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after the circuit you guys like you know clearly gotta be the end of the fist for today and I was thinking but we're not the only I was only wait for a minute probably got a few more hours in this yeah Charles and then no and then sure enough we get absolutely through a little forest block up seeing what can be sky there's some products seriously this is awesome oh holy moly probably with a legit army unit yeah I can't see you right now little ops course we do them in elementary school this one a little bit more difficult but I had to start digging into my we've got some more actually the ops course was wonderful I love that kind stuff so we did the logs and then we did the jumping over the barracks and put the monkey bars they knew that monkey bar technique much different to the way we do it wow I'm honest that's hard he's swinging like oh can you go after arm yeah oh my gosh bad Shana did the commander cool for the disc eight shoulder once well it's a bit faster come on swing let me get this oh I've seen literally hundreds of people in movies go over these things turns out when you're there you slip a little bit like break a leg break a leg maybe break your spine and then you're in trouble you have to go back from here it's a lot harder the rope section especially the army [Laughter] [Music] what whoa cheap Wow I've never seen that that looks hard all right come on ollie look behind you jumps at the beginning it'll s you have to climb up [Music] oh goodness sorry [Applause] [Music] [Music] here's a pail ready to hit the plow gonna get it he's good at the press ups and the pull ups because yeah you guys like to be the golden gym voice for the ladies I know the kind of guys I like to work out on these parts looking yourselves curling in the mirror so we get to the end of the obstacle course there's this moment while we all look up oh my gosh just happen to be nearing under this giant apparatus but literally the size of five-story building you learn fast roping soldier which is serious training I mean I was I'll be honest I was a little nervous and was that's not basic soldiering that's extreme soldier I don't know how much justice you can do on camera because it was so high Josh you got a bit pale me yeah yeah this one's on some students will go up to me with the pork or daughters woman we even asshole how's it coming you mean there's no stopping it oh I can't do that I thought you I cannot do that there is no it's no strapped guys there's no strap wait what you told on that's just for the rope so it doesn't tell you in how its hold on Wow have you ever done something that you could legitimately die on I'll tell you this I've never done something that if I get it wrong I'll die yeah don't freak out about it do good approaches we're gonna have this prong it's too late I'm already freaking out this is actually the first thing that we've done that me you and Chris are properly shook and Charles is just like yeah it's fine have you noticed that that's the first thing they charge just like you just hold on but obviously you just hold on so it's damning there and we're getting ready and then I look over and this is an ambulance there yeah just like impeding a lot field as we along in going through the obstacle course there was so worried we wouldn't even make it to the ambulance 100 meters away that they followed us with the ambulance but it showed as they were taking care of us which was great but I like to point it out to Chris hair now and again check that ambulance now it's got warm bed for you Chris all right I'm really glad the ambulance is here yeah that's why can you just come baby yeah now I need to straighten my helmet because this helmet needs to fit properly if this is genuinely what we're doing cause you get on there all me talk toggle daughter Bonjour subhana technical okay help get Woodham young she didn't meet the whole border how's it going about yeah thing isn't that's my world like I know these types of people these are my type of people so I was just really up for what that we're gonna do I'm good surely there's a smaller one to prices on before this this is high what sighs you scared chuff's I'm just I'm stressed out cuz you guys are stressing me out who asked you yeah if you're ready yeah [Music] Charles ready to drop yup just like okay Charles where do you draw [Music] come on we build up just do it man hold on sit down what so I am terrified of heights it takes a big man to admit his weaknesses and this is one of my weaknesses oh yeah you're gonna be all right you're afraid of heights me I knew it was serious and they were like don't be funny when you get up there yeah a part of me was like I don't know how to do that why are we jumping or don't forget to turn to the right turn over I be yeah so that you can be safe from that okay in a small amount of instruction about to do okay it's fine are you happy around oh don't forget your right hand should be okay okay okay so you say your name after he says it yeah well he's got into holy ready to drop honey Kjartan me [Music] seven environment Wow yeah I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm just I'm scared of heights like Oh Chris ready to drop [Music] I didn't realize how I was until you get up there and leaned over the edge and look out on the army base I'm over and I was like oh crap that's just got real holy crap just running her up good Josh well then well that I do that again not didn't I shake it so you can't everything whatever yeah but I want to make your knees trip Oh straight okay you have to get two passes and then you're an outgoing you've got the two passes first yeah I'll give you a Chris and you were all right yeah you went too fast yeah uncontrolled I was good I like this the same nice yeah Frank yourself it's lighters but that'd be good Chris ready to drop very good grace that was it these movie I passed on by guys like oh they're getting it right okay Calvin okay very nice holy pops fail failed are they ready to drop serdika Donny okay good [Music] let's go up yeah I'm going to the higher one and when you're up there all my goodness I remember thinking this is so incredibly high yeah everyone's taking it seriously that like sit down you have to shuffle along on your bum because like you're on a trip up there there's ropes as things if you trip you can die so you have to shuffle on your bum right to the edge and then you hang your feet over the edge and there was no holes barred like if you mess it up you were gonna you gonna seriously injure yourself I know I'll be honest like it was I was a little nervous also this is actually a lot higher you know I appreciate yeah I know soldiers that would not do that definitely okay I'm not gonna think about it yeah yeah I'm Kadapa okay i crawl towards the entrance and i look out and about a mile beneath me all I can see is a tiny ambulance waiting to take me to hospital yeah right right okay okay okay yeah only ready to drop yes [Music] hold on honey watch this ball good good finish you see how he's letting out a little bit by the end correct him yeah yeah Oh I didn't think josh is gonna do it because josh was terrified she was a bit scared and I mean I generally don't get scared of heights or whatever but this was Gary just ready to drop yes yes use your feet he's a big good stop I'm shaking yeah apparently so did you get your microphone I got in there I got a second big as I came off I look down there's a wire and I'm like I saw it yeah so there was a moment when I was like you guys did it I was so proud I'm so proud of myself let's face it I had to throw myself out of that thing with a reverend next to me there was no way I wasn't doing it but I hadn't done it in a while [Music] buddy yeah well Chris never try to drop other Chris uses Instagram [Laughter] that was intense those yeah all done team I risked her my thumb hurts and these guys do not mess around it feels like having these guys no talking laughs just tell you I love the way they were like yeah you failed yeah you yeah yeah do that small yeah that's great yeah yeah yeah Wow lunch dinner we got sing-off so they sleep more training well my training family yeah Wow okay I do not feel like that's the guy yeah good work guys dude actually I did I tell you guys that I spoke to the colonel afterwards we on a walk and I was like wow that was amazing and he was like we let you do this cuz we actually didn't think you would do but you did them all so well done I was like wow well we were of course gonna do them all well none of us would have lived it down [Music] else it was important to us that we give something back to the soldiers that is a hundred kilogram experience sitting out with Korean soldiers sharing food just having a great time it's really nice you you
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 1,762,316
Rating: 4.9629016 out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 댄, 단, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Id: TRbysJM38Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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