seek him diligently that means regularly and I'm not trying to make a lot of this you know if I miss a day or something comes up and I just can't sit down for an hour or two hours a day I don't feel under condemnation but I'm talking regular I'm talking diligent you know even most of us as much as we love to eat we might miss a meal once in a while but we're not gonna miss one very often you can bet your life on that well you know one of the reasons why we're encouraging the Bible to fast at different seasons in our life which means to not eat for a period of time is because sometimes we just need to show God that he's more important to us than our meals and we take time to eat how many of you know that if we want to eat we will seek the you should see me seek a Starbucks when I get in one of these cities I mean if there's a Starbucks anywhere within 50 miles we're gonna find it there are certain restaurants that I like to eat at in these cities and they research and we seek them out the word seek just means to crave pursue and go after with all your mind those who seek me diligently and early shall find me and I think that early can be taken to mean two things I think it can be early in the day and I don't want to strap laws on anybody but I do think that if you can seek God before you do anything else in the day it's much better for you because it's just good to get full of God before you have to get full of something else so I encourage that but I do realize that different people have different lifestyles and different people even put together different and you know some people just say I'm a night person well you know I just I've got a clearer head in the morning than I do at night by nighttime I'm just like well so you have to do I guess whatever works for you but I believe the Bible bears out that giving God part of your day first is a wise thing to do I would say that even if you can't do it for a long time in the morning just give him something something to get your day started write all over the Bible there are people who rose up early in the morning and sought God now you know it's not going to hurt you to get up a half an hour early just to seek God he's not going to hurt you to turn the television off and half an hour at night before you normally would so you can get up a half an hour early so you can spend some time seeking God the first fruit of everything belongs to God if we give God the first portion of the rest is blessed one of the reasons why people are stressed out and they never have enough time is because they're not giving God the time he deserves people who say I don't have enough money what's the first thing we'd tell him well tithe give to God regularly and he'll bless your money and the 90% you got left will go further than the hundred percent if you kept it because if you keep it all it's all cursed but if you give God the portion he asked for then he blesses what's left well I believe the same thing works with time I believe if you don't have enough time you need to give God more time what do we tell people they don't have enough money so more seed well I'm telling you that you can sow time just like seed and God can bless the time that you have left how many of you know it doesn't take very much at all to go on and you've lost an hour or you've lost 30 minutes or you've lost two hours don't you get frustrated sometimes at the end of the day when you just feel like I don't even know where the day went and I never accomplished anything that I want to do just one thing after another happened all day long and of course that's going to happen to anybody from time to time but I believe a lot of the reason why it happens on a regular basis and I'll say again I believe one of the reasons why so many people are stressed out is because they're not putting God first in their time does anybody agree with me well we think we're too busy to spend time with God but I'm gonna tell you something you got to understand if you don't spend time with God listen to mother tonight if you don't spend time with God nothing else is gonna work in your life that's what I feel like tonight a mother just saying sometimes I just want to unzip you guys and cram all this stuff in you and zip you back up and turn you loose I know the battle you fight with spending time with God because I fought that same battle for years and years and years until God finally got across to me Joyce you are not gonna stay alive you cannot do what you're doing and survive the devil will kill you if you don't spend time with me he is our hiding place he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable you havin a lot of ups and downs in your life then spend time with God you'll get stable you happy one day depressed the next spend time with God you'll get stable he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no fool can come against no devil in Hell can defeat you when you regularly go to the secret place spending time with God his spiritual warfare if you spend time with God you won't have to be screaming at demons all the time I can't get to these cities three days early and try to tear down every stronghold and deal with every demon in the city before I get here Jesus didn't do that when he came to town the devils left you know why because he had the presence of his father on his life because he rose up early to seek Him and he walked away from crowds to seek God you think Jesus wouldn't walk out of a business meeting to go seek God oh yes he would have he walked away from sick people he walked away from hurting people he knew there was a time when you got to walk away and you got to get with God because if you don't you're gonna go over the edge and I believe Jesus anytime he felt like he had all he could take I think he just got away from it and he went and got refreshed and sometimes it doesn't even take all that long what would happen to a businessman come on what would happen to a businessman who's got a major job and a lot of responsibility and and he's got all these operation that he's running what would happen if let's just say three times a day he'd go and lock his office door and just for a few minutes he'd just say lord I love you I need you I can't make it without you any victory that I have is gonna be because you've given me the victory I need you to strengthen me and refresh me and I need you to help me behave the way you want me to behave because I'm here to glorify your name thank you Lord just wanted to stop a minute and just say how much you mean to me thank you lord once again amen get up if I can go back to work put God first place in your life don't act like he's some celestial Santa Claus that you run to every time you need something in the rest of the time ignore him we started last night in Jeremiah read four scriptures are you talking about how people have forsaken God my people have forsaken me my people have forsaken me days without number have gone by God said and I haven't heard nothing from you that's about the saddest scripture I think in the Bible take time give God time as well as money nothing given to God has ever lost when you give God time you don't lose it you sew it as seed and he'll give it back to you giving God the first portion of everything qualifies us to be multiplying oh I tell you when when when the multiplication of God goes to work in your life things get sweet because he starts taking what you got and he starts multiplying it and when you start multiplying things increase fast amen you never know you start giving God the time that he deserves he might just send somebody along to help you you start giving God the time that he deserves maybe those kids that you're yelling at all the time will finally get the message and they'll start helping you maybe don't start cleaning up after themselves a little bit you know we can't seek the kingdom the Bible says seek first the kingdom how can you seek the kingdom if you don't seek God well today it seems like nobody's got enough time but the truth is is everybody's got the same amount and you just have to decide tonight what you're gonna start doing with some of yours there's not a person in this building listening there is not a human being in this building that could not get one hour a day out of your life if you wanted to bad enough to spend it with God now you all aren't shouting and hollering very much tonight you can do it if you want to Moses rose up early Abraham rose up early Joseph David Jacob Jesus Mary a matter of fact I like this I said Mary rose up early and she went to the tomb she was the first one there you know if you get up early you'll be the first one to get some stuff do you know that Mary was the first person to preach the gospel don't ever tell me that women can't preach never think of that mary went to the tomb and he wasn't there and then he appeared to her and what did he say go and tell my disciples well honey go and tell sounds like preaching to me go and tell my disciples he is risen amen mary got to be the first preacher because she got up early and got to the tomb before anybody else did things will change so radically in your life well you say you know it sounds good and and i want to do it but i just don't know what to do well let's go over here and i'm gonna let you into my study time and i know this is different tonight but this is what we're gonna do okay now obviously i don't dress like this when i study but you know what i was really tempted to wear my pajamas here tonight but i didn't think that would go over to me first thing i want to tell you is there is no formula so don't try to put a formula on spending time with god because there is no formula one of the biggest things you need to do when it comes to spending time with god is you need to keep variety in it if you ate the exact same thing every day no matter how much you liked it when you got started it wouldn't be very long you wouldn't able to stand it anymore if i go to the same restaurant too many times in one week and i'm really bad at that sometimes they'll open up a new restaurant in town and i'll really like it and so i start wanting to go to it three and four times a week and then pretty soon i can't stand the place and so we need to keep variety and everything that we do including the time that we spend with god so first of all you need to have stuff you need to have a tape recorder you need to have music tapes and I got a note here from somebody looks like one of my kids let's see friends are treasures from him Oh my oldest daughter who's here this weekend just sent me a card thank you Lord that my kids love me I really appreciate God that my kids love me thank you god you're so awesome you know when I sit down to spend time with the Lord man here's a picture of my baby my 24 year old baby that's helping me now in the ministry Danny oh god I'm so excited about what you're doing in Danny's life and God I just praise you that the devil is not gonna have him and you're gonna do everything through him that you want to do I thank you God that you're anointing him and calling him and that we're friends and I just appreciate what you've done in him thanks Jesus you're awesome well Lord let's see what should we do today well praise God well today's the 15th I think I'll read the 15th proverb I do that a lot of times if I don't know what else to do I'll just figure out what day it is and just go to proverbs of that day and start reading it I mean there's 31 of them one for every day of the month so praise God well haha this one starts out a soft answer turns away wrath but grievious words stir up anger the tongue Lord did you have to bring that up again today the tongue of the wise utters knowledge rightly but the mouth of the self-confident fool pours out folly Oh a gentle tongue with its healing powers a tree of life I know Lord I know I was crouching yesterday I know when Dave asked me that question I just sounded like I was going to bite his head off I'm sorry forgive me Lord yeah yeah I'll go and apologize to him soon as we got our time together here I'm sorry forgive me Lord while you're at it just forgive me for all my sins just wash me in the blood of Jesus and just forgive me for all my sins lord thank you for cleansing me and forgiving me god you're so awesome I give you praise I'll tell you a good project if you want something to do just over the next 30 days read proverbs and underline every scripture in here that talks about the mouth on the tongue I do stuff like that all the time and then sometimes if I'm having trouble with my mouth I'll just get out proverbs and I'll just go through everything that I've underlined and I'll just read them all out loud and then I get a new Joyce Meyer secret power confessing God's Word book which this is not it but I'll pretend like it is for a minute and I'll get it out and I'll start confessing a bunch of scriptures if I'm having a problem with impatience then I'll I'll get maybe in my concordance and I'll go to the back of my Bible and I'll look up everything that I can find on impatience our patience and then I'll go and I read all those scriptures and I underline them and sometimes what I'll do is I'll get my notebook and I'll actually write out ten or twelve scriptures in longhand that have to do with something that I'm having trouble with you see the more that you put into something the more you get out of it when you look up scriptures when you read them out loud when you confess them out of your mouth when you write them down they start to get down on the inside of you and you don't need to have the Word of God up here you need to have it down here well they here's something that people say all the time they say well you know I can read the Bible and five minutes later I can't you remember what I read I just don't feel like I get anything out of it I don't even really understand it half the time you know what I remember saying to the Lord you know Lord I just feel like I read all this stuff and I study all this stuff and two hours later I can't even remember what I read and you know what he said to me it doesn't matter if you put it in you when you need it I'll bring it out of here you be diligent to put it in come on now you'd be diligent to put it in you and when you need it I'll bring it out of you God's not asking you to remember it he's asking you to put it in you and you know what I believe and I said this this morning but I really believe this I believe what I'm getting ready to say with all my heart I don't think what you do during this time is is nearly as important as the fact that you honor God with the time I think that's the big thing I think that the thing that a Hunter's gone is I've gotten away from everything else have a place to go have a favorite chair have a favorite place in the house somewhere where you can go and that can be your place and have all your stuff have your tape recorder have some tapes have some music tapes have some books you're reading sometimes I'm reading six books at the same time and one day I may read one I'm reading on prayer and the next day I may read one I'm reading on obedience and right now I'm reading one on prayer and I'm reading one on reverential fear and on I've got my new book on peace laying there and you know I just do different things at different days stop making this complicated stop being super religious about spending time with God this this is easy prayer you think well I gotta pray well you know I don't walk in the house and Snite and say well I gotta go talk today prayer is just talking to God that's all it is you don't have to get real all the most holiest everlasting highest most awesome fatherís I need us now theists in this my most miserable is Thomas somebody's gonna get set free tonight did you start enjoying God and I'll tell you something else I love to do I don't want to forget this I've never told anybody this you're the first people that I've ever told this to I write love letters to Jesus I felt like this afternoon that God just put it on my heart to share that with you I sit down and I just write in my journal and I say good morning Lord I love you Jesus you're so awesome thank you Lord for everything that you've done in my life well Lord I'm having a problem with this right now I'll sure be glad when this is taken care of so I really get tired of this aggravating me but help me learn to act right and to behave myself the way that you want me to behave I have other books that I keep I keep records of things that God does for me in my life I keep records of things that he gives me I keep records of breakthroughs the Bible calls it a book of remembrance you know that God keeps a book of remembrance and the Bible says that when those when people talk about him and they glorify his name that he calls for the book of remembrance to be brought out and he records their conversations in his book that means if you go have lunch with somebody and you're talking about how good god is he records your conversation and I guess someday when he can't find anybody that's praising him he'll go get out his book and say well I remember last Tuesday when Joyce was at lunch with Sally and boy they were sure praising me come on now he don't record all your murmurings but he records your praises and he records all the good things you say about him well I've got book of remembrances too I've got stacks of them this I've been doing this for years about a month ago I ran across a bunch of them in a drawer old ones from 1980 Dave and I sat down for one hour and I tell you what we cried we laughed we remembered I had a recording in my journal I said well Lord today we're going to drive up to Kansas City and we're gonna have a three-day meeting there oh god I'm so scared nobody will come lord I just pray you'll send me some people I came back from that meeting and I said oh god it was so awesome we had 75 people Lord we had a real move of God I had a record in there of where I got invited to a Lutheran Church to do a six-week seminar and I had done this seminar at night for just like a handful of people and they were they were letting them take offerings for me and I said God you're so awesome in six weeks you gave us three hundred and fifty four dollars why David I thought we were the richest people on the face of the earth three hundred and fifty four dollars Wow god that's awesome well you know what I look back now and I remember where I came from and it makes me so much appreciate what God is doing in my life right now you know sometimes you just need to take that time you have and just remember where you came from sometimes you need to remember you're not where you need to be but thank God I'm not where I used to be oh thank god I'm not where I used to be hallelujah and you know what sometimes I take my time with God and I don't say nothing and I don't read nothin I just sit there cuz the Bible says we need to learn how to behold him and to behold means to stare at or to look at every detail of and sometimes I just like to sit there and you know pretty soon if I get real quiet I'll begin to sense the presence of God because you know he's always there it's just that we're so noisy and so busy and so energetic that we don't notice that he's there we're not aware of God's presence because we're so active and you don't have to talk and all your time with God matter of fact probably the most challenging thing you'll ever do is take five or ten minutes and just say nothing and do nothing just be in God's presence you know what the Lord told me one time he said Joyce if my people now listen God spoke to this me he said if because I had a lot of years where I had some some pretty major attacks against my physical health and it was never anything that kept me from doing what I'm called to do but it was a lot of stuff that just made it hard for me to do I just didn't feel good a lot and the Lord told me he said Joyce as my people would take five minutes a day and just wait on me trusting me to heal them they would be so healthy and feel so strong if you don't feel good just start taking a few minutes every morning say Lord I'm just gonna wait on you and I just believe your healing power is working in my body right now and then just say things like the healing power of God is working in me right now thank you Lord for your healing power working in me right now whatever you're having problems with study in that area don't you study study in areas that you need Psalms are great to read they talk about the protection of God proverbs are great to read they talk about wisdom they talk about your mouth they talk about your finances they talk about how to treat people yes I believe it's good to read the whole Bible through there's a few areas that I still haven't gotten through and that makes some theologians really mad when they hear me say that I had a guy recently that really just came against me on the radio because I said I hadn't read the whole Bible well you know what I'm just have a little bit of problem with some of the big ants I mean I'm sorry but I can't pronounce the names and I just I don't know you know I just it's like I just go over here to the stuff straighten up fly right keep your temper act sweet be nice be kind and then I guess I could feel guilty because I haven't read all the baguettes but you know I mean I just think it's more important to God that I'm sweep and that I know all the baguettes and I you know if you can get through them go for it I've read most of the rest of it then you know I've even read some of the baguettes but I don't think I've gotten through all of them I can't say their names ish my fila Lilla and you know all this stuff you know what hey I love God I love you Lord he knows my heart I love him he didn't call me cuz I'm smart he didn't call me because I'm talented he didn't call me because I've got three degrees behind my name I just love Jesus amen I just want to help some folks I just want to help a few people all I want to try to get you to do tonight is fall in love with Jesus and give him what he deserves he deserves the firstfruits of your money he deserves the first fruit of your time and he deserves for you to make decisions that put him first in your life and one of the things you want to make sure you have when you have all your stuff is some joyce meyer books oh I'll tell you what that woman's written a book on every subject you could possibly imagine if you haven't read that battlefield of mine book man you need to get that when that was straighten your thinking out whew and if you're done with that one read me and my big mouth that'll get you straight whoo and then we got some new ones seven things that steal your joy 21 ways to have your peace oh oh knowing God intimately you can be as close to God as you want to be find out about the fruit of the spirits find out about the gifts of the Spirit find out about the supernatural realm find out about the Holy Ghost who's in your life find out about God's transforming power I'll tell you what church if you will begin to just spend time with God I'm begging you spend time with God if you'll give him time regularly so many things will change in your life you won't be the one in the prayer line all the time you'll be the one praying for other people you won't be the one needing a miracle you'll be somebody's miracle you won't be the one that's always having to get counseling you'll be the one counseling other people come on we all start out the same place but we don't have to end up where we started out let's make progress let's begin to seek God on a regular basis and let God be God in our lives amen all right I've done my best to educate you on what to do when you spend time with God did you get anything out of that I'd say this thing is so big in me tonight spend time with God what happens to us when we spend time with God well number one your joy increases Isaiah 60:1 3 says put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness you get up in the morning you feel depressed you go spend a little time with God it'll fly away some 16:11 says in his presence is fullness of joy you get around God you start getting happy how many of you feel better than you did when you walked in this place tonight you feel happier well why you carved out 2 or 3 hours of your Friday evening to come and just spend time with God amen go to John 15 verse 11 you guys are so awesome no you're awesome no you're awesome no you're awesome I love you more than you love me hahahaha John 15:11 is all about abiding in Christ dwelling in him living in him abide means spend time with dwell means spend time ways live in means spend I live with Dave we spend time together we dwell in the house together and I'm not gonna read you all of John 15 but he goes through if you abide in me and my word abides in you you can ask what you will and I'll do it live in me dwell in me and I'll live in you and dwell in you and he goes through all that he gets down to verse 11 it looks what it look what it says I've told you these things all these things about abiding dwelling living remaining I've told you these things that my joy and delight might be in you and that your joy and gladness might be a full measure and complete and over flowing Jesus died not just so you could go to heaven but so you could enjoy the journey he wants you to enjoy your life you can't enjoy anything if God is not first place in your life because he's a jealous God and he won't let you oh you may have a little fun you may have a little zing here and there but you won't have real joy because you know what real joy is real joy is you've got it when your circumstances stink and you've got it when you're going to a party you've got it because it's something you get from your relationship with God not something you get from your circumstances and boy when you got joy you're strong because the joy of the Lord is your strength we're gonna laugh more we gotta enjoy life more we got to have more fun enjoy your kids don't just spend all your time trying to perfect them enjoy them the Bible says a woman should enjoy her husband enjoy your husband don't just get him off the Potters we don't go home and let him off the potter's wheel and just say I'm gonna enjoy you if you do that he just might start going to church with you in a few weeks I must say that again that just came right up out of my belly you don't have to just be this super Christian all the time but praised and all hallelujah hallelujah making him feel guilty all the time because he's a soul sinner that won't go to church with you there comes a time honey to put your tape recorder away and put your Bible away and go fishing with him or something and just go look I'm gonna enjoy you you start enjoying him stop picking on him enjoy him and live the life in front of him don't compromise and come over to where he's at but live the life in front of him the Bible says you're not going to win your spouse with conversation but with a godly life just get Jesus all over you spend time with God you see I can't be nice to these two mean you go spend time with God and you say god you're gonna help me be nice to him I want enough anointing to walk out of here and be nice to my husband come on I'm preaching good tonight listen when somebody hurts my feelings I feel like there's no way I can go I mean there's been times when Davis hurt my feelings and you know the first thing we want to do when somebody hurts our feelings is we just want to get out of the room where they're at it's amazing how many things I can find to do in the rest of the house when I'm mad at Dave I can sleep on the seam of the mattress when I'm mad at dad [Applause] I mean I've laid there all night you think I'd ask him for any cover I'm not asking you for nothing well who stopped his eye view I'm freezing and he's asleep [Applause] well see I used to wait when I would get my feelings right then I would wait two or three days until I felt like talking to him well thank God I finally got a revelation I can't live by my feelings I've gotta live by the Word of God but what happens when somebody hurts me or I'm wounded real deeply and I know I want to do what God wants me to do I want to treat him godly I want to go talk to him I don't want to stay mad I don't want to stay offended but I can't do it by myself sometimes I gotta run into my room oh Jesus I'm so bad oh man Lord God Almighty you gotta help me Jesus help me help me help me yeah okay I'm committed to you I'm surrendered to you I just told you this morning and I consecrate myself afresh now I'm mad lord I just want to slap somebody but I won't he'll help me god help me help me God give me the strength to walk back out of here and just be sweep help me Lord I believe that I can do it through Christ mommy would you like something to drink [Applause] come on the reason why we're not getting victory is because we're not spending time with God amen I'm telling you I know I've done this every way you can do it I'm sixty-one listen to me I can save you twenty and thirty year olds a whole lot of trouble you won't have to go around the same stupid mountains I did 200 times give him time God wants your time when you feel like you're going over the edge run to him don't run to the phone run to the throne when we spend time with got our piece increases go to John 20 when you spend time with God your joy increases when you spend time with God your piece increases John 20:19 then on the same first day of the week when it was evening though the disciples were behind closed doors for fear of the Jews Jesus came and stood among them and said peace be unto you verse 21 then jesus said to them again peace be unto you verse 26 jesus found them once again behind closed doors and he said peace be unto you just seems to me like every time you get around Jesus he's talking about peace they were having a storm and he said peace hush be still in John 14 he said my peace I leave with you not as the world gives do I give unto you but my own special peace I now give him bequeath unto you so when I spend time with God in the morning I just feel like it kind of calms me down for the day just kind of sets everything in order and gets me ready to go out and be what God wants me to be see we need we need to care about getting out in the world and acting the way we're supposed to act so many people are just making a mess and a mockery out of Christianity because they march off to church all the time and they wear their Jesus rhinestone pins and I got these bumper stickers all over their car and then they can't even be nice to people and it actually sometimes does more harm than good because if you've got all the paraphernalia people are watching you what we have to do is spend the time with God and that's where he puts it all together let me tell you something I've been to the seminar bought the shirt had the tapes you know the whole nine yards I'd been to spiritual warfare seminars I mean I'd been to faith seminars I've been to confession of your mouth seminars I'd fasted and prayed and fasted and prayed I mean I'd done everything that anybody could possibly do and I'm gonna tell you the absolute truth it still wasn't really working for me and I didn't know why and I found out two things first of all I found out that I was just carnal and walking in the flesh and that I was gonna have to suffer a little bit if I wanted to grow up I was gonna have to suffer in the flesh which meant I wasn't going to get my way all the time so we want all the stuff and we don't want to die to self and that's not gonna work you can go to every prosperity seminar that they ever have in the United States next year and you still won't be prosperous if you're gonna walk in the flesh I rebuke devils until my rebuke er was worn out and the devil still had the upper hand I've learned about warfare I've learned about faith I'm a woman of God I rebuke you Satan you have no right to run my life but he still was and I wanted to change I mean I would go to these meetings and I would hear all these things I love God I've got such a problem with my mouth and I got a problem with my dipper and I'm selfish and I'm self-centered and then I'd get more depressed because I was such a mess and I'd go home and I try to be quiet and I try to be nice and I just act worse than I did before I ever tried and I thought what is my problem I'm telling you the truth and here's what God showed me you can get it all you can go to the seminar you buy the tapes you can buy the book you can hear the meetings but right here this is where it all comes together god I got all the pieces I can get my car and I can go to church I can buy a book and I can read it I can pray but I can't change myself only God can change me I can't change my husband only God can change him I can't change my kids you can't make people love God only God can make somebody love them only God can woo somebody only God can win somebody only God can chase after somebody the only the way that only he knows how to do and finally caused them to humble themselves and receive him come on now you can't do it only God can do it and when we finally just come and say I can't but you can you can as I started spending time with God I started changing I don't know how it happened I can't say I went this happened this happening it was on this day and that day I just started changing and I have to tell you it was God God changed me from the inside out and he gets the glory and I preached because of His grace and I have this ministry because of His grace and I don't know what people want to say about me after I'm dead but you know I hope if they want to say anything at all they'll just say you know she loved God she loved God amen now this is a really important point here when we spend time with God I love this one this could be a whole message when we spend time with God we feel whole we feel complete we feel satisfied we feel content and that's the absolute truth there's nothing you can buy that will make you feel content there's nothing you can do they'll make you feel content how many of ever planned that special vacation for six months and found out that planning that was more fun than the actual vacation was and that's the truth say we look to these events oh well boy I'm excited about this man oh wow wow and then we're like no I did it now I'm just tired and don't have any money well if I just buy myself this thing then I'll be okay if I can just get that promotion at work then I'll be okay you know you know when you're gonna be okay I'll tell you when you're gonna be okay hallelujah come on you all are getting this accolade the world can't satisfy you the shopping mall can't satisfy you the promotion can't satisfy you the husband or wife can't satisfy you all your kids do what you want them to can't satisfy you you're still going to be missing something because he is the living water and he is the living bread and you have to come and drink of him and eat of him and that means spend time with him he said I'm the living water I'm your living drink he who comes to me shall never thirst and shall never be hungry again why do you think he said to the woman at the well if you drink of this water you'll never thirst again there's too many hungry thirsty Christians there's too many people that March off to church every week and yet they're still looking for the same thing the world is satisfaction our satisfaction is in God you know what I finally found out he's my portion he's the only thing in life that can really keep me happy and satisfied and you know I don't just sit around and pray all the time I have fun I go places i watch movies Dave plays golf we go out to eat wheat I shop I like to shop whoo I'm anointed to shop yes I'd love to go to Starbucks and get a coffee I love to get massages ooh I like the spa honey ain't nothing better than after preaching all weekend to get a good massage and a good Starbucks I want you to understand that I'm not trying to tell you you just got to sit around in the corner all day and pray and just spend time with God I'm just talking about giving him the first portion of your time so he can bless the rest of it God want you to enjoy your diet but you're not going to if you ignore him [Applause] David said one thing have I asked of the Lord and that while I seek after that I might dwell in his presence and behold his beauty all the days of my life and now shall my head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me when do you defeat your enemies when you spend time with God spending time with God increases your joy spending time with God increases your peace spending time with God makes you feel whole satisfied and complete spending time with God protects you spending time with God makes you strong they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not get weary you spend that first time with God you won't be dead tired by noon go you can run and not get weary you can walk and not faint you'll be more creative you'll stay fresher you'll have creative ideas God will give you favor at the workplace you'll get raises that you don't deserve and you'll get promotions that you don't deserve the Spirit of God came on he Lodge and he got up and ran 20 miles by my god I can run through a troop and by my god I can leap over a wall hallelujah spending time with God changes us as we look into his word we behold him and we are changed into his image from glory to glory to glory I don't know what you think of this but I love my Bible man there once a while I just hugged my Bible I mean man no no kiss it a few times you say well that's silly well I think God likes it spending time with God gives you boldness and confidence you O God are the source of my confidence Psalm 7 says in Union and communion with him we know his love and he gives us confidence acts 4:13 says when they saw the boldness of Peter and John I love this one when they saw the boldness of Peter and John they knew they had been with Jesus hallelujah and finally spending time with God brings deliverance it's the only way that the bondage is in your life can be broken spending time with God will break those generational curses off your life spending time with God sets you free spending time with God is fun the first fruits of everything in your life belong to him if I said there's enough different ways that anybody's getting it tonight come on how many oh you're gonna make a few adjustments in your life and you're going to spend time with God I'm gonna say it one more time then I'm gonna ask for people to come that want to give Christ their life tonight listen to me in the beginning you may be bored you just have to get used to it it's a spiritual discipline you may feel sometimes like what you say and do just bounce it off the ceiling stick with it stick with it if you just keep it up and keep it up and keep it up and keep it up all of a sudden one day you'll cross over and you won't be able to live without it amen I gotta have time with God every head bowed every eye closed if you're here tonight and you say I need Christ as my savior I've not been born again I've never surrendered my life to Christ are you saying I'm backslidden I've tried to serve God at some time but I've fallen back into sin and I want to renew my commitment to him tonight are you say tonight I don't know where I stand with God I go to church but man after listening to you I don't know that I got much of a relationship with God maybe I'm just following rules and regulations but I'm not really born again I don't know for sure I'm going to heaven Joyce I go to church but I know if I'm going to heaven well see if you have Christ in your life if you've been born again then you have assurance that you're gonna go to heaven you can't be saved by your own works you need the blood of Jesus to cleanse you who's here tonight you slip your hand up and you say I need Christ in my life I want you to pray for me tonight come on slip your hand up nice and high let me see where you're at come on all over the place let me see those hands bless you bless you bless you you can put your hands down I'm gonna ask one more time don't you leave here tonight if you're not right with God if you did not already lift your hand but you say oh I don't want to get left out from once in my life I don't want to go home and be sorry lift your hand up right now if you didn't already do it but you want to be included in this prayer come on okay I want you all to look at me for just a minute I'm gonna ask you to do something now that for some people is hard although it really shouldn't be because the commitment is a commitment when I made a commitment to Dave I went and stood with him at the altar and I made a commitment of my life to him I'm gonna ask all of those who lifted their hand in just a moment I'm gonna ask you to come and stand down here in the front if you're by yourself bring your things with you if you're with somebody they'll wait on you you say oh I don't want to do that it's late I got to get out of here then you know what you weren't sincere when you lifted up your hand this is serious business your soul and where you're going to spend eternity is serious business if you're sincere you'll take the time you say I don't want to be embarrassed I'd feel foolish you know what we're not trying to embarrass you we're just trying to get you to take a stand and mean it and you know what if you won't stand up in front of people like this and walk down here then you're not going to go out in the world and take a stand you got to get over being afraid of what everybody thinks of you amen so right now without further delay if you lifted up your hand every one of you who lifted up your hand jump up out of your seat no matter where you're at in the building you're gonna get down here come meet me right down here in the front right now come on right now and if you didn't raise your hand but you want to come you go ahead and come come on amen hallelujah thank you Jesus come on everybody come thank you Mike come on I want you to come my my my I realize that everybody's not being able to get all the way up here to the altar but that's okay I want you to come anyway get as close as you can the point is is God sees you coming amen [Applause] you know I just feel so good about this whole service tonight and I really believe this is going to be a turning point for many of you and you walk with God and certainly a turning point for all of you who came down here tonight we have children we have teenagers we have husbands and wives together we've got men we've got women we've got the old and the young everybody needs Jesus amen amen I just want to tell you just a couple of things God loves you so much and he's got a good plan for your life and you're no different anybody else Satan's worked really hard to try to steal your life and to make you miserable and you've done a lot of wrong things just like all the rest of us but you haven't done so many things wrong that you're not redeemable and you're valuable and God wants to do something awesome with you now you know I'm not going to tell you that being a Christian is real easy but I will tell you it's easier than being a sinner amen you'll still have problems you'll still have things that you have to go through but the good news is is God will always be right there with you to help you go through whatever you have to go through and the whole thing I want you to understand about this is this you know we're not just trying to give you some religion Jesus wants to be your friend he wants to give you a future you talk to God about everything everything let him get involved in everything we'll get you this for friends oh you're gonna marry him what you do with your money and where you working just let him be involved in every area of your life he loves you you were created for him you belong to God you don't belong to yourself stop acting like you do and here's the thing everything's not gonna change overnight but if you stick with this little by little day by day things will begin to change in your life I don't think like I used to think I don't talk like I used to talk I don't act like I used to act I don't even look like I used to look amen so this is a beginning for you and God will do his part if you'll do your part we'll help you any way that we can you call my office anytime you need to we'll pray with you we'll answer any questions you have if you don't know a right Church to go to where you feel like you can really get plugged in and feel like you're home you call us we'll try to help you find a good church in your area I wish I could take your hand and walk you through the next several years in your life but I can't do that however I pray right now for God to send the perfect person to disciple you now I want you to pray this prayer out loud after me and mean it with all your heart father God I love you Jesus I believe in you I believe you died for me I believe you shed your blood for me I'm a sinner I need you Jesus please forgive me forgive all my sins right now make me brand new give me a new start I want to be born again come and live in me inside of me I want to be your home I give myself to you Jesus I release myself to you right now take me just the way I am and make me what you want me to be I believe I'm saying I believe that I'm going to heaven and I'm gonna enjoy the journey come on give God time [Music]
Views: 1,994,190
Rating: 4.74296 out of 5
Keywords: Joyce Meyer (Organization Leader), Time, god, spirituality, Holy, inspiration, motivation, Bible, Spirit, self-discovery
Id: h3g0ZEKUxgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 14sec (3674 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 04 2014
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