British Person Explains The 50 Biggest Cities USA

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hello I'm so cats and poke him back so the second channel videos so I am from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland I actually decided I wear the flag just in case you wouldn't believe me this is my proof I am in fact British and I wanted to talk about the United States of America because I've recently went over each of the 50 states and explained what I know about them as a British person Oh from the media but also from my various visits to the states and the people that I've met from those different places and I think it would do the exact same thing that I did in that video today but rather than talking about the States because there are 50 states and technically speaking they're equal in terms of political power but in terms of where the people live it's not really evenly distributed in fact if you look at the list of the largest cities in the United States by population a thing which does exist you'll see how there's three hundred and fourteen cities which have over a hundred thousand people in them yep that's real nice by the way as you get down to the Mon with this list I've heard of very few of these cities I've heard of South Bend and I've heard of Burbank and I've heard of Green Bay because of the Packers and San Mateo but the most part when you get down this list you've heard a very few of the cities but I think it what might be fun is to go through the 50 biggest cities in the United States of America and talk about what's famous about those instead because here's the deal right cities are where people live you live in a state sure but under that you live in a city or at least a agglomeration whether it be a town or whatever else and I want to talk about those major metropolitan areas because I've heard so much more about say LA than California I've heard so much more about say Chicago than Illinois etc etc and I figured let's talk about those things in this video so let's dive into it also using city propers as our I guess I like definition for this one even though I think the urban agglomeration is a much bigger you know more important example just because the combined Metropolitan Statistical Area of say Riverside San Bernardino Ontario is just far less known than you know one of its individual cities of LA or Long Beach or San Jose or San Francisco or Oakland these are all well more my own own than the combined two collaborations so we just won't be doing with that instead let's go through the 50 biggest cities and we'll be showing them on the map as well just in case you don't know them because New Orleans is apparently the 50th biggest state in the United States of America there was actually a shot to me the like it's all the way fiftieth because it feels so much bigger it's a very big you know like tourist destination I you understand not just internationally but also of in the country and yeah my first full always when I look at New Orleans on a map is like oh yeah New Orleans is like this it's got this huge bridge because there were some suburbs out here and they wanted to link them to be faster so they built one of the biggest bridges at the time it's so ridiculous look at this bridge and I want to talk about it but I won't instead I'll mention that New Orleans is a really interesting city because it obviously is it's got French origin I mean it's in Louisiana it's named dr. King Louie if I'm not mistaken so yeah Newton New Orleans is a very French style city with a lot of French style culture attached to it there's those big news I want to say I don't sing that perfectly wrong and there's a lot of things that are French ich in origin that have kind of been Americanized that come from New Orleans including like Cajun which is nationally French it's like in nature there's that there's a lot of different interesting you know crossovers between like the native people between the French and between the Americans and that is some of you get all of Louisiana and which is kind of like New Orleans is the big hub off Louisiana in terms of visiting it again very weird for a state in the south to have a big city and this top-50 lost at least excluding Texas of course but that's a whole different thing we'll get into as we talk about the 49th biggest city what's it gonna be you saw the list earlier its Tampa Florida so what do I know about Tampa Florida I mean besides the fact that I played Tony Hawk underground as a kid and I want to say in that game there's like a temper amateur contest and it's like one of the early levels that I got stuck on so like it's drilled in my head is like oh I hate Tampa they've got that awful skateboarding Convention which probably isn't real other than that I just know tamper as being a fairly large city in Florida there's like free cities in the south of Florida that like are generally visited there's tampa orlando miami and tempest just like oh yeah it's there it's interesting I'm learning just now it has a place called st. Petersburg and otherwise I know it has a major airport and other than that that is what I know about for temper again quite interesting given that it's the forty-ninth biggest city the 48th biggest city which is in the dallas-fort Worth metropolitan area is Arlington I like Arlington because it's like right here in the middle of the to like it feels like they if you look at the networks between Fort Worth and Dallas you can see they're like literally like fighting and what's pulling apart and Arlington's like the kid that they're like I don't know which side to go with but yeah this is generally considered one giant metropolitan area and I think considering dallas-fort Worth not to be twin cities this kind of dumb but the list hasn't done precisely that which is why Arlington is the 48th biggest city but really it's a part of a much bigger city arguably one of the very biggest in the countries in the country if you combine them together so we'll just kind of skip it and go on to 47 which is going to be Tulsa Oklahoma we should stop announcing them maybe we won't you know this is this is how I measure your cities is interesting actually they even like the 47th biggest city in the United States is one I know about there aren't many countries that have like they're 47th biggest city be one that's well known about but here you go I know about America apparently because Tulsa is a city which is Oklahoma's a pretty lonely populated state it was the last of like the major I like it was like state 46 or 47 I want to say and Tulsa Oklahoma is a city which is mostly there for oil reasons although there was a big explosion and a government building there if I'm honor those Oklahoma City so I guess Tulsa is for oil and that one joke in France there you go there's what I know about your city Tulsa but the fact that I do note also the fact that they do make that joke and that it's stuck in my head all these years later means I know about the 47th biggest city in the United States of America I also know about the 46 in fact actually I've heard a full of these cities in passing besides two of them but we'll get to those later because 46 is a city I've been to the first on the list in fact very excited about this its Minneapolis so Minneapolis which again is Twin Cities with st. Paul but like you know there's a there's a gap between them realistically they're just like they share an airport and there's like a kind of agglomeration between them but Minneapolis is a very big city I love it for a few reasons one live you know because it's very cold I mean very far north it's basically Canada right but um Minneapolis is very very far north so it gets pretty cold so between the buildings there is actually this like sky walkway so above the streets let's pray we find one actually has them above the streets you find these big hallways and these big hallways like you can walk between the buildings without getting cold because if it's minus 20 outside but let's just stay inside so all the financial district buildings are linked together that way and if people want to go from buildings building they walk in the cozy not air-conditioned the cozy heated inside hallways and I really like that personally so that is Minneapolis I also when I went to Minneapolis I enjoyed like there's a lot of pretty things going around there and also the fact that it's like so close to like a kind of small City it was great also they have a major street it's called a strike on America but they have a major tram system as well the world quarter and that is pretty rare for North American cities to have post General Motors streetcar conspiracy of the early 20th century so yeah that's kind of nice right that's kind of cool they got a streetcar system and people actually use it which is interesting also I think they might actually call it a which is they've got a thumb well they call it the right light rail which is actually the term I'm not mistaken but it's rare for a city to actually call something by its actual word and that's kind of nice in my opinion yeah this is a light rail station see it's cool I like that government Plaza in fact because they have government over here also the other interesting fact about Minneapolis is they I mean there's a billion of course I can't mention all the interesting facts about videos I'm just talking about British facts wanna clip things I know as a British person I should say you gotta clarify that cuz there's gonna be that one guy like all this is misinformation all interns the best city and you don't know it I don't know it I don't live there so the same thing I know about Minneapolis is they have huge like the largest minority is samolians because it's a very white city at least when I went but there's like a giant subsection of Somalians which is weird because across America it's like you know like whites and then Latinos and then like blacks but in Minneapolis it's like whites and then it's like Somalians and it's a very interesting diver it's a very different diversity to the rest of the country speaking of different diversity for the rest of the country we're going to California because California has the nation's 45th biggest city so Oakland in California fun fact is a city which is mostly known for its airport I imagine like outside of the US that's how I heard about it for the longest time like oh yeah this is Oakland this is Oakland International Airport it's a cheaper Airport than San Francisco International which is just across the bay over here as you can see and given that it connects to the same BART system why not just use it instead is the logic many chair travelers use Norwegian used to fly there so at one point I was gonna find Oakland it never came to be though I do not Oakland however it because I've been to San Francisco a few times it's known as like the the cheaper out there canna system and also I know that okhla at the Oakland bridge or the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge is it's apparently officially known but the Oakland bridge is often like people take pictures of it and that they don't realize that Inc pictures of the wrong bridge because they think they're gangly the set of the Golden Gate Bridge and that's kind of funny if you ask me is that the Oakland bridge it's not very impressive is it anyway with that said sorry for in song your Oakland it's just the sad truth next up we've got Virginia Beach in Virginia so Virginia is a really interesting state because there's like the north part fits obviously so integrated with Washington DC and the South perfect is kind of like the the north the south so Virginia Beach is in the south part the north as you can see it is apparently Virginia and it's on the beach you cannot argue with their naming scheme I would argue though like is this really that big like somehow I'm gonna check the population there's 450,000 people living in Virginia Beach which is more than I would expect given the state like look at this the size of this place and then the number of people living there it doesn't add up to me also they live they live near Mount Trashmore which sounds like a joke version of Mount Rushmore but apparently they've have it I know nothing about it I have heard nothing about Virginia Beach even right now Norfolk Virginia like I've heard something about it I've heard about Chesapeake it's like a salad dressing I got when I was in Delaware I want to say maybe but Virginia Beach it's the beach it's in Virginia that's that those are the two facts I can tell you as a British person speaking of things I can tell you as a British person I can tell you about the 43rd biggest city in America Long Beach which is actually in the LA area I want to say it's down here as you can see so to me I always like include this as like greater LA in my mind but it is techniques on little city will show you the borders right now it looks like this that's a that's a it's like an enclosing side of it I guess US city borders are always weird but like there's a city inside of the city because Signal Hill but long beach I have heard off because it's kind of like a more expensive like kind of like retreat away from LA although it's near the airport parently and also there is a street circuit or I think it might be a street circuit but it isn't as a formal one circuit or maybe that's not Formula One it's just for racing but so many racing games have taken me to Long Beach I could find the track if I wanted to I bet somewhere around here no not somewhere around here but yeah it's in that very South California vibe and also oh the guy who make the guys to note and my network used to live in Long Beach I know that one so I was like oh wow he like I think it was bragging to it about me about it and I was like is that nice are you trying do you want me to say that's good or am I meant to be her horrified that you have a apartment or a condo or as they call it in America over there it's like oh actually you're not condo apartment can someone explain in the comments down below to this day I'm still like is a condo just a apartment but like a pyramid scheme or what's the deal with that can you explain anyway moving on to the forty second because I don't know everything about America that's the point these videos but I do know about the forty second biggest city in America it's AMA Hart Nebraska so it's the brassicas only a city that makes the list sadly and it is a pretty big city it's not the capital sadly a border is is it has this very interesting kind of honor of being the city where Warren Buffett lives if I'm not mistaken hope I didn't get that wrong SIF so the one thing I know about it's wrong although their airports called Eppley airfield that's nice that's a cool name for an airport also the Council Bluffs is across the river that's kind of fun but yeah I'm a hardened abrasca is really interesting to me because it's right on the border with Iowa which means some of the some people who work in Omaha are going to be living in Council Bluffs across the river and also Warren Buffett is meant to live there so the Billy the the one of the richest men in America chooses to live in this city and the thing about the cities it's very close to the geographic midpoint of the US and also very close to the the population midpoint so I would imagine if you want it if you had unlimited money from limited flights you would actually maybe choose to live somewhere around here if you had to be in all the corners of the US which I don't think Warren Buffett does have to be I think it's just because he grew up there I has some connection but I think that's interesting maybe you do too every American has ever spoken to just says corn about Nebraska so the one state am I right about that one speaking of corn states though let's move on to the 41st city because Raleigh North Carolina I have heard about this one I want to say it's like a major tech hub in the United States I don't know why there's so many tech businesses there also North Carolina State University that's what I know about Raleigh don't know too much more so it's the state capital so how does that all happen what did North Carolina do I don't know but I know a lot of a lot of people from like the New York area see North Carolina as like the southern retreat where property prices are cheap or like New Jersey or something like that that I've heard that about my story multiple times now and I wonder what the link is between New Jersey and North Carolina besides like end maybe tell me tell me the secrets internet if you if you've heard the same thing too if not it might be a coincidence unlike the 40th biggest city Miami so Miami famous for hotline Miami famous for cheated grand theft auto's like one of the one of the major cities is Miami I want to say like city yeah boy city is Miami also CSI Miami in Miami as well but besides that and besides the fact that like I imagined it to be a very trendy Floridian City I just know that like oh yeah lots of people go there for like beach style holidays in the UK like it's very very popular because there's also there's Miami Airport and there's also just the north of it in the kind of area there sport laura dale & also a place called Hollywood and they share an airport which is very cheaper flight to in comparison to Miami so what else do I know about Miami yeah beaches and Vice City and I imagine those things go together like you go to Miami for a vacation on the beach and then you do some voices because who doesn't love voices and it's the only way to keep you you would in place while you're working it right and whoever that said let's talk about the 39th biggest state city in the United States of America it's Colorado Springs don't know anything about it besides it's not too far away from Denver and I had a subscriber who worked at a Tesla dealership there and he's like she'd come over my Tesla dealership and I was like I don't have the that doesn't work but thank you for the offer friend so yeah Colorado Springs it is a big city in Colorado and it's not too far away from Denver because most people in Denver living like you can even see if their roads there's like a big junction where most the people live in like a little corridor over there so there you go that's what I know about Colorado Springs but I do know things about Kansas City because Kansas City I learned this fact from one of my first minecraft your friends he's like hey did you know that Kansas City is not even in Kansas fully and yets mostly in Missouri Wow that's wacky Kansas City is shared between Missouri and Kansas the Kansas City which is in Kansas is smaller than the Kansas City which is in Missouri isn't that wacky I bet you think that's wacky if you don't know that's wacky let's talk about the thirty seventh biggest city which is odd because by the metropolitan area this would be a way larger city but Atlanta is the 37th largest city and Atlanta is a really interesting one because it's a super super super liberal place inside a very deep south conservative state it's a very populated state sorry it's one of the blackest cities in America I'm not mistaken again people like to imagine the Americas like white and black but it's really like white and then like Latino with black being like very localized in the south and like big concentrations Atlanta might be the biggest but don't quote me on that one I know it's a huge concentration off it in fact it's like the percentage of like I hope this is the correct term black people to non black people is like one of the highest in the country in Atlanta also Atlanta is where lots and lots and lots of lots and lots of movies are filmed because obviously Hollywood's that go to answer but Atlanta gives huge tax breaks both to you know that companies want to make movies but also they give some for tax break to like the the airline solely operates their Airport which means that hartsfield-jackson Atlanta International Airport is the busiest airport in the world if you count domestic flights its flights which they are flights but it's not the same as an international flight you get what I'm saying but it's the busiest internet it's the busiest airport into the world it's also the busiest international Apple in the world but not by international passenger volume those are key separate things trust me when I say that but yeah this is a huge airport as I'm sure you can see just looking at like look at this Airport on a map it is they have a lot of runways going on there and you can even see just how big it is by like the these are each individual terminals but they're like the size of a normal Airport maybe a big one and you can see like it's got like ABCDEF and then like an international one there's so much going on this airports what I'm trying to say right here and yeah the other interesting thing about it is it's like Delta Airlines biggest hubs so there's so many jokes about if you want to fly anywhere we were in the South America you've got to connect through Atlanta first I think even Family Guy makes a joke about that so yeah fun fact did you know Atlanta big Airport big black population big movie plan or something like that they want to make Atlanta the new Hollywood and will they succeed I don't know but what I do know is that Sacramento is the state capital of California I know that because I've always like wanted to go to Sacramento I had a friend I met in Minneapolis Ashley Wow this all ties together who is like you need to visit Sacramento and I was like do I need to or do you want me to and I don't know I don't know why people don't like it when you take that tone of logic with them but yeah Sacramento is a city that sounds interesting because it's like a medium-sized American city I mean apparently not it's the 36th biggest but that the way it sounded and the way the numbers usually sounded like oh yeah it's a medium ish size you know American city but because it's not the coasts like the rest of California it's not that like ultra California like deep blue vibe but instead it's meant to be like a more interesting mix because I want to I want to see what like you know the hot lands I want to see the the middle of California because yeah it's a whole interesting thing what I know about Sacramento otherwise it's the state capital and also people live there probably a lot of them the 36 highest in a single city unlikely 35th highest which is going to be Mesa Arizona so Mesa Arizona is right next to Phoenix so what I just assumed cuz like I I hadn't fully heard offend I was like wait this like Phoenix makes us something of something I hadn't fully heard of Mesa and I assume because okay wait here's something I'll just say to it because I assume there's a rivalry between Mesa and Phoenix maybe like Oh yellow makes it not Phoenix so what I'll just say just to offend all the Mesa people is like ah yeah makes us probably just a Phoenix honestly they're just the same right perfectly the same nothing's different between them that's make certain Phoenix for sure so next up let's offend some people back over in California because Fresno California is a city I've heard of but you know if you asked me to locate it on a map apparently I couldn't I think I know Fresno because it's like on the high-speed rail link between the south of California in the north and I want to say I mean it's it I thought I felt like I've heard of something being from Fresno and that's that's why I know about your city Fresno do you like that Fresno's apparently not as much as tuckson Arizona is gonna like what I have to say about them next so toxin Arizona which is just north of Phoenix I'm not mistaken just south of Phoenix I am mistaken toxin Arizona is a city I have also heard nothing about it is one of the free apparently a toxin I want to say it's near that one road that sing kilometres now instead of miles per hour because there's one road in America where they changed the signs to get ready for the conversion and they're still waiting like you know what one day America will change over and apparently toxin might be near there I'm just also a I'm guessing which you know isn't good instead of guessing let's talk about 32 because Albuquerque New Mexico I'll be honest of you here I've heard about it from two things there's a song called Albuquerque it's by widout it's a really interesting song because it's like a story more than a song and then Breaking Bad is set in Albuquerque I think I know that um better call Saul is like between Santa Fe and Albuquerque but anyway Albuquerque is a city I've actually visited somebody like usually could just give those two observations but cuz I've been there I want to tell you about my son Albuquerque is one of the weirdest cities have been to one because their airport is officially called a Sunport why did they did they renamed it that I don't know it's way smaller than it seems to like if you OS also I have been to this Panda Express fun fact hours and services may differ you to cover 19 so disappointed but um yes so uh I have been to Albuquerque and my experience there was really really weird I'd say like it's got this that like if we go to the old town you can see how it's like got this super kinda like Mexican vibe to it right like this is a gift shop this is this is definitely what traditional Mexico looks like there's a lot of gifts top shops because they they have this whole thing of being like yep a lot of people come here they stop in for now then they come out we'll just sell them some gifts but it looks like kind of like you know again it's like it's what I picture when I picture like old-style Mexico or whatever maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm not but at the same time if you look at the actual city itself it's just a modern metropolis that happens to be in a desert in fact actually because I've walked down these very streets I should be able to find I just like stumbled around a bit I found a park I want to say and then I was like okay I've gone too far but um yeah well I was looking around on some random streets I saw like there's everything it looks like a desert where they've planted some grass to make it not look like a desert and I just felt very weird about the whole experience there's also lots of like 2d cacti around the place but the other reason the officer I want to tell you about Albuquerque is I took buses to get around the city which is in America taking public transport it's just it's just a deaf sentence it's like oh are you an idiot you don't have a driver you poor or something and it's like no I just think it's more efficient okay whatever so I took the bus in Albuquerque it was $1.00 first of all for a bus to the airport one dollar I gave them at I gave the man Abdallah he gave me no change that was our interaction there was two people on the bus which is crazy given it was a bus to the Sunport I should say and free admittedly this was like a month ago so like kovat had just started maybe that's the excuse but free was the fact that I witnessed a car crash for the first time what I was there and the bus driver was just like what did you do and like I like that he was like a fun guy like yeah also I know that Gary Johnson is from Albuquerque I want to say so and he is a funny New Mexican - I know - New Mexicans apparently a bus driver and a man who has failed to be President twice in a row and that's that's something right that's that's something I know your city more than know the 31st city Milwaukee Milwaukee more like me walky away from this discussion about the city I don't know too much about yeah I know it's the capital of Wisconsin and there's a joke about cheese apparently I've learned from the comments and I know like beer there's two breweries I swear that didn't again get me on this one but I know there's a lot of like micro breweries or something and people always talk about that but otherwise sorry Milwaukee still on my radio I would love to go to Wisconsin it's got a fun name but I have not yet been and I will yet to be for now but the 30th biggest city Baltimore that's what I want to go to the reason bottom was interesting to me is because while I was uh I don't know what video point I was trying to bring up with this but I was trying to talk about the the highest like number of like murders per capita in a particular city I thought I had the thing up still I don't but I was talking about the highest number of murders and how like everyone thinks of Chicago but that's cuz you ignore per capita Baltimore has a depressing number of murders and crimes and yeah Baltimore more like faulty less am i right but no yeah I want to go to Baltimore I don't know much about it maybe I won't want to go after I've been but that's the challenge you've run son cities see yeah Baltimore also it's only corridor between like Washington DC and Boston where it's like this is the one corridor of America that's actually as densely populated as like a European or normal country and that's interesting but you know house is interesting the 29th biggest city Louisville Kentucky there is a derby that happens here that or something also I almost wait I've Elms visited Louisville because their Airport is I want to say this like a weird thing we're like the airport for Cincinnati or something like that is like an airport for Louisville maybe like it's halfway between them yeah that sounds about right to me but anyway I was about to visit Louisville Kentucky and I was like oh that sounds fun you know cuz again it's a very it's right on the border which is interesting it's a very blue city never wise red state because Kentucky you know when you think of Kentucky you think probably at least polish politically you think red state but it's a very blue city and I want to see how that like plays up because also it's it's a middle state middle city want to see what's going on there but it's not as famous as the 28th biggest city so this one I actually haven't heard of that it's called lace the gas lace V gas I people must go here a lot I mean apparently it's paradise on earth Noah Las Vegas is obviously gambling capped off the u.s. honestly the clever thing about Vegas is that like they just realized hey why don't we just make things that are illegal in other states legal in our states I mean obviously at the border as a whole but Las Vegas is he kind of like set up to capitalize that there's a weird history of the mob in Vegas and how that got set it up and also everyone thinks Vegas and they think the strip right this is the strip right here also all the casinos a temporary closed how sad sad unfortunately for us Google Maps doesn't care about closures because it goes back in the past wow look they built their own Eiffel Tower they legitimately did they built like a mini New York and like it's this crazy thing that is big and vibrant and it'll try to get your business but like most locals in Las Vegas and even people who know Las Vegas or I guess maybe this is like just a cheaper option the downtown Las Vegas is what most people in Vegas think of as Vegas it's like a bit tacky er but it's a very different place this is what like there is a story of - Vegas is really this is the Vegas that's actually in Las Vegas like this is what you should techne be pitching there's like a oh that's a jewelry shop but there's like there's casinos here but they're like much more downplayed I'd say whereas most people what they picture is the Las Vegas which isn't actually in Las Vegas it's in Paradise if I'm not mistaken let's prove that yep paradise actually encompasses most of the Las Vegas Strip including the as soon as Paradise ends that strip seems to end and new things seem to start it's a whole weird thing and now you know what she means by the way there is a sign I have been to it see I've been to Las Vegas I lie to you all I've been there twice once for a day once for like a week maybe less than a week but I went there for a while also you know actually you know what this is a 20-minute video kind of quit complain wide but I know I know it's meant to be like pedestrian crossing but every time I saw this line for so long I was like pedak Singh and it's like zing paid if you read on the road because Americans forgot to turn that up I'm very sorry you know let's pretend that he didn't see that I can't hide it anymore it's just that it won't go away anyway so professional second channel in America road signs say peg Singh and it's like it sounds like something else you know it's meant to be pedestrian cross you know x4 crossing it's like I just hear like pedophile eggs inning somewhere it's like what what's happening and we're but there's the Las Vegas sign fabulous Las Vegas but the sign as you can confirm if we go back at the paradise that sign is in fact in Paradise is actually just after you've entered paradise so you enter paradise and you're in Las Vegas whole fun point I guess but yeah anyway Las Vegas is not in Las Vegas now you know but you know what you do know about Oklahoma City what's in Oklahoma City a big terror attack one of the biggest domestic bombings for a while and it's the capital of Oklahoma the way you can tell it's the capitol is because it's called Oklahoma City no it just it just is the capital which is rare most American cities have their biggest state and their capitals be separate Oklahoma City says now we can combine those things together and they do it here there's a suburb of Oklahoma City called Bethany that sounds like a fun place to live where do you live I live in Bethany I dunno it just it seems like an inappropriate comment but apparently it's not also the village which is criticize American suburb names or should we talk about the 26th biggest city it's gonna be Memphis Tennessee Memphis is where Jack Daniels claims to be from I feel like I've said this before and it's wrong but Memphis Tennessee is definitely where they claim to be on adverts on the tube in London they're like this is freshly brewed in Memphis Tennessee up things I know about Memphis include precisely nothing sadly I know it's at the very edge of Tennessee I'd love to visit sometime but things I'd also love to visit include Portland Oregon I made a comment about I made a comment in my 50 states video about how Oregon was like probably a pretty gay state and a lot of people took that very offensively like oh yeah I came here to see what took I had to say about Oregon he just said it was gay but I would like to you know quickly take this one back and be like actually I looked into it and did you know that first of all Oregon is in fact the fourth gayest 84.9% third guess really tight I would say so there's a fourth gayest state which is something quite impressive but as well as that if you look at Portland as a city one San Francisco is the highest lgp percentage at fifteen percent which is nuts by the way but also if you look Portland Oregon nine percent is LGB don't know where the tea went apparently it's not there anymore but yeah fun fact Portland is a gay city it's not unfair to say I've got facts and statistics to back me up but yeah other than that in a Portland sorry it's like it's a one big city like another other cities but it's the big city in Oregon the only one on this list in fact that makes like Walled of ways be a really rural state into like a big it's known as the super liberal state even though it's got just a liberal city in it in fact actually you know I looked into this one too because you know what I do I look into fun facts cuz that's how we live our life and I close the fun fact about Portland I'm very sad but um yeah if you look at the state map it's like most of it is we're all red etc and it's just that they happen to have the big city of Portland why is Portland here I'll never know I do know though that there's - Portland's there's one in Oregon and there's one in Maine and they're both the biggest cities in their respective states which is confusing because when you say Portland do you think of Portland Oregon but there's a Portland Maine - but you know there's also Portland is the 25th biggest steak city we've gone through half but we got half to go Nashville Tennessee Nashville is it's called the Music City I don't understand how a city can be famous for music or like how that can be a sales pitch because they advertise themselves as like go to Nashville the Music City it's like music doesn't make me want to go to cities I don't I've never been to a city and being like where's the music at I want to hear the freshest songs that come from it cuz you know my music is not related to my Geographic taste but Nashville is also the state capital and largest city of Tennessee again another state which actually combines the two rare four American cities to do and Nashville Tennessee is also quite interesting because actually there's a direct like to the UK which means I know a lot about it and the things I know about it is actually I I lied I don't know anything about it it's just a it's it's a big city in Tennessee it's a very interesting city in Tennessee there's a lot it like because it's the south but also not an outside of America Nashville hot is used as a description of a lot of hot things like it's hot it's Nashville - hot like KFC does some wings like that there's a burger at some other place I get that it's the national burger it's delicious and yeah Nashville sounds like a nash bill it's got like a funny like it's got a fun phonetic mr saye but also I picture spicy so when I picture spicy I picture my comments about Detroit because people always bend when I'm like Detroit we know it for its rundown this and Detroit is very rundown it's one of those few cities that because people like to be like Oh a property you can only go up not when it's in Detroit it doesn't but like no more seriously Detroit is a city that's famous for motors and stuff like that like historically speaking like they used to make when when manufacturing was in the United States of America this is the place they decide to do it I believe reasons I'm not too sure off and yeah Detroit is nowadays a city where a lot of very rich people live like I've heard a lot of rich people stories so I guess it's a very income disparate place cuz again it's very cheap to live there if you want to live somewhere cheap and make a lot of money Detroit might be the place to do so obviously not like a lot of money in a job where you work for someone else cuz there aren't many jobs not even at the Greek town casino man I wonder like you know the other states to have like a casino why don't they just make more is the Greek tongue casino any good it doesn't seem like it is sorry should we try and get ourselves but it's got a 4.9 star let's go to the Greek kam casino let's let's bet big there everyone thinks that you know Las Vegas is where you go but this looks like Vegas to me and it's a lot cheaper to stay nearby I reckon anyway we'll look into gambling in the US and our time but what isn't gambling in the US is my gamble on El Paso it's a city in Texas it's so close to above the border with Arizona that's New Mexico right it's so close the blood of New Mexico but also so close to the border with regular Mexico so it's this interesting like try point almost area so the area were between El Paso and the city of Juarez I think is how you say it is really interesting because this combined area is the biggest metropolitan area that goes across to countries in all of the Western Hemisphere which is a dumb way of saying it's like the biggest Metropole an area that goes across to countries in South America the Americas but still it's really impressive or there's like this even though Mexican America which don't have any hottest border but despite that fact they've got this combined calf area but if ya look if you look you can see the huge difference between like City Planning across the border you can see I imagine if we like go into a random place here and then we come so this is a random place in El Paso by the way a Paso is very bilingual can you work out why I don't know if you can but um if we look around El Paso you can be like actually this looks really rundown we might picked a bad neighborhood maybe our Paso is not a great city in general but if we compare this to random place in help and the see what Juarez you can see how like oh yeah there is a difference I could not comment on where that difference comes from but people who are like I America's the worst country in the world I mean like maybe Alto instead of stop fun fact anyway let's get out there because even though the word stop for them you know we're gonna move on from this tree look at Sentra you know just in case I was being unfair to Flores in Mexico I bet their central area looks delightful it does look how nice this is come for a visit I should I'm gonna do that I'm gonna start doing tourism for Mexico hey go to Mexico it sometimes looks pretty good but am i speaking of comments that won't offend people let's go on to the next city because 21st on the list is Boston Massachusetts so Boston Massachusetts is definitely better than Boston England as I've gone over for but Boston is the first place I went to the u.s. so it's got like a special place my heart honestly my genuine impression is Boston is a city that could be in play could be a European city that just happens to be in America all of the other American cities I've been to with maybe New York being kind of an exception because it's so London like the two cities are so linked but like most the cities I've been to are very distinctly American in some way or another Boston felt like Irish it felt like again similar but also different which is a dumb way of saying something's just to oxymoronic terms but like if I show you around I was like oh yeah it just feels like I've gone to Ireland or some males my first impression walking around the place it has good public transport norm Eric but also apparently it's like one of the places where America is defined because like something-something hail shooting soldiers T Harbor dumping something independence revolution people are big on that stuff but to me it's just the city where I would list it first and I love I I went around I think I walk like all the way around Boston at like 4:00 a.m. giant extra-large Slurpee in one hand and you know some beef jerky in the other and I was like this is America I think I went to like an IHOP or something cuz I was just like I realized I was hungry as like hit cuz I again I just walked around the city I think I hit like MIT maybe and I was like you know I am tired know I hit Harvard I know there's a there's a I hop near Harvard somewhere I went there we go I went to this high hop right here if you want to retrace my steps this is the I hope I had my first American pancakes and yeah because I I walk straight from like the very heart Boston to there how long does that take it seems like a long time also this bridge the Longfellow bridge it's a very interesting bridge of like I don't know why I was interesting though I just know that it was but yet Boston I love I love the city I could talk about it forever people who want from Boston have no idea what I was talking about so instead I'll say Cambridge and Harvard are in different places so MIT is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology because they're near Boston but once you cross the bridge you're in a different city which is weird but that's how America works am i right speaking of the 20th biggest city it is a city that is not inside a state because it is its own little state area its Washington the District of Columbia so Washington DC is an interesting state not only because of the flashiest state it maybe should be but that's a debate for another time so Washington is a very interesting city because did you know the US government is here including the White House where the most powerful white man in the land lives that's how that's why they called it that I'm pretty sure trust me that's US history I know it I'm very I'm very good with this so no more seriously the White House is the place where that man called the president lives and also there's this big National Mall which yeah I tried to go there to buy all my goods that I heard America so good at but instead there's just a bunch of free museums so yeah free museums in America is kind of an odd thing there's a lot of like world-class museums like all next week ever that's interesting also it's just a very modern American city which is odd because it's like so let's just call it like heavily D heavily whatever like it's a very international City it's very liberal it's very whatever else but yeah at times even like the most liberal present you can imagine wouldn't fit in so when you have like a super Republican Senate House and White House it's like huh I wonder how that happens but anyway well that said like it's a weird feeling the like the Capitol is so different to the rest of the country in that way but maybe that's why they don't want it to be its own thing or maybe I'm just saying words but you know what that's how old videos are but also let's go to the 19th biggest city in the United States america because denver colorado what is denver colorado it is a city I have been to I went there literally jokerz I like typed in the UK to somewhere on Skyscanner and it was like Denver's the cheapest place you can play and that's like oh okay then and it's like oh we've a major airline too and I was like heck yeah I'm flying to Denver so yeah I really love Denver one workable public transport that's a rare thing in the United States but people who don't care about public transport it's got a huge airport the people make conspiracy theories about which is kind of fun the city borders of Denver which is the state capital of Colorado most of the biggest city rafting like I mentioned they actually draw it so they could get done the airport in their borders because no one else wanted it in there's two reasons then also the other thing about Denver is it's like the closest major city to like major skiing slopes like I took a bus and then another bus again only two buses to a ski resort you can do that I think it was near Nederlander I recognized that being a thing but one of these mountains maybe El Dora maybe something else the fact that you could like be within an hour and a half from a huge city like mega city in the mountains skiing was amazing that in a train that takes you to like Winter Park or something that's really cool the fact that it's really cold and really hot at the same time like when you're on top of the mountain it's snowing but also it's really hot outside and there's some magic about how that works so you get sunburned even while you're cold that's cool also it's called the mile-high City so if you want to join the mile-high club none of this nonsense about plain bathrooms which is the grossest thing you can do just go to Denver there we go let's move on to 18 Seattle so I Seattle I don't have a pun I'm sorry I I'm gonna Seattle this dispute though the it's the biggest city in Washington because fun fact it is actually that never mind well you know I'm gonna have to Seattle for just making one last pun about the city because the Space Needle is the most famous thing I mean Google Maps tells you but you don't need to tell hear that from me but the other thing about a central that's so interesting is that a lot of tech companies are based in like Silicon Valley's what you usually imagine when you imagine tech the Seattle has a lot of tech companies too Microsoft is based somewhere in Redmond which is to the south I checked on a map at one point in now if it got on my shelter's basis and went out here Kirkland is where Costco has their oh here's Kirkland his Redmond Costco Microsoft bell of you I want to say is Amazon or at least it's a basis or something like that it's like a big city with a lot of things that are based around here why is that the case would love to know sometimes I'm I'm not telling you how it is I'm telling you what I know and yes yeah to is a major destination and also it's one of the very few places in America like it's interesting cuz all of Canada is basically next to America with very few exceptions like Edmonton but like all of the altie Canadian provinces are like closer to America really than the ultimate Java in terms of distance from major city to major city but Seattle is one of the few like American cities that's like oh yeah closer to Canada and Vancouver then is twin up another major American city so there is a fun fact about Seattle but the 17 biggest city is one that I know precisely one thing about Indianapolis again I'd love to visit just cuz like Indiana's a state you only ever have bad things about and I'm sure that's not true but Indianapolis is famous for the Indianapolis 500 I imagine the speedway there we go look at it I found it on a map so yeah this is the Indianapolis 500 Speedway which is where people will race cars all day broom broom probably a good race and other than that I know that it's a pretty big city and I'd like to go that's the end that's all I've got they've got a world war memorial I mean wasn't much splicing young and an army hapless but imagine they send some people get your bindi a place for sending some people to a war and then my moralizing it that's a good thing to do but it's not a good thing to do is to be Charlotte North Carolina so Charlotte North Carolina is a big like corporate city I know they've got a lot of companies have their headquarters here for reasons I don't fully know again I try to look into Ashley but I can't work out why that you we pick shawl as a big headquarters like why not one of the biggest cities or why not the most advantageous city the people places pick Charlotte it's like a big regional city as far as like the South goes like South East I guess I should say big cities outside of Florida is like Charlotte and Atlanta really only so Charlotte is like the second biggest city in the southeast I guess it'd be the second biggest because Atlanta was 37 when you go by city limits imagine Atlanta's bigger if you go by metropolitan now you know can we confirm that right now let's do it's my video so Atlanta would be 9th where Charlotte is 23rd yeah there yeah save myself I know a facts I just just you know facts don't know themselves that's the biggest problem so no yes Charlotte is even Lots the 16th biggest city is because it has a big city limit versus not as many people around it that's why those things are so different the Charlotte Douglas International Airport is a huge hub for American Airlines so a surprising number of flights go in and out of Charlotte which has always been weird me like so many times to connect to a city in America you have to go through Charlotte's like why Charlotte what's special about Charlotte and the only things I know is that it's a huge oh wait major city and commercial hub in North Carolina it's modern city center uptown is home to the leave vine okay doesn't doesn't tell me also the NASCAR Hall of Fame is there so now I want to go to Charlotte just to see that that sounds but I want to see people go on a circuit I'm sorry Indianapolis I will try you for the 16th biggest city but I won't betray you for the 15th biggest so I will say just son fact while I was like I was trying to find a list of biggest cities to like confirm it because I knew there's gonna be there's gonna be one person never use Wikipedia who's like hey did you know the Wikipedia list isn't actually accurate because anyone can edit it and I'm so smart so I think it's only do that so I feel they've gone the Census Cup website and although I didn't find a current list I found this list on this is the official government website why is it in ASCII ask the US government not me but um this is from a hundred and sixty years ago now it would be I guess that sounds like maps to me and interesting enough if you look at the cities one they're all forceful I mean New York still number one but like besides that they're all much smaller but then the interesting thing is San Francisco is the only city on this list that has stayed perfectly in the same position you know like 50 100 and 60 years ago to now it was the 15th biggest city then back then it had 56,000 people nowadays to be that same size you have to have eight hundred eighty-three thousand people oh that's catching up on Columbus and Fort Worth one day San Francisco will reclaim that title but Noah so interesting up sometimes Cisco is like a big city like one of the biggest cities that isn't a big city which downs dumb to say but basically San Francisco is both a city and a county so it's it's really constrained in terms of how many people actually live there versus how many people live there because the BART doesn't just leave another bar covers San Francisco it mostly connects people from outside San Francisco into it so yeah the San Francisco's a huge number of jobs in the area the people commute into which is maybe an odd thing San Francisco is obviously one of the most famous it interests like I'd say like in terms of size to fame San Francisco does the best like it's everyone knows the Golden Gate Bridge which like how many of monuments are just like so how many cities have a thing about them like maybe New York and the Statue of Liberty but the Golden Gate Bridge this thing right here is very well-known about which is quite interesting right and also the other but I say like even though it's very famous for like good things internationally Alcatraz and go get bridge again two very very well-known things I'd say inside the US I only ever hear like super skeptical things cuz even if you are like a Democrat house around the country it's like oh yeah that's the city that's baby blue that's what you have to say like I hear it's cramped I hear it's expensive no one likes expensive no legs cramped but if you're a right-leaning a conservative or a Republican or whatever you want to call yourself in America people hate the way San Francisco setup it is the most democratic city in the United States of America also the Speaker of the House whatever neighbor there at whatever the title is Nancy Pelosi is representing this district it's literally something like 83% Democrats like 17 like the split is the highest in the country for a major city it is a very very very very very very liberal city so it should be like in very the example of like again like it in my head the best way to do this be like find the most Republican City find the most democratic city compare them see which one can do like objectively better but yeah this is a weird case that like despite the fact that it is so heavily blue it manages to get a lot of businesses into it which is something again like that is what good left-wing policy should be right like oh yeah you know we want your money here we want you to give some of it but not to leave us and it seems as though like uber Twitter so many when you're walking around San Francisco you just find like oh yeah major tech company major tech company major tech company and I've been San Francisco like three times now and you've even seen video someone my times you're about to see a video of me flying home from there cuz I got a whole fun thing going on but yeah San Francisco very famous also apparently full house was set here I've got a picture of me in front of the Painted Ladies and these are apparently significant I I to me they're not but maybe you love it and yes I'm Francisco is the most European like city on the west coast like the west coast is so distinctly different to the East Coast but also to Europe San Francisco feels like just a European city which is weird given how different is in every other way but I guess it's like because they're so densely packed in they just they're built different but we got to a random this isn't a random street this is I'll wear inside songs apartment this is nice but if we look out from this guy's apartment you can see how like it's got this European styling to the houses besides the colors and it's very interesting and different to the rest of us but also to many other places so next up let's talk about the 14th bigger city I'm sorry Columbus Ohio I want to tell you more about yourself but I do know that you're the biggest city and the capital which is cool Wikipedia tells me that besides this I'm just gonna say Columbus is a city I hear about a lot at friends with who is this guy I have a friend from Columbus Ohio and he tells me it's Oh okay that's that's what I got the Columbus it's the biggest city in list that I can really tell you like oh yeah big Ohio City it's all stop so we got 13th which is gonna be Fort Worth in Texas so yeah Dallas and Fort Worth for like two big cities there's lots of famous things about both of them I say Dallas is the bigger more famous city by itself but Fort Worth is obviously this huge thing that is again it's but it's it's interesting because it's got low house prices for a major city and it has people look transport which is rare to that both those you know like once you get the good public transport you'd lose the good house prices not in Dallas Fort Worth also there is some huge good there is actually like a giant connection between them and yep there we go Dallas both linked to the airport and linked to Dallas now you know fun facts web toy cat so um yeah it's light rail to which I find fascinating but also I find fascinating is the 12th biggest city Jacksonville Florida so it's interesting because even though it's the biggest city in Florida supposedly and even though I hear about it I've heard about a bunch cuz like I think Jason Mendoza from the good places from Jacksonville you hear a lot about it but I as far as like the actual city itself it's like I know it's very big I know that I imagine based on I've only ever heard negative things about it that the reputation for like trashy Florida comes from here but I think that it's probably not all trashy I think it's got that problem it's got that reputation problem cities have where like some part of the city is probably very very trash and the rest is just normal America but because of the whole Florio reporting law we're all police interactions have be reported everyone's like man Florida man shall be wacky today also let's go on let's look at the McDonald's cuz you know people gonna ask for it here is the McDonald's in Jacksonville Florida that man has a nice car and Florida see the look of the look of this place compared to New Mexico compared to like Boston the diversity you have in the United States America is so shocking but we got to get through some on this list don't like I want to be less than an hour or people complain that it's too long people complain it's too long if it's 20 minutes but you know let's talk about Austin Texas so Austin Texas is really interesting because again it's a very very liberal city in a very not liberal state although all the cities in Texas kind of that but this place is like famously liberal but also it's the state capital of Texas so the capital of Texas is this is a city that's very different to the rest in that way what I think about Austin Texas I've heard it has amazing food literally that's also onset like I don't know where I heard that from but like there's direct flights to the UK they've got good Mexican food what more do I need to know before visiting apparently not very much so one day I fly to Austin and I'll see the Museum of the weird see Oh but yeah it might be a very weird interesting City and for a mid-sized City although apparently eleventh biggest in the country would have guessed that I guess it's got a big area it has a big area see nailed that I'm smart I think besides not knowing that so next up on the list we have go we're going back to California for San Jose E so San Jose E is the 10th biggest city in the United States of America and the interesting thing about San Jose E is the fact that it's like this huge city even though Silicon Valley's probably more associated with San Francisco the truth is like the San Jose East San Francisco corridor has much more like its most most the companies are headquartered some between there and there for instance here's Googleplex for instance his Intel's Museum which is temporary clothes for instance Apple Park is apparently here is this Apple Park I'm not sure where Apple Park is but I know it's this ridiculous building and all of these like huge California like companies are mostly based closer to San Jose II than they are to San Francisco which is interesting because I guess like San Jose just has more room to expand also yeah I know that San Jose I just wanted to annoy some people in the comments and you better believe done precisely that but let's move on to the night biggest city its Dallas in in Texas I know about Dallas because one of the runescape servers was set to there like that was the one for like South America South North America fun fact that's all I can tell you we've gone through this area three times it's a big metropolitan area has its own Airport one of them if you're connecting for the south on American Airlines you'll go through there and Dallas is really nice and I want to sometime but what I'm visiting first is San Diego California it has I don't know how I know about the zoo so famously by here San Diego I'm like San Diego Zoo why is that the case I don't know I just also know this like the the biggest closed city to the Mexican border in California so yes San Diego Tijuana that's why you hear about hookers and coke and Kappa Tijuana because people go from San Diego where they earn the big bucks and they go straight to taeju ana I'm gonna mispronounce everything so next up we've got san antonio texas san antonio has a huge Hispanic / latino population the two times are very similar but they overlap differently like one of the highest in the country and that's really it fascinating in my opinion also as you can see it makes like pop a triangle where like all of the big cities in Texas because Texas is shaped like this right the shape of Texas is very well known but as far as like where people live in Texas because the the least populated county in the United States is it's up here somewhere I looked into it recently a hundred eighty-six people live in one County it's fascinating to me but like when you go to like Midland Odessa Sara Lee these are very small places but if you look at where most people live in Texas San Antonio Houston Dallas Fort Worth and Austin they're all in a big triangle and bromine they're all big cities cuz Houston's coming up and forth but before then sick fistful Adelphia West Philadelphia born and raised in the playgrounds where I spent most of my days everyone in Philadelphia is mad about cheesesteaks right like I gotta get a fully to stoke your mom I don't know what this voice is but I'm sticking to it so in a fairly obvious meant to be like absolute garbage everyone's scared of her oh wait it knows where I've been I've been to Jim steaks I'm pretty sure oh no and I see it I have been to Jim steaks I remember this place quite fondly actually um so I mean I've gotten myself a cheesesteak every single - every single person from just the area around Philadelphia pins they're like you need to go to cheesesteak and I get me a cheese shake and it's like this is meat between bread with some cheese oh I like that don't get me wrong I'm a fan but like it's not like well defining food so sorry I just insulted all of Philadelphia but besides that I do like Philadelphia big gay ice cream what a fun name for a place but yeah so this is a huge city it's very diverse and and I know for a fact that there's there's a tax on like buying drinks there so everyone who shops in Philly to go outside of Philadelphia to avoid it or something along those lines it's kind of thought I wanna go back to Philadelphia for the police touch Museum also there's the there's a lot of like famous American monuments too like your country existing or something you know a British people we prefer not to discuss that but also the steps from Rocky know around here oh this is also Cuban old but um somewhere around here there's like Independence Hall no not there but the steps from rocky or somewhere and I thought that was really cool personally what I also think is cool is the four fifth biggest city in America its Phoenix Arizona so I like you know how like airports of wacky names like the Sunport Phoenix cause they're Airport because think about it what should airports be called I mean really they're kinda like you know they should be called like train stations or train stations plane stations well Phoenix takes a different approach because instead of Airport it's a Sky Harbor it's a Harbor for the sky although really it's not in the sky I think it's a dumb name but that's the International Airport so Phoenix Sky Harbor is a huge Airport in the southwest southwest yeah that's the correct one when Phoenix is a huge city goes without saying but it's the it's a huge a city that has like regular tension proper temperature problems like it is required to have air conditioning if you're a business in Phoenix because you will die without it it hits like 40 50 degrees Celsius real degree units which is insane in my opinion but you know what else is insane in my opinion Houston Texas because you know what houston we have a problem a problem that I can't explain what's going on with the city so yeah Houston is a huge city I visited once for a couple of days whole fun story about that some time I should tell you would love what as soon as the confidentiality agree on that one expires I'll get straight to what happens down in Houston but yeah Houston's a very very interesting city because again you picture everyone my she was friendly to me even in Houston I was like oh that is real nice it's very Texas you know like Houston has a downtown that's like a downtown any other city like oh yeah big skyscrapers real big skyscrapers by the way like you expect but I went on a walk cuz like just in the morning you know this is how I explore cities now you know more about me as a person I wouldn't a walk one morning and I went past like the Harris County Court which is how I learned that it's in Harris County apparently I went past here so while I was walking past this area allow me to tell this story in vivid detail I was walking down this street right here and there was a dude on the side of the road in case it's relevant he was an african-american gentleman but then this this gentleman on the road just like there on the street was just like he started singing at me and it's like I was like what cuz as soon as you see homeless people any City like the sales pitch begins like hey here's why you should give me some money because guess what here's my story but instead he was just like singing me like yeah and I was like yeah I'm we are we are going now we are going I enjoyed that a lot also there's a big baseball stadium Minute Maid Park I my hotel was near that I want to say and yeah Houston Texas very fun city also Texas this city has public transport public transport that sucked in my experience but maybe that's just me just want to throw that one out there though they have light rail which is wacky this is such a low down street view huh Jesus Saves you're for God so loved that the world for God so loved the world that He gave His only but you know apparently this is how Street View works in Texas but anyway with that said also I save this for myself forever but when Rusk meets one of these streets wait we can find it but when Rusk on one of these street corners on Rusk I forget which one now I save this in my notes as like at some point I think it's rust meets Travis I saw a Google Streetview cargo pass and I was like I'm gonna be there one day I'm gonna be there one day am i there June 2019 dammit I'm not there yet but yeah I visited in August 2019 and there's gonna be me and gloom outs of sunglasses going like this to the street view I'm looking forward to immensely so Houston Texas a place where toy cat is on the street view speaking of places where toy cats on street view sadly not in Chicago so either Chicago is a city that's famous for murder but I like it because like there's a lot of games based there I've want to say watch dogs yeah watchdogs is based in Chicago super interesting I love the L it's like an elevated metro although they have down on the ground metros too but like so this place called the loop if I'm not mistaken on the map but this area right here is called the loop it's kind of like the downtown area but instead of having like metros below the ground no no no they have elevated tracks which is why the air the the Chicago metro is called the L even though a lot of it is below ground but you know we ignore that for the case of this there's a big old bean I went to the bean because I actually I can just tell the story I had a I had a very close associate of the female nature based in Chicago and where is the bean here's the bean right this is gonna be the bean so yeah like we went there and then there's a giant bean why is there a giant silver bean and why is it a tourist attraction and she's like you got to see the bean she's from like Illinois or something and so we saw the bean together I mean that's that's that's the bean for you but no yeah I'd say Chicago's on the mote more interesting cities in North America they've been - it's very cold very like it's very like on with with the free biggest cities you've got New York on the East Coast very East Coast e la is such a West Coast City Chicago is really the city for the middle and that seems like a dumb obvious comment but everybody feels like it - like I liked it a lot lay of Chicago style pizza - which I thought was pretty good I want to try some good Chicago style pizza sometime give me a recommendation Chicagoans and I'll go back and I'll eat all that pizza cuz I would be willing to fly to Chicago just the pizza probably should like double it down that Mexican food in Austin Texas ratioed night but speaking of Mexican food in Austin testicle s talk about my ability to say words is running out cuz I've been speaking for now but Los Angeles California is that I should have done this is a live stream that's ass my dear for the future so Los Angeles California this is a big city in California the biggest city in all of California it's mostly famous internationally because of Hollywood being located within its ranks is actually this Hollywood a path it is yeah there we go Hollywood is West Hollywood isn't interesting enough so I would walk a famous famous the Hollywood sign is famous Universal Studios is it's a famous play LAX you know I got off the plane at LAX so that's something there's something to see you know Los Angeles and it's bigger than even this number would say you know the list would suggest you know this this wrong list would suggest there's just 3.9 million people living there which is true but so many people live in like here and there and there and you know better Beverly Hills you know about it Santa Monica probably heard about it the fact that all of these places on their own just little neighborhoods of a big city Pasadena I've heard of it Anaheim I've heard of it Long Beach technically a bit different city but whatever all of these different places Hawthorne heard of it I think Elon Musk lives there all of these individual neighborhoods were like most of them asked what can't somewhat famous I know that West Hollywood's very gay for instance like why don't know about all the gay City is North America I should question that sometime but um felt like well fact that all of these different places are so famous that is really interesting in my opinion but not as interesting is the biggest city in North America so it's called Noah York New York sorry I haven't actually heard of this one so apparently it's like the regular York in the UK but it's new yeah like let me talk about Wrigley York so I know much more about that regular York it's a couple of hours north of London on the train I recommend visiting X it's a really old city in the UK and yeah it's got these like old walls around it when you see New York when you see old York the better York it's like super fun vibrant look how nice this picture is this is taken so nicely you it's actually a premier revolution and you're been away York is a very nice City I recommend you visit thank you because let's seeing my list of the 50 biggest we have to talk about it don't we I that would be way funnier but just to avoid some of the comments I do know you New York I also know common misconception 1 because New York was actually called New Amsterdam at first people think because it was named New York that it was named after York it actually was but indirectly it was named after the same dude for who York is named after like there was a guy called something at York know who then that guy was named after York so it's like an indirect chain if it's a session there but then also let's talk about New York it's five boroughs which is very weird it's the only situation like that where the burros are kind of like counties but also not there's New York which is Manhattan most people think Manhattan when they see New York it's the again it's like the densest American city the only American city where most people don't own cars its iconic when you look around this place right but also the thing about New York is like every place has its skyscrapers like Houston I showed you the thing that like made me go crazy you know is the fact that like the skyscraper district just doesn't really end like if we go right here and we look around a street here we go okay these aren't skyscrapers you know I was wrong to say it but there's like a skyscraper district that just goes on endlessly it's just skyscraper skyscraper skyscraper skyscraper and yeah because New York is such a constrained city like it's got water water water and then like not it's got Central Park on that and so like basically the city's constrained in all angles it has to go up instead of outwards and so it does go up instead of outwards Central Park is hugely famous Brooklyn is famous Queens is slightly less famous the Bronx is even less famous than that Staten Island is a place that some people have in fact heard of there's a weird contest between New Jersey and New York for it I drove for Staten Island once or over someone drove me very kindly fruit Staten Island and it takes so long it's a very long drive fun fact bet you didn't know that but now you do it's a long drive and also it smells on the other end and the reason there's like a joke behind that like New Jersey but apparently it's something Suvla gas or something like that anyway so New York is a very very very big city it's got three airports a minute although really actually New York isn't Newark isn't in New York and it's such a big city that it basically extends into other states again when you measure the New York area you're measuring across states like I it's New York Newark Jersey City Oh actually it's only two states here at that oh wait CT and PA yeah Pennsylvania and also Connecticut I guess that'd be it's a huge huge huge metropolitan area and yeah New York is the biggest city in America by such a huge gap but here is a fun fact about it did you know even though it's the largest city in the United States and it's a lot it's it's considered the world capital by some measures it's not only not the capital of the United States it's also known the cattle off its on State so yeah even though I mentioned their previous video the New York should really be the captive if there's gonna be a capital of the world I guess New York is a logical choice not even capital of its own state get rekt New York but no New York is a city I love if I had to live in another major city in the world probably wouldn't be New York but like New York is like it's like it's America's London and so I have a big heart for it that way but in terms of like actually going there the metro is worse than underground I'm sorry you know I'm just gonna wreak on the biggest proportion of people I think I think New York is definitely a bigger city in terms of population I think it's bigger in terms of like if you go on somewhere go to the Big Apple but as far as like living there I think London might have it beat there we go slaps you of the regular York thing snaps you of that but no I am I like a New York a lot I will be realistic and I have been multiple times only wants the city itself that every other time I kind of like avoid it because it's so expensive it's so expensive it hurts it stinks but you know I ask things this sponsor slot the end the video where I say hey if you enjoyed this check out the reddit I should have streamed this and I realized Harper through the video and if you want to see future videos and streams and maybe talk about them to slash or slashed weekend I would promote actual things I make money from like the Amazon affiliate links but hey you know you watched an air of me the least I can do is thank you and say hey there's more of me available in this channel all you have to do is subscribe and you'll see it this should get less short and also do you want to see I'm considering doing like the same for Canada Australia or New Zealand let me know friends but for now goodbye
Channel: ibx2cat
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Id: TG9W_hXy-Oo
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Length: 70min 36sec (4236 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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